Thursday, December 15, 2016

Lower Police Standards - The Three Pander-Bears & Rahm's Racist Insult to Chicagoans

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"Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday opened the door to allowing candidates with minor drug and criminal offenses to become Chicago Police officers to attract minorities at a time of high crime and deep distrust." Chicago Sun Times City Hall Cheerleader  Fran Spielman

Gee, Chicago minorities are just too involved in weed and youthful shenanigans to become cops?  Parents in Englewood, Chatham, Brainerd and Auburn Gresham allow their boys and girls to fire up some Loud, even though it might mean saying bye, bye to gainful employment at a later age?

Wow, Chicago minorities in Garfield Ridge, Pilsen Little Village and South Chicago can not escape the lure of Latin Kings, Maniac Latin Disciples Latin Counts, Vice Lords, Stones, All People Nation, Spanish Cobras, Latin Dragons, Latin Eagles, Imperial Gangsters, Simon City Royals, Harrison Gents, Almighty Ambrose and the Surenos, weed, theft and battery?  Que Lastima!

The Mayor who is drowning in homicides and his City Council of Progressive Independent Rubber-stamps are clawing at the old Pander-Bears Playbook as a life preserver. A white pander-Bear, a Latino Pander Bear and a Black Pander Bear set up Rahm's end-run around sense, safety and the sanctity of life.  Ed Burke, George Cardenas and Roderick Sawyer came up with another gimme-shelter dodge for Rahm the Racoon-Eyed Mayor.

Ever since Mayor Coon-Eyes Emanuel hushed up the video on the shooting of Laquan McDonald and tossed his family $3 M buckeens to hush-up about City Hall mischief, the  Big Bill Thompson of Highland Park has been universally ridiculed, shunned by the Clintons and Obama's White House, detested by citizens of Chicago - minorities and the few remaining majorities left in the city's tax-base, but propped up, worshipped and all but felated by the Chicago press and WTTW.  Rahm has had to skulk his way through the revolving door at Trump Towers and now the Sun Times is engaged in more post-Laquan mythopoeia with this howler from the always supine Lynn Sweet:
Lynn Sweet
@lynnsweet | email
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WASHINGTON — Since the election, President-elect Donald Trump has lavished attention on one family, besides his own, meeting with all three Emanuel brothers: first Ari, then Rahm, and on Wednesday, with eldest brother Zeke.
This leaves the strong impression that Trump, if not exactly courting the famous and accomplished brothers, is going out of his way to seek input from the Chicago-born Democrats.!
Love that Fake News!

Lynn, tell them about Rahm's three pointer in that game against the pre-schoolers at the Latin School!  Oh, that never happened?  So, what! So long as you are doing fake news, pour it on!

Hey, how about Mitt Romney's chances at Secretary of State?  Oh, that's right.  That was cruel of me.
Since the election, President-elect Donald Trump has lavished attention on one family, besides his own, meeting with all three Emanuel brothers: eldest brother Zeke (left), Rahm, and Ari. | Donald Trump photo by Getty Images; Zeke Emanuel, file photo; Rahm Emanuel, Sun-Times file photo; and Ari Emanuel, Getty Images
Many disinterested Chicago voters and WTTW watchers will nod with conviction and agree with Lynn Sweet that "Boy Them Emanuel Scamps are Just the Nuts!  Ain't they?  And Such Talented Boys!"

Rahm and the Chicago City Council with the 50 ( sorry, 49, as of yesterday, I guess) AlderStampers will totally destroy what is left of Chicago and recruit future Chicago Police Officers right off of CLEARPATH - put together by former Superintendent McCarthy to identify the City's gang hot-spots.  Not every gang-banger has committed a murder, yet; but, they smoked some loud and now can pass the piss tests, thanks to Brother Ed Burke, Father Emanuel!

Set up a CPD recruiting station at Foster Park. The only people allowed in there are gang-bangers.

I hate to give these creeps a good idea.

I worked with African American, Mexican, Latino, Canaryville Irish kids for twenty one years.  They could pass a piss test. They do not sport a Jacket threaded with larcenies.  Their parents sent them to Catholic schools to stay away from gangs.  The same can be said for the families that chose Charter Schools.  The very same can be said of the vast majority of minority kids who attend CPS.  CPS students are forced into Claypool's concentration camps and told to like it at Harper, Robeson and Hubbard, while the elites grift out spots for future activists at Whitney Young and Gwendolyn Brooks.

Lower standards and telling "minorities" that they just can not make the cut is racist, insulting and self-serving.

Lower the standards and insult the very mission of Law Enforcement.

