Saturday, July 30, 2016

Every Cop in Chicago and Every Citizen of Chicago Should Support and Help Commander Glenn Evans

Much of recent history is now, practically speaking, unfalsifiable. Those who criticize the official narratives are fined or imprisoned. Free historical inquiry is dead; therefore, received historical narratives must be regarded with the same skepticism as ancient mythology or religious narratives. Anonymous from American Historical Association: James MacPherson defense of historical revisionism September 2003

History was always written by the victors and occasionally by people who valued the truth.  That came to a screeching halt in American universities in the 1970's.  That marked the rise of received historical narratives.  Simply put, the victory of Howard Zinn History - America is fundamentally wrong, racist, reactionary, sexist and priest ridden.

Take the Battle of Fort Dearborn Park in the south loop, as an example.  Recently, a Chicago Police Officer  was shot near the above mentioned park.  One of my neighbors, a CPD professional, remarked," Never heard of the Battle of Dearborn. Fort Dearborn Massacre, but no battle."  I agreed, but noted that  a small group of people determined that the word "Battle" was hurtful to John Low of Pokagon band of the Potowattomi Tribe and that the aggrieved demanded that history be erased and the hopelessly flawed Chicago Encylopedia's James Grossman could not be happier.

In the 1980s, the statue was acquired by the city, which moved it back to the neighborhood when the Prairie Avenue community began to be revitalized in the 1990s. Subsequently, it was again removed and placed in city storage, ostensibly to conserve it, where it remains.
The alderman's warning came true: Naming the park for Black Partridge was vetoed by various Native American organizations, including the American Indian Center. Once Black Partridge was out of the running, "Ft. Dearborn Massacre," wasn't a viable candidate.
"'Massacre' is such a judgmental word," Low said. "We discussed how, from another perspective, you might call it 'Victory Park.'"
Feldstein recalled the delicate negotiations it took to find a compromise acceptable to all parties.
"I got an unbelievable history lesson," she said
Others are less sure of what the lesson is. Grossman is pleased with the name change, from massacre to battle. He thinks it corrects a bias in the story of how the West was won -- and lost.
"If you look at standard texts, when the Indians win, it's a massacre," Grossman said. "But when the Americans win, it's a battle."
But Crimmins is troubled by the snub to Black Partridge -- and Chicago history, as he sees it.
"Historical revisionism typically takes heroes from the past and makes villains of them," Crimmins said. "As long as I write about it, I'm going to call it the Ft. Dearborn Massacre."
Remember that everything is for sale - Comiskey Park, Sears Tower, Chicago history, marriage.

Law Enforcement has been reduced to a yard sale, by revisionists and narrative architects.

Yesterday, one man fought back. Commander Glenn Evans filed suit against The City of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel's Independent Police Review Board (IPRB) and . . .my favorite . . .WBEZ.

The here you have the Leftist combine - Progressive politicians, appointed Good Government Citizens Blue Ribbon Activists and the Left Tilted Public Radio apparatus.

Commander Evans was lynched by people who see nooses everywhere as tools for public power and personal financial gain.  The so-called Innocence Industry pumps blood into print and fabricates compelling narrative doctrines to be blared from the pages of the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times and screeched by panelists on WTTW, or WBEZ.  Lawyers apply the narratives while judge shopping and in preparing cases brought against police officers. Politicians pander and provide street cash for T-shirts and future Pfleger-ite marches.

Every Police Officer in this city run by clowns and grifters should line up to offer any and help to the lawyers of Glenn Evans. His small victory might prevent the continuing Star Chamber attacks on working people doing their jobs.

Most of all Chicago citizens should study the Glenn Evans case carefully and note the rhetorical flourishes throughout each article, news cast and statement by activists and politicians.  Make note of the similarities.  Make a time-line of events and paste in the characters involved, like the former cop disciplined by Commander Evans turned IPRB investigator and the WBEZ reporter playing David Protess.  Make note of a particularly damning article in DNAinfo Chicago. Draw your own conclusion.

Know this - Truth is tough and narratives are as easy as lying. A nice name for fiction.  There were not six Transgender Aztec Garment Workers putting up the flag on Iwo Jima - not yet anyway. Iwo Jima was not a property dispute, by the way.

Chicago owes much to Commander Glenn Evans

This was a the massacre of a Man's life. 

Every Cop in Chicago and Every Citizen of Chicago Should Support and Help Commander Glenn Evans

Much of recent history is now, practically speaking, unfalsifiable. Those who criticize the official narratives are fined or imprisoned. Free historical inquiry is dead; therefore, received historical narratives must be regarded with the same skepticism as ancient mythology or religious narratives. Anonymous from American Historical Association: James MacPherson defense of historical revisionism September 2003

History was always written by the victors and occasionally by people who valued the truth.  That came to a screeching halt in American universities in the 1970's.  That marked the rise of received historical narratives.  Simply put, the victory of Howard Zinn History - America is fundamentally wrong, racist, reactionary, sexist and priest ridden.

Take the Battle of Fort Dearborn Park in the south loop, as an example.  Recently, a Chicago Police Officer  was shot near the above mentioned park.  One of my neighbors, a CPD professional, remarked," Never heard of the Battle of Dearborn. Fort Dearborn Massacre, but no battle."  I agreed, but noted that  a small group of people determined that the word "Battle" was hurtful to John Low of Pokagon band of the Potowattomi Tribe and that the aggrieved demanded that history be erased and the hopelessly flawed Chicago Encylopedia's James Grossman could not be happier.

