Showing posts with label Valerie Jarrett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valerie Jarrett. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

In Obama's Policy Jungle, Follow the Kookie Krumbs - Samantha Power to Susan Rice to Valerie Jarrett to Hillary Clinton to . . .

The Benghazi tragedy is treated by the political media, the DNC and most especially Brand Obama's White House like a smashed up box of Maurice Lenell cookies that only would be used if high end Rich biscuits could make all the difference in the world.

Yes, sir. Some might scoff at this Chicago product as food for the helots ( it is) in the same tones one hears from WTTW/PBS/NPR zealots snort when they hear Fox anything.  I learned long ago, from Chicago saloon keeper and political genius Boz O'Brien, the meaning of value - " Boz, what's the difference between a vase( Vahhhhzzzz) and a vase( Vayce)?"

Mr. O'Brien patiently and spontaneously answered, " Forty Dollars."  In our brand conscious folly we value nothing.  Hell, we help murder infants through our taxes - outliers or not.

 Maurice Lenell cookies were made on north Harlem Ave. and for 70 years a family of Swedes cranked out pinwheels, sugar cookies, tea biscuits and those vanilla bits with the prehistoric cherry in the middle.  Granny Nora Hickey , of Cahirciveen, County Kerry opted for Maurice Lenell "bickies" for her tea table in the kitchen at 7535 S. Marshfield.  Those cookies crumbled up a storm.

Back in the day, Maurice Lenell's came in tin boxes in stacks on paper doilies.  They looked classy and working people could afford them.  As our society became more disposable-friendly after Roe v. Wade, paper and flimsy plastic replaced the tin.  Those cookies crumbled quicker, often in the over-stuffed Jewel bag squeezed between cantaloupes and 48 oz. cans of Dinty Moore.

Crumbled cookies put swells off and by the Obama First Term Maurice Lenell was swallowed whole by some food group.  Now, Obama's youthful demographic eat cookie dough.  Oh, yeah, Benghazi.

Sept. 11th 2012,  the Obama Kooky Middle East narrative crafted by Samantha Power at the command of Valerie Jarrett crumbled like tea cookies.  Power and Jarrett are exempts, as singularly a Chicago product as Maurice Lenell's baked goods. Exempt hires are answerable only to person who hired them.  They are salaried. . .very salaried . . .employees who are exempt from the standard application processes and the job requirements most of the rest of us must meet.

What in Valerie Jarrett's public resume makes her vital to national executive capacity whatsoever? Valerie Jarrett hand-picked some the Obama Administrations daffier prodigies: Desiree Rogers, Van Jones, Arne Duncan, Anita Dunn and the girl-friend of Cass Sunstein Samantha Power.

Samantha Power is architect of the Obama Middle East Policy - from the bow tour, the Cairo speech, the Arab Spring, the ascent of the Muslim Brotherhood, the back-door treatment of Israel -as in, " Hey, Hymies, hit the back door!"

Now, just hours before the start of another hearing on Benghazi, Eric Holder's FBI found some Minnesota cracker by the name of Buford to divert attention from the collapse of Brand Obama. Perhaps, I just a tad cynical.  Maybe this has nothing to do with Libya; rather, it is make-up dibs to David Sirota of Salon, who begged for Boston's terrorists to be fans of NASCAR, or Knights of Columbus.  Brand Obama is banged up good, Eric.  Nice that your boys grabbed Buford, though.

Brand Obama is packaged in flimsy plastic and the Kookies have crumbled.  Even the fawning Democratic Establishment (wonky  money-dogs, media purse puppies) are baring their fangs:

For some time, the left of the MSM has been attacking the White House over issues like drones and Guantanamo, but now much heavier fire is coming from the center. The Washington Post ran an opinion piece by Thomas Carothers and Nathan J. Brown arguing that the administration’s Egypt policy has been overtaken by events. And both Dexter Filkins in the New Yorker and Bill Keller in the New York Times have gone after the administration for dithering on Syria, especially in light of the mounting evidence that Assad has crossed the administration’s “red lines” on the use of chemical weapons. These are heavy hitters; throw in the David Sanger co-authoredNYT weekender saying that the whole “red line” controversy in Syria was caused by a major presidential gaffe, and some of the biggest dogs in town are saying some very harsh things about presidential competence and judgment.If we were sitting in the White House right now, we would be worried that the Benghazi hearings scheduled for later this week could be an important tipping point, accelerating the MSM turn away from a lame duck president whose Middle East policies, to put it mildly, face some unresolved issues.
President Obama faces a tough mix of domestic and foreign challenges in the Middle East. Abroad, the situation in Syria has steadily worsened while the Egyptian revolution he championed looks less attractive every day. The mullahs in Iran have not shown many signs that they fear his wrath, suggesting that a peaceful resolution of the nuclear issue is not in the cards.

