Saturday, July 07, 2018

Ignore Pfleger and His Stunts - Keep Civil. Keep the Peace and Pfleger Loses

The Dan Ryan March gambit is only one incendiary in fiery Pastor Pfleger's arsenal. It is not a a nuclear bomb.  It is a a sparkler meant to put out the eyes of fair-minded people.

Getting fair-minded people blinded is what Michael Pfleger is all about.

Once people are blinded to his motives (accumulation of power, money and media focus) they depend upon others to lead them about in the darkness.

Fair-minded people blinded by Pfleger's sparklers go silent to his most egregious deeds and words and say things like, " Well, Father Mike really cares and has done great things for his people."

Name two things?

Thought so.

This latest stunt is meant to force politicians to bully business and philanthropy to peel off a few more millions for projects with Pfleger's imprimatur - nothing more. Pflger might even toss Base a bone, because Cardinal Kilroy Was Here got behind Blond Jesus again.

Full disclosure, I know Michael Pfleger and you can have him.   He is a brilliant, calculating Munchhausen.  If you were as 'afflicted and assaulted' as much as Pfleger, you would be pretty secure. No is after him; never were.

I have known the pastor of the Faith Community of St. Sabina  since July 1996, when I went to work for Leo High School, just east of his fiefdom that includes the Great Auburn Gresham Community Development , senior residences, real estate holdings on 76th Street and other Michael Pfleger Industries.

Leo Principal and CEO Bob Foster sent me over to meet with Pfleger, my first week on the job.  We met in the St. Sabina rectory.  Pfleger told me that he was more a "prophet than a priest."  I could not supress a laugh and Michael Pfleger redened to purple - meeting over.

Foster agreed with me.  He is a dangerous guy.

While at Leo High School, I learned exactly who Michael Pfleger is and what he is all about - Michael Pfleger.  In my time at Leo High School, Pfleger

  • Co-opted the Chicago Sun Times ( Kathleen Falsani and Editors) into creating a controversy where none existed - the Southwest Catholic Conference, while Cardinal George was in Poland. 
  • Covertly worked with the Jesuits to establish an independent school on the site St. Killian's Parish to construct a Christo Rey knock-off unique to the African American community 
  • Pfleger and ABC Channel Seven created a story that 'Cardinal George wanted to make Michael Pfleger' President of Leo High School and Pfleger told NPR's Tavis Smiley and Cornel West that 'Leo could not survive' without him  
In case Pfleger denied any ill-will toward Leo.  Leo President Bob Foster is the only man alive who could make Pfleger blush and run out of the room in shame.  Foster did just that by directly confronting Pfleger with proof of his back-handed schemes and attempts to take over the school.  

Foster did not threaten.  He confronted Pfleger with evidence - a business prospectus that included Pfleger's salary demands and personal governance rubrics.   The document was given to Leo High School by a Roman Catholic nun working on the project.  

The second time was in a governance meeting at the Office of Catholic Schools, which Pfleger had absolutely no stake in concerning the future of Leo High School and had no business being at the meeting.  Members of Leo 's Advisory Board were present and Dr. Nick Wolsonovich, former Supt. of Catholic Schools received a lesson in how to handle an arrogant and shameless opportunist. 

Bob Foster noted Pfleger's past attempts to harm Leo High School and the activist jumped up and stormed out of the meeting. 

Pfleger's march on the Dan Ryan is not about guns, deaths of innocent people, or bringing people together.  The march is intended to get one white (Caucasian) person to do or say anything that might provoke violence. A full-blown race riot would be just the thing for Michael Pfleger Industries. 

Pfleger wants hate mail

Pfleger needs anger.

Pfleger wants no peace.

With peace, justice and love, Pfleger gets no checks from banks. big business and do-gooder 501(c) 3 foundations.

Michael Pfleger has never drawn an un-calculated breath in his life.  He will not change - there is no percentage in it.

Pfleger is not aiming his march at Rahm Emanuel. Were that the case, Phleger would shut down Navy Pier, or the Skyway that Daley sold off.

Pfleger wants angry white people to overreact.  

Give him your love and your back. 

Ignore the phony Pfleger.

Boycott, the media that pumps him up.

Ridicule the politicians, priests, bishops and poltroons to dance to his tunes.

Maybe some Pfleger-sparkler blind people may recover their sight and start working against real racism, bigotry and injustice. 

Have a lovely weekend!


Mike Petrik said...

Still speaking truth to power, I see, Pat. God bless you!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Pat. I believe in your insight as few know better.

Whitey said...

Good stuff as usual Pat. Blond Jesus...…

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Hickey, I hope you don't mind me contacting you in this manner, but I could find no other contact information for you. I am the author of 13 books and numerous articles on US military history and am Field Editor for American Rifleman magazine. I'm currently working on an article about the U.S. Marine Corps tasked with guarding the US mail during a rash of robberies in the 1920s. You had posted a great photo of armed Marines (one holding a Thompson submachine gun) standing by a mail biplane. I would like to use this image in the article but only have the low-resolution photo you posted. Would it be possible to get a higher resolution image? I would, of course, give you appropriate photographic credit. You can email me at "" Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Bruce Canfield

pathickey said...


I am not sure who holds the rights to that great photo. It is not me.