Monday, August 22, 2011

We Got Civil Unions and Kids Lost Catholic Charities

In his ruling, Schmidt limited his decision to whether Catholic Charities had a legal right to keep its contracts with the state, which total more than $30 million. . . ., ". . . No citizen has a recognized legal right to a contract with the government," Schmidt wrote. "The state may refuse to renew the plaintiffs' contracts."
Huffington Post and every other media outlet let go of a high Huzzah!

or did the judge merely convince fans of Gay marriage that every thing boils down to the matter of buck? Sexuual appetite is Civil Right, so say advocates of Gay marriage and family. Dignity is demanded for children. What about the 2,000 kids in the care of Catholic Charities?

The Pantapgraph ends with this bit of moral after thought:

At some point, however, the state likely will have to transfer nearly 2,000 children covered by Catholic Charities to other organizations. It's not clear whether that means children will be removed from their current settings.

Boy, Howdy! Them orphans and foundlings are pests.

I was married and widowed. Loneliness is everything it is cracked up to be and more. Historically, less than 5% of human population found confort in the arms of like gendered partners. Sex and Love often go hand in hand. Sex is a response to the animal impulse to reproduce and, massively, that urge is fulfilled between a man and women. Thus, the human race marches on!

Homosexuality has always been a part of the human story. These days, the media and political gamesmen appear to be making it the whole human story. I have known homosexuals all of my life and for the most part loved them and wish, hope and pray that they find happiness and fulfillment. I know that they are not going have kids without pushing the biological envelop off the table or adopting children.

Like homosexuals and breeders, I was born of a woman - Mom. Even God has a Mom. He also had a father even though he was not the bearer of the DNA. Joseph was chosen to be the Father of Jesus or Joshua Bar Joseph. Mary did not choose cousin Elizabeth, or a Sarah, or a Martha, or Annette Bening to prove that the kid was alright when He visited the Temple.

Jesus wandered away from Joseph and Mary and not Joseph and Barnabas, or Gary.

The Holy Family was a Man and Woman and a Child.

The heart wants what the heart wants - to be loved. There is love outside of Marriage.

The Illinois Defense of Religious Liberty (Civil Unions) is a gateway to Gay Marriage. It is cynical and bullying legal legerdemain to bowl over any and all opposition to Gay Marriage - the Roman Catholic Church. Aside from the several hundreds of wildly happy gay couples civily unioned, the only other thing that this cynical legislation accomplished was to sever the good work of Catholic Charities from Springfield's tax larder, but more so, it legally outlawed a Catholic agency from doing good work.

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