Sunday, January 14, 2018

Chicago March for Life 2018 - Absent from Both Chicago Newspapers

Today Chicagoans, as well as scores of suburban citizens, will meet at Federal Plaza to protest the American Genocide for the 10th time.  Today is the March for Life. 

You will not find this event in the Tribune or the Sun Times - The Patch has it.  How many will brave cold and wind to pray away America's slaughter of the innocents?  If thousand show up, I am sure it will be recorded as " a few dozen."

Since 1973, America has declined as the moral force and beacon of hope on this planet.

America will never be great again,until Roe v. Wade is overturned.

The two Chicago papers print every exchange between two Anti-Trumpers, every hint and rumor of racism and all of the salacious nonsense eminating from the American Entertainment Class.

Both papers ignored the massive interest in today's March for Life
  • Rex Hupke of the Tribune is taking down names of people who are not outraged by Trump potty mouth-geography.  I am not.  He's correct.  Haiti is a shithole, in the same way that my grandmother scorned the poverty and hopelessness of Ireland when she was 13 years old - never to return, but she did get all six of her little sisters to Chicago.
  • Lynn Sweet of Sun Times gives global props to the most practiced hypocrite in Washington D.C. - Dick Durbin who did not confront president Trump over 'vile' thoughts words and deeds
I don't March.  I find it to be a self-serving and self-satisfying exercise that never makes a difference in anything.  I have proudly walked labor picket lines and never crossed one.  I will go to Federal Plaza.  I hope that thousands do as well.

Our media and our Chicago, Cook County and Illinois elected officials are fine with abortion.  If you are OK with abortion, you will be agreeable to anything. Nothing is too outrageous for you. 

Save your public outrage, if you are for abortion. You are wasting oxygen.

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