The child above survived an abortion. Illinois Representative Kelly Cassidy, who has three sons according to her biography, wants to make sure that no child survives an abortion.
Sen. Heather Steans and Rep. Kelly Cassidy are two Illinois Legislators - Steans is the Mother of Illinois Same Sex Marriage and Cassidy a late-term Lesibian with a lot of angry energy.
They are a BatPerson and Robin tag team working out the moral agenda of billionaire Fred Eychaner, Planned Parenthood and Personal PAC Illinois's Boss Terry Cosgrove.
They now have a Governor of Illinois who do anything that money demands, because he too is money.
Rep. Kelly Cassidy introduced the moral equivalent of the Nuremberg Laws to Springfield. Cassidy was appointed her her job and remains a State Representative by dint of her energy and Fred Eychaner'sMillions. Senator is a millionaire and scion of the Steans Family Foundation and fortune. She is to Cassidy, as Senator Dick Durbin is to Tammy Duckworth and like them perfectly fine with the slaughter of infants. Same Sex Marriage and Abortion are twin agendas worked by one side of the street - Progressive Democrats.
Rep. Cassidy, a declared lesbian and partnerwith Newt Gingrich's sister Candace and mother three boys, introduced the euphemistic Reproductive Health Act, which has absolutely nothing to do with human reproduction - rather the murder of living human infants.
The Reproductive Health Act will
- eliminate any restrictions on post-viability abortions and allow abortions for any reason whatsoever throughout all nine months of pregnancy
- eliminate any requirement that the person performing a post-viability abortion use a method of abortion that would enhance the chances of the unborn child surviving the abortion [thus providing evidence that women aren’t fighting for the right to terminate a pregnancy but rather to kill their babies]
- eliminate the requirement that a second physician be present to provide immediate medical care for any child born alive as a result of a post-viability abortion
- eliminate any restrictions on where abortions may be performed
- allow non-physicians to perform abortions, both surgical and medical
- allow women to attempt to abort their own pregnancies regardless of potential health risks
- undermine institutional and individual rights of conscience
- provide a basis to nullify regulations governing the operation of abortion clinics
- allow DCFS to use public funds to pay for abortions
- require health insurance policies to include coverage for all abortions, with no exemptions, even for churches and other religious organizations
- jeopardize enforcement of the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995 (which is the subject of separate bills that would expressly repeal the Act)
- eliminate any requirement to investigate fetal deaths or maternal deaths resulting from abortions or to record fetal deaths resulting from abortions
- impose no restrictions on fetal experimentation