Friday, April 05, 2019

Happy Birthday to Bill Koloseike and Michael Moriarty

Happy Birhday to Two Great Americans  - Bill Koloseike '92 and Michael Moriarty in the neighborhood of Ageless.  These pals of mine have helped untold thousands of people.

 Bill Kay - yeah, that Bill Kay: Mr. Chrysler, Ford, Chevy and Nissan Illinois - built a school and church in Uganda that flourishes.  At the age of 78 Bill learned Spanish in order to teach ESL to hundreds of people in the Aurora area and Bill has donated Millions of Dollars to assist Leo High School families meet the cost of Catholic high school tuition.

Michael Moriarty, a gifted athete,  is not only one of America's greatest actors, but also an accomplished pianist and composer.  He has roots in Chicago's Canaryville Neighborhood and his uncle Albert Died fighting the great Chicago Stockyards Fire of 1910.  His Grandfather played for the Chicago White Sox and the Detroit Tigers and Umpired the American League all through the 1940's and 1950's

Michael is and has been fierce enemy of Abortion -The American Holocaust and has fought bigotry and small-mindedness against gays, African Americans, Jews and women.  No progressive phony, Michael Moriarty battles evil from Euclidian principles and appeals to universal truth.

These two gents deserve huge cakes and drifts of ice cream!

Happy Birthday Lads!

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