Saturday, November 27, 2010
Roberta Gambarini and Roy Hargrove Fronting the Dizzy Gillespie All Star Big Band
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11:49 AM
Labels: Robert Gambriani, Roy Hargrove
Friday, November 26, 2010
Roberta Gambriani - Real Jazz
2010 Grammy Nominee - Roberta Gambarini - "So In Love" Documentary from doug yoel on Vimeo.
Roberta Gambarini is an Italian jazz singer. She was born in Turin, Italy, and started taking clarinet lessons at age twelve. She made her singing debut at age seventeen in jazz clubs around Northern Italy, then moved to Milan, where she worked in radio and television and began recording under her own name in 1986. In 1998, two weeks after arriving in the United States with a scholarship from the New England Conservatory of Music, she was awarded a third place finish in the Thelonious Monk International Jazz Vocal Competition. With this credential in hand she left Boston for New York City to find work in jazz clubs. After walking the pavement and knocking on many doors, she finally got her big break in 2006 with the release of her album "Easy to Love," which caught the attention of jazz critics and musicians familiar with the heritage of a rich African-American art form that was increasingly being taken for granted in a new millennium preoccupied with electronica and country music. Taking a classic modern jazz album by Dizzy Gillespie ("Sonny Side Up," Verve, 1957), she sang each of the three intricate solos by undisputed masters of the idiom (trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie and tenor saxophonists Sonny Stitt and Sonny Rollins) executing each in the original register of horn (including Rollins' lowest notes and Gillespie's stratospheric ones) with such command, accuracy and ease of execution that jazz' elder statesman, nonagenarian pianist Hank Jones was moved to publicly proclaim her the "best new jazz vocalist to come along in fifty years".
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6:15 AM
Labels: Real Jazz, Roberta Gamarini
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Paul Krugman Must Have Helped Jan Schakowsky Draft That Goofy Deficit Plan
The last time I saw Jan Schakowsky was on the night of Vice President Biden's visit to Chicago and the Governor Quinn Get Out the Vote rally at the Plumbers Hall on West Washington Street.
While six Leo High School scholars and boxers chatted with NBC 5's Mary Ann Ahern, my eyes caught the dizzy-dim-witted Democratic Congress Critter Jan "MSNBC" Schakowsky darting around and trying to get near the stage. It seems that Jan did not find a spot near Governor Quinn, Congressman Davis, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Senator Dick Durbin and the many genuine Labor Leaders of Chicago - the skilled trades - because before Mary Ann Ahern returned to the TV Media platform, MSNBC Jan Schakowsky went storming off in a huff . . . or a minute and huff.
The dame is dizzier than a fruit fly in a gallon jug of old Gallo.
I read Jan Schakowsky's Progressive Fruit Loop Deficit Plan touted by the usual blowhards as 'The Path to Greatness' over the "Cat Food Commission" - so called by the Daily Kos/HuffPo Cadillac Commies to suggest that all Americans shall dine on cat food as a result of the Simpson-Bowles offerings.
Paul Krugman who bears a striking resemblance and personality parallel to the character Carmen Ghia in the 1968 Classic - The Producers and is a Lefty economist who wants America to go the way of Greece, Portugal, Ireland and California, has been howling and calling for the non-existent "DEATH PANELS" in Obama Care to fight the deficit and along comes Jan, who will do anything to get on stage or in front of a camera and generally offer nothing but future misery, taxes and on her best days a scandal for herself.
Paul Krugman hates the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction and more than likely drafted one for Congress Critter and MSNBC Tool Jan Schakowsky. Sure makes sense. More sense than a goofy plan that will not stop the economic bleeding. Click my post title for Jan's Burnt Offering that was probably drafted by Paul the Baker. It is linked to Prairie State Blue and can also be found on the SEIU Comic Book Progress Illinois complete with drool.
