Friday, June 27, 2008

John McCain: Business Week Says Hooray and NewsWeak BooHoos for Barry

Brooks Jackson of Obama's 527 ( along with MSNBC, Huffington Post, Daily Kos,, Code Pink,) Newsweeks just so very upset that John McCain has 'distorted' Obama's Energy Agenda - like his Education Agenda that is Rooted in Race Baiting Reparations -with the truth.

Barack Obama has no Energy Solutions. Hence the Dr. No stuff - not my cup of Meat as Old Bob 'I'm on Barry's Ipod' Dylan might offer. I see Obama as Dr. Doolittle R. Nothing-At-All! Wait for Bill Ayers to start the Revolution Man! Appoint his Old Lady, Bernadine Dohrn to the Supreme Court, Man~! 'Tax the Rich . . . until there are no Rich No More!'

Business Week's Bruce Nussbaum counters with this:

Hooray for McCain. A $300 million Contest for A Better Battery Is A Great Idea.
Posted by: Bruce Nussbaum on June 24
Way to go John McCain. There is nothing more imporant to the US and the world than an incentive-driven competitive innovation process to produce a better battery. A smaller, ligher, more efficient car battery is key to getting the global economy off its addiction to fossil fuels. And just as the $10 million X-Prize proved to be a powerful incentive for the creation of a non-governmental space ship (and Lindbergh won the Orteig Prize for the first transatlantic airplane flight), so too could McCain’s idea push the edge on battery technology.

There are many ways to incentivize innovation. VC money. Government money. Corporate R&D. Labs (government and private). Serious prize money and well designed contests reward both crowd-sourcing and individual genius kinds of creation.

My only problem with the McCain Contest is that $300 million is probably too much money. It implies government bigness and huge scale. The X Prize Foundation gives out ten million bucks and that seems incentive enough.

But that’s a quibble. Both McCain and Obama have not talked very much about innovation to date. With this $300 million contest for a better car battery, McCain leaps ahead in the debate, even without uttering the word “innovation.”

So Barack, what does innovation mean to you?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

John McCain: Obama McGeneral Calls John McCain Phat!

General McPeak ( a Four Star Jerque if you ask me)says that the former guest of the Hanoi Hilton is too fat. Well, Merrill, you can lose fat, but stupid is forever.

Gen. Merrill A. McPeak, the Air Force chief of staff during 1991 Desert Storm, told The Washington Times he and Mr. McCain sat in the same National War College class of 1973-74. Mr. McCain, then a Navy commander, had been released by North Vietnam in March 1973 and arrived at the Fort McNair campus in July.

"We both graduated," Gen. McPeak said of what is considered a ticket-punching step up the ladder to higher rank.

Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Mr. McCain, a fighter pilot just like Gen. McPeak, was seeking to restart a military career after nearly six years of harsh treatment in North Vietnam.

"He was fresh out of jail, you know," Gen. McPeak said. "Skinny kid. All beat up of course, physically. But quite thin. They weren't feeding him very well in Hanoi. He's done very well at the dinner table in Washington."

Gen. McPeak also said Mr. McCain received special favors when he returned to the U.S.

"McCain was always kind of an exception," Gen. McPeak said.

When told about Gen. McPeak's comments, Mr. McCain's roommate in the Hanoi Hilton was not amused.

"Surely a four-star general can come up with something better than that," said Orson Swindle, a former Marine Corps pilot who, like Mr. McCain, was shot down over enemy territory. "It wreaks of pettiness and sarcasm, and I can't imagine why he can make that kind of comment to imply that John McCain feasts at the Washington establishment."

"It's just disappointing to see someone who rose to four-start rank be so petty," said Mr. Swindle, who is campaigning for the Republican senator.

Well, Merrill, you are with the right crowd now, Stay there. The votes will be as regally slim as your character.

Take a look at Fat Man McCain around the same time that Senator Obama was a chubby little boy, up above - I'd buy that man a Meatball Sandwich Deluxe 24/7.

Fat goes - Stupid is forever McPeak!

John McCain: Obama Padded By Hot House Flowers - Not Reporters

"You will recall that for my entire political career here, I was not the the endorsed candidate of any political organization here," the Democratic presidential hopeful said at the Westin Hotel downtown. "I didn't go around wielding a bunch of clout. My reputation in Springfield was as an independent. There is no doubt I had friends and continue to have friends who come out of the more traditional school of Chicago politics but that's not what launched my political career and that's not what I've ever depended on to get elected, and I would challenge any Chicago reporter to dispute that basic fact."

Why yes, yes I do recall! As memory serves, Lo these many years of your 'entire political career here' in Chicago. However, your reputation was that of a Democratic block voter - really, more of a "Present Voter" in Springfield, IL. But, then I am no reporter for a 'great Metropolitician Newspaper' doing the bidding of a Cheryl Reed - remember Cheryl?

Now lookee, here! In the very same paper, someone other than Abdon Pallasch - whom I teasingly on the square refered to as one of David Brooks's Chicago Hothouse Flowers in a recnt comment in Chicago Daily Observer - the only Independent source in Chicago for news, opinion, witty discourse, snappy patter and slim obfuscation! Abdon had a piece recently on Father Pfleger's return to St. Sabina.

My remarks:

Abdon Pallasch - An Orchid of the Greatest Delicacy!

Cymbidium - Insulated, Sprayed and plucked for impurities by the custodiand of the Chicago Media Hothouses.

Abdon digs for rock-bed truths with a balsa wood shovel!

Ben Hecht with a titwillow's heart!

Today Abdon is shilling for Obama again in the Sun Times, while three other reporters Chris Fusco, Tim Novack and Dave McKinney take up the Obama Challenge and point directly to another Chicago Style opportunist with long ties to Kid Hope!

Davis is a 67-year-old lawyer and real estate developer with long ties to Mayor Daley and Sen. Barack Obama, as well as to the governor.

He served on the Chicago Plan Commission and, with his former law firm, Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland, was a boss to Obama early in the presidential hopeful's career.

Davis was appointed to the unpaid post on the state pension board Feb. 13, 2003. On July 22, 2004, he recommended that the agency give RREEF up to $100 million to invest. RREEF was already handling $55 million for the board.

The next day, Davis voted to approve RREEF's deal.

In February 2005, RREEF agreed to put Davis on its board. He began working as a paid board member that April, state records show.

In a letter that June, Davis notified the pension board of his appointment and said, "To avoid any potential for, or appearance of, a conflict of interest, I will recuse myself from any vote of ISBI having to do with RREEF II."

That was all he needed to do, according to another pension board member, Illinois Appellate Court Justice Thomas E. Hoffman, who was the board's ethics officer. In fact, Hoffman thought Davis' role "was to ISBI's advantage," according to the minutes of the pension board's June 22, 2005, meeting.

Neither Davis nor Hoffman responded to requests for comment.

The State Board of Investment's executive director, William Atwood, calls Davis' service on both boards "an appropriate thing for him to do.

"The whole purpose of that directorship is to oversee the interest of investors," says Atwood. "Who better to do that than a member of our board?"

RREEF executives also defend Davis' arrangement, issuing a statement that says, in part: "Mr. Davis did not become a director of the REIT until several months after ISBI made its commitments, and no additional subscription commitments were made by ISBI after Mr. Davis was elected to the REIT's Board of Directors."

Siedle, the former SEC lawyer, questions why the pension board would want Davis on the investment firm's board. The state pension system's staff could monitor the investment as well as Davis could, says Siedle, who heads Benchmark Financial Services, a Florida firm. Also, Davis could not pass along any sensitive information to the state about RREEF without violating his fiduciary duty as a RREEF board member, he adds.

"Serving on the two boards simultaneously may create conflicting fiduciary duties and other dangers. . . . I can't see any benefit that would justify the risks," Siedle says.

After leaving his law practice, Davis became a developer, partnering on projects with Rezko. At Rezko's trial, prosecutors said Davis suggested to Rezko that "Million Dollar Baby" movie producer Tom Rosenberg -- a Davis friend who headed a pension-investment firm -- could be hit up for campaign contributions to Blagojevich.

Davis' term on the State Board of Investment expired in January 2007. He continues to serve because Blagojevich hasn't reappointed or replaced him.

Senator Obama "would challenge any Chicago reporter to dispute that basic fact."

Hey, How About Three? John Kass has taken up the Obama Challenge! Watch Out, Now! The Oak Lawn Greek is Holding Up Diogenes' Lamp! John Kass might have added this Greek Motto to the Obama Presidential Seal:

Poso kani ?

Vero Possumus! No wonder you goofs dumped that Seal!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

John McCain: Mugabe and Obama Work off the Same Playbook - Redistribute Wealth!