In the 1980s, the statue was acquired by the city, which moved it back to the neighborhood when the Prairie Avenue community began to be revitalized in the 1990s. Subsequently, it was again removed and placed in city storage, ostensibly to conserve it, where it remains.
The alderman's warning came true: Naming the park for Black Partridge was vetoed by various Native American organizations, including the American Indian Center. Once Black Partridge was out of the running, "Ft. Dearborn Massacre," wasn't a viable candidate.
"'Massacre' is such a judgmental word," Low said. "We discussed how, from another perspective, you might call it 'Victory Park.'"
Feldstein recalled the delicate negotiations it took to find a compromise acceptable to all parties.
"I got an unbelievable history lesson," she said
Others are less sure of what the lesson is. Grossman is pleased with the name change, from massacre to battle. He thinks it corrects a bias in the story of how the West was won -- and lost.
"If you look at standard texts, when the Indians win, it's a massacre," Grossman said. "But when the Americans win, it's a battle."
But Crimmins is troubled by the snub to Black Partridge -- and Chicago history, as he sees it.
"Historical revisionism typically takes heroes from the past and makes villains of them," Crimmins said. "As long as I write about it, I'm going to call it the Ft. Dearborn Massacre."
Remember that everything is for sale - Comiskey Park, Sears Tower, Chicago history, marriage.

Law Enforcement has been reduced to a yard sale, by revisionists and narrative architects.

Yesterday, one man fought back. Commander Glenn Evans filed suit against The City of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel's Independent Police Review Board (IPRB) and . . .my favorite . . .WBEZ.

The here you have the Leftist combine - Progressive politicians, appointed Good Government Citizens Blue Ribbon Activists and the Left Tilted Public Radio apparatus.

Commander Evans was lynched by people who see nooses everywhere as tools for public power and personal financial gain.  The so-called Innocense Industry pumps blood into print and fabricates compelling narrative doctrines to be blared from the pages of the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times and screeched by panelists on WTTW, or WBEZ.  Lawyers apply the narractives while judge shopping and in preparing cases brought against police officers. Politicians pander and provide street cash for T-shirts and future Pfleger-ite marches.

Every Police Officer in this city run by clowns and grifters should line up to offer any and help to the lawyers of Glenn Evans. His small victory might prevent the continuing Star Chamber attacks on working people doing their jobs.

Most of all Chicago citizens should study the Glenn Evans case carefully and note the rhetorical flourishes throughout each article, news cast and statement by activists and politicians.  Make note of the similarities.  Make a time-line of events and paste in the characters involved, like the former cop disciplined by Commander Evans turned IPRB investigator and the WBEZ reporter playing David Protess.  Make note of a particularly damning article in DNAinfo Chicago. Draw your own conclusion.

Know this - Truth is tough and narratives are as easy as lying. A nice name for fiction.  There were not six Transgender Aztec Garment Workers putting up the flag on Iwo Jima - not yet anyway. Iwo Jima was not a property dispute, by the way.

Chicago owes much to Commader Glenn Evans

This was a the massacre of a Man's life. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Left Dominated Media (Honors Pests) Created Donald Trump. I Will Vote For Their Creation.

'Very well then, you win! Take him! But never forget that the man whom you want me to spare will one day prove the ruin of the party which you and I have so long defended. There are many Marius's in this fellow Caesar.'  Lucius Cornelius Sulla in Suetonius' Twelve Caesars
This election puts Republicans in a hard position. Even as the choice in this election is between a normal candidate and an abnormal one, it’s also between a liberal candidate and a, well, conservative-ish one. I don’t doubt Trump would nominate pro-life judges, or that he would resist raising taxes. I understand why so many Republicans have decided to suppress their doubts and support him.
But this is a dangerous game. We are a nation protected by norms, not just by laws. Our political parties should be held to certain standards in terms of the candidates they nominate, the behaviors they accept, the ideas they mainstream. Trump violates those standards. By indulging him, the Republican Party is normalizing him and his behavior, and making itself abnormal. Ezra Klein in Vox
Ezra Klein, writes in Vox. Vox is Latin for voice.  Cool.  Like Bono cool. I mean frigus.

So, Trump, Ezra has no doubt, will appoint Pro-Life judges.  Frigus, Dude, Frigus! Optimum Est!

Yet, I am led to believe, Ezra, that such a thing would be abnormal?

I imagine that Ezra Klein has heard about Caesar and maybe he has some idea about the pther two gents from Latin antinquity -Sulla and Gaius Marius*.

There I go being all harsh.  I will tell Ezra and any one interested below the following sentences.

Sorry.  You see.  I have very little tolerance for persons who tell me who I am and how I should think and behave.

I do pretty well.  I'm no Bill Moyers -thanks be to God - but I do Okay.

A cousin of mine was asked to wrap the tree on his front lawn with Blue bunting in order to 'show his solidarity with Police Officers.'  My cousin, like me, has many friends who are Chicago cops and he does not need to be told to wrap his tree in blue, yellow, black, or green bunting to show anything. He and I express ourselves without too much difficulty.

I no longer hang the American flag out on appropriate days, because the proximity of my house happens to be the votex of a wind tunnel and every flag has been blown away, along with the hardware for the last twenty years.

I love America.  I would like to see America great again.  That can only happen if we get rid of abortion - Roe v. Wade is the high water-mark of American greatness and the great waters have been receding since 1972.

I am not confused about who I am; nor, am I fundamentally bothered by my continued time on earth.

