Showing posts with label Straight Talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Straight Talk. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

John McCain Says,' Don't Be A Square - Get Up on There! Chat Live With Brad Marston!'


As an added feature - Here are National Mope, Jay R. Gordner's thoughts on matters of the heart. More great info on the Sgt. McNulty USMC v.Gordner A$$ below.

"What have you done today to make you feel Proud?"

Here's an opportunity on Saturday, January 5th Brad is credentialed for the Spin Room at the upcoming ABC News/Facebook Debate. Brad will be Live Blogging/Webcasting live from 6pm (EST) until Midnight on Saturday January 5th from the Spin Room at St. Anselm's Colege in Manchester NH.

John McCain's lead internet Campaign Worker, Brad Marston, will be at the live chat at Link there and join Brad and all the National Team McCainiacsincluding yours truly in support of the Senator John McCain for President. Bard Marston is the host of

Make your Voice Heard! Talk Straight! Get Answers.

The link is

Click my post title for the direct link! McCain is GO! He ran the table with New Hampshire Endorsements; Spent Not Nickle One on Ads in Iowa; Has opponents shooting themselves squarely in each foot; and Americans are energized by Straight Talk!
What would Howard Dean Say? Oh, sorry that was cruel. New Year and I'm still a mean little bastard.

Note - Well done to all Good Souls who took the side of Sgt. Michael McNulty over the oafish lawyer Jay R Grodner yesterday!Way to end the Year by spanking a bully and a louse! Well done Bill Burden of BLACKFIVE.COM!

*Here is a great site that deals soundly and forcefully on National Mope Jay R. Gordner, Esq. - Balance Sheet.Wordpress

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

McCain Bloggers Live with Brad Marston! Jan.5th

Great Photos by Sheridan Folger!Faugh A Ballagh

M. Brad Marston, National Chair McCainVictory08 asks,

"What have you done today to make you feel Proud?"

Here's an opportunity on Saturday, January 5th Brad is credentialed for the Spin Room at the upcoming ABC News/Facebook Debate. Brad will be Live Blogging/Webcasting live from 6pm (EST) until Midnight on Saturday January 5th from the Spin Room at St. Anselm's Colege in Manchester NH.

John McCain's lead internet Campaign Worker, Brad Marston, will be at the live chat at Link there and join Brad and all the National Team McCainiacsincluding yours truly in support of the Senator John McCain for President. Bard Marston is the host of

Make your Voice Heard! Talk Straight! Get Answers.

The link is

Click my post title for the direct link! McCain is GO! He ran the table with New Hampshire Endorsements; Spent Not Nickle One on Ads in Iowa; Has opponents shooting themselves squarely in each foot; and Americans are energized by Straight Talk!
What would Howard Dean Say? Oh, sorry that was cruel. New Year and I'm still a mean little bastard.

Note - Well done to all Good Souls who took the side of Sgt. Michael McNulty over the oafish lawyer Jay R Grodner yesterday!Way to end the Year by spanking a bully and a louse! Well done Bill Burden of BLACKFIVE.COM!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

McCain is a GO!

Last night while the New England Patriots were sweating it out, I got a call from a Chicago-born McCainiac in Florida. 'Hickey, I just talked with Jim Durkin ( Illinois McCain Chairman and Illnois State Representative(R-IL 82nd) we're getting our people together for McCain's Victory in New Hampshire and I'm coming home to Chi' to help scare up a crowd for John McCain. Get the three people who still like you to show up.'

'Nuff said. Did he mean besides my three kids? Think, Boy, Think!

Then this morning I got a e-mail from Brad Marston - the hardest working man in cyber-politics, and I linked his message to my post title. It is a call to action! That's all! More work for all of us! Americans love to work!

John McCain is a Go - all the way to the Oval Office! The American People are hearing Straight Talk and responding to it! Straight Talk is always truth, but sometimes it includes home truths about our own personal short-comings. We do not want to hear that we need to make more sacrifices and maybe put aside a special interest or a scheme for the good of the whole country. That is why straight talk, like hard work, is good or us.
It knocks us out of our belly-button staring self-absorbtions.

