Showing posts with label Marque Kirque. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marque Kirque. Show all posts

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Will the GOP Hear "The Chimes at Mignight?" They be Tolling, Cupcakes.

Image result for Falstaff's rogues

I could never bring myself to link up with the Grand Old Party.  I am just an old school Regular Democrat, I guess.  Ever since Chuck Percy was the alabaster Illinois Face of the Republican Party, the GOP was as comfortable a fit for me as spun-glass skivvies.

Right up to and through the last GOP Illinois Senator, Marque Kirque, the GOP is the Party that blows off it's own toes, on demand, at the behest of wily Illinois Speaker Mike Madigan, or the offish Sen. Dick Durbin.

I voted for three Republicans in my life: Nixon 1972, McCain 2008, Romney 2012.  I voted for Donald Trump, but I do not believe that he is a Republican. In fact, he may be, like me, a a disgusted Regular Democrat who understands that the national game is rigged between the Progressive 1972 Democrat loonies and GOP dweebs,  like any contest between the Globetrotters and the Generals.

President Trump is one wild card in deck full of jokers.  Against Old Maids like Reince Preibus and Lindsey Graham he is the trump.   Against Aces like McCain, Collins, Schumer, and the media masters, he's a push at best.Image result for Aunt lindsey graham

He is a ball of confusion; that's what the world is today. Hey, hey.

  • North Korea
  • Trans GI's
  • Tweet du jour
  • CNN silly
  • Russian Intrigue
  • Sessions Up; Sessions Down
  • Leakers - pissing out of the Big Tent
  • Foul Mouthed Mooches
  • White House staff shuffles
  • EU weepers
But, the best rattle and hum comes from the GOP.Image result for old maid lindsey graham

One of the only Washington writers who makes any sense whatsoever is A. B. Stoddard.  Ms. Stoddard is the sole of integrity and does care if CNN, Fox, of the clowns at MSNBC want to hear what she has to say.  Ms. Stoddard offers up this today,
 Trump can write this all off to his plan to disrupt the GOP establishment in Congress and do things his way, but some have warned his plate-breaking might eventually cut into his base of support. Conservative writer and commentator Charles Krauthammer wrote that not only had Trump revealed “a deeply repellent vindictiveness in the service of a pathological need to display dominance,” but that his assault on Sessions “suggests to those conservatives how cynically expedient was Trump’s adoption of Sessions’s ideas in the first place.”
Trump must be some Machiavelli, there Neighbor.

I think of him as a seedy, aging and cagey Prince Hal.  Young Prince Hal, the scapegrace Prince of Wales  who hung around with disreputable outsiders in Henry IV Parts I & II emerged as the uniter in chief and hero of Agincourt of Shakespeare's Henry V.

Prince Hal, like Trump loves to keep his enemies close and his friends comfortably numb.

Read this and think of the Swamp:

King Henry IV, Part I

ACT I SCENE II London. An apartment of the Prince's.
FALSTAFF Now, Hal, what time of day is it, lad?
PRINCE HENRY Thou art so fat-witted, with drinking of old sack
and unbuttoning thee after supper and sleeping upon
benches after noon, that thou hast forgotten to
demand that truly which thou wouldst truly know. 5
What a devil hast thou to do with the time of the
day? Unless hours were cups of sack and minutes
capons and clocks the tongues of bawds and dials the
signs of leaping-houses and the blessed sun himself
a fair hot wench in flame-coloured taffeta, I see no 10
reason why thou shouldst be so superfluous to demand
the time of the day.
FALSTAFF Indeed, you come near me now, Hal; for we that take
purses go by the moon and the seven stars, and not
by Phoebus, he,'that wandering knight so fair.' And, 15
I prithee, sweet wag, when thou art king, as, God
save thy grace,--majesty I should say, for grace
thou wilt have none,--
PRINCE HENRY What, none?
FALSTAFF No, by my troth, not so much as will serve to 20
prologue to an egg and butter.
PRINCE HENRY Well, how then? come, roundly, roundly.
FALSTAFF Marry, then, sweet wag, when thou art king, let notus that are squires of the night's body be calledthieves of the day's beauty: let us be Diana's 25foresters, gentlemen of the shade, minions of themoon; and let men say we be men of good government,being governed, as the sea is, by our noble andchaste mistress the moon, under whose countenance we steal.PRINCE HENRY Thou sayest well, and it holds well too; for the 30
fortune of us that are the moon's men doth ebb and
flow like the sea, being governed, as the sea is,
by the moon. As, for proof, now: a purse of goldmost resolutely snatched on Monday night and mostdissolutely spent on Tuesday morning; got with 35swearing 'Lay by' and spent with crying 'Bring in;'now in as low an ebb as the foot of the ladderand by and by in as high a flow as the ridge of the gallows.(emphases my own)
I see Falstaff as the GOP leadership, elected and behind the scenes, ready to lead Donald Hal up the garden path for a fleecing from the Progressives - the keepers of policy.
Image result for Prince Hal  I Know thee not Old Man
Yet, Hal offers warnings in his honeyed words to Fat Jack of the Swamp.  He must go before the real work begins. In Shakespeare's propaganda plays, virtue remains hidden in the likes of Mark Antony, The Bastard and Prince Hal.  These nimble players keep every one off balance.

