Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2012

Planned Parenthood's Pick Two Contest for Women

Ladies, Keep the cute one!

Planned Parenthood and President Obama want to remind you, " It's all the rage in China!"

A girl informs  her Womans Health Professional , "Doctor, I've forgotten to take my contradictory pill!" 

The abortionist says: "Are you ignorant?" 

The girl says: "Yes, three months!"

God Bless the late Frank Carson -Belfast Telegraph

Friday, June 29, 2012

Chief Justice John Roberts Challenged America

“It is not our job, to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.” Chief Justice John Roberts

The SCOTUS ObamaCare Ruling " allows use of federal funds to pay for elective abortions and for plans that cover such abortions, contradicting longstanding federal policy,"  Timothy Cardinal Dolan

How did Chief Justice John Robert's ruling on ObamaCare affect me?

About the same as my vote for Gery Chico in the last Chicago Mayoral Election and my vote for Pat Quinn as Governor.  One in the loss column and one elected but both extremely costly and most disappointing. The mayoral winner, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, increased Chicago property taxes by $ 41 Million, gave $1 Million to Gang-Banger Emeriti of CeaseFire, set the table for a CPS strike, made Blunts more accessible to the Soul Patched Knit Hat crowd, imposed the garbage collection grid in order to geld any remaining autonomy at the Ward level of Chicago Government and we have yet to see the bill for the swell NATO Tribute to Andy Thayer. Gov. Pat Quinn proved himself to be the Governor Le Pétomane to Illinois Abortion Trail-Boss Terry Cosgrove's Hedley Lamarr. Quinn does nothing without Boss Cosgrove's say-so. Both electoral experiences have been as pleasant as a vigorous, drug-free, gum scrapping by a periodontist in the late stages of Parkinson's Disease.

Hey, it's how we vote neighbors.   Sometimes you get the bear and most times the bears maul the Hell out you.

I happen to be Roman Catholic.  As far as I can tell, it will be a very tough couple of months. The only thing keeping me and my co-religionists from being outlaws is the ballot-box.  ObamaCare is all about Abortion, Contraception and Planned Parenthood; everything else is spoon vittles.

Chief Justice John Roberts took a tough path and upheld the Mandate/Tax for ObamaCare in a 5-4 decision, siding with the liberal half of the bench.  Immediately, the left of America laid palm branches and shouted Hosanna's and the right leaning Americans demanded Robert's pelt . . .for starters.  Personally, I believe that Chief Justice John Roberts proved himself to be wiser than Solomon and craftier than Richelieu.  President Obama won a huge jackpot yesterday on a low straight flush hand. The Springfield Illinois Poker Superstar is high-five-ing and knuckle-bumping.

Chief Justice Roberts called for a clean deck.

ObamaCare's Chip Leader, President Barack Obama now heads to the final table set for November 6th 2012.  He will be facing the American Voter.

Shuffle the Cards and Deal!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Planned Parenthood Owns Our American Political Class - Dennis Byrne Outs Abortion PAC

Guess where most of the "dark" campaign money comes from?

"If you said sneaky right wing nuts, the "1 percent" (i.e. superrich Americans) or corporate powerhouses, you'd be wrong. The biggest hunk of money came from Planned Parenthood Action Fund Inc., yeah them, the abortion industry."   Dennis Byrne American Journalist and Chicago Author

Dennis Byrne, Ray Coffey and Herman Kogan were real newsmen.  Unlike the pan-networked gas bags who pass for Chicago journalists, these pros are real reporters,

Dennis Byrne still writes for the Chicago Tribune, but like the great John Kass, is back-seated by the editorial board in favor of the dog who caught the car - Eric Zorn.

Today, Dennis Byrne goes after the real political puppet masters who control the DNC and too many Democrat & GOP elected officials, especially the current President of the United States and Illinois Governor Pat Quinn.  Abortion is the Steel Industry of post-testosterone American politics.  Unlike the Steel Industry, absolutely nothing good comes from the murder of children.

Abortion - the original hate crime.