On Wednesday, the effort picked up steam.
Burke and Cardenas joined Sawyer in sponsoring a resolution calling for City Council hearings to discuss implementing the federal recommendations.
The report suggests that police departments across the nation should disregard minor criminal offenses of candidates from “underrepresented communities,” revise the controversial psychological exam and lower the bar for written and physical exams.  ( So keep high standards for White Boys and Girls?)   
“Certain barriers — including background investigations that treat all arrests and criminal convictions alike regardless of type of offense or how recent the occurrence, or even screen out those voluntarily admitting to drug use alone [without any conviction] — can prevent the agency from hiring the diverse officers it needs to connect with and serve the entire community,” the report says.
Likewise, psychological tests and credit checks put up “discriminatory employment barriers to women and racial minority applicants,” the report states.
Burke made a similar argument Wednesday.
“Simply put, there are many occasions when a minor incident that occurred many years ago should not be enough to rule out a candidate for consideration,” Burke, a former Chicago Police officer and ex-Police Committee chairman, said in a news release.
“We are not so much asking the department to lower [its] hiring standards as we are asking them to apply a greater standard of fairness." (Emphases my own) 

Horseshit, Eddie! How long was he a cop?  Toolong on City Council for sure.  In fact, every Council Member should ponder the story I link here.  Disgusted by the politicians elected to fill seats in their town,  every member of Bunker Hill, Indiana's Police Department resigned.

It is time for these pandering political clowns to be tossed out of business.  I include our Chicago Media.

And Trump is dangerous?

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Objectify Chicks? No Way, Hombres; I'm Here to Praise Camille Paglia

Every year, feminists provide more and more evidence for the old charge that women can neither think nor write.”  Camille Paglia in Art, and American Culture: Essays (New York: Vintage, 1992)

"On Tuesday, 18 October 2016, pop star Madonna raised some eyebrows by offering to perform oral sex on voters who cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton." Snopes

Camille Paglia is one of the finest minds in America.  She is without peer as a literary critic and scholar, an honest and clear voice for women, among a screaming murder of feminist crows and a good hearted person.Mistaken identity? Camille, 69, hailed Madonna a 'true feminist' in a 1990s op-ed, and she maintains that she was one of the singer's 'first defenders'

I read with interest her recent riposte to Madonna's post-Trump election whine that 'no women helped her.'  You see, Madonna beefed recently, again, to the gang at Billboard's Women in Music event:
Accusations: Madonna called out writer Camille Paglia in her speech at the Billboard Women in Music event, claiming the writer said she 'set women back' by objectifying herself

Madonna made waves at the Billboard Women in Music event with her powerful speech about sexism, ageism, and misogyny, but feminist Camille Paglia is hitting back at the iconic singer for her claims that she was rebuffed when looking for female support at the start of her career.
During her speech on Friday, the 58-year-old recalled wishing for a female peer at the start of career and specifically called out Camille, claiming that the famous writer said she 'set women back' by objectifying herself sexually

I know of Madonna, but I do not know jack about Madonna.  To me she was one of the babes tapped by misogynists to play baseball during WWII, when all the guys went to war in that Tom Hanks movie, that my daughters played over and over and over.

She the gaped toothed blond.

Musically, I am told she is a genius.  Could be, but I am more of an Ella Fitzgerald, Keeley Smith, Lani Hall, Sarah Vaughan and Linda Ronstadt guy,  with a nod to the Babe from the Pretenders - Chrissy Hinds, now and then.  Madonna and most her acolytes are either background noise, or irritants.

Now, to the issue.  Camille Paglia went to bat for Madonna as far back as 1990 and called her a 'true feminist.'  What the hell that means, I am at a loss.  It seems that Madonna is a true feminist in her whining.

The problem stems from objectifying women, I guess.  I do that all time, " Hey, she's pretty!  Lovely Legs!  Gorgeous woman!" and by holding chairs, doors, burdens and regard for the carbon footprints that are in no way, shape, or manner anything like me, my Dad, my son, my uncles, cousins, pals and purchasers of boxers everywhere - owners of Adams Apples Universal.

I dig chicks.

I really dig smart chicks; especially ones with legs up H'yar and capable of tossing a glance that could cut a steel beam in half.

Camille Paglia is my kind of a woman in everything, but the fact she would be about as romantically interested in me, as I would be with Mike Barnicle. Camille, alas, is a daughter of Sappho.  That's cool.

Madonna does not do much for me.  I'd hold the door for her, however.

Oh, yeah!   Louis Prima was married to Keeley Smith.  Lucky guy!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

David Wallace-Wells is Not Happy! Trump Has America and Ain't Giving it Back!

