Showing posts with label Max Weismann. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Max Weismann. Show all posts

Saturday, July 11, 2009

We Have a Problem! Burr Oak Cemetery and Someone Else's Troubles

Father Dan Mallette blesses the desecrated grounds at Burr Oak.

So I asked the undertaker what it took to make him laugh/when all he ever saw is people cryin'

first he hands me a bunch of flowers that he received on my behalf/he said, "Steve business just gets better all the time

Steve Goodman -Somebody Else's Troubles

Max Weismann of the Center for the Study of Great Ideas is an architect and a philosopher.

He designs. Max Weismann thinks. He thinks because he reads and he reads what is great. Max wrote to me in response to the horrific desecration of the dead Americans at Burr Oak Cemetery in Alsip, IL

"We are under Siege!Aside from the plethora of current inequities and iniquities being perpetrated on the citizens of this nation, we have now reached the nadir--Congress now passes massive bills of profound and long lasting consequences, without even reading them.

That said, we are ultimately at fault--whenever something is wrong in our communities, cities, states or country, it's because we let it get that way."

We are responsible. Max Weismann is using the 1st Person Plural in its archaic form. Thanks to Progressive PC obfuscation of the common language ( O, Let's Ban Midget!)The first person plural however now means You. Thanks to Victimhood and Identity Politics. Many thanks. Like the name of that old Hippie/Yuppie bar Fred Holstein's - Somebody Else's Trouble , people like to talk of the revolution that someone else fights and spreading the wealth that someone else pays for.

I grew up in a blue collar world where free lunch ends when Mom stops making it. If someone at the bar buys me a beer, I am duty bound to buy the next one. It all evens out, unless you happen to be the type of louse who stands around caging drinks and smile with your short arms and deeper pockets when the round comes to you. I don't do those things, because I have had my ass kicked repeatedly and with great gusto by my elders and betters. You don't get away with that too much around Western Avenue, though I have seen it done. I called such a person a louse, an insect who feeds on others; but, who's to say? One man's louse is another man's cause celebre.

The bane of my outlook in all things over the last four decades has been a dominance of earnest people who speak in hushed measured tones and affect a look of pained recognition but intolerant disgust with all other people. Joan Walsh a Progressive writer and editor of Salon and all too frequent guest on MSNBC ( the Tool Shed) comes to mind. Joan Walsh and folks like her have a mantra - 'Who's to Say?'

e.g. Michael Jackson was not only the greatest entertainer of all time, the 21st Century Dionysus who danced in a Golden Age; a John the Baptist who announced Barack Obama. Who's to say?

Me. I don't do group think and neither do most Americans. I voted for Barack Obama when he ran against Bobby Rush in my Congressional District - Obama lost. I like Barack Obama.

I worked for John McCain. John McCain lost, because he seemed to want to lose, after September 19th 2008 - the day the American Economy tanked. My Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Aunts and my hundreds of cousins voted for Barack Obama.

Barack Obama is my President. I still feel that he was no where near ready to be President and that he will be the Jimmy Carter of the New Millennium - too bad. Nice guy.

I belong to the We - 99% of the Hickey/Winters/Brennan/Donahue/Cleary family voted to make Barack Obama Our President. Pronouns matter. Possessive Pronouns really matter. My guy lost, We won. That is America! Thanks be to God!

Who's to say? Me. I read and seem to understand history. I read and seem to understand poetry,drama, fiction and essays. I taught literature with some success for decades. I occasionally even get paid to write something, because I have something to say. Somethings I managed to learn on my own -from great books.
The rest I learned by getting the odd slap when needed, or from the silent treatment for being a jerk.

I work for and with black teenagers at Leo High School in Gresham neighborhood - in fact a black kid was shot over at 1400 W. 78th Place early this morning by a clown in dred-locks firing from the sun-roof of the car in which he was riding. Some mother has a kid at Advocate Hospital in Oak Lawn with his guts shot out and tubes in every orifice - my kids are asleep. This kid could be a Leo Man, I hope and pray not. The Kids at Leo High School are all black, but the guys helping pay their tuition are nearly all white guys.

