Monday, August 22, 2011

Genghis Joe Gets a Horse - Mongolian Hot Pot?

Now, will this gift horse( bet he looked in its mouth-money, marbles or chalk?) be a legal alien horse? At, least Joe will put someone to work.

ABC News’ Devin Dwyer (@devindwyer) reports: Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, today where his hosts celebrated the first visit by a U.S. vice president since 1944 with performances of traditional music and dance, a Mongol-style wrestling competition and a gift: a Mongolian horse.

"The horse is the most important animal in Mongolia,” an aide traveling with Biden told reporters. “It is the lifeblood of the country (nomadic history), so giving a horse is one of the most meaningful gifts that can be given."
And they're great eatin'!

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