Until the moment comes when even the most shameless and cynical rogues, like the Leader of the Senate and the three Mavericks, finally get it.

God save thee, my sweet boy!
My lord chief-justice, speak to that vain man.
Lord Chief-Justice Have you your wits? know you what 'tis to speak?
My king! my Jove! I speak to thee, my heart!
I know thee not, old man: fall to thy prayers;
How ill white hairs become a fool and jester!
I have long dream'd of such a kind of man,
So surfeit-swell'd, so old and so profane;
But, being awaked, I do despise my dream.
Make less thy body hence, and more thy grace;
Leave gormandizing; know the grave doth gape
For thee thrice wider than for other men.

Reply not to me with a fool-born jest:
Presume not that I am the thing I was;

For God doth know, so shall the world perceive,
That I have turn'd away my former self;
So will I those that kept me company.
When thou dost hear I am as I have been,
Approach me, and thou shalt be as thou wast,
The tutor and the feeder of my riots:
Till then, I banish thee, on pain of death,
As I have done the rest of my misleaders,
Not to come near our person by ten mile.
For competence of life I will allow you,
That lack of means enforce you not to evil:
And, as we hear you do reform yourselves,
We will, according to your strengths and qualities,
Give you advancement. Be it your charge, my lord,
To see perform'd the tenor of our word. Set on.
I hope that the firing of Preibus and appointment of General Kelly signals that Trump despises the the dream of the GOP being anything but a partner in the Swamp.

That would unite the nation.

I could do without an Agincourt. 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The GOP Blows Off Its Own Toes . . .Yet, Again!

The hedge fund guys are getting away with murder… The middle class are getting absolutely destroyed. This country won’t have a middle class soon.” — Donald Trump

"We've had people we've known our whole lives decide we're racist and white supremacist," said Suzanne Monk.

Resistance to President Donald Trump is cropping up in the most unlikeliest of places: the House GOP caucus.
At least four Republican lawmakers in the House of Representatives, some of whom have been questioned, booed and heckled at recent town halls by their constituents, publicly called for Trump to release his tax returns in order to review for any potential conflicts of interest that pose a national security risk or violate the Constitution. Salon

The tassled-loafer wing-tip of the American Political Elite ( global statists, bent upon aiding in the creation of the American Banana Republic) is worn by the folks who helped create ObamaCare - the GOP ( 'go-along' and all Oligarchs profit).

Image result for durbin and kirk
  • The likes of former U.S. Senator Marque Kirque of Illinois, who remained in U.S. Senator Dick Durbin's back pocket, in sickness and in health, for his entire senatorial tenure, comes to mind.

  • Then there are Senators McCain and Lindsey Graham, the Uncle Cyp and Aunt Sap, of Nation-building Endless Warfare.Image result for uncle cyp and aunt sap

If they are talking on CNN and MSNBC, it means that they are on the job for the elites.

Let us not forget that the GOP was always friendly to abortion, prior to Nixon.