  • Race - White, AKA Caucasian native -born ( close-knit ethnic Irish)
  • Religion - Roman Catholic (see above)
  • Gender - Male
  • Marital Status - Widower ( three children)
  • Education - BA, MA
  • Employment - Educator
  • Age - 63 and change
  • Health- Excellent
  • Political Identification- Democrat ( see above)
  • Class- Lower Middle Blue Collar
  • Languages - English - weak Spanish - reads Latin and some French
  • Interests - High, Wide and handsome
Will voting for Trump on November 8th cause me to worry that I might no longer be, as Illinois Representative and shrew Jan Schakowsky explained on MSNBC, a " decent person?"  No, by a pack of smokes and a wink from a homely girl. I watched Jan Schalowsky treat a young Asian girl in the most awful manner, but on MSNBC Schakowsky sided herself as one of the "decent people."

Color me indecent.

I will continue to be the absolute "peach of guy" that it has been my pleasure to be this three score and three.

My constitution is solid, because I pray on my knees and stand on my two legs.  I keep my belly full and bowels empty.  I treat people with kindness, dignity and the respect they deserve, until people treat me, my own and fellow human beings with contempt.

I read and I remember what I read.  As Blue Collar kid, I learned that what I do is much more important than what I say I do.  I grew up with admiration for public persons - teachers, coaches, doctors, cops, firemen, newspaper reporters and even elected officials who remembered how they became elected officials.

Feelings are secondary to facts, because feelings can be misleading.  Hell. I thought I'd marry Judy Procheska in 1966.  She married an obstetrician and now lives in Vail, CO. I did fall in love and married the woman who is mother of my children.  Got the license and birth certificates to show.

Them's facts and facts matter.

I taught and raised money in Catholic secondary schools for over forty years.  I feel I did a pretty good job.  The records show that I did a very good job.  However, I was raised not to expect 'atta-boys' for doing my job.

As an English teacher, it is incumbent upon the teacher to know composition, grammar, rhetoric, the canons of taste, critical theory and historical context.  If a teacher does not write, that teacher just might be a deficient writing instructor. Might. I know many high school English teachers who not only do not write, but can not write - far too many.  I know far too many more who can identify any of leading writers in the canon of world literature.   These teachers really care about the kids, but enough to read, write, or argue with any heft in their own discipline.

So, that is how it is.

I come from a family of skilled tradesmen.  They do not suffer fools ( incompetents, layabouts, ticket punchers) gladly.  My cousin Barbara, many years my junior, is the chief engineer of an iconic building in Chicago's Loop.  No glass ceiling there.  Barbara went to college and decided to try the trade of her late father.  It is a male dominated trade.  Barbara rose to the top of her trade, not because she is woman, but because she is one hell of an engineer.

That is how it should be and it is.

Our social and political life is dominated by some very arrogant jerks.

Two have secured the nominations from America's two major political parties.

In order to secure the Presidency of Hillary Clinton our nation has endured a purge of talent in both parties and the rise of a flamboyant huckster as the binary choice for the minority of American voters, and vast armies unqualified voters who will be chauffeured the polls between early voting in October and through November 8, 2016.

The Flamboyant Huckster repells me, but I am going to vote for him for the following reasons
  • CNN (Mrs. Turner's Channel)
  • MSNBC ( America's Clown Car)
  • New York Times
  • Washington Post
  • Chicago Tribune
  • NPR
  • Public Television
  • The Nation, Salon, Mother Jones, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Huffington Post
  • Planned Parenthood
  • The Journolistas (2008-2016) 
Most of all it is persons, public persons who have proved themselves to be bullies, frauds, dummies, hypocrites, cowards and opportunists.  People like, Pres. Bill Clinton, Pres. Advisor Valerie Jarrett, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Sen. Barbra Boxer, Sen. Mark Kirk, Sen. Dick Durbin, Mayor Rahm Emanuel,  Boss Toni Preckwinkle, Governor Bruce Rauner, Columnists David Brooks, Sally Kohn, Micheal Eric Dyson,  Dana Millbank and Eric Zorn.

These punks want us to pick fights with one another over a stupid election.  This is the stupidest election, since the Democrat Party quit itself in 1972.

The JounoList is said to be a 'forum' where like minded ink-slingers and political hacks can share memes in order to "Fundamentally Transform" America.  They have.

Here is the thing.

The Media created the rise of Donald Trump and it fertilized and watered the stink weed he opposes.

The people who created the atmosphere of mistrust bordereing on paranoia in our nation are unlike some of the Honors students who became honors students because their well-heeled parents bullied the takers of tuition into Honors placements.  Most of the students in Honors and A.P. English are hardworking, humble and honest.  A very few are pests and not very very bright pests at best.  

Honors pests tended to be snotty bullies of the peers and suck-ups to their betters. The perfect examples of Honors pests might be Chris Hayes on MSNBC (who got his job via nepotism and his father-in-law is none aother than Andy Shaw ABC news-goof and President of the BGA in Chicago) who excels at talking over people,but saying nothing.  

Honors Pests now seem to dominate the pages Salon, VOX, or the cable news.  Now, in all fairness FOX has some real dopes - that Huckleberry Hound imitator jumps to mind: Sheppard Smith, but nothing surpasses MSNBC as a huge clown car.

The media wanted Trump to face Hillary.  They systematically assassinated every GOP and Democratic candidate with the aid and comfort of the DNC and the Clinton Foundation's black bag operatives.  

Now, we are told that we can choose Hillary, or choose to stand with the abnormal.

Me, I will never stand with abortion happy grifters, globalist grifters, or race-baiting hustlers. New normal or not. 

