Thursday, October 02, 2008

Schakowsky's Convicted Check Kiting Hubby Worried About McCain the Risk Taker! Hey, Bob, Tell Him About Your Sure Thing! A Few Semesters in the Pen!

Camp Obama Commandant, Convicted Check-Kiting Felon*, Hubby of Congressman Jan Schakowsky ( 40Watt, IL) and Huffington Post Talent Bob 'The Kite Runner' Creamer worries about John McCain as a 'risk taker!'

Oh, Please do click my post title for morsels tossed to the soul-patch and brown rice rice revolutionaries of Obama Reich! Did you guys happen to see the little kids chanting to Kim Il Obama? The guy has a head on him like a Weber Kettle!

Here's a taste of Jan's Jail Bird's thoughts on good government endangered by McCain the Gambler!!!!!

McCain is notorious for his willingness to throw the dice -- literally.

Last Sunday's the New York Times describes the scene at the Foxwoods resort Casino as he "tossed $100 chips around a hot craps table. When the marathon session ended around 2:30 AM, the Arizona senator and his entourage emerged with thousands of dollars in winnings."

McCain is a lifelong gambler - gambling as often as once a month, according to the Times. "In May 2007, as Mr. McCain's presidential bid was floundering, he spent a weekend at the MGM Grand on the Las Vegas strip," where he raised funds, "attended a boxing match and hit the crap tables."

But that's not all. McCain seems to like taking risks -- in his own life -- and with the country. Tossing around $100 chips is nothing for McCain. He's perfectly comfortable tossing around trillion dollar chips.

If that don't clean out Rosie O'Donnell's colon nothing will! Bob, You Mastermind!

Bob!!!! McCain didn't Kite a Check! He didn't get convicted and go to the Joint! You Did! Your Old Lady is drooling to get Gov. Blago to name her to Obama's seat Before He Goes Away! Tony Rezko is Singing to the Feds! Kid Hope is in the On Deck Circle! Bob! You're a Howl, Bob! Keep him employed, Arianna! Let him BOUNCE some more great ideas! This is the most fun I've had with my clothes on! bwaaaahhhaaaaa!!!!!

I wonder if Bob tried to bounce a Czech? Probably get his ass kicked!

*But what has not been known until now is that an organization associated with billionaire leftist and convicted inside trader George Soros had hired a controversial Democratic Party political consultant to help organize its campaign against Bolton. This consultant, Robert B. Creamer, was under indictment at the time and subsequently pleaded guilty to federal bank fraud and tax charges. On April 5, he was sentenced to five months in prison and is currently serving time in the Terra Haute Federal Correctional Institute.

Hey Camp Obama erased Bob's swell Wikipedia file! Quid Nunc?

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