" Fritz, I asked about that snake bite . . . Doc sez, yer not gonna make it!"

We know what the people of America think. This is a very bad idea. (Senator Richard Durbin D. IL)
A very wise man wrote " It strikes me that the turpitude of our politicians might come into starker relief if we were to view them as bad poets: pathetic and desperate souls, free from restraints of harmony and good form, who must fill the world with their corrupt and ugly visions and endeavour to shape it to them."
It do seem so. People who recite poems in public settings tend to limited their study of the art to the poems that helped us as kids. Memory skills are developed with poems whether tying shoes or remembering days in a month. My encounters with bad poems had to do with punitive post-school day assignments afforded me by Sister Mary Alaric, RSM, The more sing-song the poem the better for the memory. Often the themes are as humanly rudimentary as the wee human's place . . .elementary.
No one is more WEE than a politician. Politicians have themes for each grift they intend to perpetuate e.g "Monica, gimma a Vet's poem for the old gimps at Hines VA this morning. You know, all that 'Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye!' bullshit. Then I got a date with some Sheenies up in Lincoln Park for lunch, followed by the Old Timey Shine Ministers - dig up some Yiddish Yiddle-Fiddle crap and some WEB DuBoy 'I Hate Whitey Stuff' -Hey, I love this stuff you dug up for the Shuttle Disaster Survivors! Who wrote it? . . .Don't know? Ah, neither will they!
No one is more WEE than a politician. Politicians have themes for each grift they intend to perpetuate e.g "Monica, gimma a Vet's poem for the old gimps at Hines VA this morning. You know, all that 'Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye!' bullshit. Then I got a date with some Sheenies up in Lincoln Park for lunch, followed by the Old Timey Shine Ministers - dig up some Yiddish Yiddle-Fiddle crap and some WEB DuBoy 'I Hate Whitey Stuff' -Hey, I love this stuff you dug up for the Shuttle Disaster Survivors! Who wrote it? . . .Don't know? Ah, neither will they!
"O Moon, when I gaze on thy beautiful face,
Careering along through the boundaries of space,
The thought has often come into my mind
If I shall ever see thy glorious behind."
The more Bathetic the more the poem is recited.
Imagine, if our elected dolts had actually developed any level of discernment through the study of poetry? Imagine Dick Durbin without AE Houseman? Where would a Joe Biden go for work? Where would Gov. Pat Quinn find a paycheck? Where else but behind bars would a Rod Blagojevich be?
Imagine not needing to endure a very bad recitation of "IF" at every political campaign kickoff from a dolt who would struggle to spell the title of the poem let alone tell you that it was Kipling who wrote - Henry Wadsworth Kipling. Even great poets like John Donne and William Wordsworth wrote some pooches.
I really enjoy the ballad form that told stories of highwaymen, outlaws, briggands, badmashes and the bollocks. The absolute best are the closed couplet train-wrecks like the offering attached.
Don't get me wrong - Bad Poetry rocks! The Stuffed Owl Variety.
Poetry is a blessing and had at one time been the most important discipline. The More undisciplined the poem the more it hits the mark as bad poetry ' The Boy stood on the Burning Deck . . .& etc.'

Lady Caroline Norton was the granddaughter of the Irish wit and playwright Richard Brinsley Sheridan ( The Rivals) and reputed to be one the most beautiful women in Great Britain.
She was witty, well-read, kind and warm-hearted; married to her polar opposite - a slow-witted lawyer with soul of a gnat. This titanic midget of man sued his wife for 'Criminal Conversation' -adultery with Lord Melbourne,in a fit of sissified jealousy. Divorce was unheard of at the time, but the couple were separated for keeps.
Though this gorgeous and talented woman was known in her day as a poet - The Female Byron by some -she is known these days for activism for woman's children's rights. Here is why.

Lady Caroline Norton was the granddaughter of the Irish wit and playwright Richard Brinsley Sheridan ( The Rivals) and reputed to be one the most beautiful women in Great Britain.
Though this gorgeous and talented woman was known in her day as a poet - The Female Byron by some -she is known these days for activism for woman's children's rights. Here is why.
V. Bingen on the Rhine |
By Caroline Elizabeth Sarah (Sheridan) Norton (1808–1877) |