I don't know about you, neighbor, but I have never cottoned to Governor Bruce Rauner. Just can not snuggle up to the notion that he is on the up-and-up.
Maybe it has something to do with the company he keeps
Maybe it is his love of abortion
Maybe it's how idiotic he looks on his Harley

Whatever. As Jesse Jackson ( pere) might say, "Bruce got voted in because he was not Pat Quinn/Vote Him Out cuz He's a Lout!
I don't believe that Bruce Rauner, wants Bruce Rauner in Springfield. Let's send him back to his vaults, where he can find peace and contentment.
Bruce looks bad as Governor.
Jeanne Ives not only looks good; she does good!
Join me and Chicago Renaissance Man Mike Houlihan as we hop on the Jeanne Ives for Governor Bandwagon over the next few days! We shall have much more to say and do in the coming days!
JeanneIves has spent 5 years as a state legislator standing up to Mike Madigan.
And she stood up to Gov. Rauner when he has betrayed our conservative values.
Jeanne Ives Will Return Your Home to YouIves will institute a 1% hard cap on property taxes as a percentage of home value. This will return your home value to you that has been stolen by the highest property taxes in the nation.
Jeanne Ives Will Return Your Money to YouIves will rescind the 32% income tax increase passed by Chicago Democrats and surrender Republicans.
Ives will repeal the new, open-ended entitlement Rauner created by signing public funding of abortion on demand.
Jeanne Ives Will Return The Rule Of Law To YouIves will repeal Illinois’ sanctuary state status and allow local and state law enforcement to cooperate with federal law enforcement

Come on! Join us!

Be a Rauner Frowner!
Vote for Jeanne Ives on March 20th 2018 at a polling place near you!