Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Muhammad Ali - A Freeman of Ennis!

Freedom of the City is a medieval military honor bestowed upon the heroic. In Ireland, it is an honorary distinction outside of the City of Dublin where the Freeman may sell his goods without license, graze his sheep in the parks and keep armour for the return of the Vikings or the Brits.

In the town of Ennis, County Clare, in the most beautiful of Ireland's four provinces -Munster -Muhammad Ali was named a Freeman of Ennis today.

Mike Joyce, Leo Boxing Coach and St. Cajetan neighbor is with Muhammad Ali along with Emerald Plumbing CEO and Boxing Impresario Terry Cox of County Mayo.

Meallan muilte Dé go mall ach meallan siad go mion.


  1. This just goes to show how silly how all this race talk is. A true son of Erin, now that is something worth mentioning!

  2. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Hey are you a professional journalist? This article is very well written, as compared to most other blogs i saw today….
    anyhow thanks for the good read!
