Friday, October 24, 2008

Bikpela tisa man pret min skul - CPS Bias in Chicago

Gay Advocacy nearly has demanded a 'sanctuary' school for gay/lesbian/bisexual students, where they can celebrate their uniqueness in this sea of cultural diversity and White Supremacist culture.

The Chicago Tribune has two scalding stories on the chilling bias that confronts to development and establishment of School for Social Justice Pride Campus. Tim King who has his own Charter School and Jonathan Turley a Washington University Law Professor make the cases for ever compliant Chicago Tribune. I can almost hear the Trib Board -'Hey, The really small minded helots are beefing about this Great Advocacy School let's get Tim King and Jonathon Turley to write nuanced and compelling commentary.

Tim King tells the time-honored 'really bright hopeful black kid getting mistreated by White Ethnic (Catholics, unless Jews) student when he tried to make friends and really learned the truth about White Supremacy, but did Okay later!' Oh, Selma! It is an inspiration just being in the same Time Zone as Tim King! However, it is Advocacy Lawyer Jonathan Turley who really sells it with reminders of segregationists:

The new school would serve 600 students, a relatively small number in a system with more than 400,000 students and 655 schools. It may indeed prove better for those students, as has Harvey Milk High. But the impact on the overall student body is the greatest concern. A school system has a legal and moral obligation to maintain a safe and nurturing environment. Chicago officials are embracing the approach of segregationists from the 1960s, who insisted that blacks would be "safer" in their own schools. ( emphasis my own)

The proposed gay high school is on some level a continuation of a trend in public education led by the Chicago Public Schools. Chicago is now a patchwork of specialized "charter" or "themed" schools that separate students by race, gender and professional aspirations. Various high schools now cater to specific military branches, including the Marines, Navy, Army and Air Force. Many educators, including myself, have opposed this trend as embracing segregation or aspiring to offer little more than trade schools. School systems such as Chicago are quickly becoming educational theme parks that have abandoned the concept of a shared common curriculum and community for learning.

On Nov. 19, Chicago school officials should take a truly brave stand against homophobia and intolerance. They should reject the School for Social Justice Pride Campus and demand that every school offer an accepting and positive environment for these students. We do not need thematic public education. We need core public education that trains our future citizens to live in a diverse and tolerant society.

Jonathan Turley is a law professor at George Washington University.

Share it brother! During WWII one of the Hickeys serving over seas fell in love as young men will do, far from Miner Dunn Hamburgers and girls who look like Eleanor Powell. One of the Hickeys had two sons out of wedlock in New Guinea. Hickeys breed like ACORN Voters. These boys had sons by imdigenous native wives and so on and so on, until Turloch Hat ain -Hickey decided to come to Chicago and meet the family. What a Hooley that was!

Turloch Hat Ain-Hickey decided to stay and his two sons Saoirse Hat Ain-Hickey and
Colm Hat Ain-Hickey were enrolled in Chicago Public Schools on the south side. They converted to Nazarene Church though 27 % of New Guinea citizens are Roman Catholic.
Devout Nazarenes, the Hat Ain-Hickey's cling to the old ways and though no longer practicing Head-hunters, Turloch and the boys still wear the shrunken heads of their enemies from the other side of Owen Stanley Mountains, back home.

They are ridiculed and made sport of on a daily basis. Fifteen year old Colm comes home and cries to his Dad, 'Bikpela tisa man pret min skul !' Too bloody, Right, Colm, Old Son! We must have school dedicated soley to the celebration of Pauan/Irish Pacific Islander Head-hunters.

Perhaps, I can get Tim King to use his considerable influence in getting an advocacy initiative school seeded here in Chicago. No. I had better ask the Editorial Board of the Chicago Tribune, as they back whatever Progressive-Ayers inspired Reform that comes down the pike! We will not be a just society until every crank is oiled! Lord Have Mercy!

Now if the lads had gone to Leo like I told Turloch!

Katolik tisa bikpela man pret min skul Good thing the Irish Christian Brothers left, Kiddo!

1 comment:

  1. It is proud indeed to see your relatives "get a head." Suggest you introduce them to Billy & Bernie!
