Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr. President! The Key is Still Under the Lawn Gnome; Now, Get Home at a Decent Hour.

from American Thinker

Birthday's come only once a year. I love watching little kids nail their mugs into a thick pile of cake and ice cream and shout. At my age, the fun of birthdays is watching the little ones lord it over their pals, at least for a day.

With a debt ceiling deal completed Tuesday, Obama has on tap a 50th birthday fundraising concert at the Aragon on the North Side. The event features OK Go, Herbie Hancock and Jennifer Hudson. The president's birthday is Thursday.

Big-dollar donors will attend a dinner fundraiser along with the concert at a cost of $35,800 a person. As has been the practice, the money raised will be divided between Obama's re-election fund and the Democratic National Committee.

Yesterday, without mentioning the swell party at the Aragon Ballroom in Uptown tonight, with his customary thigh-tingling but stern remonstrance to us all, the Party President said,

“When Congress gets back from recess, I will urge them to immediately take some steps -- bipartisan, commonsense steps -- that will make a difference, that will create a climate where businesses can hire, where folks have more money in their pockets to spend, where people who are out of work can find good jobs,” Obama said pointing to tax cuts for the middle class, patent reforms and trade deals.

“There's no reason for Congress not to send me those bills so I can sign them into law right away, as soon as they get back from recess. Both parties share power in Washington, and both parties need to take responsibility for improving this economy. It's not a Democratic responsibility or a Republican responsibility; it is our collective responsibility as Americans,”

Hope he can manage to enjoy himself, tonight, and get at least a minute or two of shut-eye, before he again focuses like a laser beam to toss someone under a bus.

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