Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood's Dowagers of Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood's Dowagers of Abortion. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Extravagant Affectations: Radical Feminist Theologian Wants Abortion

I am proud that I took my degrees at Loyola University of Chicago.  The courses were rigorous, unforgiving and complete.

Things seems to have changed at my Alma Mater - radically so.

Today, the Sun Times a secularist myna bird of a paper offered a silly screed from a professor of Theology from Loyola - Susan A. Ross.

Not only is Ms. Ross a professor, but also " a faculty scholar at Loyola University Chicago, where she previously served as department chair. She is past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America and a Public Voices Greenhouse Fellow through The OpEd Project."

The OpEd Project is a radical feminist project that collects "  the number of women thought leaders contributing to key commentary forums—which feed all other media, and drive thought leadership across all industries—to a tipping point.  We envision a world in which the best ideas—regardless of where or whom they come from—will have a chance to be heard and shape society and the world.  "

No guys.

Today's piece by Ms. Ross obfuscates Catholic tradition on abortion.

Like most Progressive abortion lovers, Ms. Ross employs the happy face of Pope Francis to mask the fact that abortion is evil, unjustifiable and sinful.

Pope Francis has challenged single-issue definitions of what it means to be Catholic. He has said that love of God and neighbor and, especially, mercy and compassion, are at the heart of what it means to be Christian and devoted an entire year to Mercy.
He has changed the rule that says abortion is such a serious sin that only a bishop could forgive it; now any priest has that power. He has chided church leaders for their focus on sexual issues and urged them to make the church more welcoming.
Perhaps the bishops are beginning to see that opposition to abortion is not the only thing that defines a “good” Catholic. With the possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act, they have also begun to make statements about the potentially disastrous impact of the loss of health insurance for millions of people.
And in the wake of Trump’s ban on immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries, some Catholic leaders have spoken out strongly on the devastating impact.
Perhaps over the next four years, pro-life Catholics will begin to consider the effects of defunding reproductive health services on poor women not only in the United States, but also across the globe. Or perhaps pro-life Catholics will consider marching for pre- and post-natal health care, maternity leave and child care. Perhaps pro-life Catholics will speak up for women’s voices and moral agency in a church whose leadership is made up of celibate men.

Yeah, them single issues can really enslave women. Pink knit hatted women howled against Trump. and some even mooned the guy's building near the river.   That is one enthralling single issue - hating Trump. Only thing missing form Ms. Ross's smoke job was " Keep your rosaries off my ovaries" and a nod to Virginia Slims and women's health.

I was a senior at Loyola, when Roe V. Wade was judicially legislated as the law of the land.  Loyola University was disgusted. The students were ashamed of the Ruling and America stopped being a great nation.

Today, Susan A. Ross is allowed to misrepresent Catholic traditions and teaching to smooth political opportunities for the school that I loved. Hell, why should De Paul get all the great land deals from the Chicago Banana Republic?

Professor Ross has a powerful audience of radical feminists and spineless males who are perfectly happy with abortion, Kermit Barron Gosnell and the lie about women's rights.

There are more women with brains and wonderful hearts.

Abortion should and will go the way of the Virginia Slim.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

What's New? Pussyhat! Woe, woe, woe, woe woe.

Image result for mAn wearing pussyhat

Woe is me. I can not see the vaginal equivalent of Ms. Ashely. Judd that is. Not Maguire.

Must comment.  Must opine. People offended by the term term Pussy, much less the tactile engagement of said organ, now, sport woolen hats termed same?

I am pretty much of a pussy, where hearing about the sanctity of the region and accepting with nodding conviction that hats representing all that area of anatomy offends is a sign of good living and moral lordosis. Standing tall for the pussy! 

No thank you.

You see, I am most uncomfortable sharing thoughts about any woman's womb and breasts.  Call me old fashioned.  Call me a gender criminal and a toxic male - guilty.

I ,for the life of me, can not make sense of feminists who desire nothing more than the continuation and strengthening of the abortion industry.

Between me old ears, I know that all identity politics merges, but in my heart, Vagina's do not Monologue, Dialogue, Trialogue, or , much less Diatribe. Cue Ashley Judd.- Ashley Judd

“Our p—ies ain’t for grabbing, Our p—ies are for our pleasure and they are for birthing new generations… of nasty women.”

