Showing posts with label Jim Durkin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jim Durkin. Show all posts

Saturday, December 22, 2007

John McCain - Straight Talking Surge is Working!

The New York Times fed internet snitch Matt Drudge some political stink-bombs last week expecting John McCain to fold like a Stanford Math Major/Internet Poker Dweeb playing five card stud with Doyle Brunson.

Huge Hat Tip to John Rubery's Marathon Pundit! Way to go. Rubes!

NoTimes story this morning, Drudge-O, but John McCain took the leash off of National Pit-bull lawyer Bob Bennett and yesterday, got out in front of the allegations. Sounds like Michael Flatley v.The Serial Skank- No Contest, but another golden moment in American litigation legal legend. Could be straight talking stare down time for the New York Times but those ink-slingers have a history of getting their britches yanked down with the truth. No shame - No sales, I guess.

Anyway - The Straight Talking John McCain Campaign is Surging!

Even the Brits are getting it; check this out from The Telegraph:

A new poll published yesterday placed him equal with Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, the north-eastern state whose primary is held on Jan 8. Just weeks ago Mr McCain trailed his rival by more than 10 points.

He has also been endorsed this week by both of Mr Romney's hometown newspapers in Boston, a significant blow to the former Massachusetts governor.

The Boston Herald, a conservative tabloid which also circulates in neighbouring New Hampshire, said of Mr McCain: "There are times in this nation's history so perilous that they cry out for a steady, experienced leader, a person so trusted that we would put the fate of this country in his hands. This is one of those times, and Sen John McCain is that person."

At the age of 71 Mr McCain has been dubbed the "comeback kid". The phrase was coined by Bill Clinton in 1992 when he came second in New Hampshire and went on to sweep through the subsequent primaries.

The same state could be the long-serving senator's base for victory. In 2000, Mr McCain beat George W Bush in New Hampshire by a wide margin only to be overtaken quickly in states further south.

Largely because of his strong performance then, the senator started out the primary campaign a year ago as the Republican front-runner only to appear washed up in the summer amid claims of mismanagement and a poor fundraising performance.

But his consistency on Iraq has paid off. From the outset of the war, Mr McCain opposed Donald Rumsfeld's strategy, arguing that more troops were needed. He supported the surge of 30,000 US troops when others were dismissing it as too little too late, and has made tackling Islamic extremism a central part of his platform.

He told the Wall Street Journal recently: "This is a seminal moment in American history. We've got a long way to go. Al-Qa'eda is on the run but they're not defeated."

Meanwhile his own wartime heroics - he was a North Vietnamese prisoner of war for five years - has continued to underpin his credibility as a national leader.

Mr McCain has also benefited from the lack of a clear favourite in the Republican field capable of attracting both the evangelical and economic branches of the party, as Mr Bush was able to do.

He has given up hope of winning Iowa, the conservative Midwestern state that votes on Jan 3. But a victory there for Mike Huckabee, the southern Baptist minister who is weak in New Hampshire, could enfeeble Mr Romney and open the door to Mr McCain.

"I really don't like that," he said this week of the "comeback kid" nickname. "But things are turning around."

The race in New Hampshire is particularly hard to predict as registered independents are allowed to vote in either the Democratic or Republican primary and form the largest bloc of voters. They are renowned for making up their mind at the last minute.

Therefore the endorsement this week of Joseph Lieberman, an independent senator who normally votes Democrat, gave another timely boost.

Mr Lieberman, who was Al Gore's vice-presidential candidate in 2000, said he chose his longtime Senate colleague because he had the best shot of breaking partisan gridlock in Washington.

"The status quo in Washington is not working," he said.

BTW - Just my south side Chicago Dinny Dimwit's opinion - but can the McCain crew get the press to LAY Off the 'The Comeback Kid' tag line? Bubba Clinton beat that one to death - along with the trust the American People vested in him.

I better put a call into Illinois McCain Chairman Jim Durkin and maybe he can apply a little of that Chicago Catholic League level of convincing to the pencil neck geek crowd from Medill School of Journalism here in the Midwest. Naw, They get all of their stories from The Chicago Reader ( a local free press) anyway.

Click my post title for the San Francisco Chronicle Story on The Straight Talk Surge - It's working!

Friday, December 21, 2007

McCain Takes Boston's Big Two - The Globe & the Herald

Here's more - Hard to improve upon or argue with this from the Boston Herald!

"There are times in this nation's history so perilous that they cry out for a steady, experienced leader, a person so trusted that we would put the fate of this country in his hands. This is one of those times, and Sen. John McCain is that person," the newspaper said.

Illinois State Representative James Durkin - a Fenwick Friar no less! - is leading the Illinois McCain Campaign and getting more weary citizens familar with straight talk and effective leadership. Illinois has been a 'Straight Talk Desert' for some time now and McCain is teaching people not to use the sides of their mouths to say what they mean.

Click on my post title for the fine USA Today coverage of John McCain's continued Victory for Straight Talk. Vlad Putin understands how John McCain feels about him.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

McCain Bests Polls and Snaps Two Huge Endorsements - Straight Talk, Boys and Girls!

John McCain hooked two Huge Endorsements out in New England and in Iowa. My pal Brian McGrory's Boston Globe was the whale! The Boston Globe sited straight talk and rock-solid integrity -

On McCain, the newspaper said in an editorial, "the iconoclastic senator from Arizona has earned his reputation for straight talk by actually leveling with voters, even at significant political expense."

The Des Moines Register was equally as impressed -

The newspaper said none of the Republican candidates could offer the "tested leadership in matters foreign and domestic" of McCain, an Arizona senator and former prisoner of war in Vietnam.

It cited his willingness to adopt contrarian views, including bucking his party to oppose President George W. Bush's tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, support Bush's decision to increase troop strength in Iraq and support comprehensive immigration reform.

"The force of John McCain's moral authority could go a long way toward restoring Americans' trust in government and inspiring new generations to believe in the goodness and greatness of America," the paper said.