* Gaius Marius was Roman soldier, born in the sticks and not a noble Roman.  He was a skilled soldier and he is credited with creating the Roman Army that conquered the world.  He was a cousin of Gaius Julius Caesar who was noble Roman - kind of like a Kennedy, or Rockefeller ( upstarts who became somebodies - real Americans are Cabots, Adamses, Lodges, & etc.  Marius was elected Consul seven times and was called the First Man of Rome.  Marius opened Roman citizenship to doers.  Noble Romans hated that.  

Cornelius Sulla a handsome, wealthy, educated and connected Noble Roman.  Sulla was Marius' second -in-command and had been very close to his boss.  Marius at the height of his power had a stroke and a radical change in his personality.  Marius began to see enemies everywhere and began torturing and executing everyone.

Sulla replace Marius as First Man of Rome, upon Marius' death.  Sulla wanted to murder young Caesar, but was stopped by the 'noble Romans' of the Senate.

Sulla was a monster himself, but he created Caesar. Ezra and the Honors Pests of the American Media created Trump - and he is only half as bad as Hillary. 

The Left Dominated Media (Honors Pests) Created Donald Trump. I Will Vote For Their Creation.

'Very well then, you win! Take him! But never forget that the man whom you want me to spare will one day prove the ruin of the party which you and I have so long defended. There are many Marius's in this fellow Caesar.'  Lucius Cornelius Sulla in Suetonius' Twelve Caesars
This election puts Republicans in a hard position. Even as the choice in this election is between a normal candidate and an abnormal one, it’s also between a liberal candidate and a, well, conservative-ish one. I don’t doubt Trump would nominate pro-life judges, or that he would resist raising taxes. I understand why so many Republicans have decided to suppress their doubts and support him.
But this is a dangerous game. We are a nation protected by norms, not just by laws. Our political parties should be held to certain standards in terms of the candidates they nominate, the behaviors they accept, the ideas they mainstream. Trump violates those standards. By indulging him, the Republican Party is normalizing him and his behavior, and making itself abnormal. Ezra Klein in Vox
Ezra Klein, writes in Vox. Vox is Latin for voice.  Cool.  Like Bono cool. I mean frigus.

I imagine that Ezra Klein has heard about Caesar and maybe he has some idea about the
Sulla and Gaius Marius*.

There I go being all harsh.  I tell Ezra and any one interested below the following sentences.

Sorry.  You see.  I have very little tolerance for persons who tell me who I am and how I should and behave.

I do pretty well.  I'm no Bill Moyers -thanks be to God - but I do Okay.

A cousin of mine was asked to wrap the tree on his front lawn with Blue bunting in order to 'show his solidarity with Police Officers.'  My cousin, like me, has many friends who are Chicago cops and he does not need to be told to wrap his tree in blue, yellow, black, or green bunting to show anything.

I no longer hang the American flag out on appropriate days, because the proximity of my house happens to be the votex of a wind tunnel and every flag has been blown away, along with the hardware for the last twenty years.

I love America.  I would like to see America great again.  That can only happen if we get rid of abortion - Roe v. Wade is the high water-mark of American greatness and the great waters have been receding since 1972.

I am not confused about who I am; nor, am I fundamentally bothered by my continued time on earth.

  • Race - White, AKA Caucasian native -born ( close-knit ethnic Irish)
  • Religion - Roman Catholic (see above)
  • Gender - Male
  • Marital Status - Widower ( three children)
  • Education - BA, MA
  • Employment - Educator
  • Age - 63 and change
  • Health- Excellent
  • Political Identification- Democrat ( see above)
  • Class- Lower Middle Blue Collar
  • Languages - English - weak Spanish - reads Latin and some French
  • Interests - High, Wide and handsome
Will voting for Trump on November 8th cause me to worry that I might no longer be, as Illinois Representative and shrew Jan Schakowsky explained on MSNBC, a " decent person?"  No, by a pack of smokes and a wink from a homely girl.

I will continue to be the absolute "peach of guy" that it has been my pleasure to be this three score and three.

My constitution is solid, because I pray on my knees and stand on my two legs.  I keep my belly full and bowels empty.  I treat people with kindness, dignity and the respect they deserve, until people treat me, my own and fellow human beings with contempt.

I read and I remember what I read.  As Blue Collar kid, I learned that what I do is much more important than what I say I do.  I grew up with admiration for public persons - teachers, coaches, doctors, cops, firemen, newspaper reporters and even elected officials who remembered how they became elected officials.

Feelings are secondary to facts, because feelings can be misleading.  Hell. I thought I'd marry Judy Procheska in 1966.  She married an obstetrician and now lives in Vail, CO. I did fall in love and married the woman who is mother of my children.  Got the license and birth certificates to show.

Them's facts and facts matter.

I taught and raised money in Catholic secondary schools for over forty years.  I feel I did a pretty good job.  The records show that I did a very good job.  However, I was raised not to expect 'atta-boys' for doing my job.

As an English teacher, it is incumbent upon the teacher to know composition, grammar, rhetoric, the canons of taste, critical theory and historical context.  If a teacher does not write, that teacher just might be a deficient writing instructor. Might. I know many high school English teachers who not only do not write, but can not write - far too many.  I know far too many more who can identify any of leading writers in the canon of world literature.   These teachers really care about the kids, but enough to read, write, or argue with any heft in their own discipline.

So, that is how it is.

I come from a family of skilled tradesmen.  They do not suffer fools ( incompetents, layabouts, ticket punchers) gladly.  My cousin Barbara, many years my junior, is the chief engineer of an iconic building in Chicago's Loop.  No glass ceiling there.  Barbara went to college and decided to try the trade of her late father.  It is a male dominated trade.  Barbara rose to the top of her trade, not because she is woman, but because she is one hell of an engineer.

That is how it should be and it is.

