Thursday, October 02, 2008

Here's Who Hates Sarah Palin - Glad I'm With Her!

They really Hate Sarah Palin!

Heck, I ain't mad at nobody. Hate beets.

POTUS SATELLITE RADIO; AIR AMERICA: MSNBC - The Tool Shed; NPR; PBS; Gwen ' Books to Sell' IfillCNN- Wolf's Pack; Hollywood - except for the one's with genuine enduring talent; Bruce 'I'M Woody Guthrie!' Springsteen; most of the really bad tippers at Keegan's Pub -both of them; The View - except for the skinny blonde broad; Kathleen Parker?; the New Yorker; Rolling Stone; THE GDs; The Stones (not Rolling -the gang-bangers) Vice Lords; Four Corner Hustlers; Mikey Cobras; all seven operators of the open and active Crack Houses on Morgan between 87th & 79th Street; community activists everywhere; Hugo Chavez; SEIU; Catholic School Girls Against The War; and Michael Moore in between meals HATE SARAH PALIN!

That makes me feel good. I care not a fig for most of those yamheads- can't say that I hate 'em. Bored by, yes. Irriated by their volume, to be sure. Tickled by their intrisicly humorless self-absorbtion, all the time, but hate is for losers. Looks like Obama has a huge problem - the Hate/Loser demographic in his corner is bigger than Michael Moore's snack! Here is a great article from last month by Dave Kahanne that sums up the idiocy of group think.

But she’s not a Democrat, which despite her va-va-va-voom appearance, means she’s not really a woman, which is one of the reasons we’ve spent the past four days since McCain unveiled her trying to tear her limb from limb. Just because she’s the governor of a state sandwiched between two obscure and unimportant countries, Canada and Russia, and spent more time in her first five minutes visiting American troops in Iraq than Evita Barry did during his entire Rainbow Tour, what could she possibly know about foreign policy? It’s not like she’s John Edwards or something.

So that’s why we’re having our Wellstone Funeral Moment at the moment. We mean well; we promised ourselves we wouldn’t go over the top with our outright loathing of the Neanderthals who preach “Christian” values while practicing Wiccanism and child sacrifice and who hate black people and gay people and want to destroy the environment just because they can, and want to amass more money than even John Kerry or Jon Corzine or Herb Kohl or Jay Rockefeller or Dianne Feinstein — the five richest senators — or Ted Kennedy or John Edwards or Nancy Pelosi have. That, usually, is the Kos Kidz’s job. Along with speculating exactly how Bush got from My Pet Goat to planting the depth charges that blew up the levees in New Orleans.

But sometimes the mask slips and you can see — whoops! — how much we hate you. Normally we’re against hate in all its forms, and embrace tolerance as one of our defining moral attributes. But when it comes to you conservatives, well, with the best will in the world, we just can’t tolerate you. You’re elitist, you’re judgmental, you’re hypocritical, and we know that deep down you hate us even more than we hate you. Therefore, by any means necessary, we will defeat you this fall. Voter fraud, “walking around” money, legions of lawyers, as many recounts as it takes — bring it on!

Because we need to take back our country. We need to take it back from fascists like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, and give it back to its rightful proprietors, patriots like Henry Wallace, Sidney Hillman, Norman Thomas, Gus Hall, Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin, Saul Alinsky, William Kunstler, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, Bobby Seale, and, yes, my guy, the Talking Parrot, you know who.

And Sarah Marshall Palin stands in the way of all that. After we sent Bill n’ Hill packing with their twin gold watches in Denver, we thought we had a clear playing field. The sunshine of the uplands was ours. Mother Gaia had opened wide her arms to embrace us, shunning the Orcs and the Uruk-hai of the Anti-Slavery, Anti-Segregation, Anti-Secularism, Anti-Sedition and Anti-Surrender Party. We were going up against Bob Dole and Jack Kemp, Herbert Hoover and Whoever, Daddy Bush and Dan Quayle, Gerald R. Ford and, well, Bob Dole.

Piece of cake, walk on the beach, a Renaissance Weekend in a non-denominational heaven for atheists. Until Sarah Marshall Palin showed up, bringing with her 10 million bucks for the bad guys in three days, a level of enthusiasm not seen since Ronnie was a pup, and a clear shot to Republican dominance with her and Bobby Jindal and whatever seduced and corrupted minority group is coming next for eons to come.

So that’s why we hate you, Sarah Marshall Palin. We hate you because you remind the other side of their wives, their girlfriends, their daughters, and make them want to fight for you against our sneers and our smears. We hate you because you’re smart and accomplished and didn’t make your bones on the back of Monica Lewinsky. We hate you because you’ve made us forget that our last two candidates for vice president were Joe Lieberman and John Edwards, whoever they were.

We hate you because you’re smart and beautiful and we wish we had women like you on our side.

We hate you.

1 comment:

  1. The loons have left the building and I really think the people are gonna see this during the month of October and see the sun rise while smelling the coffee.

    Time's up for Obama the Muslims's magic carpet ride, fun's over. Time for the adults to take over.