Here in Illinois State Rep. Jim Durkin (R), John McCain Illinois Chairman, is reaching out to Democrats like me and my kids to support an American who can and will lead all citizens.

John McCain speaks to Americans and Americans respond to someone who shares their concerns and willingness to actually do something beyond words, blimps, gimmicks and spin. This Presidential Election just might signal a coming together of the wonderful people of this great country.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

John McCain Leads with Straight Talk - That is the Knockout Punch!

John McCain engages people with the truth. Nothing so engages people as hearing a political candidate credit an opponent for his personal succees in the Presidential Race. The graceless in-fighting in my birthright Party - The Democratic Party - In Captivity - requires their candidates to lard up their lame positions with Oprah or Barbara Streisand or the Hemp Happy HBO Twerp Maher and then toss envelopes of dirt over the transoms of media shills.

Gov. Huckabee is a solid man. John McCain is Presidential.

This morning's news presented the American people with another example of Senator John McCain's forthright understanding of himself and the reality of the campaign.

MIAMI - John McCain said Saturday that Mike Huckabee's rise in Republican presidential polls was due to his performance in debates.

"I attribute Governor Huckabee's recent success to the fact that debates matter," McCain said. "People pay attention to debates."

The GOP presidential candidates have flip-flopped repeatedly in the polls, with no clear front-runner emerging for any length of time.

In the latest national survey by The Associated Press and Ipsos, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee has emerged from nowhere into second place in the Republican presidential race. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani remains the front-runner with McCain, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson following.

For the first time in recent political history, Republicans don't have a designated successor for the presidency, leaving the GOP bid wide open, McCain said.

"There's always been kind of a candidate that the political and financial base of the party rallied around," McCain said, referring to Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole and George W. Bush. "This time that's not the case."

In praising Gov. Huckabee for his great presentation during the recent GOP Debate, John McCain reveals more about his own strength as a leader. John McCain understands what it takes to lead and recognizing the strength and intrinsic worth of an opponent is the attribute of a strong leader.

Gov. Huckabee is a great American - John McCain is the man to lead America in time of War on Islamist Terror and restore the confidence of all Americans in themselves!

Here in Illinois Rep. Jim Durkin leads a team that brought John McCain on to the tough Illinois ballot with a FULL slate of delegates. Straight Talk is effective and engaging

Friday, November 30, 2007

McCain Fields a Full Slate of Delegates - Thanks to Rep. Jim Durkin

I missed the Debates on Wednesday, but had them taped. St. Cajetan Volleyball opened with a win over St. Bede's in 7th Grade Girls Worth Township League. Then I watched the taped debate and John McCain was the only one who even appeared Presidential - direct, mission-oriented and forthright.

Yesterday, Illinois Team McCain behind the hard-work and good humor of Il. Rep. James Durkin (R) filed a full slate of delagtes for John McCain - only the Romney Campaign managed to do so. Giuliani has yet to file. Click title post above for the Tribune story

Illinois should back McCain. Take a look at the cross- section of the State in suport of the only candidate who can lead America in time of Islamist Terror.

John McCain will define the debate for America. He is already doing just that and Illinois is responding.

Well done to Jim Durkin and especially Julie and Pat Brady for their 11th hour work in meeting the dealine!

Subject: MCCAIN PRESS RELEASE: Representative Jim Durkin To File John McCain 2008 Illinois Ballot Petitions


For Immediate Release
Contact: Press Office

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign announced that Illinois State Representative Jim Durkin will file John McCain's ballot petitions for the state of Illinois at 8:00 a.m. CST today at the state board of elections.

John McCain 2008 also announces the endorsement of Robert D. Stuart. Ambassador Stuart is former Ambassador to Norway and former Illinois Republican National Committeeman. In addition, the campaign is proud to have the support of Ms. Julie Brady, who will now serve as Deputy Co-Chair of our IL team. Ms. Brady is a former Department of Justice prosecutor.

"Today, I am pleased file on behalf of John McCain. I am proud to have led a grassroots team of men and women who took time away from their families to show their support for John McCain because they believe deeply in his reform message. In 2000 I filed on John's behalf; I believed then, as I believe now, that there is no finer man running for president and no better candidate to win in the general election against the Democratic nominee."

Ambassador Stuart added, "John McCain's lifetime of service and sacrifice has prepared him to lead our nation from the first day he takes office. He is the only candidate that can maintain the principles of the Republican Party and unite all the Republicans to beat the Democratic nominee in the general election."

The following elected officials and delegates support John McCain in the state of Illinois:


U.S. Congressmen
Rep. Mark Kirk
Rep. Ray LaHood
Rep. Peter Roskam
Rep. John Shimkus

Former U.S. Senator
Sen. Peter Fitzgerald

State Senators
Sen. Dan Cronin
Sen. Kirk Dillard
Sen. John Jones
Sen. Dave Luechtefeld
Sen. John Millner
Sen. Dale Risinger
Sen. Frank Watson

State Representatives
Rep. Dan Brady
Rep. Jim Durkin
Rep. Mike Fortner
Rep. Sid Mathias
Rep. Mike McAuliffe
Rep. Jim Meyer
Rep. Rosemary Mulligan
Rep. JoAnn Osmond
Rep. Raymond Poe
Rep. Randy Ramey
Rep. Jim Sacia
Rep. Jil Tracy
Rep. Jim Watson

Republican National Committeewoman Mary Jo Arndt
Major General John Borling, USAF (Ret).
Ms. Julie Brady
Former Ambassador and Former Illinois Republican National Committeeman Robert D. Stuart
Former Ambassador and Former Illinois Republican Party Chair Rich Williamson