Race relations issues are talked about by Joan Walsh-like head-shakers on WTTW who never drop a dime to help kids at Leo. Race Relations happen every day and race relations are pretty damn good. Leo High School is a safe place for Black Kids - they study, meet old white guys, play sports and succeed. Their folks pay heavy tuition bills and old white guys buck up plenty to ease their pain.

Gresham District Chicago Cops protect the kids once they are out of the school and help to see that they get home, without some clown throwing shots at them.

Sheriff Tom Dart unearthed the horrific desecration of My Neighbors at Burr Oak Cemetery. We have a problem. We are under siege, as Max Weismann wrote to me with heartbreakingly succinct clarity.

A Joan Walsh can write for Salon and shake her jowls with disgust at all of us, while making a case for Abortion about white on black systemic racism on MSNBC. Great.

The bones of a child are as precious to me as the bones of Emmett Till, Ezzard Charles, Dinah Washington and the hundreds of people who struggled and laughed and provided for their children and were back-hoe-ed by three morons at the bidding of some others.

We have a problem. Sheriff Tom Dart and all of us are now doing something about what was done. We need to start taking care of Someone Else's Troubles by calling out the dopes who continue to say 'Who's to Say?' We Do.

We need to Read what is Great and not just what is rammed down our throats, by Group Thinkers. We can read Dead White Men and still honor the thoughts of living women of color - honor bright; it can happen.

We need to say that killing Children is not a Woman's Reproductive Health Issue; murder is not the result of systemic racism, but an individual act selfish contempt for everyone else; suffering is not Some Else's Trouble; help is not always the result of more taxes.

Who's to say? Me. I don't need to be right; I just need to live like I might be correct.

Go to The Center for the Study of Great Ideas and get some Great Ideas from people who had them.

The CENTER has two primary missions:

One, to help awaken citizens from their moral and intellectual slumbers and to help them understand why philosophy is everybody's business: the possibility of finding sound and practical answers to questions about the good life and good society. And philosophy's ability to answer the most basic normative questions, WHAT OUGHT WE SEEK IN LIFE? And HOW OUGHT WE SEEK IT?

Two, to promulgate the insights and ideals embedded in Dr. Adler's lifelong intellectual work in the fields of Philosophy, Liberal Education, Ethics and Politics. To continue functioning as THE resource for, access to, and the on-going interpretation of his work.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

National Public Television Devastated by 1st Celebrity Swine Flu Death

The Serial Whisperers of Public Television were confronted with the Grim-Reaper! Younger than Pete Seeger and with more spring to his step, Sesame Street's iconic frog appears to have had a much too fatal attraction.

Question would this be considered an STD by CDC? That was piggish of me.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

America! before MSNBC and Its Obsession with Self-Loathing

Long before American Military would be pilloried on the nightly news, abused by the screeching of Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, David Schuester and Rachel Maddow; before Ward Churchill, Bill Ayers and SEIU became the templates for Community Service. Americans proudly jumped at the chance to valorize Patriotism.

America has had its head shoved downward to contemplate re-constituted American History by academics, politicians in the pockets of Advocacy Agendas, and compliant journalists.

Max Weismann of the Center for the Study of Great Ideas founded, ironically enough at the University of Chicago, by America's greatest Thomas Aquinas scholar, Mortimer Adler, sent me this remarkable photo from World War One Era America.

The troops at Fort Dodge, Iowa created this remarkable photograph - without the aid of PhotoShop.


FACTS: Standing Tall for Liberty 1918 -Fort Dodge, Iowa

Base to Shoulder: 150 feet
Right Arm: 340 feet
Widest part of arm holding torch: 12 1/2 feet
Right thumb: 35 feet
Thickest part of body: 29 feet
Left hand length: 30 feet
Face: 60 feet
Nose: 21 feet
Longest spike of head piece: 70 feet
Torch and flame combined: 980 feet
Number of men in torch: 2,800
Number of men in right arm: 1,200
Number of men in body, head and balance of figure only: 2,000

Total men: 18,000

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Congressman Mike Quigley Wows Washington D.C. Quigley Plans to Sleep It Off In D.C. Office!