Using the Sunlight Foundations listing of FEC filings here are the PACs that influence votes and own the hearts and minds of politicians:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Inc.$1,660,768.52$1,638,784.98$21,983.54$0.00$0.00FEC filings
AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES AFL-CIO$1,534,658.50$1,500,000.00$34,658.50$0.00$0.00FEC filings
LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS INC$981,151.47$133,775.48$396,022.40$451,353.59$0.00FEC filings
PATRIOT MAJORITY USA$977,820.65$776,105.65$201,715.00$0.00$0.00FEC filings
AMERICAN ACTION NETWORK INC$834,890.04$712,421.27$0.00$15,878.85$106,589.92FEC filings
SUSAN B ANTHONY LIST INC$522,474.66$0.00$0.00$0.00$522,474.66FEC filings
CITIZENS FOR A WORKING AMERICA INC.$475,000.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$475,000.00FEC filings
NARAL Pro-Choice America$422,440.16$92,604.33$329,740.83$0.00$0.00FEC filings
NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE$334,228.03$262,212.18$10,000.00$33,590.81$28,425.04FEC filings
CLUB FOR GROWTH$244,009.36$114,965.72$0.00$0.00$129,043.64FEC filings
YG NETWORK INC.$241,078.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$241,078.00FEC filings
FREEDOM PATH$189,670.00$189,670.00$0.00$0.00$0.00FEC filings
VOTEVETS.ORG ACTION FUND$139,364.65$0.00$139,364.65$0.00$0.00FEC filings
FIDELIS$132,286.57$0.00$0.00$0.00$132,286.57FEC filings
CENTER FORWARD$104,700.00$0.00$0.00$104,700.00$0.00FEC filings
US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE$95,140.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$95,140.00FEC filings
HUMANE SOCIETY LEGISLATIVE FUND$50,545.00$0.00$30,507.52$20,037.48$0.00FEC filings
FRIESS, FOSTER S$46,398.31$0.00$0.00$0.00$46,398.31FEC filings
HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN$42,878.10$27,931.56$14,946.54$0.00$0.00FEC filings
THE COMMON SENSE MOVEMENT$29,760.00$0.00$29,760.00$0.00$0.00FEC filings
INDEPENDENT WOMEN'S VOICE$28,599.88$0.00$0.00$0.00$28,599.88FEC filings
FLORIDA WATCH ACTION INC.$27,165.36$27,165.36$0.00$0.00$0.00FEC filings
REPUBLICAN JEWISH COALITION$24,227.70$0.00$0.00$24,227.70$0.00FEC filings
NEW YORK LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS$21,368.00$0.00$21,368.00$0.00$0.00FEC filings
MAIN STREET ADVOCACY$18,303.93$18,303.93$0.00$0.00$0.00FEC filings
SEPHARDIC COMMUNITY FEDERATION INC.$14,987.82$0.00$0.00$14,987.82$0.00FEC filings
CALIFORNIA VOTE BY MAIL VOTER GUIDE$12,500.00$0.00$12,500.00$0.00$0.00FEC filings
SIERRA CLUB$7,747.33$0.00$7,747.33$0.00$0.00FEC filings
AUL ACTION, NFP$7,225.00$0.00$0.00$7,225.00$0.00FEC filings
USACTION$6,637.72$0.00$6,637.72$0.00$0.00FEC filings
OHIO LEGISLATIVE BLACK CAUCUS ACTION FUND$6,344.74$0.00$6,344.74$0.00$0.00FEC filings
AMERICAN BRIDGE 21ST CENTURY FOUNDATION$5,089.29$5,089.29$0.00$0.00$0.00FEC filings
HOTZE, STEVEN F.$5,000.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$5,000.00FEC filings
FAITH AND FREEDOM ACTION$2,003.40$0.00$0.00$0.00$2,003.40FEC filings
THE 60 PLUS ASSOCIATION$1,841.70$0.00$0.00$0.00$1,841.70FEC filings
NEVADANS FOR LIBERTY$1,553.00$0.00$0.00$1,553.00$0.00FEC filings
FARISH, HARVEY R$1,152.90$0.00$0.00$0.00$1,152.90FEC filings
FARISH, DEBRA L$1,152.90$0.00$0.00$0.00$1,152.90FEC filings
COPS VOTER GUIDE$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00FEC filings

Monday, June 25, 2012

Send President Obama Your Gravy Boat - Let Him Know How Much He Matters

President Obama and Obama 2012 in an unprecedented appeal to voters wants all Americans to let him know how they feel.

Send President Obama a gravy boat.

President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

They'll love them! Who would not?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Francis Cardinal George, a Great Shepherd, Gets Wolf-packed by Tribune Editors and Public Ombudsman

Just in time for Sunday's Extended Gay Pride Parade, The Chicago Tribune treated Catholic Chicago with a shower of invective from harsh and less than "we agree-to-disagree" shouters in the Letters Section  ( June 20th).  The Tribune's Ombudsman for Public Opinion did his job for the ghost of Joe Medill, it is clear, because the lettters reflect only Medill's point view - Catholics and Cardinal George are bad, real bad people.