Gregg Abbott
Helen Albert
Mike Amrozowicz
Mayor Jim Ardis
John Atchley
Kirby Ballard
Joe Bartolomucci
Tony Becker
Harry Bond
Maj. Gen. John Borling
Scott Boukal
Rep. Daniel P. Brady
Julie Brady
Kevin Brady
Mary Jane Brady
Will Callard
Dean A. Casper, Jr.
Mayor Thomas Tolbert Chisum
Vincent P. C hurak
Robert Cook
Michael Corrigan
James L. Coxworth
Sen. Dan Cronin
Larry DeYoung
Sen. Kirk Dillard
Richard E. Diller
Mary Pat Dixon
William Durkin
Rep. Jim Durkin
Barbara Dwyer
Deb Detmers Fansler
Bobby Vaughan Ferguson
Joann Finger
John Fogarty, Jr.
Rep. Mike Fortner
Jim Fuchs
Susan Gere
Kimberly Pate Godden
Gustavo Gonzalez
Joyce Gooding
Thomas Gooding
William S. Graham
Kent Gray
Mike Hagerty
Donald B. Hall
J. Sue Hamilton
John Harty
Thomas Hayes
Sean Healy
William L. Henniger
Herbert Hentschel
Roy Hertel
Nora Kathleen Hickey
Stephanie Hitt
Damon Hofstrand
Mark Hosty
Robert Hudon
Bill Jackl in
David A. Kelm
Virginia Kenney
Pam Kinsey
U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood
Nadja Lalvani
Prem Lalvani
Pastor Ceasar LeFlore
Stephen Liehr
Cindy Limbach
Andrew Loveday
Alex Martella
Rilio Mastrantonio
Rep. Sidney Mathias
Karen Matjasko
Matthew Mau
John McCrory
Tom McRae
Margaret McSweeney
Ann Melichar
Rep. James Meyer
Mary Jo Mikottis
Jack Murphy
Tim O'Neill
Rep. Joann Osmond
Ray Pawlak
Nick Peric
Rep. Raymond Poe
Dennis Presley
William Read
Nate Rice
James A. Riemer, Jr.
Wayne Rosenthal
Carlos Saucedo
Lisa Schumacher
John Scully
William G. Shepherd
Det. Larry Shepherd
U.S. Rep. John M. Shimkus
Karen Slattery
Michael Sneed
Jason Speer
David Stanton
Nina Stephenson
Eugene Syring
Steven Tomaszewski
Mayor Bruce Tossell
Rep. Jil Tracy
Mayor Henry Vicenik
Charlie Watts
Becky Weber
Mary A. Welling
Ambassador Rich Williamson
Alderman Elmo R. Younger, Veteran of WWII

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

CNN Debate Wednesday Night - McCain says,'I will win!'

Just back from Thanksgiving with our service men and women in Iraq, the man best suited to lead America in time of war with Islamist Terror, Senator John McCain, is up beat. With good reason. People are listening to his message.

This past weekend, I helped Illinois McCain Chairman James Durkin grab up signatures of voters who like what John McCain is all about - proven leadership and straight talk.

Should be a great showing for the President . . . sorry - Senator McCain.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

McCain and The Railsplitter's Reconciliation

In the 1840's Whig Abraham Lincoln and Democrat James J. Shields confronted one another over the collapse of the Illinois economy. Shields, Comptroller General, saved the State of Illinois from Economic ruin and angered the Whigs, especially their leader Lincoln.

Political enmity boiled into a personal feud that had more to do with affairs of the heart and the two political foes nearly fought a duel. There is some disagreement over who calmed whom in this affair. I take the view that Shields, a fierce veteran soldier and adventurer, choked up a little common sense in honest Abe. Dr. J. Sean Callan's Courage and Country gives a wonderful account of this little known but important event in Illinois history.

Nevertheless, Shields and Lincoln became good friends when their cooler heads prevailed. Lincoln appointed Shields Brigadier General of llinois Volunteers when the Civil War began and Shields went on to defeat Stonwall Jackson at Kernstown in 1862 - the only Union general to win a tactical victory over the Genius from Virginia - Old Blue Light.

John McCain, like Lincoln and Shields before him, is a leader of fierce instincts and human outlook. John McCain is never afraid of a brawl, but understands that reconciliation is the best political tool in the bag.

Read about John McCain on political reconciliation and get a look a a real leader and a great America.

As always, click on my Post Title for the link.

Friday, November 16, 2007

John McCain and the Rented Mule

While working at Gateway Trucking in Chicago Ridge many years ago, my shift supervisor would leave us with these words, 'Night Boys, time to get on home to beat the wife and make love to my dog!'

Only the graduates of St. Ignatius College Prep ( a Chicago Catholic School of Wealthy Brainiacs) were taken aback by his words, as they had been hard-wired by the Jesuits for subtleties in language and the arcana of rhetorical flourishes.

The balance of us, understood that Myron's was a comic levelling device employed after-shift and the natural departure of dockworker command structure.

Loved John McCain's response when asked how he intends to 'beat' Hillary Clinton in the general election: . . . 'like a rented mule.'

The polls prove the best man correct:

The Best Candidate to Beat Senator Hillary Clinton

ARLINGTON, VA - Today, Fox News released a poll demonstrating once again why John McCain is the only conservative who can beat Hillary Clinton in the general election next fall.

"It is impossible to ignore the fact that John McCain is cementing his position as the best candidate to defeat Hillary Clinton," said campaign manager Rick Davis. "New data released by Fox News, Rasmussen Reports, SurveyUSA, and Quinnipiac show that voters want to nominate a candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton without compromising the bedrock principles the Republican Party was founded on."

Voters are coming to the conclusion that John McCain is the only candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton and restore trust in government. John McCain has a 24-year record of leading a tough battle against pork-barrel spending and government waste. Known as a reformer, McCain has the credibility to restore Americans' trust in Washington. And in a time of war, John McCain is the only candidate with the experience and knowledge to wage a winning war against radical Islamic extremism.

