Showing posts with label WLS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WLS. Show all posts

Friday, February 27, 2015

WLS Rauners for Rahm and Turns John Kass into Dave McKinney

WLS -AM the Wee 89 decide to clean hours 24 hours after Chicago decided to clean house.

“The Jonathon Brandmeier Show” will air from 9 to 11 a.m. Monday through Friday on the Cumulus Media news/talk station, starting sometime in March. It will replace John Kass and Lauren Cohn, whose final show aired on WLS Thursday.

Brandmeier ? *

Personnel aside, WLS is a Rahm Stooge and deathly afraid of change in Chicago political leadership.

John Kass and Lauren Cohn, who bridged the midmorning block between Big John Howell and Rush Limbaugh at WLS AM 890, have been cut from the Cumulus Media news/talk station.
No reason was cited for the move, but the two were told by WLS program bosses that they were finished after they got off the air Thursday. Their show aired from 9 to 11 a.m. Monday through Friday.
No Reason? Jesus, Feder are you that much of a lamb?  They are gone because Rahm is scared $hitless of John Kass!

Why else would it fire John Kass and Lauren Cohn - two voices for the neighborhoods detested by the Firfh Floor - Rahm Emanuel.

At Christmas Governor Rauner managed to get Chicago Sun Times lemmings on the editorial board to fire Dave McKinney.

The media harrumphed. Wine buyer partner, Rahm Emanuel loved Rauner's power play.

Twenty fours after Jesus Garcia handed Rahm his wafer-like rump in the election of the Century, Rahm managed to have WLS AM get rid of the only media icon in Chicago' media to tell the unvarnished truth about corruption and hypocrisy in our Progressive Chicago government ( it is progressive Nancy) and especially Highland Park's carpetbagging Mayor.

John Kass' voice must be heard.  We need a Voice of Chicago and not just a Sundance script.

Don't expect Chicago's media critics to rogue on Rahm.  There will be no 'investigative' follow-up.  BGA horse holder Andy Shaw?  Not a squeak.

Where is the immediate and smoking hot media outrage?

Kristen McQueary should be raged! Tim Novak should get out his investigative shovel and Chris Fusco a good Pick!

If I were a Progressive milquetoast like Eric Zorn or Neil Steinberg - better yet, a room temperature IQ like Carol Marin, I might say something like, 'This will have a Chilling Effect . . ."

I won't .  I was brought up right and managed to retain my dignity.

I'll say this in my south side Irish Spanglish - Enough!  Bastantes ya Cabrones! Basta Ya! Ya Basttards!

 Let's go Total Chicago . . . .Chuyistas!

Turn off WLS AM, WLS ABC. Watch NO Disney! Buy No Disney! Make Rahm Sweat!  Make Rauner wish he was Pat Quinn, right about now.  Heat their feet!

I am putting on my trail-dust coated sombrero and bandoleers until April 7th.

 Voy total de Bandit Norte y el Ejército repubican irlandés Flying ala Guerilla hasta que Jesús es el alcalde!

Basta Rahm!  Viva Chuy!  Viva Juan Kass!

* Wow, one has-been tool,Big John, followed by another.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

I Guess the Debate Went to Romney

Must have been one tough ride home in the Presidential Limo!

I was reading and missed the debate.  Before leaving Leo High School for Bronzeville and  Canaryville this AM, I heard WLS host Dan Proft remark, " Well, to quote Cousin Eddie( Randy Quaid) from Vegas Vacation - 'I haven't seen a beating like that since some guy stuck a banana down my pants let loose a monkey.'

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hear Andy Shaw on WLS -"Cops Not Going 100%" Andy Must Have the Numbers

Listen to the WLS feed from this morning's Don Wade & Roma - slide the bar about 3/4 of way to the part where the Police Officer asks about no Contract for Two Years/Chicago's Thug Happy Violence Festival and BGA Andy's response.

Because, in Andy Shaw's BGA News Reader World View, Jody Weiss is Police Superintendent Chicago Police Officers are pooching the job.

The real mopes always get appointed positions.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mea Culpa! Steve Rhodes Tuned Up Blago - Not the Sun Times.

Confiteor Deo omnipotenti et vobis, fratres,
quia peccavi nimis
cogitatione, verbo, opere, et omissióne:
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Vírginem,
omnes Angelos et Sanctos,
et vos, fratres, orare pro me
ad Dominum Deum nostrum.

Yesterday, I posted that the always entertaining Steve Rhodes, Publisher of Beachwood Reporter and NBC Chicago on line was giving a tart twist to the Sun Times, when he pointed out the ludicrous use of Blago on WLS.

Steve wrote:

WLS-AM is once again giving Blagojevich a platform from which to spin his legal defense and build sympathy for his poor beleagured self. . . . Blago seems to be following the advice given him by Sun-Times editorial page editor Tom McNamee:

1. Pander.

2. Bully

3. Demonize

4. Distort the truth

5. Make stuff up

6. Forsake all intellectual honesty

Six for six.

Mea Maxima Culpa! At the Culpa - Culpa Cabana!Music and passion were always the fashion . . .At the Culpa....they fell in love! Sorry.

