Friday, June 07, 2019

Illinois Oblivion Gets a Splash of Holy Water


          All Novelty is Oblivion - From Sir Francis Bacon On Life's Vicissitude

"and those who were not saved by wisdom drank more than was necessary; and each one as he drank forgot all things." Plato - The Republic

The Greeks believed that there were five underground rivers in Hades and one of them was Lethe - Oblivion. This was forgetfulness. The dead were forced to drink waters from Lethe in order to forget the wisdom of Life.  The really stupid drank deeply of this river.

Illinois is Oblivion.

Illinois is the State , where a bloated billionaire, who hides most of his wealth in Caribbean tax shelters in order to fair tax his walking around money, was joyfully elected Governor over a Harley riding poser Republican Governor whose sole role in life was to hold the Governor's seat for the bloated billionaire, where infants are to be served up hot to the knife of abortionists, people already dazed and confused by reality can purchase marijuana cultivated and retailed by the bloated billionaire Governor and his family and celebrate the $.19 per gallon tax to the tank in their Lexi with night of expanded gambling.

This is Illinois - not a wide awake State.

You may have forgotten that Illinois was the home of the Illinois Confederation - Aboriginal tribes of folks ( the Ojibwa, the Pottawatomie, the Sac,  & etc. who welcomed the Black Robe from France and the message of Christ's Gospel that he brought with him and not scalps, cholera, or syphilis as Howard Zinn educated blowhards teach our children these days,

No, Pere Marquette was welcomed and heartily so and in 1645 the Jesuit priest and Illinois Confederation celebrated the Mass - The Eucharist near Starved Rock in present day Utica, Illinois.

Illinois Oblivion, or our Zinn trained educators and the Media have erased our collective memory in order that our elected officials, like the bloated billionaire for whom I cast a vote in order to help erase the memory of Bruce Rauner who would rubber stamp laws ushering in evil, folly and fun, just got splashed in the face with holy water by Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield.

Bishop Paprocki has denied the Eucharist, welcomed by the Illinois Confederation in 1645, to Illinois Speaker of the House Mike Madigan and Illinois Senate Majority Leader John Culerton, because" They have obstinately persisted in promoting the abominable crime and very grave sin of abortion as evidenced by the influence they exerted in their leadership roles and their repeated votes and obdurate public support for abortion rights over an extended period of time.”

Already the media is howling venomous outrage against Bishop Paprocki, but Catholics find comfort that at least one Catholic churchman is sticking his neck out to save lives.

I hope other prelates follow his example and refuse Communion to elected officials who support abortion.

Perhaps, Illinois may wake up altogether.

Bishop James Paprocki may have roused Illinois from its deadly slumbers.  Maybe not.

Chicago's Cardinal Blase Cupich has not been allowed by Rev. Michael Pfleger to stray from Democrat doctrine. Those two clowns drank very deeply from Lethe's waters, 

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