"The public has a right to know precisely how Obama and his senior White House advisors Emanuel and Jarrett responded to Blagojevich's corrupt attempts sell Obama's Senate seat."
Hell, yes, I want to know. More than this, I want to know President Obama's academic records. I have been under the impression that the man is a dim-bulb from my first encounter with him back in 1997. Subsequent person-to-person encounters, chats and directions through the ropes of a boxing ring ( 2004) upheld my impression. My empirical experiences conflicted with the approved narrative that the young man from the Choom Gang was none other than Solon, Moses, Jack Marshall and Bill Moyers wrapped in flesh. Could I have been wrong in my assessment? It would not be the first, or the last time.
I believe that we would see a rather weak set of records for the efforts of a lazy, callow, ambitious, but not overly energetic, disinterested and less than bright student. Poor attendence, sloppy work, more excuses than pregnant nun will be noted in some columns.
However, I am pleased that Judicial Watch continues to shovel the heavy coal for skeptical old me.
Judicial Watch's lawsuit asks the court to order the interview reports' release, noting:
[U]nder the circumstances it cannot be said that release of the requested records could reasonably be expected to interfere with whatever is left of Blagojevich's criminal prosecution. The public should not be forced to wait any longer to review the FBI 302s of President Obama, former White House Chief of Staff and now City of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, or Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett while Blagojevich pursues his second, plainly futile appeal.
"The FBI interviewed Barack Obama eight years ago about the selling of his Senate seat. The American people should finally get to see these FBI interview reports," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "The public has a right to know precisely how Obama and his senior White House advisors Emanuel and Jarrett responded to Blagojevich's corrupt attempts sell Obama's Senate seat."
Short of seeing the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Laurette's report cards, I will be satisfied to read Senate Seat baiting and Valerie Jarrett's negotiations with the incarcerated Great White Smelt of Patrick Fitzgerald, former Governor, WLS DJ, Elvis Impersonator and Mell Family public money Master Key, Rod Blagojevich.
The Obama Legacy, might, just might be found in the ink transcripts and notebooks of F.B.I. investigators. This inquiry , subsequent to the release of documents, will be the first peel of the Valerie Jarrett Vidalia! Madame Jarrett has been Obama's chief handler long before Rahm Emanuel, Dave Axelrod and Bill Daley acted as his Kevlar.
This should be interesting. I getting big jar of Salted and Black Pepper Cashews when it happens.
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