'Barry, I told You! Redistribution of Land, Wealth, Property and Liberty Works Fine For Me! I got American Honory Degrees from Amherst! Keep Hope Alive, Kid!' Bob Mugabe

Mr. President, the United States must continue to stand strongly against the Mugabe government’s abuses of power in Zimbabwe. We must join with our European allies, the United Nations, and – most importantly – the countries and institutions of the region to press for positive change in Zimbabwe. That means a peaceful democratic transition in 2008, and support for economic growth and opportunity – including the lifting of sanctions – once the dark cloud of Mugabe’s rule is lifted, and Zimbabweans are able again to reach for the new horizon they deserve.
Senator Barack Obama March 15, 2007

Hold the phone there Senator, Mugabe is merely doing what you will do as President - Redistribute Wealth, Property and Liberty.

Her's Bob Gibbs, your mouthpiece!

"He's going to raise taxes on those wealthy lobbyists that work for the McCain campaign," Obama's communications director Robert Gibbs

Two Megablocks in the Lego (of property and capital)Land that is Obama-nomics SEIU and the AFSCME People get their raises from 'redistribution of wealth' practices, as do the Public School Teachers and Employee lobbies.

Tax-payers buck up everytime Andy Stern yanks the chain on his pets - Editorial Boards and Spineless Politicians. Barack Obama appreciates the SEIU labelfrom his long association with Progressive Purse Puppy Politicians who leap when Purple Andy whistles. SEIU orchestrated the Big Box Boondoggle Ordinance in Chicago, until Andy Stern exercised his squeeze and sweetheart deal with Wal-Mart. Then Andy called off the dogs.

Obama is an old school Progressive, like the lads who licked Robert 'Bob' Mugabe's toes. Dig this from the Spectator in May last year:

I first saw Robert Mugabe in the flesh at a UN Earth Summit in Johannesburg in 2002.

His arrival on the podium was preceded by US defence secretary Colin Powell, who was booed and jeered, and by Tony Blair, who met with similar indignities. Mugabe, on the other hand, was greeted by a tumultuous standing ovation. I wrote it off as a passing fad. At the time, black power fanatics were still pumped up over Mugabe's ethnic cleansing of white farmers, and one assumed their enthusiasm would wear off once the consequences of Mugabe's folly manifested themselves.

Not so. By 2004, Zimbabwe's economy was in freefall and his subjects were growing hungry, but Mugabe was more popular than ever.

No, not in Zimbabwe. His fans were black people elsewhere. He received standing ovations in many African capitals, and at President Mbeki's 2004 swearing-in ceremony.

By then, it was clear that his 'fast-track landreform programme' had not significantly reversed his unpopularity at home, and he had already taken to bludgeoning black opponents and rigging elections in order to stay in power.

His black supporters didn't care. Mugabe was giving the whites hell. Mugabe was therefore a hero. 'Mugabe is speaking for black people worldwide, ' wrote the Johannesburg commentator Harry Mashabela.

One assumed this accounted for the Mbeki administration's reluctance to criticise Mugabe in public. We were told that the situation in Zimbabwe was delicate, and that 'quiet diplomacy' offered the best shot at staving off anarchy. For a while this seemed plausible, but in time it became clear that quiet diplomacy was mostly a cover for covert support. When Western members of the Commonwealth moved to expel Mugabe, South Africa helped block them. South Africa also thwarted attempts to place his atrocities on the agenda at the UN Security Council and the UN Human Rights Committee. Meanwhile, the rape of Zimbabwe gained momentum, and Mugabe's popularity swelled to rock-star proportions. Last year, the cocky little psychopath informed an audience of African-American New Yorkers that his rule had created 'an unprecedented era of peace and tranquillity' back home. They gave him a standing ovation.

One understands the wounds of history, but even so one believed there would come a day when Mugabe's militant fans realised their behaviour was restoring the reputation of Ian Smith, who prophesised that Rhodesia would be 'buggered' if the blacks took over.

By the beginning of this year, Smith was utterly vindicated. Eight out of ten Zimbabweans were jobless, and those who had work were screwed anyway, because inflation was 2,200 per cent and they couldn't afford anything. Hospitals and schools were collapsing, factories closing. Millions were facing starvation. In a report for the Sunday Times four months ago R.W. Johnson interviewed a game ranger who said Zimbabwe's hyenas were developing a taste for human flesh, the result of scavenging on corpses 'cast into collective pits like cattle'. He concluded that Mugabe's misrule had resulted in as many as two million deaths -- twice as many as perished in the Rwandan genocide -- and that 'the number is now heading into regions previously explored only by Stalin, Mao and Adolf Eichmann.' It was against this backdrop that the UN's Commission on Sustainable Development met to elect a new leader last Friday. The chair of this body rotates between regions; this year it fell to Africa to make an appointment, and African countries were bent on installing Mugabe's man. Western diplomats initially thought this was some sort of joke, but as the day passed, it emerged that Africans were indeed of the opinion that a body dedicated to fostering development could credibly be chaired by a murderous regime that had reduced a once-thriving nation to absolute penury. The West was dumbfounded. 'Beyond parody, ' said an Australian newspaper columnist. 'Appalling, ' said his Prime Minister, John Howard. 'Preposterous, ' said the American human rights lobby Freedom House. But Africans wangled support from Latin America and their motion was carried.;col1

Then in February Obama and Shapeshiffter VP Wannabe Chuck Hagel tried to run this by the American taxpayer:

Unnoticed by most Americans this week, the Obama/Hagel GLOBAL POVERTY ACT was quickly approved by a senate committee and cleared for the next step, debate in a democrat-controlled senate.

The GLOBAL POVERTY ACT is unique in its breathtaking scope. It is not foreign-aid. The Act will require the President and Congress to set aside .07% of the annual gross national product - our GNP - to be distributed around the globe to relieve poverty at a cost of about $800 billion dollars annually to taxpayers. It is Barack Obama’s response to the call of the Bali Global Warming Conference for a global carbon tax; a blatant redistribution of the planet’s wealth to the “powerless”.

Coupled with his riveting stump speeches which generate huge emotional reactions from his equally huge audiences - speeches which literally call for a redistribution of wealth right here at home as well - Barack Obama’s sponsorship of the GLOBAL POVERTY ACT gives us a chilling preview of an Obama presidency.

Obama is being scripted by Bob Mugabe's Cheerleaders. Mugabe is still killing with impunity in Zimbabwe.

With SEIU, AFSCME People, ACORN, Billy Ayers, George Soros, and Hollywood Morons calling Obama's tunes, how ccan anyone not vote for an American - John McCain!

Click My Post Title for Full story of the Global Payout by Chuck and Barry!

John McCain: MSNBC's Olbermann All About The Ketchup and the Anti-McCain

Get This!

From Paul Froelich's Countdown to Meltdown account in the New York Post:

We're told Olbermann didn't get to Tuesday's ceremony, and went to Washington by car to broadcast from outside the Kennedy Center the next day. An aghast witness there said, "As guests were making their way into the memorial, Keith went apoplectic because there were no ketchup packets at the Kennedy Center."

Olbermann was heard saying outside the service, "this place is going to hell," because his Washington staff couldn't find ketchup packets for lunch at the Center. An NBC insider claimed, however, "Keith did not have lunch at the Kennedy Center and was not eating on the set because he was anchoring a broadcast."

A rep for Olbermann snapped: "Since whatever you're going to print is an outright lie, you can go ahead and write whatever you want. That's on the record and applies to all future items you might make up."

Fair enough - Let the fabrication begin!

Item #1 - Keith Olbermann caught treating janitor and his entire family to lunch at Uncle Jack's Steak House for doing an exceptional job.

Item # 2. MSNBC's Keith Olbermann did not embarrass most American adults in this evening's CountDown broadcast

Item # 3. MSNBC's Keith Olbermann apologized to the starving blind crack baby from whom the fabulously compensated Olbermann took a Three Musketeers Bar outside of 30 Rockefeller Center last week.

Really, Keith. We don't need to make this stuff up. You do a bang-up job providing bar-fodder to one and all!

