Monday, August 08, 2016

Chicago Tribune's Series Porky Agonistes Snouts Out The Facts That Do not Fit Its Narrative

Porky made Captive, Gelded, and now in the Prison at Gaza Farms outside of Kankakee, there to labour as in a common work-house, on a Festival day, in the general cessation from labour, comes forth into the open Air, to a place nigh, somewhat retir'd there to sit a while and bemoan his condition Bbbgweeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppp! (snuffle-snort) Bbbgweeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppp!.   Porky Agonistes
Apologies to old Jack Milton.

Retired Cook County Sheriff Michael Sheahan, the only Cook County Sheriff to retire without a vault full of cash, had been a target of the Chicago Tribune "investigative reporters" and their editorial overlord for the better part of two years.

Fueled by a narrative provided by the MacArthur Center for Justice (formerly of at U of C) and its buzz-cut-Bolshevik attorney Locke Bowman and the now faded from view Jean Maclean Snyder.

Only a very few years ago, the Medill Empire went to war on Sheriff Mike Sheahan. When the MacArthur Center for Justice teamed with the Medill Empire ( Tribune journalists/Chicago Magazine Medill School of Journalism/Bernardine Dohrn & etc.) to prove that Sheriff Michael Sheahan brutalized prisoners at Cook County Jail,  it took a jury less than twenty minutes to toss all charges. Sheriff Sheahan quipped “Tribune Investigative Journalism is BS.” Quite right, Mr. Sheahan.

The Chicago Tribune depends on manufactured thought and leans on University "Centers" for Social Engineering at all levels.   They provide the narrative, the talking points and most of all the conclusions.

Michael Sheahan was plagued a bit by the Combination ( John Kass Owns Combine) of Ink and Agit-Prop and pettifogging Marxist lawyers, but at a time when common sense still had some currency.  The MacArthur Center, like Progressives Universal, went judge shopping to bring down the Sheriff, but Sheahan, unlike most Democrats did not cave-in to political onanists.

The Chicago Tribune would like everyone breathing and in the future to know nothing about this episode. As Mike Sheahan so aptly and succinctly put it, “Tribune Investigative Journalism is BS.

BS is what too many people gobble down but ladle-full.  It is what creates elected officials like Toni Preckwinkle, Mike Quigley, Pat Quinn and Rahm Emanuel.  It is what fuels Tribune Investigative Journalism.

The Illinois Pork Producers, people at the meat counter and people who eschew BS for a healthy diet in all things have been victimized by the Chicago Tribune once again.

Pork is cheap, people buy pork, pork is meat and the UN wants a global Vegan diet by 2050, so the Chicago Tribune decides to one up the Guardian in matters porcine and grab a Pulitzer with a series on the High Cost of Cheap Pork, pork waste is a pollutant, pigs get hurt -mortally so, and family farms are successful:  Gaea weeps, pigs squeal and people are happy and one can not have that.

For a week the articles of Mr. Jackson and Mr. Marx accompanied by photos of pigs in harm's way have treated the sensitivities of NPR/WTTW devotees to Porky Agonistes!

However, the Illinois Pork Producers (IPPA) have responded.

Several months ago, the Illinois Pork Producers Association stood at just such a crossroads when investigative reporters with the Chicago Tribune, David Jackson and Gary Marx, began contacting producers about an upcoming series of articles focusing on the Illinois pork industry. At that time, the association, along with support from National Pork Board and the National Pork Producers Council, made the conscious decision to work with the reporters in order to provide a balanced and educated voice to their story.

Since that time, many of our producers and industry stakeholders have graciously opened their farms to these reporters, spent hours on the phone answering detailed questions and put their reputations and livelihoods on the line for the greater good of the pork industry.

Our efforts were to provide the writers from the Chicago Tribune accurate information about what is happening in Illinois’ pork industry and the dedication and passion our producers demonstrate every day on their farms. We are disappointed that our voice was not heard and that the promised balance was not conveyed to their readers.

I want to personally take a moment to thank those individuals who took the time from their busy schedules to share their life experiences and knowledge about our industry in a positive thought-provoking manner.
IPPA President Bob Frase is in the unhappy position shared by millions of people, who live outside of the editorial though bubble of rarefied academic, legal and journalistic soma - Huxley's master dope that is "Euphoric, narcotic, pleasantly hallucinant!"

NPR/WTTW nodders dig soma, as do the residents of certain Chicago areas like Hyde Park, Evanstson and Oak Park.

Bob Frase writes in the knowledge that his message will be buried by Tribune Editors and that Carol Marin, or the sunshiny chirppers of All Things Considered will ignore every phrase, clause and punctuation mark.

Mr. Bob Frase and Illinois Pork Producer Executive Director Jennifer Tirey have a frustrating job in getting some voice in the big media to to say, " Hold on a minute!  I know Illinois Farmers and they are not about pollute the very waters they drink, much less put out a bad product.  They are not "factory Farms," they are family farms.

Porky Agonistes gets plenty of shout.  It may even get a Pulitzer.  They come cheap these days.

Click the link bellow and read the facts.

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