Well, in my joy-raced haste to note a marriage of true minds, I neglected to click on the link to Tom McNamee's fine piece of advise to Blago, which advovcated grace and good sense.

I confess my major sin of omission.

For my penance, I could say very nice things about the Progressive Independent Voice of Chicago, but that would be switching sins. Instead, I will ask for a General Absolution.

In consulation with The Congregation of Divine Worship and Discipline* of the Sacrements, this may be the best path. If not, I'm tossing on the old hairshirt for a trip to North Avenue Beach on Saturday.

If in the opinion of the confessor there is a case of grave necessity that could permit "general absolution", it is to be submitted to the judgement of the Diocesan Bishop with whom lies the responsibility for deciding whether the necessary conditions are indeed present (cf. can. 961); without such a decision, "general absolution" may not be conferred. Moreover, as the canon itself points out, "sufficient necessity is not considered to exist when confessors cannot be available merely because of a great gathering of penitents, such as can occur on some major feastday or pilgrimages' (can. 961, S1, 2 ).

The authorization given to Diocesan Bishops does not permit them "to change the required conditions, to substitute other conditions for those given, or to determine grave necessity according to their personal criteria however worthy" (Pope Paul VI, Allocution to the Bishops of the region of New York in the United States of America, April 20, 1978: Acta Apostolicae Sedis 70 (1978) 330). The Diocesan Bishop "makes this judgement graviter onerata conscientia, and with full respect for the law and practice of the Church" (Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliatio et Paenitentia, 2 December 1984, n. 33: Acta Apostolicae Sedis 77 (1985) 270). Furthermore, the fact that the canons acknowledge the right of the faithful to confess their sins on days and at times arranged for their convenience (cf. can. 986, S1) cannot be used as a justification for an alternative practice of "general absolution".

In this context it is of great importance to remember that even when the sacrament is received by means of a collective absolution, it nevertheless requires, as a result of its divine and irreformable foundation, that each penitent have the necessary dispositions for the reception of this sacrament, namely, individual and `personal repentance for sins committed, the resolution to rectify scandal or injuries that may have been caused in relation to those sins, the intention of amending his life, and the intention to make an integral and individual confession as soon as possible of those grave sins from which he is impeded from confessing at the time. Each of these dispositions must be present in order that the sacramental absolution be received validly (cf. Conc. Oecum. Trid., sessio XIV, cap. IV: Denz.-Schon. 1676-1677; sessio XIV, Canones de sacramento paenitentiae can. 5: Denz.-Schon. 1705; can. 987; Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Sacramentum Paenitentia, (16 June 1972): Acta Apostolicae Sedis 64 (1972) 512; cane. 962, S1, 963, 988, S1; Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliatio Paenitentia, 2 December 1984, n. 31: Acta Apostolicae Sedis 77 (1985) 260-261).

Nor should the importance of the act of satisfaction be passed over. This final act of the penitent "crowns the sacramental sign of Penance" (Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliatio et Paenitentia 2 December 1984, n. 31 Acta Apostolicae Sedis 77 (1985) 263). Hence, the confessor is to impose salutary and appropriate penances, in proportion to the kind and number of sins confessed, taking into account, however, the condition of the penitent. The penitent, for his part, is bound personally to carry out these penances (cf. can. 981).

That hairshirt come in three or two button? Four button is positively decadent.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Steve Rhodes - True Wit - To Wit Blago the Twit!

True wit is Nature to advantage dress'd,
What oft was thought, but ne'er so well express'd.
-- Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
-- Essay on Criticism, Part ii, Line 97

The Media freak show continues on the WLS Airwaves with disgraced Governor Blago yapping away for pay. ( click my post title)

Pay to Play! Then WLS gets all Harrumphing about the State of the State of Illinois and tosses the Gatecrasher of Illinois more Dog Yummies. " Gee, you mean, if we keep starving and beating this pitbull puppy and making it wear a twenty Pound weight around its little neck, that it could possibly bite someone? For Real?"

Oh, yeah! Giving Blago radio time is very much like wearing a porkchop suit to a huge dog fight. Great idea!

Steve Rhodes, a real journalist with a wide context of human understanding and rich and varied frame of reference, skewers the Tossed Twit Guv and also gets in a very accurate shot at the Sun Times - the soon to be bankrupt rag that pretends to matter. STNG- The Chicago Standard for Rock Solid Hypocrisy!

Noted budget expert Rod Blagojevich took to the airwaves (again) on Sunday to advise state lawmakers on solving the state's fiscal crisis -- as adeptly as he handled the public till during his six years as governor.

He did not give advice on how not to get impeached.

Among his ideas: privatize the state lottery - which the U.S. Department of Justice have pretty much determined would be illegal.

But this isn't about what's good for the state, it's about what's good for Rod Blagojevich.

WLS-AM is once again giving Blagojevich a platform from which to spin his legal defense and build sympathy for his poor beleagured self. . . . Blago seems to be following the advice given him by Sun-Times editorial page editor Tom McNamee:

1. Pander.

2. Bully

3. Demonize

4. Distort the truth

5. Make stuff up

6. Forsake all intellectual honesty

Six for six.

