Saturday, October 25, 2008

Papuan/Irish Cousins See Through Ayers Small School Advocacy Scam: 'Sapotim John McCain!'

Saoirse and Colm Hat Ain-Hickey are Papuan/Irish headhunters attending Chicago Public Schools. The two boys are teased and bullied because they wear their traditional necklaces beaded with the shrunken skulls of enemies from the other side of the Owen Stanley Mountain Ranges in their native New Guinea. They wondered if an Advocay High Schools crafted by Billy Ayers and Barack Obama at the Chicago Anneberg Challenge, like the one proposed by CPS Chief Arne Duncan ( Bikpelka Tisa -in their native Papuan - Click my post title for help with their language)the Gay Inspired School for Social Justice Pride Campus. However, it seems that parents believe that this is a really stupid and segregationist idea.

Schools CEO Arne Duncan had hoped to open the school in the fall of 2010 to offer parents and students more choices and a feeling of safety. He has argued that gay and lesbian students have higher drop-out rates because they feel ostracized.

Duncan was emboldened by a national survey of 6,000 middle and high school students released by the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network. It showed that nearly 90 percent were harassed at school and that 61 percent felt unsafe.

Rick Garcia, political director of Equality Illinois, said Daley is “absolutely correct” on Social Justice High.

“There’s no doubt there’s violence and bullying of gay kids and something has to be done, but segregating them is not the answer,” said Garcia. “It doesn’t stop bullying at other schools. And if a kid is different and the object of scorn or bullying, instead of addressing it, the teacher might say, ‘Send him to homo high.’

“Instead of a school for gay kids, maybe we need a school for the bullies. Gay kids are not the problem. Bullies and teachers and administrators who don’t stop the bullying are the problem,” he said.
Chicago Sun Times - Oct. 25,2008.

'Samting bikpela man i go long lusim larim wokim skul' - Mayor Daley was quoted as saying and repeated to me by the boys's father Turloch.

While acknowledging the Mayor's understanding that CPS would not be able to sneak the opening of the school dedicated to homosexual culture and values - School for Social Justice Pride Campus, my cousin's two boys from Port Moresby, New Guinea are nevertheless encouraged by Arne Duncan's Progressive number crunching:

6,000 middle and high school students released by the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network. It showed that nearly 90 percent were harassed at school and that 61 percent felt unsafe. Arne really knows his Ayers Education!

WOW! 90% of 6,000 students in the United States Student Population of 49.5 million in the last Census were bullied. The numbers are compelling . . .to two high school age scapegraces from the Coral Sea! They too had been systematically bullied by students teachers and administrators who objected to their Cultural Differences - while the boys are Christians of the Church of the Nazarene they cling to their Pacific Islander traditions of proudly wearing the shrunken heads of the enemies from the other side of the Owen Stanley Mountains back home in New Guinea. The effect is chilling!

From yesterday's post:

During WWII, one of the Hickeys serving over seas fell in love, as young men will do, far from Miner Dunn Hamburgers and girls who look like Eleanor Powell. One of the Hickeys had two sons out of wedlock in New Guinea. Hickeys breed like ACORN Voters. These boys had sons by indigenous native wives and so on and so on, until Turloch Hat ain -Hickey decided to come to Chicago and meet the family. What a Hooley that was!

Turloch Hat Ain-Hickey decided to stay and his two sons Saoirse Hat Ain-Hickey and
Colm Hat Ain-Hickey were enrolled in Chicago Public Schools on the south side. They converted to Nazarene Church though 27 % of New Guinea citizens are Roman Catholic.
Devout Nazarenes, the Hat Ain-Hickey's cling to the old ways and though no longer practicing Head-hunters, Turloch and the boys still wear the shrunken heads of their enemies from the other side of Owen Stanley Mountains, back home.

They are ridiculed and made sport of on a daily basis. Fifteen year old Colm comes home and cries to his Dad, 'Bikpela tisa man pret min skul !' Too bloody, Right, Colm, Old Son! We must have school dedicated soley to the celebration of Papuan/Irish Pacific Islander Head-hunters.

AS I posted yesterday, if CPS, reformed by the work of Domestic terrorist/Distinguished Professor of Education Bill Ayers and Barack Obama, in their seminal work for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, can study the impact of bullying and the imperative for Advocacy Politics, in support of a school solely dedicated to Gay/Lesbian/Bi-Sexual Issues and Values, there is hope for a Public School dedicated to Papuan/Irish Nazarene Headhunters.*

However, if this school only matters in terms of equity and equal outcomes for a trendy few ( Gay/Lesbian is Hot! - Watch Ellen! See the View!), one should look elsewhere. The boys' father Turloch feels that his sons should become Americans and maybe take off the necklaces of shrunken skulls as nod to gutpela gavman as Mayor Daley would say. Turloch no longer wears his necklace of skulls in his work at Sidley and Austin as an Urban Translator of Pacific Islander Issues.

