Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Boxing Great Muhammad Ali Returns to County Clare, Ireland

Fifty thousand people will crowd into Ennis, County Clare, Ireland to welcome Muhammad Ali - Home.

The Greatest is a Son of Erin and the great grandson of a Clare Man who married an African American woman here in the States.

“Ennis has had rain for three months, June, July and August, it hasn’t stopped, we’ve been hit by the recession, but for the last three weeks, since the offer for him to come was taken up, it is all the townsfolk have spoken about,” Ennis Town Mayor Frankie Neylon said.

“Old and young are united in this. The older people are educating the young children about the great man, and the town is abuzz with activity. There are musical bands preparing, memorabilia is coming out, it is thrilling for everyone.”

Ali’s great-grandfather Abe Grady was born and raised in Ennis before he emigrated to America in 1860, where he married an African-American woman. Ali’s mother, Odessa Lee Grady, was his granddaughter. Abe Grady’s father, John, rented a house and garden in Ennis for 15 shillings a year in 1855.

Nár laga Dia do lámh

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