Our social and political life is dominated by some very arrogant jerks.

Two have secured the nominations from America's two major political parties.

In order to secure the Presidency of Hillary Clinton our nation has endured a purge of talent in both parties and the rise of a flamboyant huckster as the binary choice for the minority of American voters, and vast armies unqualified voters who will be chauffeured the polls between early voting in October and through November 8, 2016.

The Flamboyant Huckster repells me, but I am going to vote for him for the following reasons
  • CNN (Mrs. Turner's Channel)
  • MSNBC ( America's Clown Car)
  • New York Times
  • Washington Post
  • Chicago Tribune
  • NPR
  • Public Television
  • The Nation, Salon, Mother Jones, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Huffington Post
  • Planned Parenthood
  • The Journolistas (2008-2016) 
Most of all it is persons, public persons who have proved themselves to be bullies, frauds, dummies, hypocrites, cowards and opportunists.  People like, Pres. Bill Clinton, Pres. Advisor Valerie Jarrett, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Sen. Barbra Boxer, Sen. Mark Kirk, Sen. Dick Durbin, Mayor Rahm Emanuel,  Boss Toni Preckwinkle, Governor Bruce Rauner, Columnists David Brooks, Sally Kohn, Micheal Eric Dyson,  Dana Millbank and Eric Zorn.

These punks want us to pick fights with one another over a stupid election.  This is the stupidest election, since the Democrat Party quit itself in 1972.

The JounoList is said to be a 'forum' where like minded ink-slingers and political hacks can share memes in order to "Fundamentally Transform" America.  They have.

Here is the thing.

The Media created the rise of Donald Trump and it fertilized and watered the stink weed he opposes.

The people who created the atmosphere of mistrust bordereing on paranoia in our nation are unlike some of the Honors students who became honors students because their well-heeled parents bullied the takers of tuition into Honors placements.  Most of the students in Honors and A.P. English are hardworking, humble and honest.  A very few are pests and not very very bright pests at best.  

Honors pests tended to be snotty bullies of the peers and suck-ups to their betters. The perfect examples of Honors pests might be Chris Hayes on MSNBC (who got his job via nepotism and his father-in-law is none aother than Andy Shaw ABC news-goof and President of the BGA in Chicago) who excels at talking over people,but saying nothing.  

Honors Pests now seem to dominate the pages Salon, VOX, or the cable news.  Now, in all fairness FOX has some real dopes - that Huckleberry Hound imitator jumps to mind: Sheppard Smith, but nothing surpasses MSNBC as a huge clown car.

The media wanted Trump to face Hillary.  They systematically assassinated every GOP and Democratic candidate with the aid and comfort of the DNC and the Clinton Foundation's black bag operatives.  

Now, we are told that we can choose Hillary, or choose to stand with the abnormal.

Me, I will never stand with abortion happy grifters, globalist grifters, or race-baiting hustlers. New normal or not. 

* Gaius Marius was Roman soldier, born in the sticks and not a noble Roman.  He was a skilled soldier and he is credited with creating the Roman Army that conquered the world.  He was a cousin of Gaius Julius Caesar who was noble Roman - kind of like a Kennedy, or Rockefeller ( upstarts who became somebodies - real Americans are Cabots, Adamses, Lodges, & etc.  Marius was elected Consul seven times and was called the First Man of Rome.  Marius opened Roman citizenship to doers.  Noble Romans hated that.  

Cornelius Sulla a handsome, wealthy, educated and connected Noble Roman.  Sulla was Marius' second -in-command and had been very close to his boss.  Marius at the height of his power had a stroke and a radical change in his personality.  Marius began to see enemies everywhere and began torturing and executing everyone.

Sulla replace Marius as First Man of Rome, upon Marius' death.  Sulla wanted to murder young Caesar, but was stopped by the 'noble Romans' of the Senate.

Sulla was a monster himself, but he created Caesar. Ezra and the Honors Pests of the American Media created Trump - and he is only half as bad as Hillary. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Chris Matthews Convinced Me to Vote For Trump

MSNBC's Chris Matthews was asked for his reaction to the speech during the network's convention coverage and didn't hold anything back.
"I don't understand why the Republicans would choose to put this on prime-time television when they have such wonderful stories of American heroism to speak to the American people," an emotional Matthews said. "I think it was wrong.
"I don't care what that woman up there, the mother, has felt. Her emotions are her own. But for the country in choosing a leader, it's wrong to have someone get up there and tell a lie about Hillary Clinton. It's not true. It's logically not true. I think it's wrong that they ruined their evening with this."
The first night of the Republican National Convention is only an hour old in prime time. 

I first became aware of MSNBC when the Ken Starr hearings were taking place and President Bill Clinton, a man I worked to get nominated and elected and voted for twice, became the first President to impeached after the Radical Republicans went mad-dog on President Andrew Johnson.

Republicans were always the party of the abortion lovers, the labor haters, the bank-rollers of the KKK ( yep, the blue stocking crowd were GOP bigots and the cross- burning bullwhippers were Cracker-Democrats) closed-country clubs to Catholics, Jews and African Americans.

As the Progressives like to say, things evolve.  The Progressive Wasp fleas jumped from the GOP, for the most part ( clowns like Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois excluded) and swarmed over the Democratic Party.  Progressives boarded and looted city, county and state governments with great speed after the Democratic Convention in Chicago 1996.  The individual was erased by the monopoly serving the few, but paying lip-service to the many: i.e. labor.