From Nixon using abortion legislation to strategically woo Catholics to lobbyists deliberately linking family planning to abortion in the '90s, the Republican long game to court a new voter base was nothing if not effective. Today, it's almost impossible to be a pro-choice Republican running for any major political office. And across the country, state-level efforts to restrict abortion access are powering forward: in Texas, the number of abortion providers dropped from 40 to eight in a little over a year.
Though reproductive rights seem to be disappearing before our eyes, the secret Republican history of Planned Parenthood tells a different story—namely that it doesn't have to be this way, because it hasn't always been.

This toxic love affair between WASP delicacy where unwelcomed babies made manicured finger-tips touch shamed pink cheeks, so too the blush of profitable partnership with the radical Progressives (ACLU) and Neo-Cons:
Yet the triumph of neoconservatism was hardly permanent or complete. The administration so far has not adopted neocon arguments to push for regime change in North Korea and Iran. Bush has cooled on the "axis of evil" talk and has launched negotiations with the regime in North Korea. The president has also established friendlier relations with Communist China than many neocons would like, and he launched a high-profile effort to promote a "road map" for settling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that most neocons (correctly) predicted would lead nowhere.
"Neocons Are Liberals Who Have Been Mugged by Reality"
No longer true. Original neoconservatives such as Irving Kristol, who memorably defined neocons as liberals who'd been "mugged by reality," were (and still are) in favor of welfare benefits, racial equality, and many other liberal tenets. But they were driven rightward by the excesses of the late 1960s and early 1970s, when crime was increasing in the United States, the Soviet Union was gaining ground in the Cold War, and the dominant wing of the Democratic Party was unwilling to get tough on either problem.
A few neocons, like philosopher Sidney Hook or Kristol himself, had once been Marxists or Trotskyites. Most, like former U.N. Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, simply had been hawkish Democrats who became disenchanted with their party as it drifted further left in the 1970s. Many neocons, such as Richard Perle, originally rallied around Henry "Scoop" Jackson, a Democratic senator who led the opposition to the Nixon-Ford policy of détente with the Soviet Union. Following the 1980 election, U.S. President Ronald Reagan became the new standard bearer of the neoconservative cause.
Abortion, Civil Liberties When Acceptable to the Elite, and Nation Building are the global initiatives are meat and global warming, gay triumphalism, class and race warfare the gravy of the elitism defeated by Middle America in November 2017.

The GOP and Progressive Democrats hate Trump with equally bilious malice.

Here in Illinois, the radical Progressive Democrat Party runs everything with the help of Illionois GOP.   Had they not, Dan Proft might be our Governor.  Make no mistake. A Governor Rauner is the the twin of Mayor Rahm Emanuel.  Lindsey Graham and Dick Durbin dip from the same dish.

President Trump was not my first, or my fifth choice for President, but I have come to appreciate his genuine concern for Helot America.

The GOP is the Party that blows off its own toes, when the elites are threatened. They are threatened.

President Trump looks better to me every news cast and with each fold of the page.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Illinois Denied FEMA Aid for Torando Devastated Towns - Thanks, Obama, Durbin and Quinn!

Homeowners and helpers dig out what they can from a mountain of debris on Nov. 19 after more than 1,000 homes were devastated  by an EF4 tornado that passed through Washington on Nov. 17.

Washington Illinois Denied FEMA aid - You Didn't Bill That!

The Illinois GOP is a congress of losers - has been so ever since Honest Abe's funeral and always will be. The reason for this being, the Illinois GOP is deathly afraid mopes, stooges, mealy mouthed creeps and grifters.

When Bill Brady allowed Roe & Roeper to bully him into turning over his taxes on demand, in last Guv-Go-Around, he was toast. Brady allowed others to define him and his candidacy.  Just the other day Roe and Roeper pulled billionaire Bruce's flannel lined, relaxed-fit Carhartt britches over the minimum wage nonsense.The FEMA story is tailor-made to nail Pat Quinn's purple tie to the donkies who work for him - they screwed up the FEMA application:

Damage was assessed from Dec. 2 to Dec. 6 and an application was sent by the state of Illinois to the federal government asking for public assistance in effected communities.
Washington Mayor Gary Manier said in the month that’s passed since that assessment, the perception of damage has only escalated.
“Unfortunately, sometimes you have to turn these applications in earlier than before you’ve done due diligence to the entire process and know what your numbers really are,” Manier said Thursday. “Debris removal is probably one of the biggest as far as man-hours and taking debris to the landfill. Everything comes at a cost.
“There’s a lot of unknown costs. We’ve got a little bit better understanding of what we’re going to be facing in the spring, in the next six months or even a year or two out. … It’s an ongoing learning experience for all of us.”
The preliminary damage assessment conducted jointly by federal and state emergency management agencies was $6.1 million in costs in nine counties affected by the storms, far short of the threshold for federal assistance in Illinois of $17.8 million, but an appeal could include costs that weren’t on the original application.