Rep. Barney Franks and his significant other were awakened at 3:00 am by a loud pounding on the door.

Chairman Franks gets up and goes to the door where a drunken diminutive stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.

'Not a chance,' says the husband, 'it is 3:00 in the morning!'
He slams the door and returns to bed.

'Who was that?' asked Barney's Life-Partner.

'Just some drunk little guy asking for a push,' he answers.

'Did you help him?' asks the Cohabitant.

'No, I did not, it is 3:00 in the morning and it is ppppppouring rain out there!'

'Well, you have a short memory,' says his thoughtful Concubinista.

'Can't you remember about three months ago when we broke down, and those two delightful young sailors helped us? I think you should help him, Barney, and you should be ashamed of yourself!'

The Congressional Puffer Fish does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the pppppppppounding rain. Barney calls out into the dark,

'Hello, are you still there?'

'Yes,' comes back the answer.

'Do you still need a push?' calls out the Banking Committee Genius.

'Yes, please!' comes the reply from the dark.

'Where are you?' asks the husband.

'Over here on the swing, I'm Congressman Mike Quigley!' replied the drunk.

h/t Max Weismann!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Max Weisman Warns! - Don't Allow Dangerous-Breed Dogs and Small Children Alone!

Please read!!!If you are an owner of a dog that belongs to a 'dangerous breed' category and you also have a small child please take this as a warning. Don't leave your dog with the child unattended under any circumstances.Only a little moment was enough for the following to happen.

This warning comes from Max Weisman - Philosopher, Architect, Free Market Venture Capitalist and Patriot.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

An Enchanted Encounter - from the Files of Max Weismann

Having already downed a few power drinks, she turned around, faced him, looked him straight in the eye and said, "Listen here good looking, I screw anybody, anytime, anywhere, your place, my place, in the car, front door, back door, on the ground, standing up, sitting down, naked, or with clothes on, dirty, clean... it doesn't matter to me.I've been doing it ever since I got out ofcollege and I just love it!"
Eyes now wide with interest, he responded,"I'm a lawyer too, what firm are you with?"

Friday, December 26, 2008

Andrew Distel - Jazz Genius at the Pump Room!

Click my post title and listen to young guys who treat music with respect.

Andrew Distel fronts a quartet of young jazz artists who grace Chicago's Pump Room* on Friday and Saturday nights from 8-10 PM.

There is absolutely no room on the tight stage for any nonsense or clinkers. With a clear and clever voice that delicately places the intent of the composer up on a Waterford Crystal mantel, Andrew sparks the piano, bass and drums **when adding the trumpet, flugelhorn and coronet to the International Songbook.

Along with pianist Pete Benson ( who reminds one of Errol Garner when he solos), Mr. Distel elevates the tones and textures which give music its ability to level out the cant and narcissism that seems the hallmark of contemporary performance artists masquerading as musicians.

These young men are the real deal. They are journeyman geniuses . . .lacking any and all of the puffery of egomaniacs with microphones. Distel scats like Torme! My personal favorite is Andrew's take on 'Sleepy Time Down South.'

If you love your wife as you should, allow Andrew Distrel and his sidemen to lead you to the dance floor for some serious affection reconnection through real music.

You will meet some of the nicest and brightest people in Chicago; especially Commodore Max Weismann who holds court over a crowd of regulars known to the Pump Room irregulars as the Hole in The Wall Gang. Max and the late Mortimer Adler developed the Center for the Study of Great Ideas and the Great Books Program.

Here's a Great Idea!

Dress up; Put on the Dog; and Get to the Pump Room. Treat yourself to real music by Andrew Distel.

* Pump Room in the Ambassador East Hotel:
1301 N. State Parkway
(312) 266-0360

When Ernie Byfield opened The Pump Room in The Ambassador East Hotel on October 1, 1938, he undoubtedly had little idea that he was beginning an enterprise that would still be thriving to this day. Today, The Pump Room remains a magnet for movie stars and celebrities as well as a highly-acclaimed restaurant and Chicago landmark.
In 1938, Mr. Byfield was inspired by a place called the Pump Room that dominated the scene in 18th century England. Located in the resort city of Bath, The Pump Room was a place where Queen Anne and other stylish Londoners converged to revel in the social life at night after a long day. The Pump Room was named after the hot water drinks “pumped” into its patrons’ cocktails.

