Showing posts with label Pastor Pfleger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pastor Pfleger. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Achilles Heel of Western Civilization Bites George Soros Good and Hard.

Image result for pfleger in Mount Greenwood

PHILADELPHIA — George Soros is back.
The billionaire investor, who scaled back his political giving after a then-unprecedented $27 million spending spree to try to defeat President George W. Bush in 2004, has quietly reemerged as a leading funder of Democratic politics — and as a leading boogeyman of conservatives. Politico
 The pop-up, Soros-financed leftist groups like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, even the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement against Israel – all based on the left's hatred and prejudice – will vanish as Americans under President Trump go back to work and come to realize that the psychotic jealousy that fuels these groups has hurt and not helped either themselves or our country. Joan Swirsky
Okay. So let's review the Electoral Map:
  • New York City - New York state went for Clinton
  • DC - went for Clinton
  • Chicago - Illinois went for Clinton
  • Boston - Massachusetts went for Clinton
  • Seattle - Washington state went for Clinton, too
So these so-called protestors are protesting in places that already went for Clinton, rioting, burning, breaking. That's going to earn you a lot of support somewhere along the line? We're missing something here.
Be careful ladies and gents. Second City Cop
Image result for soros
A louse of the first waters is the James Bond Villain figure and Global Short Seller. George Soros.

He is the only person on this planet to whom I wish to snidely and quietly give the old horse laugh.

Soros is the money roll of the Occupy Movement and its benighted members that are collateral damage in this creeps war on Western Civilization.  Here is Soros weeks before the election.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

From the bullhorn Bolsheviks, preening priest and high volume BLM activists plaguing the working families of Mount Greenwood in Chicago to the bust-out capital of California Oakland, George Soros is the guy behind noise, the violence and the blood.
Oakland: A member of the public tries toscrub away 'Kill Trump' graffiti as demonstrators riot in California
George, you lost a hell of a lot of money, but not nearly as much as you will.
Oakland: Some people were seen burning objects in the streets, while others tried to get onto the I-90, but were blocked by cops
Try and get some sleep.  A really long one would be nice.

Friday, September 02, 2016

Bullet Points With Alderman Emma Mitts( 37th): Intellectual Beef Jerky at All Race Pressers

beefbēf/Submitverb informal1.complain."he was beefing about how the recession was killing the business"synonyms: complain, grumble, whine, carp, bitch, gripe, bellyache"they're constantly beefing about the neighbor's dog"

To Beef:
(photo Galloway -Sun Times)

  • This is racism at its best,” Ald. Emma Mitts (37th) said at Thursday’s news conference. 
  • Why are our kids constantly shooting each other
  • You know why, because they’re angry
  • They’ve been locked up
  • They haven’t had any jobs and no resources and they want to make a dollar
  • They haven’t had parents who been able to teach them. 
  • The system failed from many, many years ago,” she said. Emma Mitts
Now that is a fistful of seven sticks of beef jerky that will keep your intellectual molars grinding the live long day.

The statement above comes from a Chicago Alderman during a news conference called by the usual voices of race-hustling, opportunism, snappy patter with mixed metaphors,  and political bull jive: Jesse Jackson, Commissioner Richard Boykin, Alderman Emma Mitts, Urban League President Sharon Runner and Congressman Danny Davis ( D. Rev. Moon).  These worthies are calling for . . .now here is something that might really bring thug violence to a screeching halt . . . a walk, a perambulation, a healthy constitutional through "endandered communities."  That is the answer from the people the media goes to for answers 24/7 in Chicago: Thug-Step One: Shoot someone!  Make good your escape! Lay Low It's All Good .  The Community-Step Two: Call the Media! Don't Identify the Shooter! Don't arrest the shooter. Offer a Reward!  Create an Activist Network  Have a March! Have March! Have a March! Call the Media.
In the wake of the deadliest month Chicago has seen in 20 years, the Rev. Jesse Jackson on Thursday said he would join other black leaders in an “Endangered Communities Tour” that will hold town hall meetings in nine of the city’s hardest-hit neighborhoods. . . .In a war zone, you don’t have to be guilty to be crucified,” Jackson said Thursday, emphasizing the innocents that get caught in the crossfire. (Mixed Metaphor)

Beef Jerky -  .In a war zone, you don’t have to be guilty to be crucified,” 

I asked a Vietnam veteran at Mass this morning about the number of crucifixions he witnessed during the Siege of Khe Sahn and he asked me, " You on the pipe?  Get some breakfast in you."

