Tuesday, October 14, 2008

John McCain/Sarah Palin Get My Vote - Today!

In 1972, Democratic nominee George McGovern threw Daley out of the Democratic National Convention (replacing his delegation with one led by Jesse Jackson). This event arguably marked a downturn in Daley's power and influence within the Democratic Party but, given his public standing, McGovern later made amends by putting Daley loyalist (and Kennedy in-law) Sargent Shriver on his ticket.
from Wikipedia

The radicals who distrupted the 1968 Democratic Convention succeeded in intimidating the spineless in the Democratic Party in 1972 and now control the DNC.

My first vote cast as an American citizen, a 21 year old college student volunteer for the 18th Ward Regular Democratic Organization in 1972 went to Richard M. Nixon.

In August 1974, after graduating from Loyola of Chicago. I watched Richard M. Nixon resign in disgrace.

From that time on, I voted for every Democratic candidate in every election local, State and Federal. In 1977, I was honored to run for the office of Kankakee City Clerk after being asked to do so by Milton Shapiro. The Democratic ticket got creamed.

My first vote was a protest. A protest to the idiotic and totalitarian treatment of the Chicago Delegation by the Democratic National Convention. The DNC is continues to be idiotic, but now it is positively dangerous. The DNC is an has been controlled by the Abortion industry, Advocacy fascists and redistribution of wealth Leftists.

I am voting for John McCain/Sarah Palin at the 22nd Chicago Police District in my neighborhood. I am voting for McCain/Palin -Today. The balance of ballot is my business. I am voting early and unlike Obama's cadres of ACORN and community organizers -Just Once.



  1. Great Article! Nice to see someone with an intelligent head on their shoulders, and integrity in their heart!

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I'm happy to join you in your choice. I myself am generally moderate in my political beliefs, but I cannot in conscience or common sense vote for Obama, a man whose political agenda flows not from liberalism, but radicalism in a socialist, dare I even say, a communist vein. John McCain, a true patriot and moderate man of the people, is the person to lead and even preserve this country from the blind ambition and power lust of his opponents.

  3. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Nice to see you were shortsighted when it came to not seeing who Nixon was, and you haven't grown...

  4. Anonymous12:02 PM

    American VOTERS are mad as HELL at MSM Obama cronies! Like CNN & MSNBC! causing the outrage against Obama. they are openly in the bag for Obama, MSM, CNN have jeopardized the security of the American people by deliberating hiding serious facts and associations of Obama. HOW DARE YOU jeopardize our great but troubled country? Obama continues to lie and refuses to answer questions that EVERY person running for leader of the free world would have to answer. Obama keeps reaching back to Chicago political past for policy advisers, and pulling one despicable, vile, and even evil “rabbit” after another out of his hat. The list of Obama’s radical associations is long and it keeps getting longer. Some are now well-known, but many are not.



    Hatem El-Hady, the head of a Toledo, OH based Islamic Charity that was closed down two years ago by the Federal Government because of its ties to terrorism, has his own page on Barack Obama's Campaign website, in which he discusses his fundraising for Obama.Kindhearts was closed two years ago and its assets seized because of its ties to Hamas. The charity was closed two days before three Toledo men were arrested for their roles in a plot to kill American soldiers overseas. Two of the three have been convicted.

    (Bloomberg) -- Nigerian Stock Exchange Chief Exec Ofc Ndi Okereke-Onyiuke being investigated holding a fund-raising event for U.S. presidential candidate Obama, Agence France-Press reported U.S. electoral laws forbid donations from foreigners to electoral campaigns. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ0cq4Nytu8

    (World News)
    23 years at TUCC with Jeremiah Wright and James Meeks. Racist sermons on You tube.
    He chose the most radical church in the country; Obama chooses to immerse himself and his daughters in hard-core ideological radicalism. Never before has this country considered such a radical leftist for its chief executive.

    Michael Pfleger and his hateful and race-hating ramblings, Obama met while carrying out his own radical social activism as community organizer at ACORN, (radical organization) now under Federal investigation for Voter fraud in helping Obama. No one believed he won the caucuses, now we know why. WASHINGTON: RNC filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against the Obama for an America campaign acceptance of foreign national and excessive contributions. The Obama campaign has failed to comply with federal campaign finance law in its fundraising.

    Penny Pritzker, heads Obama National Finance Committee was president of Superior Bank - massively failed, she literally bought her way out of jail paying $460 MILLION fine; was the very epicenter of subprime loan scandal” that has come to eat this nation’s financial system alive.

    Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson, Obama camp advisor and headed Obamas vice presidential selection committee, discovered he benefited from sweetheart loans from subprime king Countrywide and was fired.

    Tony Rezko certainly and his federal indictments and financial dealing with Obamas of course and William Ayers, US terrorist bomber, Obama-co-lecturer, fellow board member, neighbor, and friend.

    Terrorist William Ayers
    Communist Frank Marshall Davis, obama mentor; Saul Alinsky and Gerald Kellman (Kellman’s Woods Fund is how Obama hooked up and began his long relationship with Ayers.

    Chicago lawyer Mazen Asbahi, Obama camp national coord for Muslim affairs also stepped down after news about his stint on the fund’s board - which includes fundamentalist imam - prompting The Wall Street Journal inquiries about relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood and his long personal relationship with Hamas Jamal.

    Obama desperately needs voters to forget hes the son of a Muslim father who served an incredibly brutal and corrupt Kenyan government; to forget he attended a madrassa in Indonesia and practiced Islam; forget that he campaigned in Kenya on behalf of Raila Odinga, who relied upon chaos, corruption, and violence in his campaign; numerous associations with radical Muslims; forget the photographs of Obama in traditional Muslim clothes, hanging with Muslim radicals such as Mazen Asbahi and anti-Semite Rashid Khalidi.

  5. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Way to go Shelley! I did the same thing - I pray there are more of us than not.

  6. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Couldnt have said it better "I myself am generally moderate in my political beliefs, but I cannot in conscience or common sense vote for Obama, a man whose political agenda flows not from liberalism, but radicalism in a socialist, dare I even say, a communist vein. John McCain, a true patriot and moderate man of the people, is the person to lead and even preserve this country from the blind ambition and power lust of his opponents"

  7. Anonymous12:11 PM


    I am voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin on behalf of the 22.3 million otherwise eligible Americans who WON’T be voting in this election, but lost their right to vote, along with all their other human rights, between 1973 and 1990. They won’t be around to vote because their lives were snuffed out through the tragedy of government-sanctioned ABORTION. If they could somehow come back to vote this year, I have a pretty strong hunch they’d vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin, and the basic right to life which they represent.
