"I've been in a lot of tough fights," Quinn said in his victory speech. "Illinois is making a comeback and we know we have a lot more work to do. That's why we're here today. We have work to do on behalf of everyday people."

That drumbeat coming from Illinois Governor Pat " Everyday People" Quinn is pounding on the Nine Mansions with The Gospel of Envy! From the get-go, Pat Quinn has been all about just folks. Quinn lifted texts from the Bible (Wisdom St. Paul, Minneapolis, Isaiah, ); he quoted Lincoln, Carl Sandberg and Gwendolyn Brooks. He grabbed that public domain by the short and curlies and made the 1% howl!
However, he never cited Sylvester Stewart, though grabbed at Every Day People and continues to do so. Take this for example - " I believe in the everyday people of Illinois all my life. I’ve gathered a lot of signatures of citizens who aren't celebrities."
Primary Night - Pat Quinn went all-in for everyday people! People like Dr. Quentin Young, M.D., Joe Berrios, Abner Mikva, Sheila Simon, Toni Preckwinkle, Terry Cosgrove, Barbara Flynn-Currie, Karen Lewis, Jesse Sharkey, Keith Kelleher of SEIU and just folks like Eric Zorn, Carol Marin, Chuck Goudie and Congresman Danny Davis.
He even went to the Billy Goat -
At the Billy Goat Tavern on Lower Michigan Avenue tavern, Durbin and Quinn were joined by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Cook County Board Chairman Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios and Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon.
Durbin, the assistant Senate majority leader, said he and other Democrats would welcome President Barack Obama to campaign for them in Illinois. In other states, some Democratic candidates are giving the president the cold shoulder as his approval numbers have dropped.
I wonder if Pat Quinn will pay Sylvester Stewart the minimum wages he has so earned as an everyday people songwriter and artist? How about Sly's lawyers? They gotta eat, Guv!
And so on and so onAnd scooby dooby dooby, Oh sha sha We got to live together
"Everyday People"
Sometimes I'm right and I can be wrong
My own beliefs are in my song
The butcher, the banker, the drummer and then
Makes no difference what group I'm in
I am everyday people, yeah, yeah
There is a blue one
Who can't accept the green one
For living with a fat one
Trying to be a skinny one
Different strokes
For different folks
And so on and so on
And scooby dooby dooby
Oh sha sha
We got to live together
I am no better and neither are you
We are the same, whatever we do
You love me, you hate me, you know me and then
You can't figure out the bag I'm in
I am everyday people, yeah yeah
There is a long hair
That doesn't like the short hair
For being such a rich one
That will not help the poor one
Different strokes
For different folks
And so on and so on
And scooby dooby dooby
Oh sha sha
We got to live together
There is a yellow one
That won't accept the black one
That won't accept the red one
That won't accept the white one
Different strokes
For different folks
And so on and so on
And scooby dooby dooby
Oh sha sha
I am everyday people