Jesse Jackson has been a continuous presence in the public imagination concerning all matters of race and picking up a buck.

Race relations are great, when black and white people meet  on street, at work, in neighborhood sports, charity work, at Mariano's, Aldi's and Fair Play foods, riding the Metra and serving their neighbors.  That is not news.  Race relations are not so hot on news at 5,6 and 10 PM, or all over the newspapers and on the radio, or every time someone gets tuned-up riding the Red Line.

The solemn-suffering faces of usual suspects at every Race Bait presser and their bullet points are dry, chewy and badly spiced slabs of empty intellectual calories making morbidly obese craniums every where nod in robotic solidarity.

Pastor Pfleger maintains his own Jerky operations on 79th Street and eschews the $10.00 National Barrel of Beefs required for Rainbow Coalition's gnashing of teeth.  When Pfleger goes national this is what happens

Lord Ha' Mercy!  And Hillary is back at the plate!
Image result for pastor pfleger with cupich

Therefore, grift locally and backtrack more easily - he is ecclesiastically bullet-proof with Francis Cardinal George home with Christ. Pfleger can "God Damn a Cop!" at his services brush it off* like link on a black Armani suit.  It's all good. Pastor Pfleger will be a bishop before long.

Beef jerky is for folks that have been over-served.  Back in the day, it was Slim Jims.  It has no nutritional value, but tastes good at the time.

Emma Mitts is a lucky woman.  She is a Chicago Alderman.  She is and her colleagues are mandarins of the oligarchy - they manage things by voting the way they are told to vote.

However, the Alderman's very words leap out of the narrative after the first bite!  Racism (Whitey) caused two angry, locked-up, no job/no resource, dollar-less lads with bad parents to continuously shoot Dwayne Wade's cousin on "O" Street**.

These tow unhappy gents sound like they have been brainwashed by Fox News and must have become Trump voters.  Did Pastor Pfeger endorse Mrs. Clinton yet?  Plenty to chew on.

Then,  the last pull of dried meat blames " the system"  - civil rights, affirmative action, race based set-asides, housing?

Tasted Ok for a while.

*Rebuttal :"This a "representative" of the "community." An un-elected representative by the way. And supposedly, a representative of an organization that is supposed to prevent people from straying from the path to eternal salvation.

What happened to "love the sinner, condemn the sin"? Or "Treat others as you would be treated"? Or does all of that take a back seat to the cult of personality running amok on the south side in the guise of Catholicism?"

** The real tragedy behind the constant grifting of hustlers:
". . . Among those killed was Nykea Aldridge, cousin of Bulls star and area native Dwyane Wade.

Nykea Aldridge | Facebook photo
Nykea Aldridge | Facebook photo
Aldridge was shot in the head as she pushed one of her four children in a stroller in the 6300 block of South Calumet in the Parkway Gardens neighborhood, a particularly violent area colloquially known as “O Block.” Two men were charged in her death."

Friday, August 26, 2016

Chicago Tribune Data Under-Mines CPD

Image result for chicago cops under fire

You can't keep masses of folks in poverty, unemployment, incarceration and in communities looking like Third World Countries. The shooting, murder and disrespect of law enforcement is really not a surprise, they(the police) are the enforcer of America's injustice....but Dr. King also warned us that our fight must not be in the lowest form, using violence....WE must use our MORAL FORCE and dismantle an UNJUST AMERICA ......I understand the anger...but, VIOLENCE: whether by Police or CIVILIANS is NEVER AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION - Pastor Pfleger

I don’t understand how every good cop would not want a very harsh, strong police board,” Pfleger said.

Pastor Pfleger was a member of Daley's first Independent Police Review Authority and he was a on Daley's search committee that hired Jody Weiss in 2007.  The following year, Pastor Pfleger sort of disappeared when a video of his sermon at Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ went . . . viral.

Chicago's Social Justice elite managed to soldier on without Pastor Pfelger for the next eighteen months or so as the fiery and controversial media star clashed with Cardinal George.  Police continued to be undermined, smeared and second guessed in the media that was all agush for Professor Dave Protess and the Wrongful Conviction kids, but that sort of went sour as well.

