Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Sun Times Board Schools Chris Kennedy in the Art of Playing the Race Card

"[Because] the proletariat is still so divided, so degraded, so corrupted in parts ... that an organization taking in the whole proletariat cannot directly exercise proletarian dictatorship. It can be exercised only by a vanguard that has absorbed the revolutionary energy of the class."
—Lenin, explaining the increasingly dictatorial nature of the regime
A “totalitarian regime?”
And here we thought we lived in Chicago, a city struggling with problems of violence, poverty and racism, but full of people — including more than a few in City Hall — making a good-faith effort to get things right. Chicago Sun Times Editorial Board
In addition to the Chicago Federation of Labor, union investors include SEIU Local 1 and Operating Engineers Local 150. In a way, the investment group resembles the city itself—or, at least, the people who run it. Columbia Journalism Review

Chris Kennedy is a good guy.

A Good guy has no business playing with Progressives/

Progressives are not liberal Democrat; they are Stalinists drooling to denounce . . .anyone.

Chris Kennedy noted Rahm Emanuel's  'small urban center' plans for Chicago are forcing black families out of the city.

The Sun Times is progressive and the voice of its masters -the oligarchs who run this city. 

The dodge is that Labor owns the Sun Times.  Labor's investment dollars are the mere candy-coating.

This is an organ of the oligarchs - the plutocrats like our Governor and our Governor to be, as well as the Axelrods, Obamas, Eychaners, Emanuels, Claypools, Preckwinkles, Cosgroves and Pritzkers who reap millions  of dollars from what they sow - discontent, chaos, racial antipathy, confusion  and anger.

Chris Kennedy got himself on the wrong side of oligarchical history last week and is enduring the death by a thousand cuts from the master race-baiters of the Chicago media.

The Sun Times has a decades long record of playing the race card and today they mapped out the lessons Chris Kennedy must learn, if he wants back in with the powers that is.

Kennedy is playing a dangerous game. He is playing the race card unfairly, knowing that’s the quickest way to get a headline in Chicago. But playing the race card — in this case without the goods — also is the quickest way to destroy a reputation, divide us against each other, and set back whatever progress in racial fairness our city has made.
Or translated into regular Chicagoan, When are you going to stop hitting yourself, Chris Kennedy?  Stop hitting yourself!  Why are you hitting yourself?

The above is the familiar sound of pissy little sneaks.

Chris Kennedy is a good guy. 

A good guy would tell the Sun Times to duck off, . . .  or something that sounds like that.

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