I am blessed. I live and work in this wonderful neighborhood. I live in Morgan Park and work at Brother Rice High School. Children grow up centered, respectful and industrious. This is a neighborhood of families. It is strong.
The many churches are places where these families draw their strength - Quaker, Lutheran, Methodist, Unitarian, Episcopal, Baptist and very large Catholic parishes nurture what is learned in the home.
A very hateful article by the editor of the Chicago Reader - sponsored by the Sun Times News Group and edited by Jake Malooley, the author of the piece - took the opportunity to stir up race hate for Christmas.
The Chicago Reader is a free press and has been for as long as I care to remember. It's slant is far left of center.
The Chicago Reader is only following exactly what the Chicago Tribune, Sun Times, WTTW, WBEZ and the now dead DNAinfo Chicago have done for decades without challenge.
Why challenge people who are wrong, hateful, bigoted and wildly unfair.
People in this neighborhood are welcoming - that is how journalists ooze into the confidence of people. They violate welcome.
A very pretty female journalist found welcoming bar stools and chatty drinkers in the saloons of Mount Greenwood, in order to make a case that this neighborhood's vote for Trump was solely due to race hate,
Her editor used her dubious report to do the same, "No demogorgon roams this netherworld, but a majority of its electorate did back the man who's been called the swamp monster: President Donald Trump. Jake Malooley editor Chicago Reader"
Demogorgon? Homage to Statius' Thebiad or Dungeons and Dragons? I think the later, The last pretentious hypocrite to smear the neighborhood is a wife beater.
Neil Steinberg did so after breaking bred with a crowd of 19th Ward people. After being made welcome he insulted and villainized his hosts as Aryan Nation racists, "But if I know you — and I do — about now you’re asking yourself: “Hey, wait a second. This guy’s a Jew. Why would a Jew be looking out for the best interest of the Iron Fist of Righteous White Anger, Mount Greenwood Corps?” Neil Steinberg Chicago Sun Times 2009"
Steinberg was just joking, when I called him on it and his hypocrisy. Steinberg is busy equating square dancing with cross-burning this Yuletide.
I have yet to read a news alert that young people from 60655 were stealing Christmas deliveries from UPS, FedEx and USPS routes in Roseland, Gresham, Englewood, West Lawn or Garfield Heights.
On Halloween thousands of residents strolled with their children along the 111th Street business route. Last week they did the same for Santa's Visit - all sponsored by local businesses and Aklderman Matt O'Shea.
No violence , as in Hyde Park.
No hate.
Christmas lives here every day, unless a few reporters manage to misquote and misrepresent the good people of this neighborhood.
Merry Christmas, everyone and everyday!
Merry Christmas, Maya and Jake!