Fox News/Opinion Dynamics National General Election, November 13-14, 2007:

John McCain 45% Hillary Clinton 46%
Rudy Giuliani 43% Hillary Clinton 47%
Fred Thompson 40% Hillary Clinton 49%
Mitt Romney 37% Hillary Clinton 50%

Quinnipiac Ohio General Election, Released November 14, 2007:
John McCain 46% Hillary Clinton 42%
Rudy Giuliani 43% Hillary Clinton 44%
Fred Thompson 38% Hillary Clinton 48%
Mitt Romney 38% Hillary Clinton 47%

SurveyUSA Ohio General Election, November 9-11, 2007:
John McCain 47% Hillary Clinton 46%
Rudy Giuliani 44% Hillary Clinton 49%
Mitt Romney 42% Hillary Clinton 51%
Mike Huckabee 37% Hillary Clinton 54%

Rasmussen Reports Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Among Presidential Hopefuls, McCain Has Lowest Level Of Core Opposition:

With less than two months to go until the Iowa caucuses kick off the actual voting in Election 2008, Arizona Senator John McCain finds himself with the smallest level of core opposition among all the major Presidential candidates from both parties. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 33% say they will definitely vote against McCain if he is on the ballot in November 2008. That's down from 39% a month ago and a peak of 42% in June. These results come on top of a week of good polling news for the man from Arizona.

Read Analysis Of How John McCain Outperforms Rudy Giuliani In Key Swing States

St. Ignatius grads - he's making a joke.

Monday, November 05, 2007

John McCain Approved ( probably would) 'Truther Photos' from Iraq -You Wont See This on Bill Maher

These photos will not be shown on Bill Maher, The View, Chris 'Milkey' Matthews' CrossBreed or in the care of Code Pink/ Great thanks to Patriot Frank Nofsinger - the Swiss Mick of Connecticut!

We have invited Senator John McCain to join us for the Leo Veterans Observances - we hope that he can make it!

Come over to Leo High School -Leo High School site of Veterans Observance on Friday, November 9th, 2007
@11:00 A.M

Contact - Mr. Pat Hickey -Director of Development (773) 224-9600

Leo High School, Leo Alumni Association, Windy City Veterans, The Burbank, Illinois Unit of the Marine Corps League, The Veterans Leadership Program, American Legion Giles Post #87, & Chicago Commission on Human Relations will hold a special Veterans Memorial Observance at the Leo War Memorial in the school’s courtyard. , Leo High School President Robert W. Foster & Vice Principal Frank Wilson (USMC ret.) will direct the observance which features presentations by Veterans, wreath - laying by Richard Furlong, President of the Alumni Association , Mrs. Rochelle Crump - Veteran and Asst. Director for the Illinois Department of Child and Family Services.

Sadly - The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs no longer participates in this Annual Veterans Observance. In August, when we begin the planning for the event, Director Duckworth's Office informed Leo High School that 'the Director had other plans for that date and that Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs would not be participating.' When I called for follow-up I asked, 'Leo High School can expect no help from Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs?' and was told ' good luck with your event.' It is not mine - this event belongs to the Veterans.

It is the Veterans who make this event special.

Leo High School erected a memorial in 1965 to the many Leo men who have died serving America in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam and the Windy City Veterans of Chicago updated the engraved names and constructed permanent lighting for the memorial. Last year more than two hundred persons joined the 320 Leo students in honoring America’s war fallen.

John Fardy (Leo 1940) was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic sacrifice during World War II. Mr. John Houlihan (Leo ‘41) served in the Marine Corps as did Mr. Dick Prendergast and twenty (20) more of his classmates from the Class of ‘43. Many Leo men have been decorated for heroism, including Mr. Jim Farrell (Leo ‘61), Mr. Jack Farnan, (Leo ‘63), and Mr. Jim Furlong ( Leo ‘65), all members of the Leo Hall of Fame and highly decorated Vietnam Veterans. The late Mr.Thomas Stack (Leo ‘61) organized the first welcome home to the Veterans of Vietnam. Mr.Tom Stack won two Silver Stars and three Bronze Stars in Vietnam.
Another highly decorated Vietnam Veteran, Gen. George Muellner, USAF (ret.) graduated from Leo, flew more than 600 combat fighter missions, commanded many fighter commands, and developed the STAR communications weapon system for Operation Desert Storm. Gen. Muellner is now the VP for Boeing Corporation’s Stealth Projects. Chicago Police Officer Eric Lee ( USMC) was killed in the line of duty several years ago and is remembered in Leo High School's Hall of Fame.

The Veterans Memorial Observance, as always, will be held in the school courtyard located on 79th Street.

The Public is invited to share in this Observance. The Leo Thanks the Commander Doty and all of the Officers of Gresham Chicago Police 6th District who serve and protect twenty four hours a day and seven days a week!

Click on my Post Title for More on the Leo Alumni and Leo High School!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Thought, Candor and Action Add Up to a McCain Victory in 2008

The other day, John McCain met with Jewish American leaders in New York to present his 'step-by-step' approach to finding a way to peace in the Middle East. Again, McCain proved that a leader is one who does not take a cookie cutter approach to problems like Health Care, the Law of the Sea, Immigration Reform, much less the war on Islamist Terror, but a person who looks at the big picture - every aspect of its surface and what lies beneath, speaks to the problems and then, and only then, takes bold direct action at every level. A Leader develops a game plan; articulates its execution to the whole team and leads from the front.

NEW YORK — Republican presidential candidate John McCain on Tuesday advocated taking one step at a time in approaching Mideast peace negotiations.

The statement precedes a planned summit of Israeli, Palestinian and other Arab leaders scheduled next month in Annapolis, Md. McCain's statement may be seen a gentle criticism of the Bush summit, which aims to jump-start peace talks.

“I think that process has to be a step by step process. An encompassing, all encompassing, one-step solution was tried by former President Clinton, and I think that’s probably a very, very difficult accomplishment,” the Arizona senator told a conference of Jewish leaders in New York.

McCain said he couldn’t put a timeline on an his approach, noting that terrorists like Hamas continue to be the unknown factor.

“I’m not sure frankly how you, how you deal with Hamas. If they’re dedicated to your extinction it’s hard to sit down and negotiate with somebody that says we’re going to destroy you,” he said.

