“I recently met with Mayor Emanuel and his staff to make an urgent request for a significant increase in police visibility and beat patrols on this block, the Lakefront Trail, Riverwalk and greater Streeterville between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., especially on weekends,” Brendan Reilly, Alderman and Tribesman
Lord, lord! It's a struggle being the alderman of Chicago's Gold Card Zip Code. Just last week, two little girls were shot at an end-of -the- school year party in Pill Hill ( 4th CPD District:in what was once the African American Kennilworth) and that community will get no more cops than Rahm can squeeze out of a desk, or loot from a neighborhood where neighbors watch out for one another. The 4th is spread very thin over a vast landscape with only twelve officers per square mile.
Brendan Reilly alders the Gold Coast, Streeterville, the Near North, The Mag Mile and other touristy real estates and is protected by the men and women of 18th District with a dense and highly transient population of affluent, well-educated and opinionated voices. I can hear them all the way down here in Morgan Park ( 22nd District). Brendan has the 18th (Near North) 360 CPD professionals, or 76.8 officers per square mile, or 325 for every 32 citizens.
In my neck of the City in the Woods, we have 22nd CPD heroes (Morgan Park) with total of 271 officers of all ranks, or 20.1 Centurions per square mile, or theoretically one officer for 376 Bev Rats, MOPO minions, and Mount Greenwoodsmen.
Let's go back to Calumet Heights, or Pill Hill. Two little girls were badly wounded. Not only that, Pill Hill is crossed by the Skyway where two stiffs were found this morning and Stony Island Avenue, home to world class idiot drag-racers and single digit I.Q.s mounted upon Ducati 999, Suzuki GSXR1000 and Yamaha YZF-R1 crotch rokets. Add to this Section 8 Housing homesteaders created by Valerie Jarrett and political indifference and you have a dangerous landscape.
The people served by the 18th District have this demographic: 327 Total CPD officers, 12 officers per square mile and ONE policeman for every 378 citizens.
Are you feeling the diminutive Irishman's pain?
Brendan Reilly is a member of this Banana Republic's junta. He's a Rahm guy! Like the Chicago Pipe and Water Trades used to be, until polling numbers signaled the beginning of Ethnic Cleansing at the City of Chicago Water Department.
Brendan Reilly is one of the Tribe. He worked for Madigan right out of college, was assigned to help keep Paul Vallas out of the Governor's Mansion, was rewarded by ATT and given Burt Natarus's seat in City Council, when Old Burt started wearing Roman Armor in public.
Tourists and Riverwalk, Gold Coast and Streetville revellers are going to be victims of thugs as long as the Tribe, the Junta, the Oligarchs run this Banana Republic. I am sorry for your troubles.
Chicago is a Rube Class Global City because the Police Department is wildly understaffed.
Maybe, like the Greek myth of Cadmus from Hesiod's Theogony, or the Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes, Rahm might imitate Jason in his quest for the Golden Fleece. Rahm might sow dragon's teeth and CPD Spartoi might spring up from the ground.
Yeah, that could work.
Maybe, the Rubes of Chicago might start thinking for themselves and vote out the Tribe.