Thus says the LORD:
Woe to the city, rebellious and polluted,
to the tyrannical city!
She hears no voice,
accepts no correction;
In the LORD she has not trusted,
to her God she has not drawn near. ZEP 3:1-2, 9-13 
The city was always an asylum. On television on Election Night, the world (sic) they used was bubble. But what a bubble.
New Yorkers woke up on November 8 in what seems now like a fairy-tale fog, convinced, as ever, that the future belonged to us. By midnight, the world looked very different, the country very far away (and the future, too). Eighty percent of us had voted against the man who won, and 80 percent, it seemed, were already hatching plans to leave — for Canada or Berlin or anywhere else we imagined we could live safely among the like-minded. That was when the text messages began coming in from old friends in Wisconsin and Texas and North Carolina and Missouri. They were watching the same returns we were, in the same apocalyptic panic, and all making desperate plans to come to New York. For them, the city was still the same fairy tale. David Wallace-Wells in New York  (emphasis and parenthetical my own)

Boy, are people unhappy that Trump won. I believe that David Wallace-Wells, the author of the passage above and editor of New York magazine, as well as contributing writer to The Nation, Salon, Slate, Atlantic and every other tony, high-brow, damn-your-eyes soapbox of the elite in this country, was so upset that he screwed up the second sentence ( world, for word), as well as got the date wrong for the Dawn of The Donald.

Hey, I am no one to point fingers at the odd typo, or slight misrepresentation, but I am only a 'blogger' and a working stiff. I live in Chicago's Morgan Park, kind of like Queens in New York City. I voted before November 8th, and I was surprised by the election results as Mr. Wallace-Wells, but for different reasons.

Wallace-Wells weeps of waking November 8th in the firm belief that Hillary would continue the defense of abortion, offensive art, illegal aliens, religious suppression in all things, Marxist economics, globalism, endless wars and the American oligarchy.  The Dream denied.  Dang.

That said, Mr. Wallace-Wells writes a pretty nice little rant filled with good-old anti-Irish race cards and KKK memes for those of us voted off-the island of Manhattan by Wallace-Wells and calling the magically once far-flung personalities on the island of Manhattan to flock to the Resistance!

Before Eric Garner and before the ground-zero mosque, before Rudy Giuliani called Chris Ofili’s The Holy Virgin Mary “sick stuff” and before Trump called for the execution of the Central Park Five; before Abner Louima and before stop-and-frisk and before the Crown Heights riots; before Stonewall began with a police raid; before redlining; before the 1927 Klan riot, when Fred Trump was arrested wearing white; before 38 were killed by a 1920 bomb detonated by anarchists outside J. P. Morgan; before 120 died, mostly free black men, mostly at the hands of Irish New Yorkers raging through the city, resisting enlistment in Lincoln’s war to free their brothers; before all that, when Peter Minuit of New Amsterdam legend established the city as a sanctuary for mercenary commerce on a seaboard being settled, in every other colony, by religious ideologues, it was not by war or raid or smallpox but merely by submitting an exploitatively low bid. Those 24 dollars were consecrated into acquisitive legend almost immediately — a fabulous deal, a terrific deal, and also, sort of, a con. It set a template New Yorkers would emulate for centuries, as the city’s big-tent open-mindedness covered something darker: violence of certain groups against others, neighbors exploiting neighbors for the prize of living among one another and maybe even conquering the world. This makes for a very particular kind of tolerance. We tolerate living around bad guys doing bad things, in part because we can always tell them to fuck off. And often do.
Millions of dreamer-hustlers came anyway — from 1892 to 1954, 12 million through Ellis Island alone. Elsewhere in the country, new arrivals had set up shop and claimed primacy where they landed. Here, newer waves just kept coming, swamping the claims of those who came before, wave after wave, Irish and Germans followed by Russian Jews and Armenians and Poles and Czechs and Slovaks and Greeks, tidal waves leveling into ethnic palimpsests of communities so enormous and elaborate they might have been called whole civilizations just 500 years before (Kleindeutschland, the Five Points, Central Park’s black Seneca Village). When the country closed its borders in the spirit of “racial hygiene,” the immigrants were followed by American freaks, fleeing suburbs and parents and finding refuge here.
Native-born New Yorkers can seem precocious marvels to newcomers, but they rarely hold the city’s gaze for very long — ask Andy Warhol (from Pittsburgh) or Madonna (Detroit), Zora Neale Hurston (from Notasulga, Alabama) or Langston Hughes (Joplin, Missouri), Truman Capote (New Orleans) or Dorothy Parker (Long Branch, New Jersey), or even Andrew Carnegie (Scotland) and J. P. Morgan himself (Hartford, Connecticut). Nobody knows any Dutch, which meant nobody has really come first, when you think about it, which means nobody really owns the city, even the obscenely rich who talk like they do. The city is so much a hot spring of immigrants and migrants and arrivistes, self-inventors and refuge-­seekers and self-mythologizers, that no one can ever feel quite comfortable or secure, no matter how royally statused. The churn is eternal and the envy general, like antibodies to complacency. No one is immune to insecurity, not the sons of tycoons or the daughters of mayors or the offspring of artists and musicians raised as downtown royalty on lower Fifth Avenue. Not even the golden-haired boy born into a real-estate fortune in the glorious sun of the white man’s mid-century boom who built a gold-plated empire for himself out of the resentment he felt staring out across the East River at Manhattan from Queens. And who wanted, even more than to conquer the Manhattan skyline, to watch his own tabloid fantasy become “real” in the pages of the New York Post. BEST SEX I’VE EVER HAD is surely, even now, the greatest day of the president-elect’s entire life.

