- tobacco smokers,
- automobile owners
- families with many (more than two) kids (Breeders)
- people who eat sugar, meat, fois gras
- tax-payers
- patriots who honor people of Valor and not necessarily Activists
- people who like to play team sports like football, where a bunch of Fa . . .husky gents make skinny guys look good
The meme be - if lithe, liberal intellectual and entitled to cycle in violation of all laws of traffic and physics: a healthy, patrician - one of us and there are so feeeeeeeeYOU of us. If corpulent, cornball, common, bigoted, bloated, bourgeoise, and too stupid to live, let alone breed.
Fat people are less intelligent than people with a normal weight, a provocative study claims.Overweight men and women have less grey and white matter in key areas of the brain.They also have greater impulsivity and ‘altered reward processing’, the study said.The researchers said that their findings could explain why overweight people make poor diet choices - they do not have the mental capacity to control themselves.Nor are they able to stop themselves from making poor choices when the do eat something.The theory is likely to prove controversial as weight loss campaigners have emphasised that each individual has different reasons for their struggle with their body.Oh, eat me!
Antoinin Scalia
Samuel Johnson
Henry James and the Shondells