Labor no longer meant the Industrial and the Skilled Trades - Big Labor no longer meant the AFL-CIO - it meant AFSCME and SEIU.  Don't be confused. In order to survive organized labor allowed the mass numbers of unkilled people to reflect progress and power.  Real Power is in the hands of banks, law firms and agenda funded armies of people unleashed on foes, or imagined foes prior to during and well-after every election. Intimidation must be funded and it it,

In 2001, The Saban Group, Fred Eychaner and Steven Bing became the hard money of the DNC.

Democrats were no longer George Dunne, Richard J. Daley, John Stroger, Harold Washington,  Allen Dixon, Ed Howlett, Mike Sheahan, Jeremiah Joyce, or Kevin Joyce.  Democrats are led by people who were once, and should forever be, laughed out of the room - Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama, Jan Schakowsky, Mike Quigley, Toni Preckwinkle and Pat Quinn.  Illinois no longer has Senators like Allen Dixon, or the GOP's Curley Dirksen; rather Illinois is represented by mealy-mouthed, vacuous ninnies and rump smoochers like Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk. Clowns all and padded by a lazy media.

Planned Parenthood now owns my local State Senator and Representative who have voted consistently against the values of the people they are meant to serve.

I was on the fence on this horrible election offering the choice between two persons I detest.  I detest one far less than Mrs. Clinton.

I remained a Democrat.  Today, I believe that I can safely vote for one Democrat who retains the values and work ethic of the Party formed my life as much as my education, and religion - Matt O'Shea 19th Ward Organization.

This week, the Buck Laughlin of political commentary, Chris Matthews pushed me into the Trump Camp.

Matthews went off on the mother of one of the slaughtered Benghazi heroes, whom Hillary Clinton disgraced with her lies.


I was going to sit this election out.  Not now.  Matthews is a clown, but all of the clowns are backing a liar and a person who would walk over piles of dead children to get anything she wants at the moment and get more clowns to apologize for her.

I will vote against Hillary Clinton.  I will vote against what the Democrat Party has become.  I will hold my nose, gag up my gorge and vote for Trump.  That's one.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Time to Turn To St. Rocco - Our World Is Diseased

O Great St. Rocco, deliver us, we beseech you, from contagious diseases, and the contagion of sin. Obtain, for us, a purity of heart which will assist us to make good use of health, and to bear sufferings with patience. Teach us to follow your example in the practice of penance and charity, so that we may, one day enjoy the happiness of being with Christ, Our Savior, in Heaven. Amen. Prayer to St. Rocco

I remember the Feast of Saint Rocco, when it was celebrated at St. Mary of Mount Carmel* Parish in West Englewood back in the late 1950's and 1960's. The Feast of St. Rocco was celebrated in August usually the 12th - 15th.  We lived on the south side of Burlington Northern-Santa Fe tracks at 75th Street, in the Mick-land of Little Flower, but went with our folks to the great Italian main street on 69th Street to Sardi's for meats, Naples Bakery and to eat well at Louis George's.

Many of my Italian neighbors moved from the wood framed two story apartments, or single family cottages in St. Mary's to the Georgians and brick bungalows in Little Flower and they introduced us Turkeybirds to glories of the feast of St. Roccos - games, Italian beef and sausage 'samich-es wit green peppers 'n onions.' Most of all the great fireworks attendant to the close of feast.  When I was about five Terry Smith, Al and Charlie McFarland, by brother Whitey and me asked the smartest guy south of the Wood Street viaduct, Maury Lanigan where the great fireworks came from and were shamed by the shaman, " That's the Dago Carnival."  Oh.

As we got older (grow up? as if.) we went with our Italian buddies over the tracks and to the great carnival.

The Procession of St. Rocco travelled the circuit of the parish from the Church on Hermitage down 67th Street to Damen and south to 69th Street ( home of the 69th street Loafers) and east to Ashland and then back to the church.  After stuffing our potato-holes with cotton candy and those no-longer existent red hard-crusted cinnamon candied apples, Italian ices and beefs we hiked back over the tracks (rather through the swampy viaduct behind the steel factory) to our Georgians and raised ranches on 75th Place and Wood Street.

Once home, before street lights out mind you, we would sit on the curb and watch the greatest sky show of the summer.  From St. Mary's huge and majestic pyrotechnics dominated the skies over Englewood in what seemed an endless fire works show.  All in celebration of the 13th Century Frenchman from Montpelliar who is so venerated by generations of Italians.

Rocco was born with a red birthmark on the left side of his chest.  Shortly he was orphaned and raised by his uncle the Duke of Montpellier.

St. Rocco grew up about three hours west of Nice in south of France.  Yesterday, Islamist savages drove a panel truck through a crowd of innocents celebrating the French Fourth of July -Bastille Day. These activists slaughtered four score human beings in the cause of the Caliphate.

Here in America, we are trying to recover from the slaughter of five Dallas Police Officers and dozen more by a savage activist.  You can call him what you will.

There will be no healing in the near future here any more than in the Non-Caliphate world.  Professional Oligarchs running for President, activists in the pay of a Hungarian Bond Villain, media clowns and group-thought academic facists will keep the scabs yanked off any healing. Sad to say.

Our world is diseased.  Our world is diseased by charlatans and thieves who would "Deconstruct" humanity.  We have no common humanity. We are Diverse, because we must stay Balkanized and aggrieved.

Disease knows no class, no race, no faith and no mercy.

St. Rocco was a well-to-do young man related to the Duke of Montpellier.  He denied the material world and dedicated his life to God and everyone on God's earth who suffers.

Rocco went to Italy, where a plague was decimating the population . Rocco prayed for the sick and cared for them with his RoccoCare.