I think we have more than enough nasty women; thank you.

Ovaries, vaginae, breasts are topics reserved for one gender - the one's wearing the equipment.

I could offer a Homeric catalogue of similar sobriquets, but reserve those for my bumptiously bawdy boy boon chums.

From the day that the late Brenda Vaccaro offered her unsolicited advice to mothers with teen aged daughters about the importance of plastic applicators ( "I think that's important!") in being a total woman, I have cringed when women turned a woman's body into a road map for power and romance into cringe-worthy function.

Mother of God! But, that's just me.

Hollywood bimbos ran to the front of the line of this vanguard.

Ashley Judd is a movie star, but I am completely unfamiliar with the canon of here work.

In order to understand the offense caused by toxic guys like me, and the Orange Man in the White House, Bubba Clinton, Martin Sheen's kid, Warren Beatty and Anthony Weiner, I decided to seek some scintilla of thought form the Metro sexuals at Vox. 

Vox  was begun by one of the lisping lords of journalism, founding partner of Obama's Journo-List club, and along with Chris Hayes, Don Lemon and so many other voices that sound like "Steam-escaping" to quote Mel Brooks, and is the pan-identity androgynous voice of America.

You see, my voice sounds more like a Knights of Columbus meeting and sometimes it gets lost in the competing tones.

Their ( Planned Parenthood et alii) goal, although they’re not officially pitching it as such, is to send a message about women’s rights that will provide a counterbalance to the political and personal values espoused by incoming President Donald J. Trump.
And by "women’s rights," organizers have taken care to make it clear that they mean all women of all backgrounds: The official platform the Women’s March on Washington places the demonstration in the context of not only suffragists and abolitionists but the civil right movement, the American Indian movement, and Black Lives Matter.
Just two paragraphs into the four-page document, they note that "women have intersecting identities and are therefore impacted by a multitude of social justice and human rights issues." Examples of this, including the especially urgent need for equal pay among women of color and the way they’re uniquely victimized by the criminal justice system, follow in the rest of the platform.
Sounds reasonable, right? But it’s that idea of "intersecting identities" that’s been at the core of criticism of the march, both by would-be participants and by conservative critics.

Sorry sillies, some Sallys sail solitary, like women who can not accept this nation's continued slaughter of children at the hands of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. Another Ashley, Ashley Maguire is a feminist who was shunned by the "intersecting identities."

As a young woman living in Washington, D.C., I could easily attend the Women’s March on Saturday if I wanted to.
Except that I am not invited, despite my unambiguous status as a member of the female sex. That’s because I am pro-life. As the organizers of the march made clear in a statement earlier this week, the Women’s March’s on Washington “platform is pro-choice” and “has been since day one.”
“We look forward to marching on behalf of individuals who share th[at] view,” they went on, and stated that the since-revoked partnership of New Wave Feminists, a secular group with pro-life values, was an “error.”
The march might as well have placed scare quotes around the word “Women’s,” or better yet, have renamed itself “The March for Abortion.” Then it would have cleared up any confusion about pretending to represent all women, when almost half of us self-identify as pro-life and would probably feel more at home at the March for Life, set to take place the following week. The March for Life is open to women of all political stripes and will include groups like Democrats for Life of America.

Yes, Ma'am.  It was a March for Abortion. Offended protesting women and metro sexual males sported knit wool Pussy Hats in a show of meaningless solidarity.

Pussy Hats.


Woe, woe, woe,woe. That's good to know.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The United Nations is King Herod The Great - The Senator Dick Durbin of His Day

Related imageImage result for dick durbin planned parenthood champion Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), the US Senate Majority Whip, received the International Family Planning Award from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Planned Parenthood of Illinois and the United Nations Foundation (UNF).

 "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."[ Jeremiah from The Gospel of St. Matthew

By geographic region, abortion policies were most
restrictive in Oceania, followed by Africa and Latin
America and the Caribbean. Only 6 per cent of
Governments in Oceania and Africa and only 12 per
cent in Latin America and the Caribbean allowed
abortion upon request. Eighteen countries in Africa,
12 in Asia, 8 in Latin America and the Caribbean and
8 in Oceania allowed abortion only to save a
woman’s life. Europe and Northern America, in
contrast, had the most liberal abortion policies in
2013. Both Governments in Northern America and
73 per cent of Governments in Europe allowed
abortion on request.  United Nations -Abortion Policies and Reproductive Health

Today is the Feast of the Holy Innocents.  Herod the Great was an oily Progressive thinking opportunist who switched allegiances at the drop of some blood, but was very civilized and sophisticated.   He was a Jew who who took a  Nishtkefelecht attitude towards matters of religion and conscience, like an Irish Catholic Democrat who is praised by Planned Parenthood. Think of Senator Dick Durbin and you understand King Herod.  Totally, sophisticated.