Quiet the contrary, Cardinal George maintains the Magisterium ( Google it, there Head-scratchers).

The same logic presented within the ugly and misleading comments below, including a chap whom I suspect just might be the brother and partner of notorious Homosexual Monologician Dan Savage.*  Dan and Bill demanded that Catholic high schools force their students to attend a Gay Happy play about the miseries of living according to one's faith.
Piling on and nipping at Cardinal George's heels are the Obama Care Mandate acolytes.
The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board and its Public Ombudsman continue a daffy control over thought and presentation of the news.  They have also set the table for this week-end's al fresco Anti Catholic hate-mongering during the long Gay promenade.

Money, mables, or chalk - there will be a caravan of ugly and vicious attacks on Cardinal George and the Catholic Church featured by signage and floats this Sunday.

Cardinal's words
When Cardinal Francis George urged parishioners to speak out against the federalcontraceptive mandate, he is setting both himself and other Catholics up for a charge of blatant hypocrisy ("Birth control edict stirs Catholics," News, June 17). What the cardinal is basically saying is that no one, including the government, should be able to tell the church what it can and cannot do. I would agree with this assertion.
However, the history of the Catholic Church and other religious institutions is to consistently dictate to others what they can and cannot do in their private lives. This includes women's reproductive choices, various gay issues and, of course, what we all do in our bedrooms. The list of personal activities that the church has tried to outlaw is quite long. I would urge the cardinal and other religious people to practice what they preach. If you want to be left alone to do as you see fit, then you must afford others that same right.eff Clauser, Chicago

Cardinal's hypocrisy Cardinal Francis George is correct when he says that "in a democracy, government should not play God."
I, and many other Catholics, would respond with the flip side of that coin: The church should not play government. The seemingly ceaseless attempts by the Roman Catholic Church to make its particular doctrines (against birth control, same-sex marriage, abortion) the law of the land show the cardinal's hypocrisy.
His eminence is perfectly happy if the United States government plays God according to the tune chosen by the Vatican. Bill Savage, Chicago (emphasis my own)

Cardinal's views Cardinal Francis George is quoted in the June 17 Tribune: "In a democracy, government should not play God."
Really? The cardinal and other religious leaders have no trouble inflicting their views regarding who can marry and reproductive rights on citizens of the democracy. Perhaps he should confine his views to his flock and refrain from imposing his religious views on the democracy.
In a democracy, God should not be allowed to play with governance — Aviva Tauman, Evanston

According to the Tribune, a speaker at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said, "We protect the freedom of religion because we think it is wrong to coerce belief" (News, June 14). They do? Cardinal Francis George lobbied against the state civil union law by attempting to force his religious beliefs on state legislators and Gov. Pat Quinn. George's vehement opposition to same-sex marriage is religious coercion. No one can marry in Illinois without first obtaining a state-issued marriage license. That makes marriage a civil right before it can become a religious rite.
Yet George would codify his religious beliefs into Illinois law by denying the civil right of marriage to same-sex couples.
In the name of his religious beliefs, George threatens the civil liberties of members of the gay-lesbian-bisexual-transgender community. He supports discrimination against gay couples when it comes to adopting children, civil unions and marriage equality.
All these things are forms of religious coercion.
— Bob Barth, Chicago

*Dan and Bill Savage share an interest in sex education. And they want to share it with you, too. Dan’s enormously popular weekly column, “Savage Love,” and podcast, the Savage Lovecast, address questions pertaining to love and sex from all walks of life. In this live edition of the Savage Lovecast, Dan invites questions from the audience, and Bill, a senior lecturer in English at Northwestern University, moderates. This program is not recommended for children under 13.
Media sponsorship of this program is provided by theChicago Reader.,0,4754334.story

Friday, June 15, 2012

Catholic Mother Jones Would Spit in the Eye of ACLU Hypocrisy and Anti-Catholic Bigotry

“Some day the workers will take possession of your city hall, and when we do, no child will be sacrificed on the altar of profit!” Mary Harris "Mother" Jones(August 1, 1837 – November 30, 1930)

Nothing seems more profitable than the murder of children by Progressive America. Abortion is the tide that lifts every secularist boat - gay marriage, redistribution of wealth, Green everything are tied to the apron strings of the American Dowager Class - Planned Parenthood.  

