Monday, March 18, 2019

Red Carpet Kim Foxx, Mrs.Obama, Jussie Smollett and Toni Preckwinkle

 Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx in Hollywood with new friends, actresses Amber Tambyln, Olivia Munn, Melissa Fumero, and Lisa Ling - Who paid for the trip? Did the Obama's make this happen?  Ask Toni Preckwinkle!  
Foxx recused herself late in the investigation, but only after she intervened in the case by asking Chicago Police Department Superintendent Eddie Johnson to turn the investigation over to the FBI at the request of a Smollett relative and a former Obama administration official, according to newly-released emails and text messages.
Foxx and the Smollett relative were put in touch with each other by private attorney Tina Tchen, who served as chief of staff for First Lady Michelle Obama and as an assistant to President Barack Obama. 
In a letter to John R. Lausch, the top U.S. Attorney in Chicago, Fraternal Order of Police President Kevin Graham wrote, “private attorneys are not allowed to interfere with ongoing police investigations, particularly at the request of private individuals associated with subjects being investigated by the police.” Crime in Wrigleyville and Boystown

 Eating kale chips in a downtown tea shop after a day of campaigning, Kim Foxx described the overhaul she wants to give the Cook County State's Attorney's Office if she wins the March 15 Democratic primary election against two-term incumbent Anita Alvarez, then the general election in November. . . . She pondered on the word for a moment, then smiled. "Let's go with 'transformative.' "

Whatever the proper adjective, Foxx, a 43-year-old former assistant state's attorney, chief of staff to Cook County Board president Toni Preckwinkle, and Alvarez's leading challenger, wants to end what she has called "the tough-on-crime boogeyman approach" to criminal justice that has led to a massive increase in the number of people, particularly blacks and Latinos, ensnared in the system "without making our communities safer."

"The things I'm talking about—some people might not want to [re]elect me after one term," Foxx said. "I want people to hold me accountable for that." The Reader

Toni Preckwinkle created Kimm Foxx and called the media to attention. The Chicago Reader jumped with the above puff-piece that outlined the Preckwinkle agenda to sabotage Cook County Law Enforecment and law itself,

Kim Foxx has marched to Toni's tune.

Undisturbed by media scrutiny of any kind, Kim Foxx has given career crimnals the freedom of the city, county and State, thanks to coxy relationship between the Chicago media and leftist political activists and lawyers posing as civic reform bodies like Reclaim Chicago, the People's Lobby, and the Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice which all take marching orders form Jaimie Kalven's Invisible Institute. 

Money goes to money.

Toni Preckwinkle knows money and took Alderman Burkes filthy lucre, as well as G. Flint Taylor's public support in the fight against Law Enforcement officers universal.

Now, thanks to Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass and independent crime bloger Crime in Wrigleyville and Boystown, the Foxx/ Preckwinkle press and legal scrutiny holiday may be over.

John Kass, unlike the Chicago Tribune editorial culture, went after Kim Foxx's fealty to Preckwinkle in 2016:

Preckwinkle, moving to extend her political reach, has been pushing her for the top prosecutor's job, and publicly demanded State's Attorney Anita Alvarez resign.
In other years, perhaps, it would be a wasted exercise.
But this is the year of Laquan McDonald and all things changed.
The protests aren't spontaneous, but orchestrated, pushed by the left and labor. Much of the political theater has been race-based and reflects the legitimate anger of many African-American voters toward police. But all the while the protesters demand the resignation of two Preckwinkle rivals:
Rahm Emanuel and Alvarez.

John Kass exposed Kim Foxx as a 'beholden' vassal in the Cook County Progressive  Political Animal Farm.

In one email, Foxx told Tchen she relayed a message to Chicago PD Superintendent Eddie Johnson, pictured left, about dropping the Smollett case and turning it over to the feds.
"Spoke to the Superintendent Johnson. I convinced him to reach out to FBI to ask that they take over the investigation," Foxx wrote to Tchen.
That same day, Foxx texted Smollett's relative with good news.
"Spoke to the superintendent earlier, he made the ask," Foxx wrote. "Trying to figure out logistics. I'll keep you posted."
"Omg this would be a huge victory," the Smollett relative replied.
"I make no guarantees, but I'm trying," Foxx replied.
"I understand," the Smollett relative typed. "I appreciate the effort."
That same effort wasn't afforded to the city's poor, less politically-connected citizens, noted Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass in his column published on March 15.
Crime in Wrigleyville and Boystown added this:
Foxx recused herself late in the investigation, but only after she intervened in the case by asking Chicago Police Department Superintendent Eddie Johnson to turn the investigation over to the FBI at the request of a Smollett relative and a former Obama administration official, according to newly-released emails and text messages.
Foxx and the Smollett relative were put in touch with each other by private attorney Tina Tchen, who served as chief of staff for First Lady Michelle Obama and as an assistant to President Barack Obama.
In a letter to John R. Lausch, the top U.S. Attorney in Chicago, Fraternal Order of Police President Kevin Graham wrote, “private attorneys are not allowed to interfere with ongoing police investigations, particularly at the request of private individuals associated with subjects being investigated by the police.”
Now, Preckwinkle is trying get votes for her designs on the Chicago City Hall 5th Floor.  Kim Foxx helped bring Toni Preckwinkle to this point.

Shortly after Kim Foxx did a solid for Michele Obama, she was feted in Hollywood at the Oscars.

Journalsy Florian Sohnke offers this:

For Foxx, the October 2018 conviction of former police officer Jason Van Dyke, her recusal in the Smollett fraud, and the excursion to Hollywood all intersect.

With sights set on higher office, Foxx traveled to Hollywood intending to create bonds of affection with the chorus line of Left-wing hedge-fund billionaires, movie moguls, and virtue-signaling actors and actresses, all of whom routinely underwrite liberal office seekers. A well-worn path for many elected Democrats with a burning desire to be seated on Capitol Hill, Foxx’s entire thrust in Hollywood was to mix with the monied elite, drum up support for her political ambitions, and engage in the closed-door fundraising efforts which characterize advance campaign activities. Unfortunately for Foxx, the deception concocted by Jussie Smollett was an unforeseen cataclysm which threatened to imperil the entire fundraising mission to the Oscars, and inspired her recusal from the case.
Regardless of the plain absurdity of his claim, in Hollywood’s prevailing wisdom, Jussie Smollett is a weak, helpless member of an abhorred group classifying him as a perpetual victim. Moreover, to Hollywood high society, Smollett is a gay man who absorbed himself in the noble gesture of staging an attack to sensitize the public to the supposed plight of intolerance faced by gay men in America. In contrast, R. Kelly involved himself in evil by engaging in the sinister act of sex with minors. While the Hollywood aristocracy’s response to the charges leveled against Kelly is proper and Kelly’s depraved actions deserve both universal condemnation and criminal prosecution, Smollett remains a victim among the celebrity circus in Hollywood. In view of the fact Hollywood envisages itself a de-facto human rights agency which brings rescue to victims of anti-gay attacks (even fictitious ones), many in Hollywood’s chattering classes are craving leniency be conferred on their latest hero, Smollett.
We know now, that before Kim Foxx went on the Hollywood Oscar junket, that Tina Tchen, Michele Obama's chief-of -staff lobbied the Cook County States Attorney.  Did Foxx tell Toni about doing Mrs. Obama a solid?  Who paid for Kim Foxx's junket? Toni Preckwinkle must be asked these questions.

Nothing is on the square in Chicago.

Foxx, Preckwinkle and Michele Obama play.  Cook County suffers. 

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