Civilized and sophisticated people, United Nations explains, approve of abortion - a woman's reproductive health.

Unsophisticated people take the lessons of Matthew's Gospel to heart:
When [the Magi] had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. Get up, he said, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him. So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night, and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son."[7] When Herod realised that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old or under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."
Wait a minute!  Even HBO's Game of Thrones, must see TV for any sophisticate, offered an homage to St. Matthew - the late King Robert's bastards must all be slaughtered so that  creepy little King Joffrey can rule - just like Herod and not unlike the former Pro-Life Senior Senator from Illinois.

Abortion is a murder of convenience.

Today is the Feast of the Holy Innocents - slaughtered by Herod the Great in order to scientifically eliminate any and all possibilities of having a claimant to his Roman throne.

The United Nations, which has been  owned and operated by Marxist sophisticates ever since the Korean War Cease Fire, is the most sophisticated body of thugs on earth.  With pie-charts, graphs, globalist politicians and a dunghill of rhetorical polemics, the United Nations has done more to isolate people of faith ( Israel), slaughter people of Faith ( Uganda, Somalia, Syria, Lebanon) and innocents globe round than any psychopathic dictator or James Bond Villain could dream up.

I see the United Nations as a global Planned Parenthood.  I see their biggest supporters ( Senator Dick Durbin and so many others) doing King Herod the Great on a daily basis.

This is a day that commemorates the slaughter of children under the age of two by that globalist sophisticate and civilized Progressive King Herod of Judea.

This is a day for some unsophisticated examination of the deeds of some all too human monsters - individual and collective.

Sunday, December 04, 2016

America's Obama Mission Drift and All That Jazz

Hollywood *created our President through American Mission drift.

I spent twenty-five years of my forty year career in Catholic education as a fund-raiser - Director of Development is usual term, or more the MBA school of B.S. nomenclature Director of Institutional Advancement.  Either term means 'the person who makes calls on people to make donations.'

Calls mean pitches to potential donors that involve matching Mission to Operations.

You state -"Here is what we stand for" and through a series of infinitives:
  • To expand its ability
  • To provide a quality Catholic education
  • To instill the virtues of 
  • To prepare students

attempt to match mission to peration . . . and all that jazz.  This is followed by a representation of programs and activities, budget, financials and needs assessment and the ask.  The ask is usually in keeping with the need, but it was my happy experience that the give often exceeded the ask.

The Mission; the Operation/Needs and the Ask - that is the job - it ain't brain surgery.  Tell that to an Institutional Advancement Suit.  I lived by the dictum of the late Father Ken Yarno, C.S.V. - " Be Brief and Be Gone!"  Donors don't want pals, or neat guys for lunch dates.  They want to help a school, a program, or a cause with a minimum of BS.

It was my experience that 80 % of the money came from  20% of our donors.   That is a very healthy match of mission to operation.

One of my tasks was to make sure that the 20% included new donors and gift grants from foundations.

I found that in my last years, foundations drifted from their stated missions.  Likewise, big individual donors wanted to make more impact on the broader society.  Foundations that had been family faith spirited became more social justice locked-up and giving templates became 'systemic' gives to hot-button causes like immigration reform, public education reform, public health reform, law reform and out-reach programs.

Foundations were driven by big donors and big causes by big agendas.

Today in 2016, Americans gave over 300 Billion dollars to charity.  However, the donations are being driven by fewer people.  It is now something like a 90/10.