If we want feel good messages or announcements that someone else will carry our burdens -ooze on over to the other candidates. John McCain is calling Pat Hickey to get off his fat ass and get to work! I'm up and moving Senator!

Above are some great Meghan McCain photos of the hard-working voters of Iowa on the GO for Senator John McCain. Click on my post title and on with Brad Marston and get to work!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

McCain: 'I am Legend - Here's the Truth and it Ain't Happy Talk!'

More Great Meghan McCain Photos!

In Iowa, concerned about the cost of the war on Islamist Terror, a voter asked Senator John McCain,'Are you going to cut student loans?" she asked. "Are you going to cut Social Security? Are you going to raise taxes?'

Expecting the usual Pious Pies and empty calorie Spin Salad, the voter was treated to classic McCain Straight Talk Steak and Spuds:

"It's going to be a heavy tax burden, but not nearly the burden we'd be paying in American blood had we surrendered in Iraq," McCain said. He added that he would not raise taxes but would eliminate wasteful spending.

Ron Paul's Video Rangers are choking web sites with all kinds of economic graphs and ledgers of Trillions of dollars not lining their pockets and lubricating their lifestyles; Rudy is working the 9/11 Greatest Generation's kids response, Mitt is Rope-a-Doping; Huckabee sings; and the Democrats play the Kos Cards.

John McCain proves that he is the only candidate of any Party with the character, experience, know-how, courage, and conviction to lead America in time of War on Islamist terror.

Ask John McCain questions! He'll give you the Straight Talk! You might not care for answer but his response is one you need to hear.

Click on post title for the answer to John McCain's continued surge in the confidence of the American People!

Friday, December 28, 2007

McCain Leads from out Front!

Meghan McCain's great photo of two Great Americans!

“It has very little to do with national security issues,” Mr. McCain said. “It has a lot to do with handling a post-crisis. As far as I know, Mayor Giuliani has never been to Iraq.”

The assassination of former Prime Minister Benizar Bhutto, a courageous and thoughtful woman, by Islamist Terrorists brought home to America the very real need for a leader steeped in awareness of global threats- A Leader who prepares for the threats to come and prepared to react to crises before they impact on American Interests and safety. John McCain has his Straight Talk to Iowa, where on weeks ago he had been written off.

Senator Joe Lieberman had this to say about John McCain's ability to the American People:

As President, John McCain will bring America together again. He will inspire a new American unity and a new American patriotism. He will push all of us to work together to solve our biggest problems, and defeat our most dangerous enemies.

Throughout our history, succeeding generations of brave Americans have risked their lives for the cause of freedom -- which is America's cause. Throughout his career, from the ranks of the military to halls of the Congress, John McCain has made freedom's cause his own. He learned the ideals of patriotism and service from his father, he taught them to his sons, and he will hold those ideals high as an inspiration for all Americans.

When others were silent, and it was thought politically unpopular, John had the courage and common sense to sound the alarm about the mistakes we were making in Iraq and to call for more troops and a new strategy there. And when others wavered, when others wanted to retreat from the field of battle, John had the courage and the common sense to stand against the tide of public opinion and support the surge in Iraq, where we are at last winning.

There are many fine people running for President. Many of them are good friends of mine. But I have concluded -- and I hope you will, as well -- that John McCain is the candidate who can best reunite our country and lead us to victory.;jsessionid=0FBAEB2EB62135EE1A302BE1535D8C95
Every candidate is a public service Patriot. Every person in the mix for the votes of American People for the Office of President has the will to lead, but only John McCain has the qualifications to 'protect, preserve and defend' ur American Republic.

Click on my post title for the New York Times report the opening of John McCain's Iowa run.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Maverick McCain Pulling in the Chips in Iowa

The Maverick Brothers were all 'tall dark strangers there' but John McCain is one of the neighbors and he's pulling in piles of chips in the No Limit Game in Iowa!

I hope all of you had a Blessed and wonderful Christmas! John McCain appears to be pulling in numbers in Iowa.

Here in Illinois State Representative Jim Durkin is getting the McCain Team limbered up for a bi-partisan push that will stun the Daily Kososovans who continue to natter on about Gen. Petreaus and the cut-and-run strategy for Iraq.

