Showing posts with label American Catholics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Catholics. Show all posts

Friday, November 07, 2008

American Catholics - Time to Ask Where We Go to Mass - Grant Park or The Parish Near You!

Archbishop Charles Chaput wrote in his recent book, Render Unto Caesar,

“The point we must never forget is this: We need to keep fighting for the human person, starting with the unborn child and extending throughout life. We abandon our vocation as Catholics if we give up; if we drop out of political issues altogether or knuckle under to America’s growing callousness toward human dignity. We need to keep fighting. Otherwise we become what the Word of God has such disgust for: salt that has lost its flavor.”

The Sun Times, Chicago's Progressive Independent Voice of Chicago, is fighting for Gay Marriage. No children result from gay marriage - a biological imperative - but the Sun Times hammers home 'It's about the Children.' Which is the burning issue? Gay Rights it seems. Third Trimester Kids die every day thanks to Advocacy of a Woman's Right To Choose having a doctor jam a spike into the babies skulls and yank out the corpses with forceps, but the real heart-tugger comes when Randy and Andy ( gender Neutral handles) can not obtain a Cook County Marriage Licence from Dave Orr.

In Arkansas, voters barred unmarried couples from becoming adoptive or foster parents in a state that doesn't have enough foster homes. This action comes despite a recent study showing that same-sex couples play a critical role in the world of adoption because they will take the kids who are the hardest to place -- older children and ones with special needs.

So, a supposed pro-family measure winds up hurting children.
Now that sounds Urgent!

Stop the Presses!

That is because marriage is between two people of opposite gender - a union that is intended - great lawyer-word INTENT - to propagate the species, or more feely -Families.

Gays enjoy sex to express love between two people of same sexual gender ( Man to Man; Woman to Woman). Everyone else expresses their love with sex in hope of having children and raising them according to that union.

The expression of love comes in many forms - sex is one and a powerful one. In our times ( between the 1960's and today) one of the most powerful expressions of love has become politics: Advocacy Politics pick and issue, get behind it and votes will pour in.

As Chicago Sun Times Advocacy Columnist, Neil Steinberg said today in his column on Chicago: The New Athens,

One thing this election has taught me is that there are lots of facts, an infinity of facts, and too many people seize on just a few, puzzle pieces that fit neatly into their puzzled minds. Then they ignore the rest, staring at one pebble in a field of boulders.

The father and son singing might not be important. But it's something I'll remember for the rest of my life.

Politics, n. A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
-- Ambrose Bierce Devil's Dictionary.

It is time for principles to skip politics. Catholics, like me, need to take a long hard look at ourselves and ask, 'What do I believe? What do I share with my children? What is worth holding on to and what is worth letting go?

I listened to Catholic Journalist Raymond Arroyo last night and pointed out the liturgical nature of the Obama Celebration - almost a Mass it was! Thousands of people took Communion with President Elect Obama.

The Obama Liturgy in Grant Park on Tuesday Night and all that it means might be a good start to begin my examination of conscience.

We all live together to be sure, but we go Hell on our own.

Yes, indeed. Abortion has Advocacy. Gays have Advocacy. The Unborn are on their own.

Monday, September 08, 2008

McCain/Palin: Catholics Seem to Give McCain/Palin the Zogby Boost

The Zogby Numbers seem to indicate Catholics to be the big demographic in the McCain/Palin Bounce over the flat Obama/Biden ticket. Makes Sense - Obama Loves Abortion and Hates School Choice and Joe Does What the DNC Tells Him.

They Are no Mavericks!

All they got is Hollywood - We got Altar and Rosary Societies and Knights of Columbus Councils everywhere!

Some Very Strange Numbers From Zogby

Fritz Wenzel, a spokesman for the Zogby polling organization, is on XM POTUS08 right now, and he says that according to their numbers, McCain's surge in the polls started during the Democratic convention... which strikes me as rather odd.

Then he says that Sarah Palin is helping McCain by "double digits" among Catholic voters, particularly in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Michigan. While I don't find that impossible, it's interesting that a non-Catholic political figure would move the dial for Catholic voters. (Having said that, it's easy to picture her "hockey mom" style playing with Catholic voters in those states...)

[UPDATE: Numerous readers argue this is the Trig Palin effect. Yeah, that would make sense. A couple readers are telling me Sarah Palin was baptized Catholic, but I am skeptical that that would be the reason that Catholic voters would be shifting to the McCain-Palin ticket; that fact just doesn't seem publicized enough, nor seem like the piece of data that would shift a voter from one ticket to another, as Biden is Catholic.]

Independent women voters, as a portion of the sample, shrunk from 15 percent to 7 percent, but they went to Obama-Biden, not McCain-Palin. Yet among independent voters overall, McCain-Palin leads Obama-Biden, 49 percent to 42 percent.

All of this is from a Zogby Interactive poll of likely voters. For what it's worth...

09/08 01:13 PM