All too human. But, now . . .? RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (pick up on the 4th) RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tone ...................................(wait for it) tone ..........“This is Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. . . .how's she cuttin, lads? Remember, Obama/Jackson -you can't have one without the other!. . . . Been some time, I know, but hey, I am human. I am doing my best. I am trying to sort through them all. . . .PRESS ONE to make a donation . . .PRESS TWO to make a Contribution . . . PRESS THREE to make a Love Offering . . . PRESS FOUR to help with my D.C. Mortgage . . .PRESS FIVE to pay for my Pier Baron Bar Tab . . .PRESS SIX to pay for cab fare for two lobbyist I found in a binder . . . PRESS SEVEN to give Dad some money . . .PRESS EIGHT to pay my soaring medical bills” . . .I am human. I am doing my best. I am trying to sort through them all . . . I am human. I am doing my best. I am trying to sort through them all . . . I am human. I am doing my best. I am trying to sort through them all . . .I am human. I am doing my best. I am trying to sort through them all . . .I am human. I am doing my best. I am trying to sort through them all. . ."
How human, a robocall! I guess it beats standing at the Metra stations and the Red-line on 95th Street for next few weeks. After all, the Congressman will be home again in Mayo!