The key reason that I support John McCain is the fact that McCain is like most Americans:

John McCain seems like the guy who brings over the spare sump pump, when the basement floods - again; he's a guy who joins the fish fry crew during Lent at St. Turibius; the man who drops off non-nose bleed tickets for the Bears/Vikings game, because 'he can't use them;' the gentleman setting up the chairs for the morning and evening services at New Pisgah Church; the authority on indirect heat grilling who slow cooks the ribs without making a federal case of the fact; McCain has the chain-saw when the tree comes down in your yard; the neighbor who quietly lets you know that your 8th Grade Cheerleader,Vickey, was smoking at the Mall and you might want to ask her about the pack Camel Menthols in her Louis Vutton knock-off purse; he walks his cousin suffering from Alzheimer's to Keegan's Pub for a half/half every Sunday; he's the quiet gent doing an extra lap around the rosary in the back of St. Gabe's before he stops by the Our Flag Club for the wide-screen Bears opener party. He's the best guy in every neighborhood.
With Both HandWednesday, September 05, 2007

Then there is Keith Olbermann - The Template for Jerks - America's # 1. Juice Bag!

Like Huffington Post line-up of lightweights and losers, Olbermann and a thick handful of the crew at MSNBC - Chris 'Milky' Matthew, Dan 'Nepotism Rocks!' Abrams, Rachel 'Hey, Mac!' Maddow, and their cavalcade of Newsweek hacks Dana Millbanks and that Limey Pencil Neck Geek, Olbermann represents everything that most Americans are not:

1. Overpaid to do a job that Jimmy the Two Headed Boy could do

2. Self-absorbed

3. Whiny

4. Amused by the misfortune of others

5. Detached to sacrifices and dedication of workers

Keith Olbermann, it is reported, pouted and tossed a tantrum that a Romanoff would have been proud of, in the vain attempt to take Tim Russert's seat on Meet the Press following Russert's sudden and sad death. The job went to Tom Brokaw who gave Olbermann an on-air tune-up for his oafish comment on Hillary Clinton, following her departure from the Democratic Race.

Tantrums work with toddlers and Russian aristocrats.

Click my post title for the interesting New York Post feature.

Temper Tantrums:

Several basic causes of tantrums are familiar to parents everywhere: The child is seeking attention or is tired, hungry, or uncomfortable. In addition, tantrums are often the result of kids' frustration with the world — they can't get something (for example, an object or a parent) to do what they want. Frustration is an unavoidable part of their lives as they learn how people, objects, and their own bodies work.

Tantrums are common during the second year of life, a time when children are acquiring language. Toddlers generally understand more than they can express. Imagine not being able to communicate your needs to someone — a frustrating experience that may precipitate a tantrum. As language skills improve, tantrums tend to decrease.

As language skills improve - Good Night and Good Luck!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

John McCain: PT-527 The Huffington Post

Huffington Post Ship of Fools: Obama's PT -527

Byron York has a good point - any questions directed to Senator Obama that the shadowy R. Senator from Illinois does not 'feel' like answering is "swiftboating."

It's common to see mentions in the press these days about some "swiftboating" of Barack Obama that is allegedly in the works, or might someday allegedly be in the works, or might someday be thought to be allegedly in the works. While I'm sure there will be some hit jobs on Obama — this is a presidential campaign, after all — this talk seems to be based on a fundamental misunderstanding, perhaps willful in some cases, of the swiftboat episode in the 2004 campaign.
. . .
Today, there is a tendency to describe any criticism of Barack Obama as "swiftboating." So far, it's been a pretty effective attack pre-emption device. But it has nothing to do with "swiftboating"; you can't just "swiftboat" somebody. Now, if all of the pastors who worked with Obama when he was a community organizer in Chicago came together to criticize his behavior back then, that would qualify. But until something like that happens, could everyone — at least those not working for the Obama campaign or the DNC — dispense with the "swiftboating" talk?

Byron York notes that Obama warns everyone with a 40 Watt intellect that 'they will try to make you afraid.'

They being the plural pronoun and all that it portends. Chilling, as the venti latte crowd is wont to lisp.

Well, Folks. Senator Obama has 527s aplenty. MSNBC, Daily Kos, The Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun Times & etc. More Swiftboats than the League of Nations had to deal with!

The Swiftboat Flagship is Arianna Huffington's Greeks & Geeks Navy PT-527 The Huffington Post with a wacky crew that McHale's Navy would not allow near the plywood deck of anything afloat. Marty Kaplan, Steve Weber, and other Hollywodd lightweights man Arianna's bubble blasters with such broadsides as Marty Kaplan'sBush Gives Dems STDsBush or Steve Weber's imitation of Lord Bulwer-Lytton and this Andy Borowitz bit of fecal artistry Cindy McCain Robot Gets New Head by Andy Borowitz.

Real 4th grade stuff.

Today HUFFPO is locked and loaded with George Carlin tributes attesting to his rock-ribbed detestation of the Faith in which he was Bapitized which always gets hugged in Hollywood like one of Michael Vick's pups.

Bill Maher, a Carlin Lite, equates dogs to 'retarded children' and has made a career of spitting on the crucifix. He's huge for Obama!

Obama reaches out to Catholics with Bill Maher and Huffington Post. He is worthy of the Seal he now has put into the attic.

Huffington Post, Boys and Girls, is a 527 Swift Boat - P(olitical) T(railMix Eaters)-527

Here is today's attack plan:

The Blog

Arianna Huffington: McCain's Campaign Funding Hypocrisy: Why Are the Media Looking the Other Way?The mainstream media's overheated response to Barack Obama's decision to opt out of the public campaign finance system is prime evidence of the media's ongoing membership in the John McCain Protection Society and its offshoot, the Swift Boat Media for McCain, and of how their highly motivated efforts are affecting the presidential race. McCain called Obama's decision "a big deal." What's actually a big deal is the Swift Boat Media's complete indifference to McCain's bald-faced hypocrisy on the same issue. Amidst all the attacks on Obama's "flip-flop," how much have you read in the old media about the fact that McCain has "completely reversed himself" on public financing -- and is currently breaking campaign finance law on a daily basis?

Featured Blog Posts Feeds

Twenty Years Later: Tipping Points Near on Global WarmingDr. James Hansen, 06.23.2008

Today, I testified to Congress about global warming, 20 years after I first alerted the public that warming was underway. There are striking similarities between then and now, but one big difference.

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George Carlin: An Irish Mensch Robert S. McElvaine, 06.23.2008

After one of George's hilarious shows, we talked about my theories on the meaning of vulgar language. I was struck by what a calm, deep-thinking person he was off-stage.

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The Politics of Identity PoliticsJeff Chang, 06.23.2008

After an ABC/Washington Post survey created a thoroughly bunk way of measuring how racist white American voters actually are, many of the poll's conclusions are completely useless.

The Real Food Crisis John Feffer, 06.23.2008

The current food crisis is an early warning, and it looks as though we're ignoring it -- there are ever more people to feed and a declining ability to feed them all.

Barack Obama Merchandise
Show Your Support! Buy Obama Tees, Stickers, Buttons, Yard Signs

Dream Ticket
Obama Hits Clintons on 'Dream Ticket'. Read Full Story.

Blue Alert: Obama And the Dems Need Contingency Plans for Terror and WarRJ Eskow, 06.23.2008

Obama should start laying the groundwork now with a series of speeches that explain why we can -- and must -- defend the liberties that make us Americans, even in the face of terror.

What George Carlin Told Me About the Afterlife and What He'd Like on His Tombstone David Hochman, 06.23.2008

When I interviewed him a few years ago for Playboy, he told me, "The best afterlife for me would be to be able to sit comfortably and watch the world on a kind of heavenly CNN."

Politics on the Couch: Splitting and Reparation Two Justin Frank, 06.23.2008

Healing splits between warring nations is virtually impossible, largely because it requires each country to directly face its destructiveness. But reparation has to start somewhere.

McClellan Testimony Highlights Bush's Crimes -- It's Time for Genuine Accountability Rep. Robert Wexler, 06.23.2008

Never before have high level executive officials refused to even appear before Congress when properly summoned by the legislative branch. It is now the time for Democrats to breathe fire.

Obama's Best Choice for Veep? Elizabeth Edwards Lionel Beehner, 06.23.2008

As a woman, she will help lure female Democrats, as a southerner, she'll help Obama win a few battleground states, and as a cancer survivor, she'll help shine a light on McCain's abysmal health plan.

The Seven Dirty Words You'd Never Hear Today Allison Kilkenny, 06.23.2008

Every flattering statement, every overzealous compliment about George Carlin will still be too few for one of the greatest comedians ever to shout his fearlessness into a microphone.

It's Isolation Stupid! Why Pre-Election Plans to Attack Iran Will Only Backfire Nathan Gonzalez, 06.23.2008

Conditions that Iran cease its uranium enrichment, as well as America's overt talk of bombing, only paint the Islamic Republic into a corner from which it can hardly get out, given its structure.

George Carlin Harry Shearer, 06.23.2008

One of the unalloyed joys (really) of being in show business is getting to meet and know people you've admired. While his comedy was dark, his spirit with his peers was generous.