He too caught the plague and developed a horrible oozing ulcer on his left leg.  He slept on leaves and drank water from a creek, but he was fed crusts of bread from a dog who had discovered the suffering Rocco and grabbed a loaf of bread off of his master's table. The dog belonged to a local nobleman who took notice of the bread snatching and followed the mutt to where the saint was holed up.

The nobleman tended to Rocco's health, but the leg never improved. Rocco had become legendary for his works among the suffering people of northern Italy over the next three years and then rturned to France sick, suffering and broke and was tossed into prison as a "spy." It turned out that the official who arrested Rocco was his uncle - The Duke of Montpellier.  On August 16, 1378,  a guard went to Rooco's cell and found him near death When the Duke demanded to know the true identity of this Italian spy, Rocco replied, " I am your nephew."  The Duke ordered the man stripped to waist and revealed the red birth-mark. He also had a red oozing sore to go with what God had blessed him with at birth. A voice was heard by the Duke and all of the townspeople saying that Rocco had merited eternal life and had gone home to Christ.

Many miracles were attributed to Rocco.

I am going to try and remember to pray to Saint Rocco and pray that our divided and diseased world comes to its senses.

St. Rocco was a big part of my childish summers,  I hope and pray that I grow up and the world turns to Rocco, as opposed to activists, oligarchs and frauds.

*"St Mary of Mount Carmel. 6722 S Hermitage (west Englewood) Most original parishoners came from Salerno. Now a Protestant church. Original church was woodframe 1891-1976."

Many thanks to this great Facebook Page

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Be Like Bill Nye the Science Guy! He's Not Fat

 Bill Nye The Science Guy: Room Temparture I.Q. and The Personality of a Dial Tone.

More BS from the Social Engineers( the dweebs we locked in lockers during high school) - For years Progressives have hated
  • tobacco smokers,
  • automobile owners
  • families with many (more than two) kids (Breeders)
  • people who eat sugar, meat, fois gras
  • tax-payers
  • patriots who honor people of Valor and not necessarily Activists
  • people who like to play team sports like football, where a bunch of Fa . . .husky gents make skinny guys look good 
and have done their level best, via " American Progressive Alchemy - social science surveys, games studies and polling" to not only make people, not like them ( NYT readers, NPR 'Fun' Folks, John Anderson Voters, Gym Joiners, Cycle Fascists, Vegans, IPA snobs, rain barrel cranks, soul patch and knit cap donners, members of NON-Judgmental religions: Atheism, Unitarians, Pat Quinn Petition signers and Hooka Pipers) doubt themselves but,at least, disappear from the public dialog.

The meme be - if lithe, liberal intellectual and entitled to cycle in violation of all laws of traffic and physics: a healthy, patrician - one of us and there are so feeeeeeeeYOU of us. If corpulent, cornball, common, bigoted, bloated, bourgeoise, and too stupid to live, let alone breed.

Now, the Bike Nazis and East Bank Gym Gold Card Members have a new study telling their enemies - tubbies, guys with Dunlop's Disease, lard-asses, porkers, tenth of a ton-ers -that, If one is fat, having eaten real butter with popcorn and the odd Big Gulp while watching the latest Michael Moore snoozer, chances are one is dumb

Fat people are less intelligent than people with a normal weight, a provocative study claims.Overweight men and women have less grey and white matter in key areas of the brain.They also have greater impulsivity and ‘altered reward processing’, the study said.The researchers said that their findings could explain why overweight people make poor diet choices - they do not have the mental capacity to control themselves.Nor are they able to stop themselves from making poor choices when the do eat something.The theory is likely to prove controversial as weight loss campaigners have emphasised that each individual has different reasons for their struggle with their body.
Oh, eat me!

Justin Bieber, Bill Nye the Science Guy, the Karadshians, Miley Cyrus are room temperature I.Q.s

People are different - you know " White Men Can't Jump!" Yuck, yuck, yuck, Wheeeee Doggie that's a knee slapper!
Here are but a few heavy weights who belie this latest scientific progressive Proofs of Life!!!!!! It's a science, Dude!

 G.K. Chesterton
 Antoinin Scalia
 Samuel Johnson
 Henry James and the Shondells
Edward Gibbons

Science is a tool of the arts meant for widening dialog to people of intellectual heft and perhaps a few stone more than Bill Nye.

Science is an end to people who want something to be true and don't want to think for themselves and want conversation to cease.

Fat Guys do not doubt Climate Change; they merely bother to read more and think for themselves.

Yep, White Men Can't Jump. That kills me. Black Men Can't Get a Hat Trick.

( that must be the racism of a fat guy)

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Chicago Alderman, Cop Hater and Celebrated Nit-Wit Lets Rahm's Rats Out of the Bag - The Privatization of City Policing

"I loved police work.  It was all about helping people. In those days, when you had to answer a call in a high-rise, your radio was in the car. If you got into trouble, if the neighbors wouldn't call for help, you wouldn't get any help. But I never felt scared or threatened, even in public housing. The people respected you and even the gangs feared you." former Alderman William Beavers 2006.
"We need every possible resource in our neighborhoods to commit to stopping crime. It can't rest on the police alone. We have money in the SSA in Wicker Park, let's use it for the security of our residents," Alderman Proco Joe Moreno

Chicago Police Department shields millions of people from idiots, thugs, syrupy nit-wits who get simple folks to put themselves in harms way (activists) and thieves and has done so ever since Archibald Clybourn was named High Constable in 1837.

Cops are wonderful - no equivocation whatsoever.  They are my neighbors; they protect the kids going to Leo High School in Auburn Gresham: they birth babies - I know six who have done so and they take the heat and the light of scrutiny for the corrupt, venal and cowardly politicians.