In a forum devoted almost exclusively to foreign policy, the senator criticized Russia and China for blocking the U.S. and it’s allies when it comes to putting pressure on Sudan, North Korea and Iran. He proposed creating a league of democracies with countries that share American values and control the world’s economy.

“Why don’t we act together with these countries and impose meaningful sanctions on Iran today?” he asked.

McCain said the U.S. is facing a U.N. Security Council which has created difficulties for the U.S. However, he made it clear that he does not favor abandoning the United Nations.

McCain thinks to the issues - he thinks through them; he speaks to the issues - honestly and in direct language; and he takes action.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Chew Out Judge Ackley, Senator McCain

McCain Tree County - Iowa.

John McCain is mulling over the test in the Iowa Caucus - If you do make a stop in Iowa, Senator McCain, give Judge Ackley, who sentenced a Chicago Police Officer to Five Years for defending himself from an outrageous Iowa drunk, a nice thick slice of your mind. You would lock up some powerful support, which is already quite strong, in Democratic Chicago and maybe even spring a man unfairly sentenced by a miserable clown in robes.

Give this judicial creep a thick, knotty piece of McCain Justice - the kind that is born of the Rule of Law and a Sense of Justice, because there is bugger all Justice in Dubuque in the court of Judge Ackley. Unless, of course, you happen to be a locally connected bar bully.

Click on my Title Post for John Kass's account of Officer Mike Mette's

In the Mean Time Folks - Drop the Governor of Iowa a Note - Let's get his head up on this matter:

Monday, October 29, 2007

McCain Is For Those Who Serve

"For my part, I would simply affirm that the sacrifices borne by veterans deserve to be memorialized in something more lasting than marble or bronze or in the fleeting effect of a politician's speech. Your valor and your devotion to duty have earned your country's abiding concern for your well being. I am, I assure you, committed to honoring that debt."

John McCain, Remarks to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, 3/7/95

Only one candidate seems to make sense, because that candidate speaks in plain English. John McCain talks to the issues important to American Voters. As an American who understands service, John McCain speaks from the heart on issues important to voters.

Click on my post title for john McCain's views on Veterans issues.

For ALL Veterans and Public Service Employees

Plan to attend the


11 AM - Friday, November 9th

Leo High School
7901 S. Sangamon Street
Chicago, IL 60620

Contact - Pat Hickey at (773) 224-9600 extension # 16

Call to Order
Raising of the Colors
Wreath Laying
Remarks by Leo High School Seniors; Rochele Crump - Veterans Affairs for DCFS; Rich Furlong Leo Alumni Association & others
21 Gun Salute
Reception in Leo Cafeteria

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Aces Over Kings : John McCain and Nick Sarkozy Over the Other Two Beauts

Vlad's Joe Stalin meets Mahmoud's Al Hitler in a toxic ploy to form Empire: these crumbs worked out the new Non-Agression Pact: Where was Hugo????? He's still stroking the Beard.

The London Times Reports:

"President Putin forged an alliance with Iran yesterday against any military action by the west and pledged to complete the controversial Iranian nuclear power plant at Bushehr."

In 2008, a couple of good guys will tie these clowns in knots: President John McCain and French President Nick Sarkozy. Stay tuned.

Here is John McCain on fighting for Freedom

America needs a president who can revitalize our country's purpose and standing in the world, defeat terrorist adversaries who threaten liberty at home and abroad, and build enduring peace. There is an enormous amount to do. Our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been costly in blood and treasure and in other less tangible ways as well. Our next president will need to rally nations across the world around common causes as only America can. There will be no time for on-the-job training. Given the present dangers, our country cannot afford the kind of malaise, drift, and fecklessness that followed the Vietnam War. The next president must be prepared to lead America and the world to victory -- and to seize the opportunities afforded by the unprecedented liberty and prosperity in the world today to build a peace that will last a century.


Defeating radical Islamist extremists is the national security challenge of our time. Iraq is this war's central front, according to our commander there, General David Petraeus, and according to our enemies, including al Qaeda's leadership.

The recent years of mismanagement and failure in Iraq demonstrate that America should go to war only with sufficient troop levels and with a realistic and comprehensive plan for success. We did not do so in Iraq, and our country and the people of Iraq have paid a dear price. Only after four years of conflict did the United States adopt a counterinsurgency strategy, backed by increased force levels, that gives us a realistic chance of success. We cannot get those years back, and now the only responsible action for any presidential candidate is to look forward and outline the strategic posture in Iraq that is most likely to protect U.S. national interests.

So long as we can succeed in Iraq -- and I believe that we can -- we must succeed. The consequences of failure would be horrific: a historic loss at the hands of Islamist extremists who, after having defeated the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and the United States in Iraq, will believe that the world is going their way and that anything is possible; a failed state in the heart of the Middle East providing sanctuary for terrorists; a civil war that could quickly develop into a regional conflict and even genocide; a decisive end to the prospect of a modern democracy in Iraq, for which large Iraqi majorities have repeatedly voted; and an invitation for Iran to dominate Iraq and the region even more.

Whether success grows closer or more distant over the coming months, it is clear that Iraq will be a central issue for the next U.S. president. Democratic candidates have promised to withdraw U.S. troops and "end the war" by fiat, regardless of the consequences. To make such decisions based on the political winds at home, rather than on the realities in the theater, is to court disaster. The war in Iraq cannot be wished away, and it is a miscalculation of historic magnitude to believe that the consequences of failure will be limited to one administration or one party. This is an American war, and its outcome will touch every one of our citizens for years to come.

That is why I support our continuing efforts to win in Iraq. It is also why I oppose a preemptive withdrawal strategy that has no Plan B for the aftermath of its inevitable failure and the greater problems that would ensue.

From his speech before The Council on Foreign Relations.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

'John - Johnny McCain! It's Bizzaneez! John? . . . He Forgives; He Don' Forget ! Come On We'll Go See The Broad!'