Click my Post Title for PT-527

John McCain: Cindy McCain - Citizen First - First Lady Later.

Associated press Photo of Cindy McCain in Burma where she gave the military junta some Hell.

Texas Democrat and Patriot, Miss Taylor Marsh, talks about the core values of Cindy McCain.

Get this:

Cindy McCain is pictured in Vietnam, also quoted criticizing Burma, taking a page from Hillary Clinton's playbook: "I don’t understand how human life doesn’t matter to somebody. But clearly, it doesn’t matter to them.”

Meanwhile, Michelle Obama was doing "The View."

Seems to me to paint very stark and competing portraits of two important political wives. Mind you, Michelle Obama has the intellect to equal Cindy McCain's outreach. But the fact is that this isn't where the Obama campaign gurus wanted Mrs. Obama to go. It's a pattern with Democratic message people when it comes to our nominee's wife. . . . Michelle Obama has previously earned very critical reviews around here for her impolitic statements, so I was pleased she did "The View" to round off edges that appeared early on in moments on the trail that were beyond abrasive. But at the same time I wondered why this couldn't have been accomplished in a manner that was less "Leave It To Beaver," illustrating Mrs. Obama's passions and her purpose instead. I can't be the only one sensing that the Obama camp is having a Theresa Heinz Kerry, Hillary Clinton moment, telegraphing they're uncomfortable with yet another strong spouse who might scare middle America and doesn't know quite what to do about it. But reverting to traditional stereotypes never seems to work, because it doesn't fit the woman. It's also not very original or creative, instead a throw back. That's what was wrong with "The View" appearance yesterday. It was Michelle Obama airbrushed.

Juxtapose that against Cindy McCain dressed down in Vietnam, then talking about Burma's disrespect for human rights, and you have quite a contrast.

Authenticity meets image concoction. First lady auditions are ugly.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Huffington Post Presents! Steven Webber - Bulwer-Lytton in Birkenstocks!

That's Hollywood Dabbler Steven Webber slammin' hard truths!

That's Bulwer-Lytton slammin' hard prose!

From Paul Clifford by Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton of Knebworth (1803-1873)

It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents, except at
occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which
swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling
along the house-tops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the
lamps that struggled against the darkness. Through one of the obscurest
quarters of London, and among haunts little loved by the gentlemen of the
police, a man, evidently of the lowest orders, was wending his solitary
way. He stopped twice or thrice at different shops and houses of a
description correspondent with the appearance of the quartier in which
they were situated, and tended inquiry for some article or another which
did not seem easily to be met with. All the answers he received were
couched in the negative; and as he turned from each door he muttered to
himself, in no very elegant phraseology, his disappointment and
discontent. At length, at one house, the landlord, a sturdy butcher,
after rendering the same reply the inquirer had hitherto received, added,
"But if this vill do as vell, Dummie, it is quite at your sarvice!"
Pausing reflectively for a moment, Dummie responded that he thought the
thing proffered might do as well; and thrusting it into his ample pocket,
he strode away with as rapid a motion as the wind and the rain would
allow. He soon came to a nest of low and dingy buildings, at the
entrance to which, in half-effaced characters, was written "Thames
Court." Halting at the most conspicuous of these buildings, an inn or
alehouse, through the half-closed windows of which blazed out in ruddy
comfort the beams of the hospitable hearth, he knocked hastily at the
door. He was admitted by a lady of a certain age, and endowed with a
comely rotundity of face and person.

"Hast got it, Dummie?" said she, quickly, as she closed the door on the

Hast and you don't sweat much for a fat girl. Sorry couldn't pass that one up.

Now here is Steven Webber, a self-absorbed Hollywood dabbler. Can't act; so he is a political activist. Now, he sure as hell can't write and so Arianna Huffington has him on the payroll shilling for Barack Obama.

Now get a load of this!

Change is seeping into our consciousnesses and Hope is entering our lives like amber rays dispelling the murk of a drugged sleep, the one which we endured so helplessly, so long.

The movement headed by Obama is becoming an unstoppable juggernaut, fueled not by his leadership alone but by the gathering momentum of those individuals who feel the totality of the movement's righteousness within them. Obama is the face of the movement; the people are the movement.

And while we are relishing our Obasm, we must nonetheless be aware of the opposing forces who peer jealously across the widening breach, who are becoming even more embittered, even more determined to prevent this movement from succeeding. Starting from its warped, hardened kernel of an ideology, the Bush/Neo-Con jihad on democracy has been nothing less than catastrophic, a global socio/geopolitical plague. And it's not just the obvious villains we have to be concerned about. There are the appeasers in our midst, the DINO's who continue to reward Bush's treachery with unimpeded funding for the disgrace of Iraq and immunity for his flouting of the law.
Likewise, there is a realistic understanding of Obama as politician. We know that he must do certain things in order to survive the caustic climate of government; that he must promise, cajole, threaten and perform, speak the lingua franca of American bureaucratic push me-pull me and that while his vision for America is virtually without fault, obviously he himself is not. But it is his humanity along with his and our acknowledgment of same which gives this movement any hope of success.

And although we have learned the hard way, having painfully witnessed BushCo's trampling of nations, with Obama we got damn lucky. And we'd better appreciate that lest this moment slip away and a long time passes before another one comes.

So it is now our duty as newly deputized agents of Change and Hope to protect this American movement with the fierce devotion of parents who have recovered their kidnapped child. The boogeymen had their way and now it's time to let them know unequivocally that it will not happen again.

It's good to be awake again.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. . . . . (Hhuchitneck,Huhngh)ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . . . . I SENT THE CHECK LAST WEEK!!!! (Snecuchnech) ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. . . . huh?

Oh, my apologies. Steven Change seeping ( Call Perma Seal! Stop that seepage); unstoppable juggernaut ( Why have stoppable juggernauts at all, unless you are the Italian Navy?)Webber

Try this sominex:

And there is our own knee-jerk cowering in the face of an enemy openly courted, recklessly wielded and described as impregnable by Bush et al.: Fear. Knowing we would forever shudder and weep at the images branded into our brains, Fear is probably the most brutally effective weapon BushCo had -- has -- in its arsenal and is used with the same alacrity with which Saddam used poison gas on the Kurds.

or this purple pumpkin of poser prosing!

So it is now our duty as newly deputized agents of Change and Hope to protect this American movement with the fierce devotion of parents who have recovered their kidnapped child.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????

I left them at the Poetry Slam!!!!!!!!!! Damn George Bush!!!!!!! Damn America! You sleeping Idiots! Steven write as much as you can, Dude! Write as Much as your heart will Hold!!!!!!!

Nectht we Thall tear Thteven on the Air-Wavthes of The POTuTH Channel on the Thatelite Network.
Thee You Then!


John McCain" Huffington Post - Buzz Obama's 527 24/7

Senator Buzz Obama, like Sinclair Lewis's character Buzz Windrip, won't engage John McCain without a Leni Riefenstahl Pageant format - The Audacity of Hype.

There will be no Townhall exchange with Senator John McCain.

Obama's mass of Soros funded Daily Kos, MSNBC, Movon.Org allow the inexperienced and shadowy Illinois Senator to keep his distance from the American People.

Buzz Obama fronts some dangerous and well-heeled people: Soros/DNC/ACLU/Ayers/Rezko/Pfleger/Dohrn/Wright/Farrakhan/SEIU/ACORN/AFCSME/Hollywood/CAIR/Chavez & etc.

That is the Grassroots support. Seems to me like Obama Campaign is Bundling and laundering millions via the Internet and passing it off as Grassroots.

When Obama trotted out his Great Seal of Self-Absorption - he tipped his hand.

Sinclair Lewis's cautionary tale It Can't Happen Here is must reading for all patriots. It is a great read.

Click my post title for the free Gutenberg Edition.

Huffington Post is an attack 527 100% in the Obama Campaign. Give it a look. It is packed with bad writing from third tier talents. More people look at celebrity magazines than they do the The Atlantic. Some goofs actually believe that Keith Olbermann has something to say. Go figure. Rachel Madddow is no Dorothy Parker.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

John McCain:Obama Seal - Progressive Fascism's Cautionary Icon

Saw this on the news and was reminded of a book that I taught to my students at Bishop McNamara High School in Kankakee, IL way back in the 1970's and '80's.

Like the character of Sinclair Lewis' novel, Buzz Windrip, Barack Obama sweeps throngs of people up in whirlwind of pagentry and windy rhetoric.

He slid into a rhapsody of general ideas--a mishmash of polite regards to Justice, Freedom, Equality, Order, Prosperity, Patriotism, and any number of other noble but slippery abstractions.

