Today, is no different. It is ninety minutes to Frosh/Soph lunch and I must keep this away from tender eyes - Obama Seeks to Affirm an International Norm. The title alone, would put the lads off their feed. Here try it and see if I can force feed myself . . . Obama seeks to affirm an international norm; Obama seeks to affirm an international norm;. . . . Come on! Be a Big Boy and Open Up! Obama seeks to affirm an international norm;Obama seeks to affirm an international norm;Obama seeks to affirm an international norm; Obama seeks to affirm an international norm . . .Pwaaaah! Taste like ass, to quote Sal . . .Nope.
I'm still dizzy with my inner demons screaming "WHAT THE @#$% Does that Dead-Eyed Dandy Mean?"
Nothing. Cable news and network news went daffy for Diversity - Brits, Sons of the Desert, Heathen Chinee, Listhpers and Fareed Zakaria.
This yutz was recently canned from CNN for plagiarism. I channel surf without his Jungle Book hissing pleonasms sesquipedlian in duration and contemptuous universal.
Elitist creeps love guys like Fareed, MSNBC's Martin Bashir and Flat-top Richard Wolf not only for the cache of tone, the contempt they hold for America.
American journalists like Chicago Tribune's John Kass make an easy and very profitable to sponsors slide to radio and television, because they speak plain English and have actually had more than one original thought in their lives.
Fareed Zakaria rehashes old Granta excerpts and idiots named Vanden Heuvel eat it up crap like this, "So, Obama’s aim is solely to affirm an international norm. To this end, he already has achieved something important. " Think of the children, People. Stop FZ! Stop him before he kills English again.
God willing Fareed Zakaria will do a lengthy immersed report from Mali.
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