Read more:

Instead, Rauner and the three other'victims' for Governor will mouse out answers prefabbed at Trib Tower and WTTW about Wage and Income Inequality and 'Aren't You Ashamed to be You?'

I have yet to read or hear of one GOP gubernatorial hopeful raise the issue of FEMA's repeated denials of disaster relief aide to Illinois.

  • The White House is stuffed with Illinois (read Hyde Park) career grifters, as is the Federal Government itself.

  • Senator Dithering Dick Durbin and his stooge GOP lap-dog Marque Kirque are all fired up to rename the ATF Federal Building the Eliot Ness Building - We have waited far too long! -, but they can not get FEMA to come up with the trump to help Washington, Illinois.

  • The most unqualified man to ever occupy the White House, Barack H. Obama, spends more time in his native Hawaii, than he does in the Land of Lincoln and writes idiotic Executive Orders to make sure abortion and Trojans are keeping women healthy quicker than 10:30 Mass at Sacred Heart.

  • Governor Pat Quinn found his brief case Betsy and a puppy, Rosie,Governor PQuinn his new dog Rosie Friday Jan. 10 2014. | Chandler West/For Sun-Times Media but remains the most inconsequential person in Illinois History.

Worse than my bullets above remains the Illinois GOP.  The only shots they manage to fire are aimed directly at their own toes.

Rauner, Rutherford, Bill 'Loser' Brady, and Dillard are as much the reason for the Illinois Endless Season of Stupid.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Illinois Coal: President Flat-Earth of Cook County USA.

 " QED, BITCHES!" Obama demonstrates the effects of global warming. Now, it's personal!
Illinois coal resources hold more BTUs (British thermal units, a measure of heat) than all of Saudi Arabia's and Kuwait's oil reserves combined. The electric industry is by far the largest user of Illinois coal. In the United States, 52% of the nation's electricity comes from coal generation. Coal makes up nearly 85% of the U.S. fuel resources and, at present rates of consumption, should last for more than 250 years. Thus, coal is expected to be an important part of the energy mix for a long time to come. By year 2020, electricity consumption is expected to grow by 35% in the United States and by 70% worldwide. Much of this increase is due to computer use, proving that even in this modern computer information age, we still need coal! Finally, coal provides nearly $1 billion dollars a year to the economy of the state, and continued study of coal resources is needed to improve the overall economic outlook of Illinois.
Yet, we elect Quinns, Durbins, Kirques, Schakowskys and President Flat-Earth Obama.  These folks are controlled not only by the death-industry (Planned Parenthood), but also the Green Mafia ( Sierra Clubs and Eco-facsists). Durbin can not remember what he said, or what happened five minutes ago, let alone gauge the tracks to the future, unless the high-speed rail lobby gets his ear, or Boss Terry Cosgrove is on the blower for Fred Eychaner, or Kermit Gosnell.  Illinois GOP champion noodle Senator Marque Kirque is equally as pliable as Silly Putty.

At Georgetown University ( following the removal of Catholic, or Christian iconography)  President Barack Obama went on a Captain Planet screed, in order to appear toughest of all cupcakes.

President Obama angrily blasted climate change skeptics during his energy policy speech Tuesday at Georgetown University, saying he lacked "patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real."
"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society," Obama said. "Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm."
Earlier in his remarks, Obama said the "overwhelming judgement of science, of chemistry, of physics, and millions of measurements" put "to rest" questions about pollution affecting the environment.
I wonder how that played with United Mine Workers? 

Gas prices in Illinois, especially in Cook County are the highest in the country ( $4.19) with petrol/ coal counties of the Illinois Basin not very far behind ( all at or above the national average of $ 3.19 a gallon).