In fact, Turloch dismisses the whole concept of Advocacy Politics in most things. He recently told me, 'Sapotim John McCain!'

That's a good start Turloch!

*A Simple Justice: The Challenge of Small Schools (William Ayers, Michael Klonsky, Gabrielle Lyon) and Other People's Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom (Lisa Delpit)—"These address the issues of equity and equal outcomes, not just equal access."


  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    You are know informed,please spread the word ASAP. This is important:

    Concerning the Obama Riot Possibility.

    I don't believe this has ever occurred before in Chicago. What do they anticipate occurring here?

    What does the Chicago Fire Department know that we haven't heard yet?

    Off-duty Chicago firefighters and paramedics have been ordered to take
    all of their gear home with them to speed deployment in the event of an
    emergency at Barack Obama's giant election night rally in Grant Park.

    The Chicago Fire Department order begins next Wednesday and continues until Nov. 6 -- two days after the election.

    Chicago Firefighters have been ordered to take home gear that includes
    protective clothing known as bunker gear, gloves, face mask, helmet,
    boots and breathing apparatus tank.

    Could an Obama loss spark race riots?
    Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 9/30/2008 8:30:00

    A political scientist at a Christian college in New York City warns that if Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama loses the election on November 4, race riots could break out in large U.S. cities.

    A recent Associated Press-Yahoo News poll suggested Senator Obama's race could cost him up to six percentage points on election night. David Corbin, a politics professor at The King's College, contends there is potential for public riots the night of or after the election, if Obama's lead in the polls does not translate into victory.

    "I don't think that's something that we've looked at very closely, and I think that this could be a powder keg here as we get towards that day, given that Senator Obama is an African-American and given that there might be some backlash if he actually loses," Corbin explains..

    Corbin notes that seemingly small stories involving O.J. Simpson and Rodney King have brought into play terrible riots in major cities across the U.S. "I think a lot of people are looking to an Obama presidency to affirm the notion that somehow Americans aren't racist and, if for some reason Senator Obama loses, then it's just, 'Oh well, it's said and done. We must be a racist nation,'" Corbin adds.

    People who fuel that claim of racism, according to Corbin, do damage to one of Senator Obama's main themes -- moving beyond a red-and-blue, or black-and-white America.

    Interesting comment posted under this article:

    "After months of denying the Chicago police Dept. was planning for riots if Obama wins ore loses the election an internal memo has surfaced to confirm the concern.. Supt. Jody Weis has updated a memo that set forth plans if the Cubs or Sox went into the World Series. It planned for celebratory unrest and or mass arrests. The order was updated to include election night and possible violent riots! The internal memo dated 22 Sept 08 asks all police units to take inventory of tear gas (pepper spray) and dispensers along with CS gas (military tear gas) and dispensers. Units are to have their request for emergency purchase orders in by 3 Oct 08. What was added to the Cubs/Sox order was planning on the anticipated monitoring of planned and coordinated civil disobedience. (i.e. celebration riots if Obama wins & violent riots if he losses)."
    Leading The News
    Police prepare for unrest
    By Alexander Bolton
    Posted: 10/21/08 07:58 PM [ET]

    Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, preparing for possible civil unrest and riots after the historic presidential contest.

    Public safety officials said in interviews with The Hill that the election, which will end with either the nation’s first black president or its first female vice president, demanded a stronger police presence.

    Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul play in the election, violence could ensue in cities with large black populations. Others based the need for enhanced patrols on past riots in urban areas (following professional sports events) and also on Internet rumors.

    Democratic strategists and advocates for black voters say they understand officers wanting to keep the peace, but caution that excessive police presence could intimidate voters.

    Sen. Obama (Ill.), the Democratic nominee for president, has seen his lead over rival Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) grow in recent weeks, prompting speculation that there could be a violent backlash if he loses unexpectedly.

    Cities that have suffered unrest before, such as Detroit, Chicago, Oakland and Philadelphia, will have extra police deployed.

    In Oakland, the police will deploy extra units trained in riot control, as well as extra traffic police, and even put SWAT teams on standby.

    “Are we anticipating it will be a riot situation? No. But will we be prepared if it goes awry? Yes,” said Jeff Thomason, spokesman for the Oakland Police Department..

