Friday, March 22, 2019

Where is Beverly Review on Illinois Infanticide?

I love the the Beverly Review, but I am now worried that it has gone the way of our elected officials and most of the American media - indifferent to universal truths and values.  I sure hope not.   The loved the Beverly Review

The local newspaper has news about neighbors and especially their children in an extensive schools and local sports section.  You get a real feel for the Beverly, Morgan Park and Mount Greenwood neighborhoods that comprise the 19th Ward, for most part.

Community newspapers usually reflect the hearts of the people who comprise the target demographic.  You get a feel for the most deeply held core values.

Just north of  our lovely Beverly Park at 112th Street is a City of Chicago brown honorary sign renaming the thoroughfare Honorary Dr. Dolehide Way, named for a most gentle Beverly resident and fierce enemy of abortion.  Frequent, Beverly review Contributor Bill Figel wrote,

Although the medical field has changed drastically over the past five decades, Dr. Dolehide's compassionate and gentle bedside manner has always been a constant. He credits the career longevity to his wife, Eileen, whose contributions to church, right-to-life campaigns and family helped offset long hours and weekend rounds at the hospital.
The Dolehide couple dove deeply into the Right to Life movement in the 1960s and has never been afraid to take a stand on issues that are important to them. 
That was in 2014.

Today, our local representatives Fran Hurley and Kelly Burke and State Senator Bill Cunningham have and continue to support legislation that flies in the face of Dolehide legacy and will of local taxpayers, voters and families.

Most voters in this neck of the woods are not comfortable with abortion.   I believe that America lost its greatness in 1973 with Roe v. Wade - if you are OK with the cosmetic murder of a human being, you are probably OK with any else.

Abortion is the original hate crime.

Fran Hurley cast her vote on Illinois HB 40 which would perpetuate the murder of human beings in the womb.  You know, The Vagina is a perfectly wonderful topic for what faux-sophisticates deem conversation and makes a snarky and fun hat worn to show public contempt for President Trump and all who voted for him and many who voted against him and detest abortion.

The "Womb "is a word that stands to be banned by the semiotic-totalitarians who wear pink P-hats and gush over the Personal PAC appointed representatives like Kelly Cassidy and the HB 40 sponsor Sara Feigenholtz.  Fran Hurley needs to keep her head down. Still plenty of 'unevolved' Catholics and Evangelicals in the 35th.  Vagina is Ok.

Fran Hurley voted for this horrible bill meant to overturn the 1975 legislation concerning Roe v. Wade:

“. . . if those decisions of the United States Supreme Court are ever reversed or modified or the United States Constitution is amended to allow protection of the unborn then the former policy of this State to prohibit abortions unless necessary for the preservation of the mother’s life shall be reinstated.”

Illinois stands prepared to make Infanticide the Law of the Land of Lincoln  Illinois House Bill 2495. 

The Beverly Review has yet to editorialize on this issue - the single most important and life ending legislation in years.  The Beverly Review continues to present the laudable work of our representatives on issues that they should be working on.

This week Beverly Review praised Kelly Burke and Bill Cunningham, who have avoided talking about IllInois Infanticide with their pastors and their constituents,  Cunningham on noise and air pollution and Burke on police 'harms way' benefits) which is like praising your kid for doing her homework or going to wrestling practice.

That's nice.

More nice, is the editorial that howls at the idiots who put up racist stickers on the route of the South Side St. Patrick's Day Parade.  Not what one might call Emile Zola moment.

Nothing about the impending third trimester slaughter of a living child.  Illinois Infanticide?

Where is Beverly Review on the premeditated murder of a living infant?

I suspect that Beverly Review, like the supine Chicago Press, wants a cozy relationship with politicians in power.

I would continue to purchase the Beverly Review, if came right out and said - We are for HB 2495!

It will not.

The Beverly Review, like our Quisling elected officials who are Parade Day Irish Catholics, is ducking a thorny issue.

What would Dr. Robert Dolehide say?

What do readers of Beverly Review say?

So much for the free press.

So much for the Beverly Review.

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