I am too old for the Kids Table, but I still like to blow excessive bubbles of milk through my noise and over my plate of turkey, stuffing and spuds in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. I do so with my mind's eye and the black and white cartoons that flash through my male brain, interrupting thoughts and sentiments of great pith and moment. " So, you voted for McCain and Romney, Mr. Democrat, . . . there's some green bean casserole on your lapel . . . there now you got it Cuz . . .so tell me what do you think about all the Republican blockage of the President's programs? Huh, Hey, what are you five? Quit making bubbles. Grow up! Jesus." Another one bites the dust.
Thanksgiving is one of the best and most American of Holidays. While it may be sophisticated to deny God's part in our lives most days of the year, this Thursday celebration of God's protective hands over all of us should strip us down to basic human humility for a couple of hours anyway.
I read a column by one wag in the Chicago Tribune, asking that Thanksgiving be eliminated ( as means of mocking people who value Christmas), "Thanksgiving is a dam keeping our Christmas joy pooled up in December. In the immortal words of famed actor and Christmas enthusiast Ronald Reagan, "Tear down this dam!"
What a dashing flourish of ironic penmanship, Rex! Comment sophistiqué, salope!
Thanksgiving is for everyone, especially those folks who will begrudge others their better angels. Thanksgiving is not as secular a feast as the sophisticated laddies would demand. In fact, though the Ensemble intelligent will roll their eyes at genuine sentiment, prayer, the sanctity of a mother's womb, they will nevertheless show up at the heaping festive board and glutton-up with the rest of us, like they were going to the chair in Pre-Ban Death Penalty Illinois.
That is why the roads, rails and the ramps at airports are packed with people.
I thank God every day, (except those hours when I am not completely absorbed with my own grudges, resentments and disappointments), for the old lungs full of air, good food in my innards, a raised ranch roof and insulated walls for warmth, three beautiful and talented,giving children, the memory of their sainted mother, a massive family somewhat tolerant of my excesses and native cynicism and a purposeful job that makes a difference to hundreds of people other than myself. On Thanksgiving, more so. I include my thanks for opportunities to be a better friend, son, brother, colleague, teacher, citizen and even a better foe. I thank God for those who fundamentally disagree with me, but do so with grace. The hard part is dealing with the graceless.
Celebrate the love of those closest to you, those far from you and those fundamentally in opposition to everything you believe and hold dear. God's hands are on all of us. Keep us Safe.