Doremus thought he was being bored, until he discovered that, at some moment which he had not noticed, he had become absorbed and excited.

Something in the intensity with which Windrip looked at his audience, looked at all of them, his glance slowly taking them in from the highest-perched seat to the nearest, convinced them that he was talking to each individual, directly and solely; that he wanted to take each of them into his heart; that he was telling them the truths, the imperious and dangerous facts, that had been hidden from them.

"They say I want money--power! Say, I've turned down offers from law firms right here in New York of three times the money I'll get as President! And power--why, the President is the servant of every citizen in the country, and not just of the considerate folks, but also of every crank that comes pestering him by telegram and phone and letter. And yet, it's true, it's absolutely true I do want power, great, big, imperial power--but not for myself--no--for you!--the power of your permission to smash the Jew financiers who've enslaved you, who're working you to death to pay the interest on their bonds; the grasping bankers--and not all of 'em Jews by a darn sight!--the crooked labor-leaders just as much as the crooked bosses, and, most of all, the sneaking spies of Moscow that want you to lick the boots of their self-appointed tyrants that rule not by love and loyalty, like I want to, but by the horrible power of the whip, the dark cell, the automatic pistol!"

He pictured, then, a Paradise of democracy in which, with the old political machines destroyed, every humblest worker would be king and ruler, dominating representatives elected from among his own kind of people, and these representatives not growing indifferent, as hitherto they had done, once they were far off in Washington, but kept alert to the public interest by the supervision of a strengthened Executive.

It sounded almost reasonable, for a while.

The supreme actor, Buzz Windrip, was passionate yet never grotesquely wild. He did not gesture too extravagantly; only, like Gene Debs of old, he reached out a bony forefinger which seemed to jab into each of them and hook out each heart. It was his mad eyes, big staring tragic eyes, that startled them, and his voice, now thundering, now humbly pleading, that soothed them.

He was so obviously an honest and merciful leader; a man of sorrows and acquaint with woe.

Doremus marveled, "I'll be hanged! Why, he's a darn good sort when you come to meet him! And warm-hearted. He makes me feel as if I'd been having a good evening with Buck and Steve Perefixe. What if Buzz is right? What if--in spite of all the demagogic pap that, I suppose, he has got to feed out to the boobs--he's right in claiming that it's only he, and not Trowbridge or Roosevelt, that can break the hold of the absentee owners? And these Minute Men, his followers--oh, they were pretty nasty, what I saw out on the street, but still, most of 'em are mighty nice, clean-cut young fellows. Seeing Buzz and then listening to what he actually says does kind of surprise you--kind of make you think!"

But what Mr. Windrip actually had said, Doremus could not remember an hour later, when he had come out of the trance.

Can't Happen Here? The Hell it Can't.

Obama will not do a Townhall. Only Leni Reifenstahl productions. The new Obama Seal is a cautionary icon. Pay attention and ask questions. Read Lewis's novel.

Friday, June 20, 2008

McCain: Obama Myth Rooted in Ayers/Annenberg Gangster Gore! Schools, Blood, Booze, and Ink!

The Anneneberg Challenge not only allowed an unrepentant domestic terrorist to launder his crimes and ooze his way into Progressive respectablility, but also provided Billy Ayers the cap and fuse to blow up American Education - one school at a time. The Annenberg Challenge is dynamite! Dynamite paid for by two old timey Jewish tough guys: Moses and Max Annenberg.

But, first some context! Progressives whine for context! Here's context. Law Professor Steve Diamond is on to Billy Ayers and his odious Old Lady Bernadine. Prof. Diamond is also raising questions about Senator Obama's debts and obligations to Ayers - Obama's Chinaman - or Rabbi - or Mentor.

As my readers are aware I have pointed to the joint participation of Senator Obama and Professor Bill Ayers in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, an education reform project, as evidence of an older and deeper relationship between Ayers and Obama than the Senator has acknowledged. Because the political views, as well as the past criminal behavior, of Professor Ayers represent, in my view, an authoritarian approach to education and society as a whole, I believe that it is important for the public to have as complete an understanding of the Ayers-Obama relationship as possible
Law Prof. Diamond UCSJ - Click Post Title for Full Article.

This Professor of Law at University of California at San Jose is well up on Billy Ayers and the radical leftist academics who work very closely with him. Ayers has addressed Hugo Chavez's Revolutionary Educators in Caracas on a number of occasions - most recently 2006.Ayers states that education is the key to revolution.

Most troubling is the long and covert association between Senator Barack Obama and this dangerous louse Ayers. Ayers is a bomber and publicly stated enemy of America, but lives snuggly in the protection of its laws and morals. Senator Obama and the Chicago media brush off Ayers as 'a guy from my (Obama's) neighborhood.'

Click my post title for Professor Diamond's warning to all American voters concerning the Ayers Agenda that Senator Obama wants to pass off as support for schools and children.

Obama was hired by Billy Ayers when The Bomber directed the Annenberg Challenge in the 1990's. Billy Ayers Daddy, Thomas Ayers, CEO of ComEd and Pan-Philanthropy Big Shot, had bleached his terrorist lad's resume. Not only that, Billy Ayers plucked the plum from Annenberg's loot - Ayers was Chairman and Director.

Annenberg Challenge rose out of the Annenberg Foundation amassed by Walter Annenberg's genius at taking magazines away from other people - TV Guide, Seventeen & etc. - and building a monstrous fortune. Walter learned from his Pop - Moses ( AKA -Moe) Annenberg and his uncle Max. Moe and Max were tough Jews who hung with the Harps - most notably Dean O'Banion who became the pioneering bootleg hoodlum of the Prohibition Era. The Irish/Jewish coalition of Annenberg/O'Bannion beat, shot, stabbed and bombed newsboys, newstand operators, reporters, and circulation managers for and against the Hearst News Group and The Chicago Tribune's Bertie McCormick - who hired Moe and Max away from William Randolph Hearst.

Moe and Max are respectable thugs. They worked hard to squeeze nickles out of the pools of blood from their victims. Unlike, Ayers and his odious wife Bernadine Dorhn, Max and Moe were capitalists and patriots. Ayers and his old lady set bombs and robberies in order to turn their country over to Communism.

Walter Annenberg was no cupcake, but a little more polished than Dad and Uncle Max. Here is Brendan McGarvey account of the founder of Bill Ayers's C-4 for American Schools: The Chicago Annenberg Challenge. This is the root of Barack Obama's myth.

Walter Annenberg is dead. Long live Walter Annenberg’s billions. One of the richest men in the United States, Walter Annenberg was a generous philanthropist who gave millions to universities, art museums, charities and PBS. He was a friend to kings and presidents. Annenberg was the U.S. Ambassador to the Court of Saint James, London, for Richard Nixon. A media magnate who once owned local institutions like the Philadelphia Inquirer, TV Guide, the Daily News and Channel 6, Annenberg split his time between his estate in Wynnewood and a second one in Palm Springs, Calif.

And, oh yeah, Walter Annenberg was indicted in one of the largest tax evasion cases in the history of the United States. Annenberg was indicted with his father, Moses Annenberg, and two other business associates in 1939.

They were charged with evading more than $2 million in taxes and another $3 million in penalties and interest.

On Aug. 18, 1939, Walter Annenberg, his father and two other business associates surrendered to the U.S. Marshal. They posted bond, and were released to await trial.

Later that same month, Moses Annenberg, Philadelphia nightclub owner Jack Lynch and two others were indicted for conspiring to bribe a Philadelphia detective. Lynch allegedly wanted to influence the detective if and when he was called before a grand jury investigating four corporations owned by Moses Annenberg.

In April 1940, Moses Annenberg agreed to plead guilty to one count -- "willfully" evading $1,217,296 -- and to pay almost $9 million in fines and penalties. In exchange for his plea the government agreed to drop all charges against his son, Walter Annenberg.

Moses was sentenced to three years in prison. He was sent to Lewisburg federal pen, but released early because of poor health, and he died a month later.

Walter parlayed the family fortune into billions and spent the rest of his life making people forget how Moses Annenberg had acquired this great American fortune in the first place.

The story of Walter Annenberg's father is a tale of a hardworking immigrant and financial genius who got his start working alongside violent Chicago gangsters while employed by newspaper titan William Randolph Hearst at the turn of the last century. It was a time when "circulation wars" literally meant gunmen and sluggers beating and killing rival news dealers to gain a monopoly for their newspaper.

Both Moses and his older brother, Max Annenberg, were involved in the brutal Chicago newspaper wars in the first decade of the 20th century in which 14 news dealers were murdered.