Sorry kids, that dog won't bark, let alone get off the rug, or much less hunt.

It seems that the 'white shoes after Labor day' GOP are yet betrothed to Rudy and truly extreme are following Ron Paul's Blimp to the cliff. Fred gets a shout; Mitt has some loyal followers; Rev. Huckabee a loyal circle of disciples, but John McCain is recognized as the Real Deal.

The folks west of the Mississippi are waking up to John McCain's honest, tough and straight talking message! Click on my post title for the latest UPI story on McCain gains in Iowa!

Great photo from Meghan McCain!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

John McCain - Straight Talking Surge is Working!

The New York Times fed internet snitch Matt Drudge some political stink-bombs last week expecting John McCain to fold like a Stanford Math Major/Internet Poker Dweeb playing five card stud with Doyle Brunson.

Huge Hat Tip to John Rubery's Marathon Pundit! Way to go. Rubes!

NoTimes story this morning, Drudge-O, but John McCain took the leash off of National Pit-bull lawyer Bob Bennett and yesterday, got out in front of the allegations. Sounds like Michael Flatley v.The Serial Skank- No Contest, but another golden moment in American litigation legal legend. Could be straight talking stare down time for the New York Times but those ink-slingers have a history of getting their britches yanked down with the truth. No shame - No sales, I guess.

Anyway - The Straight Talking John McCain Campaign is Surging!

Even the Brits are getting it; check this out from The Telegraph:

A new poll published yesterday placed him equal with Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, the north-eastern state whose primary is held on Jan 8. Just weeks ago Mr McCain trailed his rival by more than 10 points.

He has also been endorsed this week by both of Mr Romney's hometown newspapers in Boston, a significant blow to the former Massachusetts governor.

The Boston Herald, a conservative tabloid which also circulates in neighbouring New Hampshire, said of Mr McCain: "There are times in this nation's history so perilous that they cry out for a steady, experienced leader, a person so trusted that we would put the fate of this country in his hands. This is one of those times, and Sen John McCain is that person."

At the age of 71 Mr McCain has been dubbed the "comeback kid". The phrase was coined by Bill Clinton in 1992 when he came second in New Hampshire and went on to sweep through the subsequent primaries.

The same state could be the long-serving senator's base for victory. In 2000, Mr McCain beat George W Bush in New Hampshire by a wide margin only to be overtaken quickly in states further south.

Largely because of his strong performance then, the senator started out the primary campaign a year ago as the Republican front-runner only to appear washed up in the summer amid claims of mismanagement and a poor fundraising performance.

But his consistency on Iraq has paid off. From the outset of the war, Mr McCain opposed Donald Rumsfeld's strategy, arguing that more troops were needed. He supported the surge of 30,000 US troops when others were dismissing it as too little too late, and has made tackling Islamic extremism a central part of his platform.

He told the Wall Street Journal recently: "This is a seminal moment in American history. We've got a long way to go. Al-Qa'eda is on the run but they're not defeated."

Meanwhile his own wartime heroics - he was a North Vietnamese prisoner of war for five years - has continued to underpin his credibility as a national leader.

Mr McCain has also benefited from the lack of a clear favourite in the Republican field capable of attracting both the evangelical and economic branches of the party, as Mr Bush was able to do.

He has given up hope of winning Iowa, the conservative Midwestern state that votes on Jan 3. But a victory there for Mike Huckabee, the southern Baptist minister who is weak in New Hampshire, could enfeeble Mr Romney and open the door to Mr McCain.

"I really don't like that," he said this week of the "comeback kid" nickname. "But things are turning around."

The race in New Hampshire is particularly hard to predict as registered independents are allowed to vote in either the Democratic or Republican primary and form the largest bloc of voters. They are renowned for making up their mind at the last minute.

Therefore the endorsement this week of Joseph Lieberman, an independent senator who normally votes Democrat, gave another timely boost.

Mr Lieberman, who was Al Gore's vice-presidential candidate in 2000, said he chose his longtime Senate colleague because he had the best shot of breaking partisan gridlock in Washington.

"The status quo in Washington is not working," he said.