The Congressional hearings on Benghazi beginning tomorrow should sweep up some of the Kookie Krumbs littering America's standing in the world. We should see the penmanship of Samantha Power all over this mess, under the commands of Valerie Jarrett.

Democrats will circle the silent butlers around the neck of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who sat down hard the Benghazi cookie tray and collect the Kookie Krumbs. Hillary Clinton will be the subject of national and world ridicule, until she serves up Jarrett, Samantha Power and President Obama.

Unless the GOP again screws up the hearings as royally as they have in the past ( Fast & Furious/Benghazi),
I believe that the two White House exempts and their Chinaman the President will wear the jacket of political
larceny all covered up with and by the crumbs of these dilettante egoists.

The need now, among Democrats, over the next fews months will be to convince the American voter that George W. Bush selected Barack H. Obama to run for the Illinois Senate, US Senate and America's Chief Executive.  Hillary Clinton, once the crumbs have been brushed, will help do just that. That's how this cookie crumbles.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Mysterious Ulsterman Blows No Drama Obama to Smithereens

There is a piece going around net that landed in my e-mail basket, after I wrote a blog offering in praise of Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama on the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

I feel that criticism should always be tempered with recognition for accomplishment; otherwise, one is just another Keith Olbermann or Chris Matthews.

The killing of Bin Laden was huge. I felt the President deserved praise - he surprised me on that one.

Then this arrived, following a witty tune up from Non-Goo-goo pals like Mike Houlihan, Francis of New Haven, and others.

This is one in a series of pieces presented by a journalist calling himself The Ulsterman. This Insider dope might be a conservative fantasy presenting an imagined glimpse into the Obama War Room during those tense forty minutes while Navy Seal Team Six was killing Osama and Obama was wearing golf shoes in the War Room.

What makes this piece so believable that The Ulsterman actually has a White House insider is the presentation of Chicago's Valerie Jarrett* - called Obama's brain.

The Ulsterman offers either a genuine Q & A with an Obama insider bent on getting rid of Valerie Jarrett ( aide to Bill Daley?), or a fantasy for Glenn Beck fans.

Here is an excerpt from Obama Hesitated

The primary opposition to this plan originated from Valerie Jarrett, and it was her opposition that was enough to create uncertainty within President Obama. Obama would meet with various components of the pro-invasion faction, almost always with Jarrett present, and then often fail to indicate his position. This situation continued for some time, though the division between Jarrett/Obama and the rest intensified more recently, most notably from Hillary Clinton. She was livid over the president’s failure to act, and her office began a campaign of anonymous leaks to the media indicating such. As for Jarrett, her concern rested on two primary fronts. One, that the military action could fail and harm the president’s already weakened standing with both the American public and the world. Second, that the attack would be viewed as an act of aggression against Muslims, and further destabilize conditions in the Middle East. . . .Jarrett believed this would further delay Panetta from acting, as the responsibility for failure would then fall almost entirely on him. What Valerie Jarrett, and the president, did not know is that Leon Panetta had already initiated a program that reported to him –and only him, involving a covert on the ground attack against the compound. Basically, the whole damn operation was already ready to go – including the specific team support Intel necessary to engage the enemy within hours of being given notice. Panetta then made plans to proceed with an on-ground assault. This information reached either Hillary Clinton or Robert Gates first (likely via military contacts directly associated with the impending mission) who then informed the other. Those two then met with Panetta, who informed each of them he had been given the authority by the president to proceed with a mission if the opportunity presented itself. Both Gates and Clinton warned Panetta of the implications of that authority – namely he was possibly being made into a scapegoat. Panetta admitted that possibility, but felt the opportunity to get Bin Laden outweighed that risk. During that meeting, Hillary Clinton was first to pledge her full support for Panetta, indicating she would defend him if necessary. Similar support was then followed by Gates. The following day, and with Panetta’s permission, Clinton met in private with Bill Daley and urged him to get the president’s full and open approval of the Panetta plan. Daley agreed such approval would be of great benefit to the action, and instructed Clinton to delay proceeding until he had secured that approval. Daley contacted Clinton within hours of their meeting indicating Jarrett refused to allow the president to give that approval. Daley then informed Clinton that he too would fully support Panetta in his actions, even if it meant disclosing the president’s indecision to the American public should that action fail to produce a successful conclusion. Clinton took that message back to Panetta and the CIA director initiated the 48 hour engagement order. At this point, the President of the United States was not informed of the engagement order – it did not originate from him, and for several hours after the order had been given and the special ops forces were preparing for action into Pakistan from their position in Afghanistan, Daley successfully kept Obama and Jarrett insulated from that order.