Max and Moses Annenberg were hired by William Randolph Hearst as circulation managers for his newspapers. Their job was to hire and dispatch gangs of plug-uglies to intimidate anyone selling The Chicago Tribune.

One member of the Annenberg crew was the exceptionally notorious and bloodthirsty Dion O'Banion. O'Banion captained his own gang of neighborhood toughs. A decade after working for the Annenbergs, O'Banion headed his own mob, but was rubbed out by gangland rival Al Capone in 1925.*

Bleeding -- literally -- people and money, the owner of the Tribune, Bertie McCormick, decided to hire Moses Annenberg away from Hearst. For a while, the Annenberg brothers were sending out thugs to battle each other. Fifteen years later, Max Annenberg was alleged to be an associate and friend of Chicago crime boss Al Capone.

In 1938, the Secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickes, traveled from Washington D.C. to give a speech in Philadelphia condemning Moses Annenberg, who, at that time, was backing the Republican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania.

Ickes charged it was Annenberg's violent tactics during the Chicago newspaper wars that inspired gangsters like Al Capone. Ickes said that "the hiring of Moses Annenberg by Hearst was the beginning of the subsequent flood of lawlessness that almost engulfed law enforcement in the United States."

But Moses Annenberg didn't just rely on gangsters to improve newspaper circulation. He also came up with the idea of giving away free silver teaspoons to each new subscriber and made so much money he branched out on his own, buying newspapers in Milwaukee and New York.

But it was Moses Annenberg's involvement in the shady world of illegal gambling that put him in touch, and in business, with mobsters all across the nation.

In 1924, Annenberg got involved with a racing news service in Chicago and Milwaukee. The service provided horse race information to gambling parlors -- also known in those days as "pool rooms." With that information, bookies could set odds and collect from gamblers or pay out winnings. It was called the General News Bureau and it was owned by Chicago's largest gambler/bookie, Mont Tennes. Tennes agreed to sell out to Annenberg after his house was firebombed.

Annenberg took on a partner named Jack Lynch. But Lynch sued Moses, alleging that more than a million dollars had vanished from their business.

Annenberg's lawyers argued that "the General News Bureau is aiding and abetting an illegal enterprise," and the Illinois Supreme Court agreed, ruling that it was an illegal business; therefore, the dispute between Lynch and Annenberg was outside the scope of the law.

Lynch turned to Al Capone's number-one guy, Frank Nitti, to back him against Annenberg. Moses reputedly enlisted the trigger-happy organizer for the Chicago Motion Picture Operators' Union, Ralph O'Hara, to watch his back. But when O'Hara's boss was murdered gangland-style, the Chicago mafia took control of the union.

Before the disagreement between Lynch and Annenberg was settled, George Downs, an Annenberg lieutenant operating in Miami, Fla., was found shot to death, execution-style, in the Everglades. At the time Downs was killed, Moses Annenberg was running newspapers in Florida, the Midwest, New York and Philadelphia.

Critics charged Annenberg was using his newspapers to back local politicians who would close down rival bookmaking services and allow his illegal racing wire to operate without competition. Within a few years Annenberg had a nationwide monopoly. Annenberg's Nationwide News Service and subsidiaries were servicing bookies in 223 cities, 39 states and three Canadian provinces.

Gamblers, bookies and underworld syndicates were Annenberg's customers.

Ironically, there were reports that those who didn't take the Annenberg race wire service were themselves the victims of beatings, fire bombings and, on occasion, murder. The crime syndicates had come to be dependent on Moses Annenberg. Without his service they couldn't operate their illegal gambling rackets.

Moses Annenberg made millions and millions of dollars until the federal government indicted him for not paying taxes on his illegal businesses. This underworld money was the source of the great Annenberg fortune and helped to finance Walter Annenberg's own generous philanthropy.

The more one asks, the more one gets to learn. The Chicago Media ain't asking. Obama's Myth and Ayers cocooned life is safe with the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times: Max and Moe would be proud!

* Historical note, Johnny Torio gave the order to 'rub-out' O'Banion, as Capone was merely a Lieutenant in Torrio's Booze Empire. According to Rose Keefe, O'Bannion had cheated Torrio and caused his arrest as a two-time loser to the Volstead Act.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

John McCain: Vouchers and School Choice Getting Aborted by DNC and Obama: Chicago Media Obama Combine

Here in Chicago, both Chicago daily newspapers are solidly in the tank for Barack Obama. Chicago Daily Observer the only balanced news and opinion reporting in our city, noted that new Chicago Tribune subscribers get a FREE Obama T-Shirt with each purchase. Progressives soil their Victoria's Secrets if a Regular Democratic politician were to pop for a round of beers during an election cycle.

Here in Chicago, Alderman Paddy Bauler ( 'Chicago Ain't Ready for Reform') has been usurped by Billy Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn; Barack Obama; 501 (c) 3 radical University Think Tanks and lap-dog journalists. National Review's Jim Gereghty gave Chicago Media a an overdue kick in the slats today:

In fact, when Obama’s connection to Ayers received real scrutiny from the national press, local columnists offered “so what?” reactions, insisting the relationship was “no big deal.” The Chicago Tribune’s editorial board insisted that Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (his wife and fellow former Weatherman) “have done good work in Chicago.”

Former Tribune reporter David Mendell offers an interesting overview of Obama’s career-long relationship with the press in Obama: From Promise To Power. There are prickly moments, occasional stories that aren’t flattering to the senator, and (once in a great while) mountainous controversies made out of molehill-level misdeeds on Obama’s part. But for the most part the Chicago media were charmed by Obama’s considerable charisma, and acted more like Obama Girl than like Woodward and Bernstein

John Kass and Brenda Killanski, a Chicago Tribune Researcher, alone have been independent in their coverage of Obama.

Chicago's media is solidly a part of the Obama Combine - to use John Kass' term: a confederation of redistribution of wealth radicals ( Ayers/Dohrn/Peoples Law Office/Cease Fire/Acorn); media corporations ( Chicago Tribune Company/Sun Times News Group); political opportunists ( Schakowsky/Moore/Preckwinkle/Solis/Daley); convicted felon(s) (Rezko & those whom Rezko happens to be Trading up).

School Choice/Vouchers is a breakout issue. Real school Reform begins and ends with Choice.

Obama is as chained to the Public School Lobby as he is to Planned Parenthood.

The Obama Combine agrees completely - School Choice must ne Aborted!

Click my post title for the DNC's strangling in the cradle of School Choice in Washington D.D. - John McCain is against Abortion and John McCain is solidly for School Choice.

Voters are not locked into the Obama Combine.

John McCain: Take Baby Alex, John McCain, because His Mom's Nuts!

Patholgically 'Sincere' Mom - holding Chubby Cherub: Hi, John McCain. This is Alex, and he's my first. So far his talents include trying any new food and chasing after our dog. That and making my heart pound every time I look at him. So John McCain, when you say you would stay in Iraq for 100 years, were you counting on Alex? Because if you were, you can't have him

John McCain: He is beautiful! Looks like Karl Rove but moves around alot quicker. Hello, Alex! Dog Chaser, eh Buddy? Look, chase women! just kidding.

Alex, I'm going to give you some straight talk and I hope that your Mommy is listening because she has not blinked for the last few minutes.

Guess what Alex, I'll be 173 years old and you will be 100 1/2 years old, because this year's election allowed me to bring an end to a very necessary and horribly mismanaged War. You will not need to go to war in Iraq, because that country will be at peace by the time that you are in pre-school, Alex.

Alex, I see that you are looking at the tall good looking young Secret Service agents that walking around your Mommy, who is still smiling and has not blinked yet. sotto voce: apprehend -gently medical evacNow. [gently and slwoly taking Alex from the fixated and ridid mother]

Now, I am going to give you a ride on my lap ( shoulders are killing me); Man you are a chub - more like Fatboy Keith Olbermann without his diaper changed -Karl the Architect is a 'feather merchant' next to that Bellowing Blimp. Naw, you're a nice little man, Alex.

Alex, your Mom still has not blinked and the nice Secret Service Agents assigned to my -just a sec, Alex - Cindy, take the little man for a while - Special Agents, please get this poor woman some attention, ASAP. Poor thing. She must be drugged or on something. She's like Tom Cruise for Crissakes, or Andy Dick. Creepy. Those Hollywood clowns did this to the poor woman.

Alex, Me and Mrs. McCain will stay here until your Grammy and Gramps get here. Want to see some scars, Kiddo!

Cindy McCain: Not on your Life! Oh, he is a Dollie, Yes You are Alex! Behave, John. This is on You Tube.

John McCain: Yes Ma'am. Oh, Screw Tube! Like that Alex, Old Pal? Alex, let me tell you a thing or two about the Cuban who tortured me.