BTW - Just my south side Chicago Dinny Dimwit's opinion - but can the McCain crew get the press to LAY Off the 'The Comeback Kid' tag line? Bubba Clinton beat that one to death - along with the trust the American People vested in him.

I better put a call into Illinois McCain Chairman Jim Durkin and maybe he can apply a little of that Chicago Catholic League level of convincing to the pencil neck geek crowd from Medill School of Journalism here in the Midwest. Naw, They get all of their stories from The Chicago Reader ( a local free press) anyway.

Click my post title for the San Francisco Chronicle Story on The Straight Talk Surge - It's working!

Friday, December 21, 2007

McCain Takes Boston's Big Two - The Globe & the Herald

Here's more - Hard to improve upon or argue with this from the Boston Herald!

"There are times in this nation's history so perilous that they cry out for a steady, experienced leader, a person so trusted that we would put the fate of this country in his hands. This is one of those times, and Sen. John McCain is that person," the newspaper said.

Illinois State Representative James Durkin - a Fenwick Friar no less! - is leading the Illinois McCain Campaign and getting more weary citizens familar with straight talk and effective leadership. Illinois has been a 'Straight Talk Desert' for some time now and McCain is teaching people not to use the sides of their mouths to say what they mean.

Click on my post title for the fine USA Today coverage of John McCain's continued Victory for Straight Talk. Vlad Putin understands how John McCain feels about him.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mac is Back - The McCain/Lieberman Straight Talk toVictory Express!

Another Great AP Photo of the Straight Talkers on the Road for America!

Two guys who have no problem telling the truth to the American People are on the Road in New Hampshire where independent voters have great influence.

More Democrats, who feel left behind with the DNC canned agenda, will gravitate to straight talk:

On the first day of a two-day Straight Talk Express tour through New Hampshire — McCain's second bus tour of the state in two weeks, he said "I do" when asked if he senses upward momentum. His crowds are bigger and more enthusiastic, his Internet hits more frequent and his poll numbers are rising, McCain said.

"But I am not an unbiased observer," he said, adding some realism.

"We have a long way to go," McCain said, aware that opinion polls still show him trailing far behind fellow Republican Mitt Romney in New Hampshire.

Roberta Adams and George Merrill, both undecided voters who drove from nearby Antrim to check out McCain, came away impressed but uncommitted. Merrill, a registered Republican, said New Hampshire's independent spirit means the endorsement by Lieberman not only doesn't hurt McCain with Republicans but helps.

"We're not voting for the party, we're voting for the man," Merrill said.

McCain said the support from an "independent Democrat," as the Connecticut senator calls himself, will answer the people who invariably ask him in town hall meetings, "Why can't you all work together?"

Lieberman reinforced the message. He said he chose his longtime Senate colleague as the best candidate of either party because of his national security credentials and because McCain has the best shot of breaking through partisan gridlock.

"You may not agree with John McCain on everything — I don't," Lieberman told those gathered in the American Legion hall. "But you can always count on him to be honest with you about where he stands and to stand where he honestly thinks it's best for our country."

Lieberman said he had planned to wait until after the primaries to make a 2008 pick, but changed his mind when McCain called — the only candidate, including fellow Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd who is running for president on the Democratic side, to do so.

Lieberman won re-election to the Senate in 2006 as an independent, after losing the Democratic primary to upstart Ned Lamont, largely because of Lieberman's support for the war.

Lamont said Monday, "It is now clear that Joe Lieberman is the one working to defeat our hopes."

Said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.: "I have the greatest respect for Joe, but I simply have to disagree with his decision to endorse Senator McCain."

Click on my Post title for AP's Jennifer Loven great story on the Road Trip to a Stronger America!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

McCain Bests Polls and Snaps Two Huge Endorsements - Straight Talk, Boys and Girls!

John McCain hooked two Huge Endorsements out in New England and in Iowa. My pal Brian McGrory's Boston Globe was the whale! The Boston Globe sited straight talk and rock-solid integrity -

On McCain, the newspaper said in an editorial, "the iconoclastic senator from Arizona has earned his reputation for straight talk by actually leveling with voters, even at significant political expense."

The Des Moines Register was equally as impressed -

The newspaper said none of the Republican candidates could offer the "tested leadership in matters foreign and domestic" of McCain, an Arizona senator and former prisoner of war in Vietnam.