One of the most useful works for fund-raisers in Catholic education was Peter Greer's 2014 Mission Drift:The Unspoken Crisis Facing Leaders, Charities and Churches. Greer argues that,  faith-based organizations drift from their found missions "Slowly, silently, and with little fanfare, organizations routinely drift from their purpose, and many never return to their original intent. Harvard and the YMCA are among those that no longer embrace the Christian principles on which they were founded. But they didn't drift off course overnight. Drift often happens in small and subtle ways. Left unchecked, it eventually becomes significant. "

Let's say, one day that Bubs Murtaugh, a wildly wealthy alumnus of St. Regular Guy's Catholic Prep, is harpied by his third trophy wife to get more Catholic kids educated to the benefits of Planned Parenthood, the Revolutionary Communist Party USA and NAMBLA.  To that end, Bubs writes check in the amount of $ 6,095, 285, 000,000 to St. Regular Guy.  That would be some Board to tear up that check.

No one would give that much?

Could happen.  I had a guy write a $500,000 check without an ask.

My guy said put it to good use - scholarships.  A crowd of Alums owe their sheepskins to this guy, but he is no Bubs Murtaugh.   

I know schools that have 'go be along with the Big Bangers,' some to a great end and others not so much.  Mission drift.

America, like world of philanthropy, had undergone a massive mission drift at the very same time.  Money drives political parties and political parties drive people who are not paying attention.

Catholics who find abortion to be a necessary 'distraction' from the really wonderful things that Planned Parenthood does for women's health did not arrive at that goofy premise over-night.  Slowly, in 'in small subtle ways'  crazy notions that roll over eternal truths become the intellectual currency of people who do not pay attention.

Dick Durbin did not happen over night.  He needed time and a lack of attention.

My Democratic Party, the one that beat fascism, fought back Communism, created the American Middle Class and our once great standard of living suffered mission drift from 1972 DNC in Miami to the present. 

Gradually, an entire nation that honored valor, worth, integrity, competence and fierce of love of country found Barack Obama to be its Chief Executive.  Hollywood, GM, GE, Goldman Sachs, Sierra Club, George Soros, Henry Van Amerigen, Fred Eychaner, SEIU, ALF-CIO were driving the mission of the Democratic Party which had shed Hubert Humphrey, Scoop Jackson and Daniel Patrick Moynihan for the likes of Anthony Weiner, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Nancy Pelosi as its face and voice.

Why not an untested bi-racial back bencher as Chief Executive?  People no longer pay attention.

Occupy Wall Street and blew up more of America than Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dorhn and Weathermen ever dreamed of bombing.  God bless them, as Speaker Pelosi cooed.

Mission drift happened.  It happened in philanthropy and it happened in government.

November 8th was a push back at mission drift. And all that jazz - America Great Again, Mad Dog Mathis, Carrier.

Hey, that's super.  However foundations are rooted in their agendas - looking downstream, Polk Brothers, Woods Fund MacArthur Foundation, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford, Hearst and  all the rest are still driven to the rive gauche.

Let's see if people will pay attention. 

 * with very few execptions.

Friday, August 09, 2013

Look Under Your Seeeee-eats! There's a Medal of Freedom and a Fetus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oprah: Do you think we've lost the belief that we can succeed? I was talking with Skip Gates [Henry Louis Gates, scholar of African-American history and culture], and he was saying how ironic it is that our parents believed that their little nappy-headed boys and girls could grow up and be somebody if they worked twice as hard.

Barack: We no longer operate that way, but we should be working twice as hard, because we still have challenges and barriers other communities don't have. . . .like Hyannis Port, Martha's Vineyard, Hollywood, Maui,

 "On the Gosnell trial, Steinem added: "It makes more clear why you need Planned Parenthood." -  

President Obama will award the nation's highest civilian medal to his favorite Chicago White Sox player of all-time, Mr. Cub -Ernie Banks.

He will also toss the bling to the two women who defined what it means to be an Woman in the Age of Obama -

Gloria Steinem - who pioneered the gender specific lifestyles of women like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Lady Gaga and the Dowager of Hags Madonna. Without the pioneering efforts of Ms. Steinem, a former Playboy Bunny, women would be free to be as loudly foul-mouthed, empty, self-absorbed, blood-thirsty and soulless as any man. . . even a member of Saudi Royal Family. Ms. Steinem was completely unmoved by the Dr. Kermit Baron Gosnell Butcher Shop in Philly and continues to advocate the snipping of spinal chords babies all the way up Kindergarten.

