The White House says Obama didn't bow, that he "grasped (Abdullah's) hand with two hands and he's taller than King Abdullah."
Sorry, but a videotape on YouTube doesn't quite back that up. Obama clearly bends his body toward the Arabian monarch, and Obama doesn't grasp both the king's hands until he's standing straight up. As for the he's-taller argument, the 6-foot-1-inch Obama towers over a lot of people, so we'd have seen him bowing during handshakes many times if that were the explanation. Furthermore, the king had his hand extended, so Obama didn't have to reach down an inordinate amount to grab it.
http://www.suntimes.com/news/huntley/1520326,CST-EDT-hunt10.articleGood Lord. President Obama is not having much of a 100 Days. He has a no cut contract good for four years, followed by a lifetime worth of explaining at fees that will make Bill Clinton gag with envy.
President Obama is in way over his head. I thought so, when he announced his candidacy some time ago in Springfield, IL and have yet to not see my expectations met.
In an age when any bone head can destroy a corporation and expect an obscene severance package, it should come as no small surprise that our Chief Executive bows to Saudis, dithers on nuclear threats from North Korea and is 'distracted' by Somali Pirates.
President Obama is an icon for what seems to be passing for the American Character.
It is time to do some sit ups, deep knee bends, sit-ups and wind sprints - tear up the health club cards and let the stair masters rust; climb some stairs.
Long-time Leo Alumni Association president, the late Jack Howard, lived according to two credos - Facta Non Verbs ( Deeds Not Words) and Semper Fidelis ( Always Faithful). Jack Howard was a Marine and a Leo Man. Often the two went together.
Jack always ended Leo Alumni meetings with prayers for departed Alumni, but also mentioned Chesty Puller - 'Goodnight, Chesty - wherever you are!
Gen. Puller was an American Icon of a very differnt Age - the Age that seemed to die a bit after the Bicentennial ( The Carter Years). The American character seemed to erode. Kids got fatter. Worshippers got lazier. Voters got indifferent. Doing for yourself disappeared.
Chesty Puller was something. Five Navy Crosses and more quotations than Bartlet's Chesty Puller was the bar that many Americans reached to achieve. As kids we were to taught by teachers and coaches to 'never 'Dog It' ( put forth a lazy effort) or let down the team. Those ideals are the subject of ridicule and contempt by powerful people who always dog it and never care for anyone but themselves. It is a Maddof and Maddow World!
Chesty Puller's was better and so were Americans.
Lewis "Chesty" Puller
Born June 26, 1898. West Point, Virginia.
Died October 11, 1971. Hampton, Virginia.
Lieutenant General Lewis Burwell 'Chesty' Puller is considered by many to be the greatest Marine ever. Lewis Puller served in Haiti, china, Nicaragua, Korea, and World War II. He is the only Marine to be awarded the Navy Cross five times for heroism and gallantry in combat. Puller served in the US Marine Corps for 37 years, and was at sea or overseas for 27 of those years.
Puller attended Virginia Military Institute until dropping out to join the Marines in August of 1918, hoping to see service in World War I. Appointed a second lieutenant in the reserves, he was discharged due to force cutbacks after the war. Puller then re-enter the Marines as an enlisted man to serve with a military force in Haiti.
Puller saw frequent action during his five years in Haiti against the Caco rebels. Returning to the US in 1924, Puller was commissioned a second lieutenant. Puller served in Nicaragua from 1928 to 1933 where he earned two Navy Crosses. After leaving Nicaragua, Puller went to China and commanded the famed "Horse Marines."
Puller commanded the 7th Regiment of the 1st Marine Division during action on Gualalcanal in World War II. Puller earned his third Navy Cross on 24-25 October 1942 while his battalion defended Henderson Field against seasoned Japanese troops. Puller's men sustained less than 70 casualties while killing over 1400 Japanese and protecting the airfield.
Puller won his fourth Navy Cross in February 1944 while executive officer of 7th Marines at Cape Gloucester, moving through machine gun and mortar fire to take command of two battalions whose commanders had been killed.
Puller landed with the 1st Marines at Inchon, Korea, in September of 1950. Puller continued to serve in Korea until May of 1951. LtGen Puller retired in 1955 after serving 37 years and earning five Navy Crosses, the Silver Star, two Legions of Merit with "V", the Bronze Star, the Bronze Star with "V", the Air Medal, and the Purple Heart. In 1966, at the age of 68, Puller requested to return to active duty for service in Vietnam, but was turned down due to his age.
"Take me to the Brig. I want to see the "real Marines". "
"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."
"We're surrounded... that simplifies our problem."
"Son, if they give you any shit, level the place." Orders to a company commander.
Jack Howard died a couple of years ago and Leo Alumni behind Alumni President Richard Furlong live up to the standards set by Jack Howard - an all black Catholic high school for boys is funded 99.6% by white Irish, Italian, Polish, Lithuanian, German, Belgian and Dutch guys.
Americans have forgotten about Chesty Puller. We watch CNN,MSNBC and have the submission of an American President to King Abdullah explained to us. We had better get to those calisthenics - spiritual, moral and physical.