It cited his willingness to adopt contrarian views, including bucking his party to oppose President George W. Bush's tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, support Bush's decision to increase troop strength in Iraq and support comprehensive immigration reform.

"The force of John McCain's moral authority could go a long way toward restoring Americans' trust in government and inspiring new generations to believe in the goodness and greatness of America," the paper said.

Here in Illinois State Rep. Jim Durkin (R), John McCain Illinois Chairman, is reaching out to Democrats like me and my kids to support an American who can and will lead all citizens.

John McCain speaks to Americans and Americans respond to someone who shares their concerns and willingness to actually do something beyond words, blimps, gimmicks and spin. This Presidential Election just might signal a coming together of the wonderful people of this great country.

Friday, November 16, 2007

John McCain and the Rented Mule

While working at Gateway Trucking in Chicago Ridge many years ago, my shift supervisor would leave us with these words, 'Night Boys, time to get on home to beat the wife and make love to my dog!'

Only the graduates of St. Ignatius College Prep ( a Chicago Catholic School of Wealthy Brainiacs) were taken aback by his words, as they had been hard-wired by the Jesuits for subtleties in language and the arcana of rhetorical flourishes.

The balance of us, understood that Myron's was a comic levelling device employed after-shift and the natural departure of dockworker command structure.

Loved John McCain's response when asked how he intends to 'beat' Hillary Clinton in the general election: . . . 'like a rented mule.'

The polls prove the best man correct:

The Best Candidate to Beat Senator Hillary Clinton

ARLINGTON, VA - Today, Fox News released a poll demonstrating once again why John McCain is the only conservative who can beat Hillary Clinton in the general election next fall.

"It is impossible to ignore the fact that John McCain is cementing his position as the best candidate to defeat Hillary Clinton," said campaign manager Rick Davis. "New data released by Fox News, Rasmussen Reports, SurveyUSA, and Quinnipiac show that voters want to nominate a candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton without compromising the bedrock principles the Republican Party was founded on."

Voters are coming to the conclusion that John McCain is the only candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton and restore trust in government. John McCain has a 24-year record of leading a tough battle against pork-barrel spending and government waste. Known as a reformer, McCain has the credibility to restore Americans' trust in Washington. And in a time of war, John McCain is the only candidate with the experience and knowledge to wage a winning war against radical Islamic extremism.

Fox News/Opinion Dynamics National General Election, November 13-14, 2007:

John McCain 45% Hillary Clinton 46%
Rudy Giuliani 43% Hillary Clinton 47%
Fred Thompson 40% Hillary Clinton 49%
Mitt Romney 37% Hillary Clinton 50%

Quinnipiac Ohio General Election, Released November 14, 2007:
John McCain 46% Hillary Clinton 42%
Rudy Giuliani 43% Hillary Clinton 44%
Fred Thompson 38% Hillary Clinton 48%
Mitt Romney 38% Hillary Clinton 47%

SurveyUSA Ohio General Election, November 9-11, 2007:
John McCain 47% Hillary Clinton 46%
Rudy Giuliani 44% Hillary Clinton 49%
Mitt Romney 42% Hillary Clinton 51%
Mike Huckabee 37% Hillary Clinton 54%

Rasmussen Reports Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Among Presidential Hopefuls, McCain Has Lowest Level Of Core Opposition:

With less than two months to go until the Iowa caucuses kick off the actual voting in Election 2008, Arizona Senator John McCain finds himself with the smallest level of core opposition among all the major Presidential candidates from both parties. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 33% say they will definitely vote against McCain if he is on the ballot in November 2008. That's down from 39% a month ago and a peak of 42% in June. These results come on top of a week of good polling news for the man from Arizona.

Read Analysis Of How John McCain Outperforms Rudy Giuliani In Key Swing States

St. Ignatius grads - he's making a joke.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

McCain Tree County

A tree loving pal sent me this species of rare American timber that withstands all manner of abuse, set backs, storms and Way Right Republican hissy fits:

The McCain Tree

Today I got me a note from the candidate for the Office of President of the United States - the one candidate who can win America's war on Islamist Terror - Senator John McCain. The Senator talked about the resignation of his Campaign Advisers - singularly gracious and all. But the payoff was at the end.