Progressive thought requires a collective tabula rasa - erase history and begin anew. E.G. Mary Harris Jones, or Mother Jones. Progressives have been re-writing and burning history for decades and have succeeded in hoodwinking Americans that social justice has nothing to do with the Catholic Church in America,  The Progressive treatment of Mother Jones informs one-and-all that Mother Jones was born and baptized a Roman Catholic and attributes here ';hell-raising' ways to her rebel Cork, Ireland beginnings.  The common Progressive thread leads the un-discerning reader to assume that she repudiated her Faith in favor of Radical Socialism and Third Wave Feminism and found solace and comfort and support in godlees Hegelian community activism. Facts are swords. Group thought is fragile. In fact, Marry Harris Jones repudiated not the Faith of her birth and baptism, but the secularist and murderous ideologies of the Progressive.

Ignored is the fact that Mary Harris Jones ended her 93 years of teaching in Catholic schools, sewing for the rich Yanks of Chicago, fighting with and for the Knights of Labor, organizing and then repudiating the United Mine Workers as well as the Socialist Party of America, with last rites of her Roman Catholic Faith and burial along side the miners of southern Illinois. 
 ( The Roman Catholic Funeral Mass for Mary Harris "Mother" Jones at the Church of Ascension in Mount Olive, IL 1930)

Mary Harris Jones, for whom the anti-Catholic and secularist magazine is named, was buried in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church from the Church of Ascension in Mount Olive, IL - facts are such troubling things. Mother Jones 
would spit in the eye of the Dowager Class and its murderous self-interest.

 ( Pleae note the Roman Catholic Crucifix on the coffin of Mother Jones)

Last month, when forty plus Roman Catholic Dioceses brought suit against the Obama Regime's HHS Mandate, Mother Jones magazine said this - 

"The ACLU's Reproductive Freedom Project recently won its lawsuit against HHS over a federal grant through which USCCB provided services to human trafficking victims. The bishops had refused to allow subcontractors to use the federal money to refer women for reproductive health services. In 2009, the ACLU filed suit arguing that under the contract the USCCB (and by extension, the federal government) was unconstitutionally foisting Catholic religious beliefs on the larger public. (The Obama administration last year refused to renew the contract,prompting even more outrage from USCCB, which accused the administration of operating an "ABC policy," or "Anyone But Catholics."). . . Real religious freedom gives everyone the right to make personal decisions, ( How baout a 24 oz. Big Gulp Chalice full of  grape NeHi?) including whether and when to use birth control, based on our beliefs. It doesn't give one group the right to impose its beliefs on others, (Gay Marriage?) or to use religion as an excuse to discriminate by denying employees access to vital services. The fight they are waging isn't about religious liberty at all, but about whether a woman should have insurance coverage for birth control. When you stop and think about it, it's incredible that this is an issue in 2012 Mother Jones May 22, 2012

Mother Mary? "Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living." Thank you, Mother Jones!  The living children about to be murdered in their mother's wombs are alive, until the Dowager Class gets more of its way with the help of sharks of the ACLU.

The ACLU's Alicia Gay warns that the "powerful lobbying arm of the Catholic Church" mistakenly claims that the HHS contraception mandate violates their religious liberty. ACLU February 2012

Is that a mistake Mother Mary Jones? 

“Injustice boils in men's hearts as does steel in its cauldron, ready to pour forth, white hot, in the fullness of time”

You got that right Mother Dear.

Mother Jones once said, " God Almighty made Women and the . . .( Rockefeller) gang of thieves made ladies.  These daughters of Rockefeller are Planned Parenthood and the Abortion Industry. They made Barack Obama President and his Government made war on Mother Jones as well as all of us Catholics. I agree with Mother Jones that "Movements to suppress wrongs can be carried out under the protection of the flag." I also believe that the current regime and its allies in the media alone decides who gets that protection and the Catholic Church does not fit the bill.

Mother Jones can be witnessed in the actions of the USCCB, Cardinal George, Cardinal Dolan and the Thomas More Society.
Mother Jones Rallied for Religious Liberty in most cities of America on June 8th, 2012.

Mother Jones would spit in the collective Progressive eyes - the lot of them. She was not a humanitarian; she was hell-raiser.  Watch some hell-raising from Catholics who read and remember.

