Sunday, March 24, 2019

Why Does Cardinal Cupich Refuse to Condemn IlliNois Infanticide Legislation?

Cardinal Cupich condemns every outrage approved by the Media and colors inside the 'compelling narrative' lines.

  • The New Zealand Mosque Slaughter gets a full statement, but nothing about Nigerian Catholics slaughtered
  • Clerical Abuse is roundly sniffed at, but majority homosexual assaults on the victims brushed off
  • Anti-Semitism gets a nod, but nothing on Hamas terrorism, or fashionable Jew-baiting in the Media
  • A howler about the Protection of Minors and Testimonial Dinner for Predator Cardinal McCarrick
  • The City Club of Chicago snores through “The Chicago Story: Our History on the Abuse Crisis and Role in Shaping the Future.” and ignores Blase the Closer's Wrecking Ball Policy on Parishes and Schools
  • Mercy Hospital Shooters get a stern glance and Pfleger stays put
  • 1,000 Oaks California Shooting roundly disapproved and Pfleger stays put and flourishes under Blase the Closer
Never once has Blase Cardinal Cupich, Ordinary of Chicago, Archbishop and priest lifted a pinkie to help condemn the State of Illinois Legislature, Governor Pritzker, the Media, or Illinois Planned Parenthood for the race to Infanticide. 

The crowd gathered for a rally to oppose two bills – HB2467 and HB2495 – that attempt to repeal Illinois’ parental notification law and lift the Illinois ban on late term abortions  (in addition to wiping the law of all other abortion regulations, which extremists call “getting rid of the bad stuff”).
But don’t call it an aversion to the topic in general. On Thursday evening, one day after the event attracted historic crowds and three days after the senate version of the parental notification repeal was passed through committee, the Chicago Tribune posted a column by Eric Zorn, titled: “No, a pregnant teen who wants an abortion should not be forced to tell her parents.”

Nothing appeared in the Catholic New World by way of a nod from Cardinal Cupich. 

The most horrific and evil legislation will allow infants to be tortured and slaughtered in the third trimester of life, live-born children who survive a botched abortion will murdered, children who are not considered mature enough to see certain movies will be allowed to kill a child in their little bodies and people who object to such practises may find themselves in court.

This is America, but once states like idiotic Illinois are allowed to promulgate such savage intent on the inncent lets drop the pretence and say Seig Heil. 


  1. Pray that Our Lord will help the faithful find a way to close the Blazer.

  2. When it comes to the brutal murder of our innocent unborn, the rationalization accomplished by our so-called educated leadership class is nothing short of breathtaking.