Here are some notes from the end of his letter:

"Now is not the time to be timid or to shy away from our challenges - now is the time to stand up and say what we believe. I'm fighting to make our nation stronger, our government more effective and our world a safer place - and I hope you will continue to join me in this important journey.
Together, I have every confidence that we will be successful and I am honored by your continued support and friendship. "

Senator John McCain

He's short on dough but long on courage and political honesty. He is as deeply rooted as the fine and homely American wood above. John McCain is staying!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Template for a Leader: John McCain's Answers to The Daily News

On Sunday the Daily News issued its questions to the candidate: John McCain.

Give this a read and witness the Template for an American President. Senator McCain speaks from his heart to the global nature of America's War with Islamist Terrorism. No squirmy sound bytes or spin. This is the straight talk of a leader.

America needs a Leader. Here's a passage that I found particularly compelling:

"Our standing in the world is a strategic asset and will be increased by working more closely with the world's democracies. We Americans must be willing to listen carefully to the views of our democratic allies. Like all other nations, we reserve the sovereign right to defend our vital national security when and how we deem necessary. But our great power does not mean we can do whatever we want whenever we want, nor should we assume we have all the wisdom, knowledge and resources necessary to succeed. When we believe international action is necessary, whether military, economic, or diplomatic, we must work to persuade our democratic friends and allies that we are right. But in return, we must be willing to be persuaded by them. To be a good leader, America must be a good ally."

Read the entire response of Senator John McCain. He speaks like a leader, because he is just that - he does not play one on television, or when the teleprompter whizzes, or by catching the eye of his handler.

May God watch over all of you and hold each and everyone in the cup of His warm hands this Fourth of July, 2007.
Note Well, Please:
Pray for the soul of eleven year old Nathan Dombrowski who died last night in an accident in our neighborhood in Chicago. The poor little guy was playing with his pals. Pray for his family and act with kindness to our own.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Why I am For John McCain

Imagine a good guy leading this country!

I have donated to John McCain's campaign and I will continue to do so. I believe that he is the only person of either Party ( Mike, Bull Moose ,Bloomberg and ,soon, Ralph Nader - the ubiquitous Presidential cold sore that no dose of L Lysine can arrest - included ) with the character and common sense to lead America.

The War on Terror is a now a smoking cauldron of misplaced talent and shifting loyalties under President Bush. He got in a fight he can't finish and had the wrong guys holding his coat. John McCain knows how and why to fight; but, it is on immigration reform that John McCain explains what it takes to lead and in the language of the heart of one of our neighbors.

Unlike the shrill parrots of Fox News anchors or bow-tied Preppy Anchors, this public servant takes a cold look at our problems with a warm heart. He speaks staright and offers no 'bumber sticker' rhetoric or snake-oil buzz button ideas like Newt Gingrich's recent:

'Out source it to Fed-EX! Visa and Mastercard - Priceless!' Newt back to work on the novels about Old Dixie, Son.

Here is what the 'cutting the lawn next door to you guy' thinks - the guy who went to Vietnam, Desert Storm, and now raises his kids like a Man and Citizen:

This is John McCain on Immigration reform without the Spin:

"This problem cannot be allowed to continue any longer. Finding an effective, just and practical solution is difficult, but it is our work to do, on our watch. The politics of Washington have encouraged us to leave solutions to the toughest problems for another unluckier generation of leaders. Problems are left unsolved year after year, because we fear the political consequences of seriously addressing them or value their utility as political attacks in our campaigns. Illegal immigration and our porous borders are problems that we have, to our shame, ignored for too long because it was too hard and politically risky to solve. But the problem has grown too acute and dangerous to ignore any longer. To do nothing now would be an unconscionable abrogation of our responsibilities to defend the security, prosperity and values of our country.