Cindy McCain: John, I mean it! Now Knock it off! My goodness he is a fatty.

Secret Service Agent Alex's Mom is sedated and the Grandparents are in Transit.

John McCain Alex, Look No teeth! Just like you. Commies knocked mine out.

Cindy McCain: That's it Mister! No more Starbucks, today.

John McCain: Meet Your Obama National Security All Stars! Yikes!

Secretary of State Madeleine " "Bill Clinton lied, but nobody died." Albright

Senator David “I think it is a disservice to the American people.” Boren, former Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Secretary of State Warren "I don't want to talk about intelligence matters."Christopher

Greg "I welcome this opportunity to speak for President Clinton" Craig, former director of the State Department Office of Policy Planning
Secretary of the Navy Richard " “I think we need to treat our leaders and our enlisted people the same way. "Danzig

Representative Lee “That's common sense. We're not there yet.” Hamilton, former Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

Deputy Attorney General Eric " "In some ways, I came in as prepared as I could have been because of my 12 years in Public Integrity," Holder

Dr. Tony "I hope that when we do run into incidents involving casualties, there is not then a great outcry for pulling back. It is terribly important that when you use military power and send American soldiers out, you do it unflinchingly so you don't invite such attacks.” Lake, former National Security Advisor

Senator Sam "Leadership must be established from the top down."
Nunn, former Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Secretary of Defense William "I do not have for you at this time anything that I might characterize as a definitive response to this idea."Perry

Dr. Susan "I plead guilty as charged to wanting to move and get things done and occasionally being impatient." Rice, former Assistant Secretary of State

Representative Tim feels “strongly that a person who opposes a woman's right to choose should not chair the Democratic Party.”Roemer, 9/11 Commissioner

Jim "As you know, Barry, under the current rules of engagement, if SFOR comes across war criminals, they can detain them. "Steinberg, former Deputy National Security Advisor

All Quotations Belong to each Player on Team Obama: NSA!

John McCain: A Democrat's Support of John McCain by David R. Carlin

I have been supporting John McCain with my time, treasure and talents, small though they be, since last Spring.

Other like minded Democrats saw in McCain his capacity for leadership and talent for righting the course of America.

A young Democratic (twenty-something) Korean American woman, Lisa Hwang of Chicago's Lincoln Square community admires McCain, but is still on the fence about her vote.

Nevertheless, Ms. Hwang sent along a Commonweal Op Ed essay by Democratic veteran legislator David R. Carlin.

Here is the sum and substance of a Democrat's support for John McCain:

Still, I think the Democratic contenders are wrong and McCain is right about the things that matter most. They’re wrong because they are beholden to the ultras who have seized control of the national Democratic Party. I mean the wing of the party: people who have good educations, good jobs, good incomes, good neighborhoods, good wine, good coffee, etc., plus a disdain not only for traditional morality and religion but for those Americans-we boobs, nincompoops, and potential fascists-who approve of traditional religious-moral beliefs and values. Obama is more beholden to these folks than Hillary is, but if she becomes president she won’t be able to defy many of their wishes, so great is their power in the party.

But what are the big issues as I see them? For me the single biggest issue is, and has been for many years, abortion. For those who believe, as I do (and as the Catholic religion does), that abortion is unjustifiable homicide, there is no logical way to vote for the presidential candidate of a party committed to the preservation and extension of abortion rights. As for the common argument given by a certain kind of Catholic-namely, that the Democrats are right on so many other things, and together these outweigh abortion-that seems to me to be an argument that is either intellectually careless or downright disingenuous. For how can anything outweigh the slaughter of innocents? Catholics who make this argument may say they believe abortion to be homicide, they may even actually think they believe this; but they can’t possibly believe it. For how could anybody really hold such contradictory beliefs? McCain has a prolife voting record in the Senate, Hillary and Obama have prochoice records. On this count, then, it’s easy for me to choose McCain.

Another important issue is Iraq. I agree with McCain that the 2003 invasion was justified. For me it wasn’t simply, or even mainly, a matter of weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein was a chronic and incorrigible troublemaker in one of the most sensitive regions of the world. He had waged a terrible war (with, it must be admitted, U.S. encouragement) against Iran; he had invaded Kuwait; he was a vicious tyrant who oppressed his own people (most notably Kurds in the north and “marsh Arabs” in the south); after being defeated in the “mother of all wars” (the first Gulf War), he repeatedly violated agreements he had made with the victors; he allegedly plotted the assassination of a former American president; again and again he defied United Nations resolutions; and if he did not in fact possess weapons of mass destruction, he gave the proverbial “reasonable man” every reason to believe that he did. Since I don’t believe that every troublesome nation has an inviolable right to sovereignty and noninterference (this perhaps made sense in the good old days of Woodrow Wilson but makes little sense in the days of Rwanda, Bosnia, Iraq, and a few other places), I felt that the U.S. policy of “regime change” in Iraq made sense: a policy adopted, it should be remembered, during the Clinton presidency and implemented during the Bush presidency.

But I also agree with McCain that the postinvasion occupation has been a disaster. This is due to at least two things: a great deficiency in the number of occupation troops (a point McCain has emphasized again and again), and a profound ignorance of Mesopotamian history and culture. During World War II it occurred to somebody in the U.S. government that our occupation of Japan might go more smoothly if we first took the trouble to learn something about Japanese culture. And so the government hired the famous anthropologist Ruth Benedict, who produced her classic study The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, which contributed to the tremendously successful American occupation of Japan. Apparently nobody in the Bush administration had a similar thought about Iraq.

I also agree with McCain that the “surge” has been successful, proving that he was right when he insisted, against Donald Rumsfeld, that many more “boots on the ground” were needed. Rumsfeld deserves grades of A-plus for the invasion and F-minus for the occupation.

Most of all I agree with McCain when he says that, regardless of the merits of having invaded in the first place, the United States cannot afford to be defeated in Iraq. Such a defeat would hand a tremendous victory to Al Qaeda. I realize, of course, that if we “lose” in Iraq it won’t be due to Al Qaeda alone; it will also be due, and even more so, to Sunni-Shiite animosities. But it will be almost universally perceived as a victory for Al Qaeda.

For better or worse, the United States is seen as the world’s number-one “policeman.” We are expected by nearly everyone-even our European friends who love to find fault with us-to take the lead in maintaining international order (remember Kosovo?). If we are driven out of Iraq, it will be a defeat not just for our national prestige but, more important, for the cause of international order. Maybe we should never have accepted the call to be the world’s policeman in the first place, but having accepted it we are not free simply to abandon our post in Iraq, which is what Hillary and Obama want us to do. They believe (or profess to believe) that by doing so we will force the Sunni and Shiites to become friends. This seems to me a stunningly unrealistic expectation.

Then there is McCain’s proven ability to work “across the aisle.” The United States is badly polarized along ideological lines, red-state conservative ideologues versus blue-state liberal ideologues. McCain is not an ideologue, and he has a strong track record of defying the ultras of his own party. Hillary and Obama are not ideologues either. But Obama has no track record of defying Democratic ultras, and Hillary has only a slight record of doing so-I refer to her vote (which she’s been trying to explain away for the last year or two) giving George W. Bush permission to invade Iraq. If elected, neither of the two will be able to do much to mitigate the nation’s ideological divide, for they both have their feet firmly planted on one side of that divide. Obama is likely to lessen the nation’s racial divide, and to do this would be no small achievement; but the racial divide is no longer America’s number-one division.

Finally, there is McCain’s tough-minded patriotism. I don’t doubt that Hillary and Obama are patriots. I don’t even doubt that the upscale secularists who have taken over the Democratic Party are patriots; but theirs is a “soft” patriotism, a patriotism twice diluted, once with the waters of cosmopolitanism, and again with the waters of something tasting of pacifism. McCain, by contrast, is a “hard” patriot, not in the least a pacifist. But isn’t there a danger that a patriot of this stripe will prove to be a warmonger? Yes, some danger. But George Washington wasn’t a warmonger, and neither was Dwight Eisenhower, and neither, I think, is McCain. Retired warriors are willing to fight, but rarely do they yearn for another battle (think of Colin Powell).

At this confusing moment in history, a far greater danger, I submit, is to have the world’s most important nation led by a political sect (the Democratic ultras) whose patriotism is soft and whose commitment to a strong military is dubious. So two cheers for Senator McCain-and three loud raspberries for Democratic ultras!
Click my post title for the full text of Mr.Carlin's great essay.

Thanks Lisa! I hope that your instincts and wisdom will give John McCain another vote!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

John McCain: Patti Solis - Doyle's Boot - 'Hit the Door HRC and Hello BHO!' Here's Your Hat. What's Your Hurry?