Oprah Winfrey - like Ms. Steinem, Oprah created generations of pan-demographic binge-eating female couch potatoes who anxiously awaited her pronouncements on books that preach the glories of abortion and home economics and find vicarious comfort in the discovery prizes under the seats of studio audience, Oprah placed there after shaking down the sponsors of the Oprah Winfrey Show! and the Oprah Winfrey Channel and the Oprah Winfrey Productions and the Oprah Winfrey Cosmetics.

The President chooses the recipients.  He is the President of Abortion.

What is the Value of the Presidential Medal of Freedom? Bill  Clinton is getting pay-back for being the voice of 2012 Campaign and Anthony Weiner and his Bride are still in the news.

If you love abortion drug addiction, rehab, suicide attempts, binge eating and purging, liposuction, Botox,  narcissism and graceless stupidity with no moral consequences are only the outlets that make perfect sense. Freedom demands choices after all.

In the words of President Obama's former Religion adviser and Secretary of State John Kerry's choice for the formation of the Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives Shaun Casey, “I, frankly, am glad American civil religion is dying,”

But, you gotta love the choice of good old # 14 Ernie Banks.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

MSNBC Death Worshipers: 'The Pricks, The Prods and The Pain' That is MSNBC 24-7

I caught this exchange while waiting to see an orthopedic surgeon yesterday.

I'm no Audie Murphy, but I have a pretty high threshold for pain, but can not suffer stupid.  Ignorance is human and can be cured, but stupid is forever and generally fatal.  The Midwest Orthopedic Group iwas packed with banged up folks of all races, religions and incomes and the TV was stuck on MSNBC.  When this exchange aired there was universal groan followed by voiced criticisms of Craig Melvin from African American grannies, burka'd Muslim men and women, south side Irish contractors and this ulnar neuropathy candidate for surgery.

Craig Melvin is only one of the very stupid people collecting checks at MSNBC.

After weeks of Dr. Kermit Gosnell horror stories, MSNBC and Planned Parenthood'$ President Obama and his willing surrogates are reigniting the War on Women meme to balm the suffering of Benghazi, IRS, Eric Holder, Hilary Clinton, NSA, and Syria Paralysis washing over Brand Obama.

Craig Melvin is young.  This might help him avoid terminal studid.

Nah.Melvin's terminal. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

President Barack H. Corvair- "There is no there, there."

"The unambitious sluggard pretends that the eminence is not worth attaining, declines altogether the struggle, and calls himself a philosopher." Barry Lyndon - William Makepeace Thackeray

"There's no there there," Obama said. "The fact that this keeps on getting churned up, frankly, has a whole lot to do with political motivations."
Obama continued, "We dishonor [the attack's victims] when we turn things like this into a political circus,"
That statement is indicative and largely sums up the Presidents two terms: not particularly smart and not particularly . . .nice.  We? The President who constantly harps about faceless plutocrats abandoning poor people, the middle class, Granny, and our good friends of Islam to the ravages of storm, strife and self-reliance had no problem leaving four dead Americans in Benghazi.
Last week,  President Obama responded to the September 11th Benghazi Crisis as having no 'There, there."  There is.  This week has been wake up call - Dr. Kermit Gosnell is guilty and going away for the balance of his arrogant life;   the sleepy news media woke up to cynical and callous abandonment of American lives and honor in Libya, the IRS made war on citizens on President Obama's watch and Eric Holder is taking the exit on the AP spying scandal.

Smiling hipsters of Brand Obama have revealed themselves to be some pretty lousy people and those are only the Judas Goats staked out in public at the moment - Valerie Jarrett, Samantha Power and others of their ilk are pulling a Garbo.

President Obama is going to wear the jacket on his clueless two terms in office and it will not be one from Hart, Shaffner and Marx.

President Obama is very slowly being found out to be not a particularly smart man, but more importantly not a particularly nice man and that is too bad.  He is inadequate to the job, but that did not matter to the aspirational prophets of Yes We Can! Now! Immediately!  Can't Wait, or You Hate!  Brand Obama is a 1961 Corvair ( the year of the President's birth). The Corvair - fun to drive and fun to watch it crash.

Harry Truman was a flesh and blood human being.  Barack Obama is a concept.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Only Democrat Not Crashing the Investiture of Pope Francis is Congressman Dan Lipinski ( D-3rd)

Vice-President Jim Crow Joe Biden -I'm against it, but I'll be Damned, if I'll End It! 