There is simply no practical way to do that, and most Americans understand that. We have proposed a way to encourage them to come out from the underground economy, submit to a criminal background check, pay fines, back taxes and prove they are gainfully employed in exchange for a visa that would allow them to continue working here. Getting these people to declare themselves and prove they have come here for a job, pose no security threat and have no criminal record beyond entering the country illegally will enable our security and law enforcement officials to concentrate their resources on those who have come here to threaten our way of life rather than embrace it. DHS Secretary Chertoff, who helped negotiate this legislation, has warned that two million people in this country illegally have committed serious crimes. If some of them attempt to legalize their status, we will apprehend them. If they don't, we can concentrate our efforts on locating them and not rounding up lettuce pickers, hotel maids, and babysitters. Most importantly, we can devote all the resources necessary to finding terrorists who have broken our immigration laws, like three of the terrorists who intended to attack our soldiers at Ft. Dix. "

Senator McCain does not go in for the 'those are not people; they are a horde' logic of the mean spirited loser at the end of the bar and the last of his dollars ordering his 15th Bud Light of the afternoon. John McCain is a person who lost his home for quite a while and had only memories of what is best about his native land - McCain was a Prisoner of War and tortured repeatedly, abused, and demonized by people who did not want him in their country.

"I missed all of it, very much, but I still carried her ideals in the habits of my heart. And because they were all I possessed of my country, I cherished them all the more. I cherished the honor of being a citizen of a country that was the last, best hope of mankind, the great refuge of those who sought escape from despair and tyranny on crowded, miserable steamers into New York harbor, on small rafts across the Florida Straits, and on foot across the punishing deserts of the southwest. I know why people want to come here. I once thought I would rather die than be denied my country for one more day. "

McCain lays down rules for those who want in - welcome to our home and behave accordingly.

Later, I will relate some of John McCain's 'effective, just and practical' means of making immigration reform a task Americans can complete. McCain'll do the heavy lifting- the leading. I'll bet that he might even get that poor mope at the end of bar in the neighborhood tavern to Man-Up for this work!

Friday, June 08, 2007

John McCain Will Be The Last Man Standing - So Will Hillary.

Due to the stalled Immigration Legislation in the Senate: Harry Reid back-burnered it 15 votes shy of whatis needed, John McCain will be carved up by extreme right wing conservatives who want to stall for time for one of the other debutants to shore up a position. Hillary Clinton gets to stay above the Immigration Debate and Obama will be spinning his 'Quiet Riot' remarks into his exit in a few weeks.

In the mean time, McCain will be fighting a holding action against the tin-foil- hat crowd Progressives who have 'mobilized' the rhetoric clouding the importance of immigration reform.
The next few weeks will see John McCain maintaining the common sense line in this fight. The weak sisters in his Campaign are jumping ship for a cushier berth on other campaigns.
That is good. Stay tuned boys and girls - the Man who stood up to the Hanoi Hilton is well-prepped to withstand the pince-nez patriots who wrote for the Dartmouth Daily Denouncer and then got patriotic in Reagan's Administration. They bleed blue-blood - rhetorical hemoglobin mind you.
John McCain is a Leader.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

John McCain - The Paradigm for an American President

This ain't no photo-op shot taken by Karl Rove's Boys and Girls - This guy is the real deal!

I have always liked Barack Obama. As a life-long Democrat, I admire his brains and his heart. As a legislator in Illinois he was effective and impressive. Then came the last Democratic National Convention and the newly minted Senator from Illinois electrified America. I hope that was not his high water mark.

Within days of DNC, Senator Obama was elevated to political Olympus and in the months that followed he was surrounded by the acolytes of every Democratic political disaster over the last twenty years. Though he eclipsed every National wannabe - especially Rep.Jesse Jackson, Jr. who got himself a tummy-tuck right after Obama's Sun Ascended, Senator Obama ran into the arms of the Amature-Hour politicos ( they get paid, of course, but they couldn't deliver a win even if the 'old school fix' was in). The Clintons' people, old Bowie Knife slashing Arkansas gut -stabbers, have been through Obama's life like and IRS man on steroids. Right now, Senator Obama is being ham-strung in the debates and shows early signs of fighting for his political life ( Who prepped him for the Debate? Joe Moore? Dick Simpson? Casper Milquetoast?)- Stay tuned.

There is only one person running for President who has the heart, lungs, liver, brains and every other metaphorical organ necessary to lead America - John McCain. Here are the words of leader.