The Nation, a singularly obnoxious drum circle for trust fund babies in need of purpose and talking points, said this prior to the Iowa Primary:
Palin’s star has faded since she turned the Republican Party’s 2008 campaign into a theater-of-the-absurd production. But that star still shines with a small but very significant group voters that Trump needs. Although Palin became something of a laughingstock by the end of the 2008 campaign, a lot of conservative purists refused to laugh at her. Rather, they laughed with her—and many still do.
Palin’s favorable rating among Republicans in general has collapsed over the past seven years—from well above 80 percent when she joined John McCain’s ticket, to around 30 percent in recent years—but Palin can still headline a Tea Party rally and draw cheers. The most exaggerated conservatives, especially social conservatives, still view her as a “one-of-us” right-winger who believes what they believe. ( italics my own)
This is the standard yin/yang mix of Progressive logic. Sarah Palin is a laughingstock and yet a force to be reckoned with.
Republicans, I am a Democrat, do sneer and go-along with the smart set and this is a principal symptom of that anemic Party's problem.
My understanding of the GOP can best be understood in a thorough study of the anthro-metaphor, Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois. If a Republican wishes to soul-surf, as soul searching has gone out of practise, study Kirk in his thoughts, words and deeds. He was tossed out on his well-padded rump, which has never been attached to a spine.
Kirk detested Sarah Palin, because Senator Dick Durbin ( D.IL) told him to do so. Mark Kirk was and always had been a creature of the Illinois Combine ( see John Kass). Kirk scorned Palin, but was not beneath begging Sarah Palin to endorse him over Tammy Duckworth - Governor Palin ignored Kirk's squeal and went on the Oprah Winfrey show instead.
Sarah Palin came from a very happy, but hard-scrabble family in small town Alaska. Without connections, endorsements, clout, but with batteries of will, talents and courage became the popular mayor of her town and then a very popular Governor. All the while mothering a growing family and being devoted partner to her husband a hard working union man.
I find Sarah Palin to be all of these
- She is a superb athlete - she could humiliate Obama on the B-ball court
- Skilled hunter and fisherman
- Good cook
- Looks like a knockout
- Enjoys her family
- Lives her faith
- Helps her neighbors
- Never whines about horrible treatment meted out almost daily in the media
- She is detested by David Brooks, Chris Matthews, Eric Zorn, Katrina vanden Heuvel (lower case v -you idiots!), Bill Moyers, Van Jones and most of the leading clowns in our political circus
Sarah Palin is the figure of feminism, but she does not believe babies should be slaughtered. She was a politician without corporate logos patched all over her, like a NASCAR driver. She was smart, but spoke her mind and with a very funny voice. Sarah Palin is the People - you know the people polled by CNN who said that Hillary Clinton loved 'the average, hard-working American.'
Hillary, Wolf Blitzer, Gloria Borger, John King and Gloria Vanderbilt's little boy Anderson detest 'the average, hard-working American.'
The Democrat/GOP Globalist Secularist Oligarchs hate everything about people with grit, initiative, piety, duty to country, self-lessness, and self-deprecating humor. Sarah Palin who not only kept her baby with Downs Syndrome, to the absolute horror of Cecile Richards and blood-harpies of Planned Parenthood, but held her baby up proudly to the entire Nation, not the magazine.
The hipsite Wonkette whooped up the elites when the Palin family celebrated the baby's third birthday:
That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history.Good old David Letterman loved that material, too.
I am not that sophisticated. I respect women who heroically defend their children. More so, I really respect a tough father, who loves his bride and is slow to anger. I wish Todd Palin could have shared a phone booth with David Letterman and that dead creep of a writer who moved in next door to the Palins. Conor MacGregor could do no better.
In the second year of her term as Governor of Alaska, John McCain vetted and begged Sarah Palin to be his running mate.
After the GOP Convention, McCain Strategists Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace felt that their access to Hollywood & Fifty Rock was in peril and they helped the media to savage Sarah Palin and her family. Soon, John McCain had an excuse for bailing out of the 2008 Campaign that had turned from Terrorism to Bank Failure. McCain all but vanished after the first week of September, 2008 - Sarah Palin took all of the blame and still does.
Now, Sarah Palin stands to serve as Interior Secretary. Now, the GOP owes its thin-blooded life to Truman Democrats and Reagan Republicans like Sarah Palin. Trump is not of us - the average, hard working American, but he is not above us. Trump surprised me. He won Iowa, after Sarah Palin endorsed him.
Sarah Palin was the only forgotten American, crucified all through Obama's eight year memory lapse that African American shoe salesmen, CTA train and bus drivers, Greek American restaurant owners, Irish American pipe fitters, French American hog farmers and Jewish carpenters celebrated hope and change. Sarah Palin and the Tea Party folks tried to snap Obama out of his reveries with Beyonce, Jay Z and George Clooney. Palin took the most of the very personal hits.
My personal belief is that intellectuals, academics, pollsters, lobbyists, consultants and community organizers - the mandarins of oligarchy - hate happy people. They want, need and love the faceless down trodden Refugees, Unempowered, Masses, who , or whatever they happen to be. Sarah Palin is very happy.
It is Ok to hate, losers. How'd that work for you on November 8th? Stay happy America!