    “I think it is a big deal — you got an African-American running and [a] woman running,” he added, in reference to Obama and GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. “Whoever wins it, it will be a national event. We will have more officers on the street in anticipation that things may go south.”

    The Oakland police last faced big riots in 2003 when the Raiders lost to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the Super Bowl. Officials are bracing themselves in case residents of Oakland take Obama’s loss badly.

    Political observers such as Hilary Shelton and James Carville fear that record voter turnout could overload polling places on Election Day and could raise tension levels.

    Shelton, the director of the NAACP’s Washington bureau, said inadequate voting facilities is a bigger problem in poor communities with large numbers of minorities.

    “What are local election officials doing to prepare for what people think will be record turnout at the polls?” said Shelton, who added that during the 2004 election in Ohio voters in predominantly black communities had to wait in line six to eight hours to vote.

    “On Election Day, if this continues, you may have some tempers flare; we should be prepared to deal with that but do it without intimidation,” said Shelton, who added that police have to be able to maintain order at polling stations without scaring voters, especially immigrants from “police states.”

    Carville, who served as a senior political adviser to former President Bill Clinton, said that many Democrats would be very angry if Obama loses. He noted that many Democrats were upset by Sen. John Kerry’s (D-Mass.) loss to President Bush in the 2004 election, when some Democrats made allegations of vote manipulation in Ohio, the state that ultimately decided the race.

    Experts estimated that thousands of voters did not vote in Ohio because of poor preparation and long lines.
    Carville said Democratic anger in 2004 “would be very small to what would happen in 2008” if the same problems arose..

    Carville said earlier this month that “it would be very, very, very dramatic out there” if Obama lost, a statement some commentators interpreted as predicting riots. In an interview Tuesday, however, Carville said he did not explicitly predict rioting.

    “A lot of Democrats would have a great deal of angst and anger,” said Carville, who predicted that on Election Day “the voting system all around the country is going to be very stressed because there’s going to be enormous turnout.”

    Other commentators have made such bold predictions.

    “If [Obama] is elected, like with sports championships, people may go out and riot,” said Bob Parks, an online columnist and black Republican candidate for state representative in Massachusetts. “If Barack Obama loses there will be another large group of people who will assume the election was stolen from him….. This will be an opportunity for people who want to commit mischief.”

    Speculation about Election-Day violence has spread on the Internet, especially on right-wing websites.

    This has caught the attention of police departments in cities such as Cincinnati, which saw race riots in 2001 after police shot a young black man..

    “We’ve seen it on the Internet and we’ve heard that there could be civil unrest depending on the outcome of [the election,]” said Lt. Mark Briede of the Cincinnati Police Department. “We are prepared to respond in the case of some sort of unrest or some sort of incident.”

    Briede, like other police officials interviewed, declined to elaborate on plans for Election Day. Many police departments have policies prohibiting public discussion of security plans.

    James Tate, second deputy chief of Detroit’s police department, said extra manpower would be assigned to duty on Election Night. He said problems could flare whichever candidate wins.

    “Either party will make history and we want to prepare for celebrations that will be on a larger scale than for our sports teams,” Tate said.

    He noted that police had to control rioters who overturned cars after the Tigers won the 1984 World Series.

    “We’re prepared for the best-case scenario, we’re prepared for the worst-case scenario,” he said. “The worst-case scenario could be a situation that requires law enforcement.”

    But Tate declined to describe what the worst-case scenario might look like, speaking gingerly like other police officials who are wary of implying that black voters are more likely than other voting groups to cause trouble.

    Shelton, of the NAACP, said he understands the need for police to maintain order. But he is also concerned that some political partisans may point their finger at black voters as potential troublemakers because the Democratic nominee is black.

    Shelton said any racial or ethnic group would get angry if they felt disenfranchised because of voting irregularities.

    Police officials in Chicago, where Obama will hold a Nov. 4 rally, and Philadelphia are also preparing for Election Day.

    “The Chicago Police Department has been meeting regularly to coordinate our safety and security plans and will deploy our resources accordingly,” said Monique Bond, of the Chicago Police Department.

    Frank Vanore, of the Philadelphia Police Department, said officials were planning to mobilize to control exuberant or perhaps angry demonstrations after the World Series, which pits the Phillies against the Tampa Bay Rays.

    He said the boosted police activity would “spill right over to the election.”

    "Those 'quiet riots' that take place every day are born from the same place as the fires and the destruction and the police decked out in riot gear and the deaths," Obama said.

    He introduced his own pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Chicago's Trinity United as "Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian."

  2. Anonymous11:51 PM

    The international press is picking up the possibility of the "Obama Riots":