Posted by
9:35 AM
Labels: Jan Schakowsky, Paul Krugman the Maynard G. Krebs of NYT
Erroll Garner - Stay Sharp with "I'll Remember April"
Erroll Garner - "This elfin artist possessed one of most felicitous keyboard styles in the annals of jazz, distinguished by delightful dynamic shifts, clever left hand devices and a boisterous sense of swing. This opening track from the famous live date is a fine introduction to Garner's work. He starts with one of those non sequitur piano intros, meandering mini-epics that have no apparent relation to the song they kick off -- another Garner trademark; but when he gets into a groove, he is as unstoppable as a runaway locomotive. Every once in a while, he drops a left-hand chord that explodes off the beat, a pianistic equivalent of an Art Blakey bomb. But he is just as likely to pound those chords out four to a bar. Above all, his solos capture an upbeat, lighthearted attitude that was uncharacteristic of mid-1950s jazz, but which still has its appeal today. My only gripe here is the sound quality, which is sub-par even by Eisenhower-era standards. Still, this is a classic date, and one that every jazz fan should hear." Ted Gioia
I have been here at work since a little after 5AM - loading entries from the great Leo Alumni's contributions to Campaign Leo 2010, the school's fall mailing - total of near $ 20,000 from the day one tally.
To fight the tedium and stay somewhat sharp, as sharp as this middle aged opaque blob of an intellect is capable, I listen Errol Garner.
Thus - I'll Rememeber April
MommoHD - Errol Garner - I’II Remember April
This lovely day will lengthen into evening,
We'll sigh good-bye to all we've ever had,
Alone where we have walked together,
I'll remember April and be glad....
I'll be content, you loved me once in April,
Your lips were warm, and love an' spring were new,
But I'm not afraid of autumn, and her sorrow,
For I'll remember, ( I'll remember )
April and you! ( I'll remember )
The fire will dwindle into glowing ashes,
For flames and love live such a little while . . .
I won't forget, but I won't be lonely, ( Oh, no . . . )
I'll remember April, and I'll smile . . .
The fire will dwindle into glowing ashes,
For flames and love live such a little while ( a little while )
I won't forget, but I won't be lonely ( I won't be lonely )
I'll remember April, and I'll smile . . .
I won't forget but I won't be lonely, no . . .
I'll remember April, and I'll smile!
This lovely day will fade away
Stay sharp!
Posted by
8:06 AM
Labels: Erroll Garner
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Ripped from Today's Headlines! "Town Outlaws Sleeping In Public"
Click my post title for the whole story!
Well Butter my Butt and call me Biscut! Town Outlaws Sleeping in Public!
Well, Hoss, to my way of thinking . . .Town Outlaws will always do what they want, where they want, when they want and to whom they want.
It is the Outlaw Way.
As my grey haired Pappy always said, "That boy is so slow he can't catch a cold."
The fact that Town Outlaws choose to sleep IN PUBLIC seems hardly news worthy. Shucks! I ain't been this confused since the time I took my gal to see that thar romantic picture show -Brokeback Mountain.
Posted by
6:02 AM
Labels: Brokeback Mountain, Outlaws
World's Shortest Books in Print and on Kindle
From Monique Garcia's Chicago Tribune report on Governor and Speaker Mike Madigan -"The speaker, who also chairs the Illinois Democratic Party, is a man of relatively few public comments . . ." No. Really?
The sobriquette Speaker Madigan is the greatest oxymoron in Illingua Franca .
Here's shorter works of prose:
Posted by
5:15 AM
Labels: Gabby Guses, Spreaker Mike Madigan
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Gaudeamus! Habemus Skinny and Houli Again! - Radio Wins!
The White Smoke tells me that . . .
Skinny & Houli Show Returns to Chicago Radio
WCEV 1450 AM is the new home for “The Skinny & Houli Show” starting Saturday November 20th at 3:05PM. The show will broadcast each Saturday afternoon for “55 minutes of madness” according to co-host Mike Houlihan.