If this be a legit Q & A - it is a game changer. Click my post title and read the whole thing.

If it is a fabrication - not bad for a conservative fantasy. Either way, if it rids public service of Valerie Jarrett, I'm all over it. Valerie Jarrett is a professional "Ain't She Great" resumes built upon Progressive clout and powered by personal wealth and connections.

*...Valerie Jarrett's real clout comes less from her career than from her extraordinary connections and seemingly endless capacity for extracurriculars. As one observer put it, "She knows everyone in Chicago." Obama's media adviser Anita Dunn recently cracked that "she may be one of the most plugged-in people in the United States." Or as Susan Sher says, "Whatever situation she's in, she rises to the top," enumerating how Jarrett did just that at City Hall, where she ended up in the famously difficult post of chairing the Chicago Transit Authority for eight years; at the Chicago Stock Exchange; and on the board of the University of Chicago Hospital, which she now also chairs. "She is like a god in Chicago, an icon," says Adrienne Pitts, a 40-year-old lawyer who takes every opportunity to see Jarrett speak at events around the city, something she does with less frequency now that Jarrett is so often traveling with Team Obama or helicoptering into problem situations or trying to catch some of the big, joyous campaign moments and watch history change. That is, when she can get away from her day job.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Amateur Hour White House Advisors Wear the Jacket in the Failed Chicago Bid for Olympics 2016

"It's a secret ballot. You can't necessarily be certain that the people who tell you they'll vote for you ultimately will," Jarrett said. "So I'm sure they did the very best they could do to get the intelligence they had."

The president made his decision last weekend. He conferred with aides monitoring healthcare legislation, who concluded that the bill would not be up for a floor vote in the 24-hour period the president was overseas. So Obama privately told his staff that he would go to Copenhagen, Jarrett said.
Click my post title for more from the Chicago Tribune.

However, Friday's Sun Times gave voice to the real nitwits.

Immediately after the Olympic Pooch got screwed the Chicagoland Boiled Beets Progressives Mensa Chapter ( Rev. Jesse 'Page Eight' Jackson, Rep.Susan Mendoza and Turkish Delight Rep. Jan Schakowsky) blamed the failure on President George W, Bush.

Get this - "There must be" resentment against America, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said, near the stage where he had hoped to give a victory speech in Daley Center Plaza. "The way we [refused to sign] the Kyoto Treaty, we misled the world into Iraq. The world had a very bad taste in its mouth about us. But there was such a turnaround after last November. The world now feels better about America and about Americans. That's why I thought the president's going was the deal-maker."

State Rep. Susana Mendoza (D-Chicago) said she saw firsthand the resentment against America five years ago when she was in Rio de Janeiro. "I feel in my gut that this vote today was political and mean-spirited," she said.

"I travel a lot. ... I thought we had really turned a corner with the election of President Obama. People are so much more welcoming of Americans now. But this isn't the people of those countries. This is the leaders still living with outdated impressions of Americans.".S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) said she was approached by a consul general at the plaza as they waited for word Friday. "He said ... he was hearing that there wasn't enough time for Barack Obama to dispel the old image. ... But I don't know if that's it." That Old Bush Image!


These are the very same Boiled Beets Progressives who demand that SEIU be allowed to destroy the American Labor Movement with the elimination of the 'secret ballot' in the Employee Free Choice Act. AS Val Jarrett, who gave America the Van Jones Green Czar summer time 'distraction' says, "It's a secret ballot. You can't necessarily be certain that the people who tell you they'll vote for you ultimately will, . . . "So I'm sure they did the very best they could do to get the intelligence they had."

And that is the very best Progressive intelligence.

Val, do I hear a bus coming your way? Must be all that Copenhagen.,CST-NWS-olyresent03.stng