The police officers I know are African American ( many, many Leo High School alums), white ( many, many, many Irish, Italian, Polish, Lithuanian Catholic League athletes, military veterans) woman and men ( only men are Leo graduates) who happen to be tough, energetic, ethical, great-hearted and the wittiest of human beings. Cops are the greatest humorists this side of hell's elevator doors.

Politicians?  I know one who actually works -Alderman Matt O'Shea. One of the most great-hearted politicians was former Alderman William Beavers, who spent 21 years in the blue shirt of CPD. Alderman Beavers was and is the real deal.  He fell afoul of the Hyde Park Mafia and found the news media and the Feds crawling all over him.  The Tribune and Sun Times and WTTW could have dialed up the heat on Mother Theresa.  Bill Beavers is no Mother Theresa and did six months for gambling with his Campaign funds.  Some Progressive tulip dime'd him out to the G.  Beavers was always a gentleman and never put himself above the people of Chicago neighborhoods.

One Chicago neighborhood is home to the hip and the hip eat where it is hip to dine, drink where an Old Style is considered ironic and groove to the tunes all over Milwaukee Avenue - Wicker Park.  Wicker Park is so hip that Spike Lee decided to film Englewood, Auburn Gresham, Grand Crossing and Chatham in Wicker Park for his epic pandering Race Hustle ChiRaq - starring John Cusack as Pastor Pfleger. Wicker Park is home to 26,000 residents.

The Aldermen for Wicker Park (there are two - Brian Hopkins & Proco Joe) want to hire private security for Wicker Park.  Proco Joe Moreno, the Chick Fil A clown and Mayor Emanuel's Number One Go-to-Rump-Muncher, is testing the waters for Rahm Emanuel's eventual privatization of the Chicago's policing.

This is fine. President Obama will push for his Civilian National Security Force today as he meets with Activists and a couple of compliant cops, after talking about himself at the Dallas Memorial for five slain officers on Tuesday.

You see Wicker Park is a Chicago Lab School for Police Outcome.

Politicians want something, usually to benefit themselves, or their brothers Ari and Zeke, and get the Paul Simon Institute* to do polling ( I'll bet Ald. Proco Joe already put in the call to Carbondale) and feed outcomes and data to Eric Zorn and other media myna birds with the caveat "THIS can't Wait! The Time Has Come!  Chicago is ready for its own Sturmabteilung 

Alds. Brian Hopkins and Joe Moreno said Tuesday they want to use $100,000 from a Wicker Park/Bucktown taxpayer fund surplus to hire security guards from private firms who can augment the local police force.
“This is a common sense measure with the goal of enhancing security for the Wicker Park and Bucktown communities within the [Shakespeare Police/14th District],” Hopkins said. “It’s unacceptable not to use available resources in addressing issues that are impacting the safety and security of our communities.”
Special Service Area districts, sometimes called Business Improvement Districts, levy a special tax on property owners for communal services such as snow removal, landscaping, sidewalk cleaning and graffiti removal.( emphasis my own) 

Both Aldermen vote with Rahm and would argue that there are "plenty of cops" serving the city.

This is the opening step to the long awaited destruction of Chicago Police Department.

If you like this common sense  measure to provide hired guns in Wicker Park, you will love Barack Obama's National Police Force - a Progressive Geheime Staatspolizei.

It can not wait!

*Governments, whose police exceed the use of force, violate
fundamental individual rights. Changes are necessary to balance
police performance with current rules. Although the mechanisms of
control are part of this perspective, police reform does not primarily
intend to punish those who abuse the force. Changes focus on
correcting faults and improving the structure of the police
organization in order to improve the performance of individual police
officers, so that it is possible to prevent the occurrence of abuse.
Such changes also seek to increase the capacity of the police to
control crimes as well as violence. In this sense, police reform is a

determinant of democratic development - Paul Simon Institute 2010

Former President George W. Bush Dignity and Brevity

DALLAS, TX - JULY 12:  Former U.S. President George W. Bush delivers remarks during an interfaith memorial service, honoring five slain police officers, at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center on July 12, 2016 in Dallas, Texas. A sniper opend fire following a Black Lives Matter march in Dallas killing five police officers and injuring 12 others.
I did not vote for President George W. Bush ( twice); nor, did I vote for his father ( twice).    I di not vote for President Obama, because I had met him on at least five occasions and each was wildly underwhelming.

President Bush surprised me.  I liked him and wished that I would have voted for him.  He strikes me as the type of guy who would pull over on the Chicago Skyway to help a family with a flat during a blizzard,

President Obama  would fly past, commenting on the families inadequate tires, I have no empirical doubt. President Obama has never surprised, sadly enough.

Yesterday I caught former President Bush's remarks and was stirred by these words.
Most of us imagine if the moment called for, that we would risk our lives to protect a spouse or a child. Those wearing the uniform assume that risk for the safety of strangers. They and their families share the unspoken knowledge that each new day can bring new dangers.
But none of us were prepared, or could be prepared, for an ambush by hatred and malice. The shock of this evil still has not faded. At times, it seems like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates too quickly into dehumanization.
Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.
Brevity, heart and digity - free of political grandstanding, or making a memorial for the slain officers all about himself.  President Obama, yet again,  had more "Is" in his remarks than a drunken rugby team's rendition of Cielito Lindo.  He also made sure that Hillary Clinton and the DNC would a 'solid:" you know hundreds of years of systemic racism in every police force in Howard Zinn's America.Image result for white cops playing with black kids
Image result for white cops playing with black kidsImage result for white cops playing with black kidsImage result for white cops playing with black kids
Well done President Bush!