In his eulogy, Father J. W. R. Maquire * said Jones would find miners living in tents, the serfs of coal companies and left them free and independent men. “Because of her great struggle for economic justice, she became a world figure.”
What seems left unsaid, is her great Catholic faith

Church of the Ascension -705 E. Main Street-Mount Olive, IL 62069-0259 US
Fr Larry Anschutz
Phone:(217) 999-4981
Fax:(217) 999-4036

 **              Six Things Everyone Should Know About The HHS Mandate

February 6, 2012WASHINGTON— The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops offers the following clarifications regarding the Health and Human Services regulations on mandatory coverage of contraceptives, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs.
1.The mandate does not exempt Catholic charities, schools, universities, or hospitals. These institutions are vital to the mission of the Church, but HHS does not deem them "religious employers" worthy of conscience protection, because they do not "serve primarily persons who share the[ir] religious tenets."HHS denies these organizations religious freedom precisely because their purpose is to serve the common good of society—a purpose that government should encourage, not punish.
2.The mandate forces these institutions and others, against their conscience, to pay for things they consider immoral. Under the mandate, the government forces religious insurers to write policies that violate their beliefs;forces religious employers and schools to sponsor and subsidize coverage that violates their beliefs; and forces religious employees and students to purchase coverage that violates their beliefs.
3.The mandate forces coverage of sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs and devices as well as contraception.   Though commonly called the "contraceptive mandate," HHS's mandate also forces employers to sponsor and subsidize coverage of sterilization.And by including all drugs approved by the FDA for use as contraceptives, the HHS mandate includes drugs that can induce abortion, such as "Ella," a close cousin of the abortion pill RU-486.
4.Catholics of all political persuasions are unified in their opposition to the mandateCatholics who have long supported this Administration and its healthcare policies have publicly criticized HHS's decision, including columnists E.J. Dionne. . . , Mark Shields. . . , and Michael Sean Winters. . . ; college presidents Father John Jenkins. . . and Arturo Chavez. . . ; and Daughter of Charity Sister Carol Keehan. . . , president and chief executive officer of the Catholic Health Association of the United States.
5.Many other religious and secular people and groups have spoken out strongly against the mandate. Many recognize this as an assault on the broader principle of religious liberty, even if they disagree with the Church on the underlying moral question.For example, Protestant Christian. . . , Orthodox Christian. . . , andOrthodox Jewish. . . groups--none of which oppose contraception--have issued statements against the HHS's decision.The Washington Post. . . , USA Today. . . , N.Y. Daily News. . . , Detroit News. . . , and other secular outlets, columnists. . . , andbloggers. . . have editorialized against it.6.The federal mandate is much stricter than existing state mandates. HHS chose the narrowest state-level religious exemption as the model for its own.That exemption was drafted by the ACLU and exists in only 3 states (New York, California, Oregon).Even without a religious exemption, religious employers can already avoid the contraceptive mandates in 28 states by self-insuring their prescription drug coverage, dropping that coverage altogether, or opting for regulation under a federal law (ERISA) that pre-empts state law.The HHS mandate closes off all these avenues of relief.
Additional information on the U.S. Catholic bishops’ stance on religious liberty, conscience protection and the HHS ruling regarding mandatory coverage of contraceptives, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs is available at religious freedom, freedom of conscience, Catholic charities, hospitals, schools, universities, religious employers, mandatory coverage, contraceptives, abortion, sterilization, HHS mandate, health care policies, religious exemption
# # # # #
MEDIA CONTACT: Mar Muñoz-Visoso O: 202-541-3202 M: 301-646-8616 Email

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Val -"Des Ain't Coming!" Brand Obama 2012 - The I in Team!

Brand Obama Proves It!

Big Val Jarrett Wedding Do on Saturday and Brand Obama - The I in Team Regime will be there, but not the gal who minted the term.

But Desiree Rogers, the first African-American to become the White House Social Secretary, has been dissed.
◆Translation: Rogers has not been invited to the backyard Kenwood wedding this weekend for the daughter of the ultimate White House insider/Rogers’ former “closer-than-glue” best friend, White House senior advisor Valerie Jarrett.

Dang. Neither me nor Desiree Rogers were invited to Val Jarrett's daughter's wedding.  I did not expect an invitation, but I am sure that Desiree Rogers did.  Allison Davis, the Slumdog Millionaire and Obama's Progressive Chinaman, will be there along with Brand Obama folks.