Lewis Lazzare of the Sun-Times called Skinny and Houli “two true Chicago characters.”
Jim Sheahan AKA “Skinny,” former Director of the Mayor’s Office of Special Events, and Mike Houlihan AKA “Houli,” columnist for the Irish American News and former features columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, introduce listeners to the quirky characters and stories that give our city its unique charm.
The heart of the show includes interviews with local leaders who are making a daily, positive impact in our community. Previous guests include Illinois Supreme Court Justice Anne Burke, State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez, Chicago Bear Israel Idonije, Soul Singer Otis Clay, Sam Sianis of The Billy Goat Tavern, Second City founder Joyce Sloane, Pulitzer Prize winning political cartoonist Jack Higgins, and roller derby queen Val Capone.
This freewheeling talk radio dialogue features two of Chicago’s most irreverent and irrepressible personalities, discussing what’s happening in the city each week. The hosts will dissect the news, politics, sports, and entertainment scene with their trademark wit and introduce a variety of community activists and neighborhood heroes.
“The Skinny & Houli Show” originally debuted on WNTD 950 AM last January and entertained Chicago until August when the station underwent a format change. Scott Krusinski, General Manager of WNTD, said, “Radio needs more guys like Skinny and Houli. They get it. Chicago talk, from neighborhood guys, suitable for the whole family. Listening to them is like sitting around the kitchen table.”
Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart joins Skinny & Houli as their first guest on the new afternoon show this Saturday.
Flood Brothers Disposal proudly sponsors “The Skinny & Houli Show”.on WCEV.
Tune in to a show that will make you proud to be a Chicagoan.
Posted by
6:49 AM
Saturday, November 13, 2010
No Time My Dear. Houli's 'Her Majesty Da Queen' Opens Tonight! We Must Get to the Irish American Heritage Center. Now, Do Be a Good Girl . . .
The IAHC will host the world premiere of Mike Houlihan’s new documentary Her Majesty, ‘da Queen on Saturday night, November 13th at 7:30pm. Tickets are $10.
The film is a sneak peek backstage at the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade Queen Contest and captures the humor, heartbreak and excitement shared by more than 100 young women each year as they vie for the crown. Many of Chicago’s most endearing Irish-American personalities are featured in the film in intimate interviews during the pageant.
The film was edited from video shot at both the 2009 and 2010 queen contests.
The screening of Her Majesty, ‘da Queen will begin at 7:30pm with introductory remarks by filmmaker Mike Houlihan and wrap up with a Q&A with the audience and a post-screening party in the Fifth Province Pub. Tickets are $10.
Posted by
6:40 AM
Friday, November 12, 2010
"Hickey's Back!" VP Biden Says,"BFD!"
Oft him anhaga/Often the solitary one
are gebideð,/finds grace for himself
metudes miltse,/the mercy of the Lord,
þeah þe he modcearig/ Although he, sorry-hearted,
geond lagulade/ must for a long time
longe sceolde/ move by hand [in context = row]
4a hreran mid hondum/along the waterways,
hrimcealde sæ/ (along) the ice-cold sea,
wadan wræclastas./ tread the paths of exile.
Wyrd bið ful aræd!/ Events always go as they must!
"Where you been,Hickey? You been scarce."
True, my friend; very true. To wax mysterious . . . There's a road that leads away from most things.
Gnaw on that nugget for a few moments, Boys and Girls! To most, in Truth, I have been missed as much as cold sores on a pretty girl's lips and as necessary as a beer summit.
Really, Kids, this past month has been devoted to a special writing project.
My road is fraught with ice cream sandwiches and long walks in tall soft grass. Occasionally, I cut the soles of these old dogs on cast away pop tops from the 1970's and the odd shard of glass, but a good squirt of Unguentine does the trick and I gets them feet to walkin' again!
Posted by
10:58 AM
Labels: VP Biden -BFD