Vice President Joe Biden will lead the U.S. presidential delegation to Rome for the Inaugural mass for Pope Francis on Tuesday. Lynn Sweet Chicago Sun Times

That's Joe!  He'd have been a great help to Anne Frank and her kin, " I'm not going to interfere with that!"  However, Joe Biden will tell us what marriage means.  He'll take Communion and help more women choose to knock off their children, weed out the unwanted ( Downs Syndrome e.g.) and work to snuff the elderly who are selfishly living far too long.  Not only that, Joe Biden will show up at the Vatican, like he believes in all that smells and bells patrirachal mumbo-jumbo.

I can not imagine myself deciding to attend an Illinois Gay Marriage, if the law manages to get in Old Soul of Fenwick Governor Pat Quinn's chubby fingers; nor can I imagine dropping by with a swell gift from Nordstrums at the shower for Ms. Bébé Mort Van Mais Riche (16) on the joyous celebration of her first abortion.

In fact, if my beliefs and point of view happen to be 'repellant' to more self-statedly evolved persons, I tend to stay the hell away from them, but wish them God's blessings.  We always hear It Takes a Village, but in the last twenty or so years due to the fence built between neighbors which is called the The Right Side of History,  my village is being torched -  the ethnic, working class Catholic village.  It is the village Joe Biden pretends to have been from, the village that Nancy Pelosi has looted, the village that Quisling Catholics like Pat Quinn, Mike Quigley and pretty much every Democrat who sprang from said village planning to attend the Investiture of Pope Francis wanted burned to the ground on the orders of fence builders - Planned Parenthood, the DNC, LGBTQ Enterprises. the Media and, of course,  Public Television and Radio.

My villagers are expected to be thrilled with the elimination of one of the Seven Sacraments via the Religious Freedom and Marriage Equality Illinois fence. Good fences do not make good neighbors. Something there is that does not love a legal wall.

That does not stop Planned Parenthood Rainbow Coalition Masonry Causcus from showing up where they least belong -  besides Vice President Biden,
Others in the Biden delegation to honor the world's first Hispanic pope--with Italian roots-- include New Mexico Gov.Susana Martinez; House Democratic Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia. President Barack Obama had asked Boehner to be part of the presidential delegation and he declined.
"The installation of Pope Francis, the first Holy Father ever to hail from the Americas, is a milestone in world history and an event of monumental significance to the millions of Americans who share in the Catholic faith," Boehner said in a statement.
The House delegation to the Vatican will also include, besides Lipinski, Reps. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Sean Duffy (R-WI), Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE), Ruben Hinojosa (D-TX), Jim Langevin (D-RI), and Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) and Father Patrick Conroy, S.J., the chaplain of the House of Representatives.  (Bold - my own: Abortion Stooge and Anti-Marriage)
Lynn Sweet fails to mention that NM Gov. Susanna Martinez was a Democrat and is now a very Pro Life Republican Governor - Ms. Anti-Quinn of sorts.

Nancy Pelosi, like Biden, is not a powerful intellect, but a power player for the abortion industry, as is Rep. Rosa De Lauro (D-CT) and Ms. Sanchez (D-CA).  Then there is the cowardly President of Georgetown University John " Hide the Crucifix" DeGioia . . . .Mama Mia! The Joyful Onanists on a junket!

The group was invited by President Obama as representative of American Catholics.  This is another of Obama's smarmy insults, however, unlike symbolic disdain for Churchill trinkets or Royal Ipod uploads. this is an affront to Pope Francis and Catholics.  In Your Face! My American Catholics Love Abortion, Love Gay Marriage and Most of All . . .Me!  " I'm Barack Obama and I approve this Message."

Only one Democrat on the list of elected officials going to Rome to celebrate the Pontiff who heroically defends life from conception and as heroically objects to governmental social engineering and sophistry.  That is Congressman Dan Lipinski. Dan Lipinski is only who belongs at the Investiture of Pope Francis. The other Democrats are shameless gate-crashers.

The others are as shameless as I would be accepting banjo lessons from Lt. Governor Sheila Simon, or half-court passes for Simeon's Fifth Trip to Peoria,

First off I do C Tuning and play like Luke Kelly and secondly, I have no Kevlar.

No, sir!  I don't go where I don't belong.  If I did, I could run for office as a Democrat.