Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Chicago Will Top the Bloodiest Year of the Northern Ireland Conflict With Four Months To Go

 A small force of British troops was also deployed to Northern Ireland. Pitted against the Provisional Irish Republican Army,PIRA, the British Army conducted house-to-house searches and imposed a curfew, albeit limited. Rather than diminishing the power of the IRA, in reality more people were driven into its ranks.
This was evident on 30 January 1972, when the army controversially suppressed rioting at a civil rights march in Derry in a day that became known as ‘Bloody Sunday.’ The resulting death toll of 14 civil rights protestors fed into the hands of the IRA; more recruits flooded into their ranks. In turn, more British troops were deployed to the area.  The Conflict
Leaders from three West Side gang factions allegedly met last week to discuss plans to shoot members of the Chicago Police Department in response to the fatal police shooting of Paul O’Neal. 
The meeting took place Thursday between higher-ups from the Vice Lords, Black Disciples and Four Corner Hustlers, according to an alert issued to department members the day after the meeting.  
The Four Corner Hustlers “provided guns” and have “a sniper in place” though authorities do not know where, according to the alert. The Four Corner Hustlers also are supplying the other two gangs with automatic weapons, which all three factions also have agreed to use against police, the alert states. Chicago Sun Times

Deaths in Northern Ireland Troubles 1969-2010

Chicago Killings 2016

1972 was the year that combat deaths of civilians, IRA, UDF and U.K. & Northern Ireland security forces reached  479 Deaths.

Chicago will top that this year.

I heard a young man from Derry say, " I'm going to heaven, because I lived in Hell."

I live in Chicago and Hell is a long walk up.

1 comment:

  1. U-2 wrote, "Sunday, Bloody Sunday" and the Wolftones launched their career. With BLM, it will just be more goofy rap music.

    I was in Derry two years later and stayed for three more and the 'troubles' didn't have much in common with the BLM (former Panther) stuff. Read the BLM manifesto. It reads like a dysfunctional twelve year-old wrote it.