Like a drunk with a fresh beer, Patti Solis-Doyle is as happy as a kitten with cream flavored rump.

Patti Solis-Doyle and David Axelrod got way back here in Chicago. Does give anyone beyond a Casper Milquetoast pause to consider the mighty tall possibility that Patti and Dave might have intended to micturate in the Clinton Campaign's Wheaties from the get-go. Nasty.

Some former supporters of Senator Clinton are less than pleased with the Clinton Campaign's imperious and high strung former Communications Director who told Progressive Talk Host Ed Schultz back in May, "But I'm a Democrat and if Obama's the nominee, I will do whatever I can to get him elected and make sure the party is unified."

Some like Texas Radio Host Taylor Marsh suggest that maybe Patti Solis Doyle got a start early in the 'do whatever I can' department:

Patti Solis Doyle Gets Even

...or has her day, you pick. It's all the same in the end.

Now I can say it. Ms. Doyle was in over her head from the start. Chief of staff is much more to her skill sets. Not that that job is easy, but running a campaign takes something Solis proved she didn't have and couldn't do.

Obama's already taking incoming on this one.

... Other Clinton insiders also seethed. "Who can blame Obama for rewarding Patti? He would never be the nominee without her," one person who has worked for both Clintons and remains close to them said. The sentiment reflected what another person in the immediate Clinton orbit described as "shock" that Obama would send such a strong signal that he is not considering Clinton as his running mate so soon.

Although she devoted her adult life to working for Clinton, Solis Doyle left the Clinton world surrounded by a cloud of acrimony, blamed by some close Clinton loyalists -- and reportedly Clinton herself -- for failing to keep the campaign in order heading into Iowa. After being yanked from her role, Solis Doyle had said she would travel with the campaign and remain on as an adviser, but Clinton effectively cut her off and she was not seen on the road again....
Clinton Insiders Take Umbrage at Solis Doyle Move

It's also important to remember that Solis Doyle has known David Axelrod, Obama's chief strategist, for two decades.

CQ Politics confirms, complete with f-bombs, that Doyle stayed on at $12,000/month and she and Clinton supposedly didn't speak again after she was ousted. Doyle sat atop a disastrous strategy that left Clinton in debt in early '08, loaning herself money, and unprepared for the February caucuses. Mark Penn thinking the primaries were winner-take-all didn't help. Could it have gotten any worse? Clinton lost, so the answer to that is no.

Let the tea leaf reading and recriminations begin.

UPDATE: To add, if you ever wondered what kind of veep Obama will have the hiring of Solis Doyle seems to send a strong message. Her loyalty and friendship is to Axelrod. So whomever Obama picks he will have an ear into the veep's office, because Solis Doyle will really be reporting to Axelrod. Translation: no Dick Cheney on Obama's watch. Food for thought.

More Democrats who supported Senator Clinton are outraged - Click my post title for the thoughts of Democrats Over Nominating Elitists D.O.N.E. - So much for the 'politics' of Hope it seems.

Welcome to Straight Talk. John McCain has worked for and with us Democrats for years.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

John McCain: Teddy Roosevelt/McCain v. Imperialism/Marxism in Venezuela

I had several great history teachers ( Tom Fanning and Fr. John Gavin O.S.A. in high school and Fr. Ronan, S.J and Dr. Larry McCaffery at Loyola University. Of all the American Presidents, Teddy Roosevelt was mu favorite. The Big Stick Policy ( adapted from a West African aphorism and applied to American Foreign Policy) gave rise to the Roosevelt Corollary to The Monroe Doctrine: America would intervene anywhere in the Western Hemisphere to insure protection of American interests. Lefties like to call this Imperialism or, if they feel generous, Paternalism.

Dismissing with a wave of my two-by-four any added Ward Churchillian litanies of American bully atrocities, let's just agree that America played played fair in its own backyard.

In 1902, the Leader of Venezuela was a tin-pot cattle rustler with a private army by the name of Cipriano Castro - a real piece of work. When not looting his country six ways to Sunday, he was borrowing oodles of boodle from bankers in Great Britain, Germany and Italy. Like most deadbeats the foreign powers sent the fleets to make Cipriano buck up.

Kaiser Bill's Fleet in a display of uproarious German humor bombarded a few harbors.

Teddy dispatched Admiral Dewey and the Great White Fleet out of Caribbean and tipped off Kaiser Bill that the guy who sent Spain's Navy to the bottom of Briny deep was more than temperamentally inclined to toss some ordinance over the bow of Kriegsmarine- Carib. Theme Squareheads were along way from a friendly coal station and the Panama Canal was Teddy's Pet Project.

The Germans, The Brits, the Italians and later the Dutch were served up the payoff by The Hague.

Teddy controlled Imperialism and walked it out of the Caribbean and the Western Hemisphere - Kaiser Bill did not learn and his Zimmerman Note helped bring America into WWI and himself into Dutch retirement.

Teddy Roosevelt had only to contend with foreign Imperial powers. Back then, the losing Party were loyal opposition. They had Teddy's back. Not so today.

Today, the opposition talks about a President with whom they disagree and violently disrespect, like an obnoxious drunk talks about the woman he married like she was a pathetic and miserable as himself. Suckers beef. The loudmouth does little to make a happy home for his kids and the poor girl who married him, for better or worse, but likes the sound of his own voice.

America ( which includes our loudmouth opinion Alkies)has to contend with Marxists in power in South America and Cuba and their fan club comprised of elite American Progressives - who happen to control, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, MSNBC, the DNC and Senator Barack Obama.

I read an interesting take on the sharp differences between Obama and McCain by a young guy from Georgia named Jeff O'Bryant. Here's what Jeff writes:

Fidel Castro recently praised Obama for his “great intelligence,” “debating skills” and “work ethic” and wrote that Obama is “the most progressive candidate to the U.S. presidency.” So Obama is the favorite choice of Castro, a Communist dictator that has been responsible for thousands of human rights abuses.

Castro realizes he has nothing to fear from Obama.

Hugo Chavez didn’t exactly endorse Obama when he recently claimed that Venezuela’s relations with Washington would worsen if McCain were elected. “Sometimes one says, ‘worse than Bush is impossible,’ but we don’t know,” Chavez said, according to Reuters. “McCain also seems to be a man of war.” Still, even lacking an outright statement of support, Chavez, the authoritarian communist who has trampled basic rights, severely weakened both Venezuela’s economy and democracy, and helped to destabilize global oil prices, would rather see Obama than McCain in the White House.

Chavez realizes he has nothing to fear from Obama.

Obviously, we do not want the whole world to fear us. But the fate of Saddam as an example of the good U.S. power can do in the world is not lost on those of a like kind, an example Obama clearly isn’t prepared and indeed has no inclination to make of others. He has offered to talk with no preconditions. Like Neville Chamberlain meeting with Hitler, Obama has no idea what he is doing.

I fully agree Jeff; Senator Obama and Neville are both snappy dressers and given to chatting up bounders. I believe that John McCain would take a busted beer bottle to Hugo - Que Hombre!

Way back last Spring the Tinhorn Later-day Cipriano Castro, Hugo Chavez, who is bankrupting his country in way that would make the loutish Castro envious, stated his fear and hatred of John McCain.

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a socialist and fierce U.S. critic, warned on Tuesday that relations with Washington could worsen if Republican candidate John McCain wins this year's presidential election.

Chavez said he hopes the United States and Venezuela can work better together when his ideological foe, U.S. President George W. Bush, leaves the White House next year, but he said McCain seemed "warlike."

"Sometimes one says, 'worse than Bush is impossible,' but we don't know," Chavez told foreign correspondents. "McCain also seems to be a man of war."

Chavez -- who has called Bush "the devil", "a donkey" and 'Mr Danger" -- accuses the United States of having imperial designs in Latin America and says the White House has plotted his overthrow.

McCain calls Chavez a dictator who wants to emulate retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

Although Venezuela remains a key supplier of oil to the United States, relations have steadily deteriorated since Bush took office in 2001.

Chavez is an outspoken critic of the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and has accused Washington of stirring unrest in Tibet to destabilize China.

Obama would sit down for coffee with Caudillo Chavez. John McCain would let Chavez and any other tyrant - in the Americas, Asia or the Middle East - learn American History - The Roosevelt Corollary and the McCain Principles: Straight Talk and Matching Methods for Good Folks and the Occasional Louses.

Thanks Mr. Fanning, Fr. Gavin, Fr. Ronan, and Dr.McCaffrey

Click my post title for Jeff O'Bryant's fine essay.