A day after crafting a controversial statement citing Gov. Bruce Rauner’s position as a “white male,” the governor’s new communications staff has been ousted — with more exits on the way, according to multiple sources. Sun Times
Those multiple sources of the Illinois Deep Stater, tagged as GOP operatives.
Who's gonna vote for a Billionaire? You are. JB or Bruce. Pick one. Not difference between either plutocrat. Both have made piles of spondulix in their happy careers around the Corporate/Government trough; both want the very same thing - to maintain Illinois as a place where the many are looted by the few.
I have delightful chats with a lovely young lady of my acquaintance who holds that " Bruce Rauner is doing everything he can to stop the madness."
I offer my patented Pastor Pfleger Rejoinder (PPR) to the the gushes of the sheeple, "He's done so much for his people" - Examples, please.
Bruce Rauner is a place holder. He is holding the place for JB Pritzker. Proof, you may ask of my wild accusation, ? The news.
Just today, we have this nugget concerning Rauner's firing of communications staff with ties to the Illinois Policy Institute.
News of the exits spread throughout the political realm on Wednesday night. One senior Republican operative called the ousting a sign the governor has realized he made a “mistake.”And horseshit remains the staple diet of Illinois!!!!
“The governor and First Lady have finally admitted they made a colossal mistake in hiring these right wing ideologues,” the operative said. “One can only hope for the sake of our state government they will make better choices in the future.”
The Rauner administration shakeup began on July 10 when Rauner unexpectedly fired his chief of staff, Richard Goldberg. Goldberg was swiftly replaced by Kristina Rasmussen, former president and CEO of the Illinois Policy Institute. That sparked the exits of at least 20 employees, many of whom left because they didn’t believe in the direction the governor was taking in hiring members of the conservative think tank.( emphases my own)
From the get-go the Democrats and their think tanks have ginned up the ire of the media to do-in all Illinois Policy Institute hires by Governor Bruce. The Dude abides.
Thay Gone!!!!!!!!!! Bruce is back, Baby!!!!!!
Rauner was down in the polls of GOP voters and hired people from the only accurate critic of Looting Illinois - the Illinois Policy Institute. The Paul Simon Institute is a poling organ of the Illinois Democrat Party and sets the table for every idiotic piece of legislation rammed through Springfield with the tag line - IT CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!
The cartoon accurately depicted the concerns of both house of the Illinois legislature which brought screams of racism from the race-addicted wolves of all colors.
Race is weapon of finance. No one knows finance like Mayor Emanuel and responded to Bruce Rauner's spinelessness with audible heft, “The cartoon issued by the governor’s allies at the Illinois Policy Institute is unambiguously racist,” Emanuel said in a statement. “We can give no quarter to racism, and there can be no justification for leaders unwilling to stand up and call out racist acts. For a man so eager to speak his mind so often, the governor’s silence is deafening.”
Dance with me, Bruce!
The governor's silence is as meretricious as a Pfleger Presser!!!! Bruce Plays.
Illinois remains screwed blue'd and tattooed. JB will picking your bones clean at the behest of the Illinois Oligarchs and Bruce will clean up.
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