John McCain don't need no stinking Hollywood punks. He's a guy from the neighborhoods and has plenty of Pals. Tony Soprano - the New Millenium's Archie Bunker - seems to be trolling for 'what 'his people' believe to be a sure thing. How's that for commitment?

This Mook Gandolfini - don't that mean "the end" of the Gandol in Italian? A Shoeshine Boy! Get your shine-box Jimmy! Get busy. The next President can do without the talents of people who more than likely forget to register to vote - they are very involved.

Click my title for the New York Post story on this non-story - if you care to do so.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Straight Talking Bloggers for McCain & News For the Media

A number of great sites in support of John McCain for President can be accessed to the immediate left of my Blog - no political statement that.

We people who buy newspapers are constantly tugged, turned, slapped, kicked, pulled, eased into and away from what is called the news. We want news - we want to be entertained - we want considered opinion but we get slanted pieces of the story, self-serving tales of a columnist's trips to hip-spots and we get milled agendas tossed like parade candy.

Click my Post Title for Chicago Sun Times commentary samplers -

Newspapers, particularly those now cork-screwing themselves into the marshy mud and clay of Chicago, seem bent on dividing people, insulting people, angering people, and selectively ignoring people in order to 'stir things up;' or offer a smarmy invitation to 'get into it.' That is why your paper is failing. People who used to read the Sun Times are going elsewhere for news.

We Chicagoans know what policemen, firemen, plumbers, back-hoe operators, clerks, electricians, school teachers, and sales people do for a living and how they live as neighbors. We also know what and how criminals, dope-slingers, phony activists, ghost-payrollers, and lazy journalists operate and how they cause suffering in our neighborhoods.

Tell a tourist - we live here! The poor guys holding the signs in the photos above would be ideal Chicago Sun Times Readers - Chicagoans know how to read and what the words mean.

Sweethearts, you do not want to 'get into it' with any of the talented, tough, caring, thoughtful and athletic young mothers and wives on Campbell, Maplewood, Rockwell, Artesian - let's not even talk about Talman , Washtenaw or Fairfield between 103rd and 111th Streets. You do not want to 'get into it' with these women - they are much too intelligent, hard-working and honest for you to get near the ropes. Trust me, you'll never get out of the ring. Don't go there.

The metaphorical challenge to 'get into it' is very, shall we say, 'High School Musical-ish Marxism.'

There are great Chicago writers! Neil Steinberg, Phil Kadner, Courtney Greve, Stephanie Gehring, Dan McGrath, Kate Grossman all give news and opinion without appearing to play dress-up Kropotkins.

People want straight talk - conviction, wit, and substance. When a newspaper reader buys a horse, don't bring a mule and try to tell her that it's Secretariat.

If you really want to get into it - come off of it!

Friday, October 12, 2007

McCain on Health Care

Here's some some thought on Health Care from the one candidate who can lead America in Time of war with Islamist Terrorism - the guy was right on the War from the get go and the Bush Administration needed to play catch-up. Hillary backed-off her Health Care Plan of twelve years ago and put more mascara on that plans cold sore.

McCain makes sense:

John McCain is willing to address the fundamental problem: the rapidly rising cost of U.S. health care.

Bringing costs under control is the only way to stop the erosion of affordable health insurance, save Medicare and Medicaid, protect private health benefits for retirees, and allow our companies to effectively compete around the world.
Families should be in charge of their health care dollars and have more control over their care. We can improve health and spend less, while promoting competition on the cost and quality of care, taking better care of our citizens with chronic illness, and promoting prevention that will keep millions of others from ever developing deadly and debilitating disease.
While we reform the system and maintain quality, we can and must provide access to health care for all our citizens - whether temporarily or chronically uninsured, whether living in rural areas with limited services, or whether residing in inner cities where access to physicians is often limited.
America's veterans have fought for our freedom. We should give them freedom to choose to carry their VA dollars to a provider that gives them the timely care at high quality and in the best location.
Controlling health care costs will take fundamental change - nothing short of a complete reform of the culture of our health system and the way we pay for it will suffice. Reforms to federal policy and programs should focus on enhancing quality while controlling costs:
Promote competition throughout the health care system - between providers and among alternative treatments.
Make patients the center of care and give them a larger role in both prevention and care, putting more decisions and responsibility in their hands.
Make public more information on treatment options and require transparency by providers regarding medical outcomes, quality of care, costs, and prices.
Facilitate the development of national standards for measuring and recording treatments and outcomes.
Reform the payment systems in Medicare to compensate providers for diagnosis, prevention, and care coordination. Medicare should not pay for preventable medical errors or mismanagement.
Dedicate federal research on the basis of sound science resulting in greater focus on care and cure of chronic disease
Give states the flexibility to, and encourage them to experiment with: alternative forms of access; risk-adjusted payments per episode covered under Medicaid; use of private insurance in Medicaid; alternative insurance policies and insurance providers; and, different licensing schemes for medical providers.
Build genuine national markets by permitting providers to practice nationwide.
Promote rapid deployment of 21st century information systems.
Support innovative delivery systems, such as clinics in retail outlets and other ways that provide greater market flexibility in permitting appropriate roles for nurse practitioners, nurses, and doctors.
Where cost-effective, employ telemedicine, and community and mental health clinics in areas where services and providers are limited.
Foster the development of routes for safe, cheaper generic versions of drugs and biologic pharmaceuticals. Develop safety protocols that permit re-importation to keep competition vigorous.
Pass tort reform to eliminate frivolous lawsuits and excessive damage awards. Provide a safe harbor for doctors that follow clinical guidelines and adhere to patient safety protocols.
Protect the health care consumer through vigorous enforcement of federal protections against collusion, unfair business actions, and deceptive consumer practices. John McCain believes that insurance reforms should increase the variety and affordability of insurance coverage available to American families by fostering competition and innovation.
Reform the tax code to eliminate the bias toward employer-sponsored health insurance, and provide all individuals with a $2,500 tax credit ($5,000 for families) to increase incentives for insurance coverage. Individuals owning innovative multi-year policies that cost less than the full credit can deposit remainder in expanded health savings accounts.
Families should be able to purchase health insurance nationwide, across state lines, to maximize their choices, and heighten competition for their business that will eliminate excess overhead, administrative, and excessive compensation costs from the system.
Insurance should be innovative, moving from job to home, job to job, and providing multi-year coverage.
Require any state receiving Medicaid to develop a financial "risk adjustment" bonus to high-cost and low-income families to supplement tax credits and Medicaid funds.
Allow individuals to get insurance through any organization or association that they choose: employers, individual purchases, churches, professional association, and so forth. These policies will be available to small businesses and the self-employed, will be portable across all jobs, and will automatically bridge the time between retirement and Medicare eligibility. These plans would have to meet rigorous standards and certification.
John McCain Believes in Personal Responsibility
We must do more to take care of ourselves to prevent chronic diseases when possible, and do more to adhere to treatment after we are diagnosed with an illness.
Childhood obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure are all on the rise. We must again teach our children about health, nutrition and exercise - vital life information.
Public health initiatives must be undertaken with all our citizens to stem the growing epidemic of obesity and diabetes, and to deter smoking.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

