Showing posts with label Matilda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matilda. Show all posts

Thursday, April 16, 2015

So I am not The Lone Free Ranger

"We refuse to deprive our children of critical opportunities to develop responsibility and independence, and have no intention of fundamentally changing our parenting to accommodate this kind of paranoia and bullying," Danielle Meitiv wrote.

Heard about the couple who let their kids run free have you?  They are taking some heat from breeders and squares.

I was a free range parent long before Daniell Meitiv. They are very caring. I just did not shive-a-git about where and when my three children moved about and even suggested neat  urban adventures.  I love them so much that I gave them the keys to the City of Chicago.

"Dad, I took the Halsted Bus all the way to Irving Park Road and then walked through Uptown! You were right! There are so many Native Americans! They were literally lying on the street, " sang my elder female child and eldest of the three. Nora was 13 at the time and going into her freshman year at Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School and she would need a full and robust immersion among real people and not just protected, pampered and button-down NorthFace BevRat Irish Catholics. I suggested a daily routine of inner-city immersions, or personal flights of challenge.  I said, "Explore! Advocate! Challenge! Be Your Bliss!"

No hand holding here.

I opened the car door at 75th & Cottage Grove and said, " Ask the folks over by the Courtesty Exchange for a conversation about Race, Honey I'll pick you up 5:30 P.M.  unless someone offers you a ride home.!" I then zoomed off to Jimmy's Woodlawn Tap for the next six hours where I sampled IPAs in their infancy and chatted up the locals. Good jukebox.

My second child, a Mannish boy of 8 back then,  was treated to a night alone in Elizabeth Conkey Woods Forest Preserve.  " Hey, buddy!  You'll thank me, later.  It is going to get a bit air-ish at sundown; so, don't get all sweaty chasing ground squirrels.  Here's a bag of cucumber sandwiches and a canteen full of Sun Tea. Hey, why the long puss?  You are  21st Century Man there are porta-potties all over the grounds.I'll get you at 9AM and let you sleep in a bit."  My son never mentioned that wonderful night out.  He never mentions anything to me.

My baby girl was two when my wife died and so I home schooled herself.  She was like that little girl Matilda. *

Free Range, Baby!

Why bother teaching your kids anything about American history, responsibility, good manners, taste in books, art and film, reverence for virtue, piety and the sanctity of each human life from womb to doom?  We are evolving.

* Fine film

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Goose Island's Matilda Could Save American Race Relations, or not.

Three great Americans are about to 'tamp down' the Race Mess!

The Beer Summit! This will be dead serious and once again, President Obama will put Race behind us all. Until, about two minutes after the Beer Summit when Robert Gibbs blows off more toes than the Italian Army after El Alamein.

I do not see this as an evening of 'three guys' looking at albums and cranking up Dr. Horse and Mitch Ryder, until Mrs. Obama calls the President into the kitchen and says, "That is about enough. Tell your Buddies good night. The girls have school and you have Health Care Reform."

Nope. This frothy confab may be just as frosty as a mother-in-law's kiss. So, why not have a great Chicago beer make its way into American History.

Might I suggest Goose Island's Matilda!

Matlida - Gooseisland Brewmasters Notes:
Wild in character, with a slightly fruity aroma and a spicy yeast flavor that is as unique as it is satisfying – Matilda is an intriguing choice for beer and wine lovers alike. Dry and quenching, it’s the perfect accompaniment at the dining table or for casually socializing at the bar.
Recipe Information:
Style: Belgian Style Pale Ale
Alcohol by Volume: 7%
International Bitterness Units: 32
Color: Golden Sunrise
Hops: Styrian, Saaz
Malts: 2-Row, Caramel

Serving Suggestions:
Preferred Glass: Wide Mouth Glass
Preferred Serving Temperature: 40º

Food Pairings: Matilda pairs with many foods. Its spicy yeast flavors compliment fresh mussels and contrast rich pork belly.

Pork Belly - Please!

Cheese Pairings: Camembert, Washed Rind Cheeses ( ditch the cheese)
Cellaring Notes: Develops in the bottle for up to 5 years