At least Blago's good at something.

True ease in writing comes from art and not chance, like wearing a belt and not losing your pants.

Well, done Rhodes Old Man!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

WLS News Man -Bill Cameron! You Can Bank What He Tells You.

The radio, especially News Radio, is tailor made for urban driving. You never get lost in the delicate "Le Portrait musical de la nature," of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony ( Sixth Symphony) or the sweep and majesty of Hayden's Quartet 62 in C Major. Likewise, I will not drop my Dunkin' Donuts 20-Load from Karim's Western Ave., poured will delicacy and grace by the beautiful women who lilt -"Hars Paht-reek of Leo! Get EeeksTrah Large! Good Mornin' Hickey!" in order to crank up Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels when the first chords of Devil With the Blue Dress counterpoint the drum-time!

Nope, mostly you here -"Healthy Trinity - The Triun ( Confounding Arius at Nicea) God's Way to Say Good morning to your Colon - Don and I Cannonball a Quart of Healthy Trinty every morning!" Followed by rants, raves and more "HEALTHY TRINITY!"

Into this static-thick wildness, comes a reporter's voice that sounds like exactly like two guys with whom I had just jostled our loads with out of the doors of Karim's Dunkin' Donuts on Western Ave. - " The IRS has placed a lien on the home of Todd Stroger for his failure to pay $12,000 in back taxes."

Now, that is news. That is Bill Cameron. I met Bill Cameron during Alexi Giannoulias' Campaign and we shared stories of the life political from the 'regular guys' vantage point. Bill Cameron is a Yeoman Professional. He is like Gino Ford the ComEd High Wire Artiste, Capt. Eddie Ryan,CFD, Det. Billy Higgins, CPD (ret.) and Eddie Carroll, The Roofing Contactor to the Stars of Gentleman's Entertainment Venues.

WLS AM - The Big 89 has had 'personalities' - many of them with the personalities of dial tones - come and go but Bill Cameron, like a afore-mentioned professionals is necesary to the safety, surety and sustaining of this Great Republic.

Bill Cameron makes all of the News Posers pale with hard, factual, and honest reportage. Thanks, Mr. Cameron!

Bill is the winner of two Edward R. Murrow Awards from the Radio & Television News Directors Association, shared in a Peabody, and has received numerous AP, UPI, and Gabriel awards for his work.

He has a BS in Broadcast Journalism from Indiana University. He's the son of an Illinois High School Hall of Fame football coach, Fred Cameron, and has called football and basketball games on radio in addition to working as a trainer and referee in sports.

Bill's daughter Elizabeth is the principal flutist of a symphony orchestra, and son Matt is a nationally-ranked athlete in the sport of fencing.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Give Blago All The Dead Air Time He Deserves - Don't Call; Don't Listen; Don't Encourage More!

Blago got two terms as Governor of Illinois -that was not enough.

Blago shook down Illinois - not enough.

Blago went on National TV - not enough

Blago got a book deal - not enough

Blago got WLS to hand over Air-time - That is about enough.

This from Fox Television on December 9th was enough for me.

Fitzgerald said Blagojevich was recorded in wiretaps as saying, "Fire all those 'bleeping' people, get them the bleep out of there and get us some support."

The prosecutor also cited another instance in which Blagojevich allegedly said he wanted to pull back $8 million in funding from the Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago because he did not receive a $50,000 personal contribution he had wanted from the hospital.

Blago shook down the hospital where my cousin's little boy Paddy had 20 + brain surgeries.

That little guy Paddy has had enough.

Click my post title for Fitzgerald's news conference on Dec. 9th, if you feel complelled to tune in to WLS and Blag. Wait until 9AM.

Haven't you had enough of Blago?

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Newman (from Seinfeld) for U.S. Post Master General!

I heard a guy call in to WLS -Don Wade & Roma this morning with a comment on the designation of Dr. Sanjay Gupta for U.S, Surgeon General: 'Why not Newman from Seinfeld for Postmaster General?'

Brilliant, Sober, Consistent and Change I Believe In! Hell, He can't can't screw up a trainwreck that is in progress. Why Not?

Newman is a U.S Postalworker, which never work in the rain for obvious reasons, this came in conflict when george castanza made a deal with him for him to by a calzone for him from a place which he was thrown out of. he has been involved in many plots with the four main characters, while also being adversarial to jerry; they are famous for saying eachothers names in an despicable voice upon meeting. 1 scheme where newman is involved is where he, elaine, and kramer kidnap a dog that was really annoying to elaine. newman's love is elaine, and this is shown when he recites poetry about her. Newman recieved a birthday wish when he suddenly got a convertable, and a hot new girlfriend who is interested in the mailing system. kramer and newman,who are close friends, tried to travel to michigan on mothers day with a mailtruck full of empties of which he wanted to cash in for the 15 cent payback. when kramer was in debt, betting on arrivals and departures at the airport, newman came in with Son of Sam's mailbag to give as collateral, newman said that he once double dated with son of sam. Newman hates keith hernandez, of which he called "pretty boy" for making a crucial error that made the mets lose, and in retaliation, he was spit on along with kramer by what jerry calls a magic luggie.

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