McCain is My Guy - But Rudy's 'Push' Seems Compelling

John McCain is the best Man to lead America in our War on Islamist Terror.

Mr. Mike McQuade, Patriot Anchor Steam Quaffer, Vietnam Vet, and Landscape Painter, sent me this compelling photo of Rudy's willingness to take one for the team.

In reality I have no doubt that there would be a former Mayor of the Big Apple trying to beat the A-Train back to the platform and not an erzatz Cub Fan racing its whirling wheels.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

McCain is the only Leader Running for President

I backed President Clinton for two Presidencies, I backed Al Gore; I backed John Kerry; I like and admire Senator Obama, but feel that he is being badly under served and misdirected by the very people who embarrass the Democratic Party.

I have determined to support Senator John McCain as the only Leader in America who can win the war on Islamist terror - it is not Iraq, not Afghanistan; it is a global war on Islamist terror and the Iranian Rerror Leader,its very face, spoke at Columbia on Monday.

Here is how John McCain leads in his own words.

Bolster Troops on the Ground

A greater military commitment now is necessary if we are to achieve long-term success in Iraq. John McCain agrees with retired Army General Jack Keane that there are simply not enough American forces in Iraq. More troops are necessary to clear and hold insurgent strongholds; to provide security for rebuilding local institutions and economies; to halt sectarian violence in Baghdad and disarm Sunni and Shia militias; to dismantle al Qaeda; to train the Iraqi Army; and to embed American personnel in Iraqi police units. Accomplishing each of these goals will require more troops and is a crucial prerequisite for needed economic and political development in the country. America's ultimate strategy is to give Iraqis the capabilities to govern and secure their own country.

Implement New Counterinsurgency Strategy

For most of the occupation, military strategy has focused on securing all of Iraq by establishing bases and conducting short operations from them. Ultimately, this secured only small areas of the country. John McCain believes the current force structure and power vacuum persisting in many areas of the country demands a more robust counterinsurgency strategy. Iraqi and American forces must not only use force to clear areas occupied by insurgents but to stay and hold these areas to deny them as a base for insurgent forces and allow economic and political development to occur in a secure environment. By emphasizing safety of the local population, this strategy will create strongholds in which insurgents find it difficult to operate.

Strengthen the Iraqi Armed Forces and Police

Speech on Iraq at VMI

Watch video from the Speech on Iraq

John McCain on Navy SEAL Mark Robbins

Building a capable Iraqi army is a central requirement for ensuring Iraq's ability to govern and protect itself long after American forces have withdrawn. The U.S. must accelerate the training and equipping of Iraqi armed forces and police to enable them to play a key role in securing Iraq. Only in a secure environment will the development of Iraq's political and economic institutions have a chance to succeed. Ultimately, Iraq's future lies in the hands of its people, government, and armed forces, and strengthening them is an essential requirement for bringing U.S. troops home from Iraq. Until Iraqi forces are ready, however, a precipitous U.S. withdrawal would condemn Iraq to civil war and intervention by its neighbors and energize al Qaeda and other jihadists across the globe. This would gravely jeopardize American security.

Create the security necessary for political progress and stability

John McCain believes that only by controlling the violence in Iraq can we pave the way for a political settlement. But once the Iraqi government wields greater authority, it will be incumbent upon Iraqi leaders to take significant steps on their own. These include a commitment to go after the militias, a reconciliation process for insurgents and Baathists, more equitable distribution of government resources, provincial elections that will bring Sunnis into the government, and a large increase in employment-generating economic projects.

Accelerate political and economic reconstruction in a secure environment

While it is crucial to focus military efforts on insurgents, particularly against Sunni fighters using violence to strengthen their political position, John McCain believes there must be a greater emphasis on non-military components promoting economic development and representative, accountable governance.

In territories newly secured by the "clear, hold, and build" counterinsurgency strategy, many of the critical steps to succeeding in Iraq can begin to be implemented. Massive reconstruction can go forward without overwhelming fear of attack and sabotage. A substantial employment program can begin to give hope and opportunity to Iraqi citizens. Political meetings and campaigning can take place more freely. Average Iraqis will be more secure as militias and terrorists are reigned in and violence reduced. All of this will help civil society to emerge and deepen.

"In Iraq our national security interests and our national values converge. Iraq is truly the test of a generation, for America and for our role in the world. Faced with similar challenges, previous generations of Americans have passed such tests with honor. It is now our turn to demonstrate that our power, ennobled by our principles, is the greatest force for good on earth today. Iraq's transformation into a secure democracy and a force for freedom in the greater Middle East is the calling of our age. We can succeed."

-Senator John McCain

Iraqis need to see tangible improvements in their daily lives or support for the new government will falter. Sunnis need to know that if they abandon violence they will have a role in the political process, and the Shia need to know that security will be provided by coalition and government forces - not by private militias. Kurds need assurance that their gains will not be jeopardized by sectarian violence. All Iraqis must be able to look forward to a future of growing security and prosperity overseen by a competent, representative government free of corruption and sectarian conflict.