More and more, calls came for private police services and a national security force as President Obama's Hope and Change Justice Departmemt helped erode confidence in policing nationwides.

I wrote this in 2009 and it has come to pass.
When all of the Horse-manure created and manufactured by bad people and promoted in Chicago's Media Community is weighed and added up -
1. Systemic Racism Get Out of Jail Free Card
2. Police Brutality 24/7
3. Community Control of Everything - thus no Consequences for Anything Crime or Vice
4. Constant Vilification of Police Officers
5. Bleeding Revenue to Lawsuit Lefty Lawyer League ( G. Flint Taylor, Jon Loevy)
6. Advocacy Politics
7. Laughingstock CPD Command

Total Comes to a Privatized Corporate Police Force. 
Since Fahey and O'Brien were murdered by the Wilson Brothers, Leftist Academics, Lawyers, Journalists and Americans who swallow anything, have orchestrated a complete undermining of any and all confidence in Law Enforcement. When Daley pulled Tisa Morris, an African American attorney, off of the responsibility of tracking CR beefs and handed the list of police officers targeted by the Lawsuit Lawyers and created a rubber stamp Board that is comprised of Police Haters, he tipped his hand. 

In 2007, Daley caved to the leftists and tossed out a tough, fair, honest and unbribe-able prosecutor that he had placed in charge of the Office of Professional Standards.  This greased the way for Pastor Pfelger's brief tenure on the newly created IPRA 

Chicago was and is on the way to the elimination of the Chicago Police Department.  It seems to me that Hillary Clinton will complete President Obama's objective of creating a National Police Force, leaving municipalities to hire "rent-a-cop" Private Security Firms, not unlike the Divvy bikes eliminating city parking and Uber taxis, destroying the cab companies.

Today the Chicago Tribune's attempt to coat-tail the success of leftist Jamie Kalvan's Invisible Institute that is on its way to becoming for police and justice, what Shakman has been for politics and government.  Good for a select few and disastrous for everyone else.

FOIA has been a goldmine for the Left and an IRS audit for everyone else.  With Freedom( for the few) of Information the media is able to data for social scientists and come with an excuse to do whatever the agenda demands.

Last month the Chicago Tribune investigative data miners plumped up a series intended to smear pork farmers and help boost pork prices. Today, the Tribune did the very same to ensure the swift demise of urban policing in Chicago.

The tone and the rhetoric of 92 deaths, 2623 bullets:Tracking Every Police Shooting, by Jennifer Smith Richards , Angela Caputo and Jason Meisner, is as set as the conclusions drawn long before the data was mined.

Every five days, on average, a Chicago police officer fired a gun at someone.
In 435 shootings over a recent six-year span, officers killed 92 people and wounded 170 others.
While a few of those incidents captured widespread attention, they occurred with such brutal regularity — and with scant information provided by police — that most have escaped public scrutiny. . . .
The Tribune's analysis showed that Chicago police are the only witnesses listed in most of the shootings, with civilian witnesses identified in just 83 of the incidents.
Alexa Van Brunt, an attorney with Northwestern University's Roderick MacArthur Justice Center, said it's often challenging to prove misconduct or a cover-up when it comes to an officer's word against that of a civilian.
"We don't have video evidence often," Van Brunt said. "And if you have police officers lying on reports, that becomes the official record."
The Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun Times have helped create the daily blood bath that is Chicago - they have been a huge help.   In taking the side of the crusading Cadillac Commie and Buzz-cut Bolshevics of People Law Office and the Northwestern University's Bernardine Dorhn tutored journalism and legal think tanks and Centers For ( MacArthur/Blum/Wrongful) over law enforcement professionals, experienced non-partisan judges like Boyle and Egan and promoting the loud and consistent voices of  Advocacy Politics flim-flamers like Pfleger both papers succeeded in bring the City of Chicago to its daily blood bath.

The Better Government Association covers up the crimes of the powers that be and holds worker bees of the Justice System up for public lynchings. Commander Glenn Evans is one and now there are ten officers denied due process in the Laquan McDonald shooting - none of the ten pulled a trigger. The BGA has the gall to ask for people to think outside the box and throw more money at Ceasefire - the gang-bangers alumni association.