Byfield’s Pump Room was a success from the day it opened. Chicago’s socialites perched themselves along the large room’s western wall to observe the celebrities who made their appearances along the east side of the room. Those guests seated in Booth One, perhaps the more renowned table in the country, attracted the most attention. Famed actress Gertrude Lawrence, who was starring in a play in Chicago at the same time as The Pump Room’s debut, established its reputation. Miss Lawrence staged a nightly gathering in Booth One during the play’s entire 90-day run. From that moment on, The Pump Room became the place to see and be seen.

John Barrymore roared for champagne; Bette Davis could be found curled up on the piano bench; Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall celebrated their wedding in Booth One, as did Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood. Liza Minelli grew up in Booth One and has fond memories of dining there with her mother, Judy Garland. Ms. Garland immortalized the restaurant in the lyrics to “Chicago”, with the words “we’ll eat at The Pump Room/Ambassador East, to say the least”. And of course, Frank Sinatra held court in Booth One countless times.

After Byfield’s death in 1950, The Pump Room held on to its allure as a place for stargazing. A new generation of luminaries took up residence in Booth One. Mel Brooks personally greeted each guest; Paul Newman and Robert Redford lunched on ham sandwiches and pilsners every day during the shooting of “The Sting”. Michael J. Fox, Eddie Murphy and Jim Belushi have all continued the tables’ famous tradition.

Opera star Beverly Sills has added some high notes to the room, while a few rock and roll legends like David Bowie, Fleetwood Mac, Olivia Newton-John and Mick Jagger, have added some of their own. A little known drummer was refused entry when he failed to pass the dress code and titled his solo album, “No Jacket Required” after the incident. His name- Phil Collins. (He was sent a new jacket by way of apology.)

Executive Chef Nick Sutton

The real command presence of the Pump Room:Bartender Extraordinaire - Angel!

**Andrew Distel Quartet at the Pump Room:
Andrew Distel - Vocals - Trumpet & etc.

Pete Benson - Piano ( 'nuff said!)

Jake Vinsel - Bass ( Jazz Bass Man named Jake!)

Brian Ritter - Drums ( Brian keeps it all together with delicate and clever precision)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Palin Responds - 'Rudolph Asked the Right Questions - Anyone from Salon or Huffpo Around Wasilla?'

Now, that's Executive Conviction!

I received a notice from Max Weismann of the Center for the Study of Great Ideas, which will soon be on Huffington Post without citation.

Dear Members, Colleagues and Friends of the Center,

Thanks to your continuing support, we are pleased to announce our eighteenth anniversary. The Center was founded on Mortimer Adler's birthday, December 28, 1990.

Although we will publish a special tribute on his birthday, we will be on hiatus from today through January 6, in memory of Dr. Adler and a holiday respite.

Dr. Jonathan Dolhenty, Senior Fellow; Ken Dzugan, Senior Fellow and Archivist; Dr. Jay Gold, Senior Fellow; Paul Harrison, Senior Fellow; Dr. Alan Iliff, Senior Fellow; Dave Peterson, Webmeister; Robert Sutherland, Senior Fellow and I wish you and your loved ones, a Joyous Holiday Season and a Healthy, Prosperous New Year.

Max Weismann

Max also passed along the above photo indicating that members of Tanked Up Media might have an answer to idiotic questions and follow-up like

GIBSON: National security is a whole lot more than energy. You think, Charlie?

Illinois 12 Gauge Slug Round, Governor? Oh, I hope! Right between Charlie's Pinz Nez's - metaphorically speaking of course - 'Tis the Season and All.

Well, its seems that Rudolph, Pathfinder for S. Claus Christmas/Holiday Delivery Systems, stuck his big red nose in where it did not belong.

Governor Palin, I would like to introduce you to Illinois Governor Extant Rod Blagojevich.

One step, Mr. Blago, get to runnin'!

Merry Christmas to Max and all the crew at Center for the Study of Great Ideas!