It is said to be a Hyde Park backyard affair, which in my experience tends to be about as fun and friendly as a Cash-bar Quaker Rage Encounter Group.  I expect that Val will have pairs of Mormon Missionaries on the stools of the dunk tanks and MSNBC anchors blowing balloon animals for the kids.

Desiree will more than likely go to Millennium Park for the free concert on Saturday*.  I'm going to soak up some Liszt, Schuman, Handel and Gandolfini - no not the guy from the Sopranos. Poor Desiree. I picture Ms. Rogers wearing her dependable yellow Wellingtons from her Peoples Gas days, walking sadly but stoically smiling above an elegant outfit and them knock-out Peoples Gas yellow-rubber boots strolling between blankets and porto-lounger chairs in a vain attempt to coax an invitation to join a parliament of culture vultures like me and my pals for some Triscuits, olive loaf and Velveeta Cubes washed down with chilled Country Club Malt Liquor. Brand Hickey is welcoming, but certainly not presumptuous.
Remember these two scamps and vamps? No longer BFFes.

Desiree minted Brand Obama and Brand Obama turned around and smelted** Desiree out of the Obama (MY) White House. Well she most be in pain over the slights to her efforts, but Desiree will never be caught dumpster diving. She's fine - CEO Will Travel and Has Traveled.

President Obama of Brand Obama calls it his White House. What happened to that lefty Peoples White House, or was it Some Peoples White House?

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>iframe>
I have never really cottoned to Barack Obama, though we have met more than a few times.  I have been always 'underwhelmed' by the gent.  Nice guy.  There's millions of nice guys.  He never struck me as an intellectual titan and reminded me of Flounder in movie Animal House -

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>iframe>

As a State Senator, about 2003, I quess,  I had to squire Mr. Obama to the ring in order to present trophies to two boxers.  State Rep. Kevin McCarthy Leo '68) presented the previous bout's awards.  The future White House occupant, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Chief Executive asked me upon approaching the square ring, "Where's the gate?"

Between the ropes Senator.  Smartest guy in them shoes! Kevin McCarthy, and eight other VIPS as well as sixteen boxers had climbed through the ropes previously.  I do pick a nit.

Well that's just pee in the Wheaties, as they say.

I have the same job I had when President Obama was stamping his name on Woods Fund and Annenberg Challenge stationary under the watchful eye of Billy Ayers, when lost both cheeks of his ass to Bobby Rush, when he was wedged in as State Senator and smoothed over Danny Hynes for U.S. Senator, when he eclipsed the then very tubby Jesse Jackson Junior at John Kerry's Run- DNC Convention, when he won the Presidency over John McCain, whom I backed- more fool me - and when he took the oath of Office and launched Desiree Rogers' Brand Obama.  Yep, much work to be done for Leo High School.

Brand Obama 2012 has no room for Desiree Rogers.  That seems just mean. Barred from a backyard fete in Hyde Park.  Well, if I see her wandering around Millennium on Saturday night, I offer the poor thing a some olive loaf/Velveeta canapes and a frosty can of Country Club ML. (Note to Steve Jordan - DO NOT get Mickey's Big Mouths - get the Country Club - it matters)

So long as Barack "Where's the Gate?" Obama is my Commander in Chief, he can determine whom one should and may invite to any Hyde Park Hootenanny.  It is His White House.

Friday, June 15, 2012, 6:30pmSaturday, June 16, 2012, 7:30pmOpen Rehearsal: Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 3:00pm – 5:30pm
Open Rehearsal: Thursday, June 14, 2012, 10:30am – 1:00pm
Open Rehearsal: Friday, June 15, 2012, 11:00am – 1:30pm
Fundraiser: Friday, June 15, 2012, 8:00pm
Club 615: Saturday, June 16, 2012, 6:15pm – 7:00pm
Jay Pritzker Pavilion
* Club 615: Choral Hall
Grant Park Orchestra And Chorus
Carlos Kalmar, Conductor
Christopher Bell, Chorus Director

Liszt: Les PréludesSchuman: A Free SongHandel: Royal Fireworks MusicGandolfi: Only Converge: An Exaltation of PlaceProgram Notes 

**Smelting involves more than just melting the metal out of its ore. Most ores are a chemical compound of the metal with other elements, such as oxygen (as an oxide), sulfur (as a sulfide) or carbon and oxygen together (as a carbonate). To produce the metal, these compounds have to undergo a chemical reaction. Smelting therefore consists of using suitable reducing substances that will combine with those oxidizing elements to free the metal.