Yep, elites ain't happy.

In a few days, after someone reads this piece to Bruce Dold, I expect that Mary Schmich and Eric Zorn will do a series of similar chit-chatty exchanges about how stupid, ugly, racist, homophobic, non-Dreamers living in Portage Park, Mount Greenwood, Peotone and Crescent City worked that Russian fake news on all of the Hamilton Attendees, Pastor Pfleger Partisans, and Oak Park Rangers making Trump supreme, though losing the popular vote. Damn Alexander Hamiliton, the real one not  Lin-Manuel Miranda, who should be on the Ten Spot rather than that Federalist, and his Electoral College!!!!  

It hurts.

Hey, It gets better.

Journalists will be breaking each others necks to see who will write the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich of this millennium, and activists can sit again at the feet of Bill Ayers and learn about timers and detonators.  It's all good.

Anyway,  David Wallace-Wells invites other Cities, noting that New York is not Guam, but the Philippines:
And we also know that we are not in fact alone — that New York is not an island but an archipelago. Our mayor has resister-cousins in Chicago and Los Angeles and Providence, San Francisco and Seattle and Minneapolis — and those are just a few of the cities mobilizing themselves as immigrant sanctuaries. We know that the number of Democratic counties has shrunk over the last decade or two, as entrepreneurs and other hustlers flooded into cities, and we know that the counties that went blue in this election account for nearly two-thirds of the American economy. We also know that Peter Thiel was basically the only Trumper in Silicon Valley. If you have to live in a bubble, really, you could do worse.

Kerr-Plop, Rahm is already cutting deals and pencil necked geeks of the Valley are paying court to the Grand Fuhrer of Wallace Wells' thought piece. Owwww.

I noticed that David Wallace Wells never mentions Queens.  

Sunday, December 11, 2016

How Good Is Snow-Blower Repair Man Mike Greene? My 1994 MTD runs like 2016 BMW

Yard Machines 28" Two-Stage Snow Thrower

I love the south side culture of " I got a guy."

Needs are fulfilled by word of mouth and respect for the word from a neighbor.

If I were asked by you about stopping seepage in the basement, I bring into my man cave and thrust my finger to east wall and "Behold! Water from the Rock!"  Hell, I am not handy.

Ask me about literature, jazz, history, great places to eat, methods of shirking households obligations ( no problem so big, that I can not run away and hide from it), or treating ladies with fair deference in all matters, I'm your guy.

  • Want your furnace looked at?  Call Karen A Mcquillan, (708) 422-0090 and she'll get her old man, Jim, on it Air-Check Heating & Colling.

Now, as to leaking basements, I have had my basement sealed three times inside and out. The CSX line runs twenty feet from my front window and the crib shakes like Oprah on a waterbed.  Can't help you. Nothing worked, but the shop vac and Fabrese.

How -some-ever, friends and neighbors, if your snowblower is on the fritz, needs a tune-up or repair, GO AND Call Mike Greene immediately if not sooner.  I called Mike in September and Mike and his daughter picked up my giant sized MTD 1994 purchase, which had beaten back lake effect snow in Griffith Indiana and cleared sidewalks, alleys and driveways here in Morgan Park since 1999.  

I serviced the machine.  Changed oil, repaired the auger and the drive-lines, drained the gas and managed the wheels, but I had not had the whole machine serviced since 1997.

Mike Greene returned (delivered) the snowblower three days later with a modest charge that included straightening the blades, replacement of drive lines, tightening the auger, complete tune up and oil and sparks.  Modest charge.  I keep it on my icebox and look at it when I'm blue.

I just got back from Mass at Sacred Heart and fired up the MTD for the first time. Last week, it was too wet to plow.

The MTD fired up and purred like a kitten (which I also need to replace since Sophie shed her mortal husk).   The plowing was exquisite and I hated to put the thing to rest.

I know that I will have plenty more opportunities today to get behind the plow, but for now,  a huge thank you to Mike Greene, a Proud Member of Operating Engineers Local 150 and a great neighbor.