At the event, the president announced a timeline for setting new environmental regulations that will limit how much carbon pollution can be emitted from both new and existing power plants. The White House is directing the Environmental Protection Agency to write draft rules on carbon emissions from existing power plants within the next year, with the expectation they will be completed by June 2015.
Obama also said the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline should only be approved if the project would not “significantly exacerbate” greenhouse gas pollution.
Seriously.  The Illinois Basin makes the Keystone project seem a piker, but Obama will read whatever is put in front of him by his handlers and they are like monkeys  playing hockey ( noisy, mean and unfocused). . . at best.

With Vlad Putin, Chairman Xi, El Jefe Castro, Hugo-lite and Fighting Illini Alum Presidente Correa of Ecuador passing Eddie Snowden from dictatorship to banana republic in to yank down Obama's shaprly creased bitches for the ultimate hinder-binder of his sad-clown leadership, it was very important that Valerie Jarrett put Brand Obama up front with rock, bug and wind crowd.

Illinois is great resource that gets dusty in the political attic. Soybeans, corn and politcial nitwits are not the only commodities, there is oil, natural gas and most of coal under interdiction by the Illinois Eco-Torquemada's. Like gay marriage, saving our planet by eliminating jobs and revenue through Springfield is in league with abortion industry.

It makes perfect sense.  If one can without twinge of conscience murder the innocent, why not redefine marriage as a soley emotional ( 'the heart wants what the heart wants') transaction, while nailing the coffin of our economy?  President Obama is pure Cook County - too expensive, getting way out of hand and no longer amusing.

I am sure that Barack Obama never visited Coal City as his Campaigm site indicates that he never got closer than thirty miles from that moon-scape community of closed strip mines. Coal City has been that in name only for decades,  Coal Could be King in Illinois agin only when President Obama departs.  Barack Obama lost 88 of Illlinois 102 Counties in his US Senate run against Allan Keyes, a Catholic African American carpetbagger brought into Illinois by GOP goofball Judy Barr Topinka, when Cook County and the Chicago Tribune destroyed the Democrat and GOP primary challenger and winner. Allan Keyes won over rural and coal counties of Illinois, while Obama applied County County muscle to the collar counties. Obama has always hated coal with the level of contempt he has for most Americans.

No to coal, no natural gas, no to cheaper gas at the pump and no to Illinois.  

Monday, February 01, 2010

Angry Illinois Voters? Name One. Really.

Absolutely the Best Side of Carol Marin! Fabulous!

I only know of one really angry voter and this guy lived in Griffith, Indiana. This guy lived along Broad Street, just east of Cline Ave. and a 9 Iron shot south of Ridge Avenue, regularly painted his adobe white garage with aquamarine green paint - "Crooked Bastards! Snake Politicians! Die You Elected Scum!" or "Scum Sucking Leeches! Politicians! Die!"

No doubt this gent did wonders for his neighbors' property values.

He was genuinely non-partisan, but the Town of Griffith generally ignored this rock-ribbed sweetheart's fulminations. Occasionally, a new slap of aquamarine would specifically indict some scallywag, but primarily this Angry Citizen painted with a very broad brush. and other dedicated pundits are trying kick up some sand and interest in the Illinois Primary as some kind of bell weather for the general elections,"Widespread voter anger and unrest are confronting the Illinois political establishment as the state hurtles toward its first-in-the-nation primaries Tuesday."

Mercy Sakes! Speaking of which, Marque Kirque gets the lion's share of attention as he is running against three Democratic candidates without a Chinaman's Chance of winning - Alexi Giannoulias, Cheryl Jackson, and Dave Hoffmann.

I like Alexi Giannoulias, but he is colaterally damaged by the frags from Blago and the Rezko-shrapnel still wizzing around President Obama. Hoffman has a voice that sounds like steam escaping from a spilt pipe and Cheryl Jackson is not related to the Rev. Jesse Jackson.

Carol Marin is a self-promoting Multi- Pay envelope News Icon and she shows her best side in the photo above from Politico.

Voter Anger? I work in the black community and live in a Close-Knit Ethnic ( Catholic) neighborhood. No anger. No spittle. No marches. No nothing.

People will vote their hearts and minds tomorrow and that makes political weasels wet their britches.