Today, the Chicago Tribune presents another data stew stirred by a pre-cast iron conclusion.

The end game is no more CPD.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Thank You Friends of the Park for Saving our Lakefront and Outing Chicago's Bullies

The Friends of Park have saved Chicago's lakefront, for now.  This is Chicago, neighbors, and you can set your watch by the next public looting boondoggle.

I wonder how Rahm's profanity crusade is going.  Of course NBC Chicago forgives Rahm everything as does WTTW. I Imagine the Rahm swear jar is topped off and ready for a trip to the cash changer at any of Chicago's fine Fifth Third Banks.

That is a Progressive Thinking and Acting Bank

The Progressives ( former Liberals, Goo-goos and Hand-wringers) are in control of every branch of Government - yep, I include Governor Rauner who is merely buying time for his Corporatist Progressive Pals and Oligarchs.

From the White House to Hyde Park, the New Machine controls Chicago and Cook County. The New Machine is not about building legions of Democratic Party workers ready, willing and able to get out the vote as a way of saying 'Thank You" for a job on the trucks, a seat in a Patrol car, a place in an Emergency van, a pick and shovel filling pot holes and reconfiguring curbs.  No this new machine is a faceless blob of bank accounts, 501(c)3 foundations, blue-stocking law firms, real estate monte grifters, Commnity Activists and the News Media.  The poor get a taste of quick cash and lunch boxes and T-shirts, the Armani clad pink cheeks who write small checks not exceeding the the Federal Election Law limits reap huge returns and the middle class, once served so well by the Democrat Party of Cook County pay the bills and get contempt from both the poor and the oligarchs.

This week was a Wow!  The middle guys, who really are the little guys, won one here in Chicago.  The middle/little guys in the UK won the same.

The same ugly and unfair narratives heaped upon Brexit backers, were meted out to the Friends of the Park here in Chicago.

Friends of the Park were villified by every Friend of Rahm/I'm With Her/Hope and Change voice in Cook County.  These forces were marshalled on a huge scale that reminded me of Rahm Emanuel, Forrest Claypool and Pastor Pfleger's smear campaign against the President of Amalgamated Transit Workers Local 308 all through 2013-2014. This was the age of the CTA scandals regarding the Bombardier Rail Car boondoggles and the Ventra Card foul-ups.

Like President Robert Kelly, Friends of the Parks were treated to the attentions of the starving hounds in Rahm Emanuel's kennels.  Pastor Pfleger calls Friends of the Parks Gangsters - you know like the GDs. The Rev says, "Tell me the difference between Friends of the Parks and the Gangster Disciples?"

Well, the GDs shot at me, killed a good number of students that I love, shake down local business people, terrorize everyone, Vote Straight Party on Demand ( call on Elder Hal Baskin GD Emeritus) , launder drug money, sling drugs, possess firearms of every variety and caliber, sport snappy gray, blue and black attire on more formal occasions, can not seem to paly well with the Stones and say 7-4 Til the World Blow and Trust by the old six-pointed star . . .yep, just like Friends of the Park.

  • Pastor Pfleger the political preacher who is probably With Her in 2016   
  • Newton Minnow - The Man who Discovered Barack Obama and Called Television A Vast Waste Land predicted that Rahm would prevail in this dual to death and warned the helots who still read Chicago Editorials without wetting their britches that Friend sof the Park were 'small group setting an agenda' and the might be setting a 'dangerous precedent' - like keeping the public trust. Shucks, can't have that around this burg, Newton.
  • The Sun Times Editorial Board always on the right side of fixed polls and fixed pols
  • The Chicago Reader, the script for the hip, chimed in with the Friends of the Parking Lot Meme - the hip don't tailgate, unless it is for an ironic goof on the squares
The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board surprised me on this one.  They did not swallow the Rahm Bait and to this I attribute the sound voices of John Kass and Kristen McQueary.

The people who really do not like people in the neighborhoods are the people who really hate Friends of Parks.

Friends of Parks, like the Sons of Liberty long ago and forgotten in public education, could be the spark for  Cook County Revolution!  Friends of the Parks proved to be friends of Chicago's Neighborhoods. 

I am making a modest gift to Friends of the Park . today.