Thursday, August 04, 2011

Bring A Defense of Marriage Petition to Your Block Parties and End of Summer Events

Dick Walsh graduated fro Leo High School in 1950. After after military service, Mr. Walsh worked to become one of the most successful mechanical construction engineers in America. Dick Walsh built many of the great rides and attractions at Disney World and Chicago's Navy Pier.

Last month the great Dolores Madlener wrote about Dick Walsh in the Catholic New World:

What do the Ferris wheel at Navy Pier and the Star Wars and Splash Mountain attractions at Disney World have in common? The same company erected all three attractions. The former owner of that company is Dick Walsh Dick Walsh, founder of "Americans for Life" , a Catholic businessman with a faith bigger than Disney World, and a heart braver than any galactic hero. His voice has been heard over WLS radio doing his own show, “The Walsh Forum,” as well as outspoken pro-life commercials on WLS and WYLL prior to elections. His usual opener is, “This is Dick Walsh and here are my beliefs … .” Walsh grew up in St. Ethelreda on the South Side, one of 10 children. An alum of Leo High, he attended DePaul Law School. He and his wife, “St. Audrey,” raised their seven children in Mount Greenwood in Queen of Martyrs Parish. Today he’s retired in the Joliet diocese. “Something clicked one day around 1989 as I was driving down I-55. I said, ‘What are we going to do about abortion?’ And our Lord said, ‘Put up a billboard!’” So Walsh paid for pro-life billboards all over the city, and he says, “The one of Mother Teresa downtown at Randolph & State streets was four-stories high.” His personal mission is “Americans for Life” ( Its big Memorial Day march made headlines two years ago. This May 27 Walsh organized an Illinois Defense of Marriage rally with 200 supporters that wound its way from St. Peter’s in the Loop to the State of Illinois Center. Speakers at each stop explained the importance of defending traditional marriage and the pitfalls of the recently passed Civil Unions Bill. It actually drew crowds and wide media coverage. That Walsh, 78, has survived cancer, he attributes to God’s goodness. “He’s keeping me here for a reason,” he says. “I don’t have the money I used to, so he directs people to help me and I don’t worry.” Walsh will have Illinois Defense of Marriage marchers in two July 4th parades, one in Darien and the other in Oak Lawn/Evergreen Park down 95th Street, from Laramie to Little Company of Mary Hospital. “Then we’re gonna tour Illinois and hit every town of 20,000 and over. We want to educate others and get 500,000 signatures to put a Defense of Marriage referendum on the ballot in 2012: That marriage between one man and one woman ‘shall be the only agreement recognized as a marriage or similar union for any purpose.’ Certain elements will do everything to keep it off,” he says, “but I’m not afraid.” Petitions can be printed from www.americansforlife. com. Make sure to print the petition instructions that must be followed so each signature counts. Deadline is April 23, 2012.
( emphasis my own)

Yesterday along with three hundred and change Leo Alums, Dick Walsh shared lunch, laughs and long-range plans at the Leo Alumni Golf Outing at Glen Eagles Country Club in Lemont, IL.

Dick Walsh is committed to the fight to protect the unborn. Abortion ( Roe v.Wade) is how America sold its soul. When we say that the death of a child is choice, we have a problem. This problem of fundamentally denying first principles - the Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness -all the rest falls like dominoes.

In order to maintain the murder of the unborn other lifestyle and legal issues often dovetail - wrongful convictions, gay marriage, Green initiatives, real estate and banking - in the control of power. Gay Marriage is the cause celeb of the moment.

Here in Illinois Civil Unions between homosexual couples was wedged into legislation cynically named the "Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act" was ramrod-ed through the Democratic controlled legislatures with the help of equally cynical Republicans and signed by Governor Quinn who appears to sign anything put in front of him by Planned Parenthood and Terry Cosgrove.

This law went into effect this summer to the high hosannas of the supine Illinois media.

In no time at all Catholic Charities was targeted as in violation of the spirit of religious freedom.

The Greg Harris Law commands that Illinois

1. Mandate that faith-based institutions providing adoption or foster care services be required to place adoptive or foster children with couples who have entered into a same-sex civil union.

2. Require that Catholic parishes or Catholic agencies providing social services(including retreats, religious camps, homeless shelters, senior care centers and community centers) be compelled to provide these services to individuals who are in a same-sex civil union.

3. Refuse to protect small employers who do not extend family benefits to employees in a same-sex civil union.

Nice. A moral vice is a Civil Right.

That said, Dick Walsh and many, many, many people without the dollars and cents of Progressive agendas are going all grassroots.

This is block party season. Families with moms and dads and kids share salad, Italian beefs and grilled meats with the neighbors, while the kids disappear into the inflatable Jumping Gyms.

Marriage is between a Man and Woman and they have children. Click my post title, download and printout the petition that seeks to overturn the "Religious Freedom and Civil Union ACT" -

'Tis the Season and there is a great reason.

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