Keep Senior Officers in Place

The Pentagon has adopted a policy of rotating our generals in and out of Iraq almost as frequently as the rotating of troops. John McCain believes this to be a deeply flawed practice. If these are, in fact, the best leaders for the task, they should remain on the job as long as possible. These generals and other senior officers with experience possess critical situational awareness and expertise necessary to prevail.

Call for International Pressure on Syria and Iran

John McCain believes Syria and Iran have aided and abetted the violence in Iraq for too long. Syria has refused to crack down on Iraqi insurgents and foreign terrorists operating from within its territory. Iran has aided the most extreme and violent Shia militias, providing them with training, weapons, and technology that they have used to kill American troops.

The answer is not to enter into unconditional dialogues with these two dictatorships from a position of weakness. The answer is for the international community to apply real pressure to Syria and Iran to change their behavior. The United States must also bolster its regional military posture to make clear to Iran our determination to protect our forces in Iraq and to deter Iranian intervention in that country.

Win the Homefront

If efforts in Iraq do not retain the support of the American people, the war will be lost as soundly as if our forces were defeated in battle. A renewed effort at home starts with explaining precisely what is at stake in this war to ensure that Americans fully understand the high cost of a military defeat. The war in Iraq is at a crossroads and the future of the entire region is at stake - a region that produced the terrorists who attacked America on 9/11 and where much of the world's energy supplies are located. Success is essential to creating peace in the region, and failure would expose the United States to national security threats for generations. Defeat in the war would lead to much more violence in Iraq, greatly embolden Iran, undermine U.S. allies such as Israel, likely lead to wider conflict, result in a terrorist safe haven in the heart of the Middle East, and gravely damage U.S. credibility throughout the world.

The American people also deserve to know that the path ahead will be long and difficult. They have heard many times that the violence in Iraq will subside soon - when a transitional government is in place, when Saddam is captured, when elections are held, when a constitution is in place. John McCain believes it is far better to describe the situation just as it is - difficult right now, but not without hope. The stakes for America could not be higher.

John McCain on Leadership

"Increasing U.S. troop levels will expose more brave Americans to danger and increase the number of American casualties. When Congress authorized this war, we committed America to a mission that entails the greatest sacrifice a country can make, one that falls disproportionately on those Americans who love their country so much that they volunteer to risk their lives to accomplish that mission. And when we authorized this war, we accepted the responsibility to make sure those men and women could prevail. Extending combat tours and accelerating the deployment of additional troops is a terrible sacrifice to impose on the best patriots among us, and they will understandably be disappointed when they are given that order. Then they will shoulder their weapons and do everything they can to protect our country's vital interests in Iraq."

- Senator John McCain

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

John McCain -From Your Neighborhood

Yesterday I mentioned that the President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy - called Nick Sarko The American by Snarky Frogs over the pond - could be a guy from Hegewisch, a steel-backboned community of wonderful blue-collar families and solid American values. I failed to mention that Nick is one of the best dressed people in the world, according to Vanity Fair, one of the most overpriced wastes of timber on the newsstand at the South Shore Station on Buffalo Ave.. He's a snappy dresser, to be sure, but so is Ed Vrydolyak a Native Son.

John McCain seems like the guy who brings over the spare sump pump, when the basement floods - again; he's a guy who joins the fish fry crew during Lent at St. Turibius; the man who drops off non-nose bleed tickets for the Bears/Vikings game, because 'he can't use them;' the gentleman setting up the chairs for the morning and evening services at New Pisgah Church; the authority on indirect heat grilling who slow cooks the ribs without making a federal case of the fact; McCain has the chain-saw when the tree comes down in your yard; the neighbor who quietly lets you know that your 8th Grade Cheerleader,Vickey, was smoking at the Mall and you might want to ask her about the pack Camel Menthols in her Louis Vutton knock-off purse; he walks his cousin suffering from Alzheimer's to Keegan's Pub for a half/half every Sunday; he's the quiet gent doing an extra lap around the rosary in the back of St. Gabe's before he stops by the Our Flag Club for the wide-screen Bears opener party. He's the best guy in every neighborhood.

This morning, I read about his response to the Concord New Hampshire teenager who asked him if he might feel too old to be President. "Thanks for your question, you little jerk. Your drafted!'

That's how my neighbors would respond - and so would your's!

I trust this man with my vote and support.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Nick Sarko - Could be a Guy from Hegewisch

The French twist in the photo ( squeaking in her boss's ear) seems less at ease with Regular Guys Like John McCain than her boss President Nicolas Sarkozy.

The more I read about French President Nicolas Sarkozy the more I like him. In fact, with America's constant worry over what the French are thinking of us - really, did any of you order 'freedom fries?' - it is kind of nice to have a French Leader who seems like a regular guy.

Nick Sarko - the American Lover is the epithet tossed out by the French -types that we love to lampoon. The ennui and old mattress smelling cigarette ( What were those damn things? Oh, Yeah, Gauloises in the Frog Blue Pack. They sold them at the tobacco shop on Clark Street in the Loop and I bought a pack once - they'd gag a maggot) addicted reader of Sartres, wearing a wool scarf in August who spews venomous derision at everything American but Jerry Lewis. Nick Sarko seems Okay by me.

Sarkozy seems like he'd be at home in Hegewisch talking Mount Carmel Football with an icy bottle of Old Style clutched in his mitts with The Dombrowski Brothers at Club 81 Too. This Hungarian Frenchman seems to be an ideal Pal for the future American President John McCain. Two regular guys who will hit things off for the improvement of their respective Nations. About time.

Bill Clinton was not our first African American President as some have suggested, but he most surely was our first Old School French President: played the sax and mistresses with aplomb; the bon mot at the ready. Old Bubba knew the lyrics and the melody.
Club 81 Too
13157 Ave. M, Chicago
Tel: (773) 646-4292